RAGE FOUR 'Santa' Will .Give Gifts To 76 Underprivileged Kiddies Friday MA Sports Clubs Will Sponsor Ainrival Party With squeals of delight and merry giggles, 76 happy youngsters frpm the first and second grades of the Pine Grove Mills School will receive Christmas gifts from Dr. Charles C. "Santa Claus" Wagner, of the mathematics de partment, in the lobby of White next Friday following an aft ernoon of fun. To most of these youngsters Christmas will be Friday the thir teenth, but that won't ruin their Nil. No siree, they're going to have ice cream, cake, movies, and - a story—and best of all, gifts through the sponsorship of WRA. and the sports clubs. Their party will begin with mov ie:; in Room 103 White Hall at 2 p.m. followed by games in the gymnasium. After this the kiddies will gather round the decorated Christmas tree and listen wide eyed to the stories of Mrs. J. Ewing Kennedy. Then to top off the whole party,.all the guests will be treated i.o .cake and candy, march up to Santa when his name is called and receive the "best dollie" or the "r;wellest football in the world." !lielen L. Mazer '42, activities board chairman, is in charge of the party, and Miss Mary T. iNitzky, of State College, is in charge of trans portation of the guests. Club presidents and the part their groups will play in the party include: Jeanne M. Chew '4l, 'tennis entertainment and pro gram; Louise B. Clark '4l. swim ming•--entertainment and program; Janet L. Fleming '42, golf and re freshments; Mary L. Lenker '43, al:chery—checking; Vera J. Palmer '41,, dance decorations; Dorothy B. Reeves '4l—gifts; Betty C. Rose. `40., fencing•—decorations; and Jo sephine H. Taggart '4l, tennis— entertainment and program. Members of these clubs have all donated 10 cents toward the party, ;old will serve on committees. Dinner features 'Medieval Court Dressed in medieval costumes, WSGA Senate members will form the court for the formal annual Old English Christmas Dinner in Mac Allister Hall at 6 p. in. Thurs day, December 19. Leading the procession will be Elinor L. Weaver '4l, WSGA pres ident, as Lord Mac Allister, ac companied by Betty M. Martin '42, WSGA vice-president, as Lady Mac Allister. Senior Lords Mid Ladies will be Eleanor L. Fagans and Janet N. Holtzinger and M. Elizabeth Baker and Vera L. Kemp; junior lord and lady, Anne M. Borton and Mildred M. Taylor, Margaret K. Sherman will be .sophomore Lord and Pauline Crossman, Sophomore Lady. H. Ann Carruthers will dress as freshman lord and be accompan ied by Jane H. Murphy, freshman lady. Jesters who - will visit coed tables during dinner and inject a fighter vein into the affair are Martha I. Stringer '42 and Jeanne Witherow (special.) Eleanor P. Meckman 42. will act as page for -the dignitaries, L. Eleanor Hen for '4l will be poet, and Jean Bab cock '42, cardinal. Heralding the court will be Marjorie D. Cousely '42 and Harriet H. Stubbs '42. UNEMANIA The screen's .. first musical mys tery is the claim for Kay Kyser's new film, "You'll Find Out," which combines sweet trills with s,t trill shrieks and shivery melody. The picture starts today and con linues Monday and Tuesday at the Cathaum. Featured with the Professor of Musical Knowledge are Peter Lorre, Boris Karloff, Bela Lugosi, mid Kyser's famous band. 11111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111110111111 WSGA Christmas fund Drive To Begin Monday Starting :Monday, all coeds will be contacted by members of INSGA House of Representativet. Junior Service Board, and Freshman Council for the annual IN 4 SGA Christmas Fund drive. WSGA has set 25 cents from each coed as a goal this year. Contributions will go to Ameri can Women's :Hospitals. riVliffiin County Children's Aid Society. and Mrs. Hetzers Emergency Fund. The drive will continue until Monday, December 16. 