The daily collegian. (University Park, Pa.) 1940-current, December 07, 1940, Image 2
-PAGE TWO tit iiiiAilLY DOILILIEGVAN "For A Better Penn State" „ )11;1.3,1ishea 1940. Suc ce s sor to the Penn §tzite' entablished. 1804. and the Free Lance, established 1887. Published daily eXeelit Sunday and Monday during the regular College year by the students . of The Pennsylvania bf:it ,College , Fdltered as .seeond-xlass matter July 5,, 1934. Lqt,he post-o,_ce at State . College, Pa.. under the net of arch 3. 1379. • Editor Business . _ Manager PN.d.agn A. Sra.waar Lawrence S. Drieirei Women'm gaitor-era 1..... kiNnp , 'di t. "Managing Ed3,,ir ..—Robert H._ .I.;l,ite , ;41,' 5k.:311: . Hd4r—Hicbli:Td..C. Peters '4l ; NeWs ~ Editor..-4klliatn. E. FOwler '4l : Featiire Editiir —Edward J. K. Mcinrie '4l; Assistant Managing Editor -13 nyard Bloom '4l; Wornees , Managing Editor —Arita I.i. , e+efferan. '4l *omen's Priirno - tion .11ilantmer—Edythe B. - -, -.13.kkel '4l. Adveitising Mans4er--John .H. Thomas '4l: CirculatiOn Manager—Robert G. Robinson '4l; Senior Secretasy—Rotb, Coldstein '4l: Senior Secretary—Leslie H. Lewis '4l. SUniar Velitorial Board—John A. Baer Pass .13. Lehman '42.. William J. • McKnight, .:.42. olio,. Murray. '42, gat Magelbezg '42, Stanley J. PoKezao- Iner '42. Jeanne C. Stiles '42. fiJunior..Bu.siness. Boar. A—. Thomas Allison :42. Paul Coldberg ',42, James E. McCaughey '42; Mai-garet L. Em mi:Y '42. Virginia Ogden '42; gat E. tees '42. VOZI.JVIZI3riNTEL" 1 , 3 a NATlOnik . t. ADVERTIS/0 Natiosiai Athi:ertisiunig.sepiice; College Pubtithers ReDreserqs, 420 0114.016014 . All a CaLCAGQ • 110370 M • LOG AMOCCEI 63unse1or - "SilTitorisl and,'Businesg. &fn.. .313 Old tith.ln Dial 711 Eaitiir This Issue ___ ____ Pat Ndkediieiii ; .12 News Editor This Issue -- .___John A. Baer 42 Wonnerk's,,E4itor This Issue _______ __ ___ R. }felon. C0?.rd0n..:42 itophonwro Assistant; __--.Tames I). Mein. BObert W. Saturday Morning, December 7, 1940 The Modest hte Someone; We are sure, is going to record for .Pos ihat ihe People who bought Artists' Course lot. If tickets are a limelight-shunning lot. If heceSsary; we will do it ourselves. , The Artists' Committee provided 130 choice ;eat,,, on