11111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111 WS6A Coffee Hour Groups Selected Committees for the coffee hour i n Atherton Ha 11 following WSGA's Christmas dinner in Mac- Allister• Hall have been announc ed by R. Helen Gordon '42, and Nancy E. Gasser '43, co-chairmen. Serving as hostesses for the hour will be: northwest lounge, Ann M. Civitts' '42, Dorothy J. Johnson '42, Dorothy C. Furman '43. and Selma Solomon '43; south west lounge. Dorothy H. Gross man '42. Margaret R. Roberts '42, Helen A. Swanson '42, and Elsie Rooth '43: northeast lounge: Jane R. Keith '42, Marjorie A. Kron ick '42, Ruth V. Billington '43. and Marguerite J. Gies '43; southeast lounge, Elinor M. Derr '42, Flor ence N. Goll '42, E. Louise Back '42, and Helen W. Hancher '42. Coffee Servers Coffee servers will bd: north west lounge, Ann J. Halberstadt '42, Jeanne G. McAdam !42, Jean F. Burch '43, and Ada Lord '43; southwest lounge, Jane B. Hos kins '4l, Janet M. Hartz '42, Ber nice M. Maurer '42, and Eloner Cloud '43; Northeast lounge, Janet L. Eyer '42, Jeanne C. Stiles '42, Helen J. Chiappy '43, and Bar bara L. Gnau '43; southeast lounge Estelle Marguilies '4l, E. Mae Perry '42, Helen R. Cohen '43, and Dolores Y. Paul '43. Serving cookies will .be: north west, Dorothy C. Ellis '43 and Jean V. Nichols '43; southwest, Lois E. Notovitz '42 and Ruth Pearce '42; northeast, Gertrude H. Hecht '4l and Mildred R. Plapin ger '4l, southeast, Leona R. Feld stein '4l and H. Deana Rosenblum '42. Nut and candy servers are: northwest, Margaret J. Chubb '42, southwest, Elsie J. Lund '42; northeast, Dorothy H. Field '42; southeast, Betty Nurick . (special). Serving cake will be: northwest. Sylvia Levinson '43; southwest, Louise M. Fuoss '43; northeast, I Marjorie L. Sykes '43; southeast, Margaret M. Lams '43. Cream and sugar servers will be: northwest, Beatrice Levinson '43: southwest, Helene S. Davies '42; northeast. Patricia Mac Ki nney '43; southeast, Marian S. Owen '43. Women obtaining sil ver for the affair are: Roberta J. Kelly '42, chairman, Dorothy B. Reeves '4l, A. Patricia Behney '42, E. Elizabeth Mason '42, Ruth J. Plessett '42, Evon Y. Wilson '42, Helen L. Woodcock '42, Mar tha N. Albert '43, Mildred L. Aus try '43, 'Teresa C. Marusak '43, Mildred B. Schmidt '43, M. Vir ginia Smith '43. Replenishing Committees Replenishing refreshment plat ters will be: coffee, northwest, Frances G .Reist '42, and Lillian R. Furman '43; southwest, Eliza beth J. Bertolette '42 and Mar tha E. Powers '42; northeast Car olyn R. Erb '43 and Becky L. Rupp '43; southeast, Margaret Van- Houghton' '43 and Ruth E. Stamm '43; cookies, northwest, Mary R. Craft '42 and Elizabeth C. Rose '42; southwest, Elizabeth A. Bow er '42 and M. Pauline Rugh _'43• northeast Dorothy L. Magor '43 and Jean Kissinger '42; southeast, THE DAILY COLLEGIAN We, The Women— Thoughts Of Others Fitting At Christmas It isn't too early to begin think ing about how we may help oth ers less fortunate than we at Christmas.‘ One of the best ways Penn State coeds can do this is to contribute to WSGA's annual Christmas drive which begins Monday. When you budget for gifts, why not include 25 cents for the fund? That's what WSGA has set as a goal from each woman student and that small amount will go a long way toward making someone happier at Christmas. Starting Monday and continu ing until December 16, members of the House of Representatives, Junior Service Board, and Fresh man Council will contact_all coeds for the drive. Money collected will be distrib . - uted equally among Mifflin Coun ty Children's Aid Society, Ameri can Women's Hospitals, and Mrs. Hetzel's Ethergency Fund. By con tributing to the drive, you help all three of these representative groups. Remember not so long ago when a doll and story-book or a little extra spending money meant so much to you? And how much you enjoyed candy and nuts? Your contributions will mean even more to the children benefiting from the Mifflin County Aid So ciety who have only life's barest necessities. American Women's Hospitals help relieve suffering among ci vilians in war-torn areas. and at home assist in disease prevention and child health. Here on our own campus, Mrs. Hetzel's Emer gency Fund aids our classmates who have sudden obligations to meet. Individually, our parts in aid ing these needy ones is small, but collectively, we can do much to help others have merrier Christ mases. So, when a WSGA 'representa tive approaches you, don't be grudge deserving people a little of your holiday fun. Let's sur pass last year's $196.25 record! Varsity Debaters Open Season Away Next Week - Representing the women's var sity squad'in the first inter-collegi ate debates of the season, Mary I. Greenberg '42 and Gertrude H. Hecht '4l will uphold the affirnia tire side of the question "Resolv ed that the nations of the western hemisphere should form a perm anent union" against Loyola Uni versity, Swarthmore College, and Ursinus College next week. Miss Greenberg, member. of Delta Alpha Delta. women's speech professional, and Miss Hecht, preSz ident of Delta Alpha Delta, and member of Delta Sigma Rho, na tional forensic honorary, will op pose Ursinus nomen on campus Monday night. Tuesday night they will debate Swarthmore men at the Swarthmore High School, and they will argue against a union with Loyola men at the Knights of Columbus in Baltimore, (Mary land, Wednesday. ' All debates will be in Oregon or cross-examination style, and members of the audience will have an opportunity to question the speakers in open forums which follow. Margery J. Rosenberg '42 and Esther M. Hall '43. Nut and candy replenishers 'rill be: northwest, Jacqueline I. Shaf fer '43 and Laila M. Dunkelberger '43; southwest, Muth Keisling '43, and Ruth M. Saylor '43; northeast, Gerry A. Custer '43 and Ruth J. Moore '43; southeast, Judith L. Cutshall '4l and Martha B. Man ifold '4l; service, northwest, Jeanne M. Lindeman '42 and Ro- Wena M. Gotshall '43; 'southwest, Elizabeth Schoch '4l and Fer nande Mosterez '42; northeast, Josephine M. Werner '4l and Sal ly H. Faber '4l: southeast. Lois A. Remensnyder '42 and Cheryle Charlson Rules Harvest Ball Margaret K. Sherman '43 was chosen queen of the Harvest Ball, annual rural extravaganza held last night before a•crowd of 340 couples. The highlight of the evening was a novel air raid salute by the orchestra during a blackout of the Armory as tan .fare for the announcement • of the queen. freshman Council Helps WSGA Christmas Drive Seeking complete coverage for contributions from all freshman dormitories and hall groups, Freshman Council is doing its part in aiding the WSGA Christmas Drive which began Monday, De cember 2 and will continue • for two weeks . until December 16. Council has appointed Margo D. Blass '43. general chairman in Mac Hall and Betty R. Broderick '43. general chairman for Worn:- en's Building. Women represent ing downtown dormitories will manage. the campaign for their respective houses. The Christmas Drive was orig inated by Freshman Council sev eral years ago, but was taken over by the WSGA when it became too large for the Council to handle. _ ocithai . -J.C.S And Kay Kyser's Band Featuring Ginny Simms, Harry Babbitt, Ish Kabibble, Sully Mason SATURDAY,_ DECEMBER 7, 1949 WSGA Groups Will Hold':- Faculty Dinner Tomorrow. WSGA Senate and WSGAIJun ior Service Board will e'ntertaln guests at Sunday -dinnei'dri - Mac- Allister Hall and Atherton' Hall, respectively. - • Dr. 'Kistler, Sunday chapel speaker, and Mrs. Kistler will be guests of WSGA Senate: and MiSs Charlotte E. Ray, 'dean of . :wornen, following chapel Service. Immedi ately•after dinner, an informal dis cussion in Mac Allister Hall lobby will •be held for.all interested co eds. • Continuing their program of. student-faculty Telation.s, WSGA Junior Service Board will . enter tain Hummel Fishburn; :associate professor of music "education,: Mrs, Fishburn, Miss Anna P. LOcklin, assistant professor of English lit erature, and Philip A: "Shelley, as sociate professor of German, in. Atherton Hall tomorrow. WRA's Outing Club will spon 7 .-' - sor a mixed skating party in the Armory at 7 p.m. , Avitt Evenings Only 6:30, 8:30 GENE AUTRY SMILEY BURNETTE 'CAROLINA MOON' MONDAY - TUESDAY I ITS HERE AT LAST I ! 'THE GREAT McGINTY' —Starring— BRIAN DONLEVY MURIEL ANGELUS MUM TAMIROET Shows At 1:30, 3:00, 6:30. 8:30 TODAY - MON. - TUES. I Shows at 1:30, 3:00, 6:30, 8:30 MONDAY - TUESDAY TODAY ONLY —in= TODAY ONLY - I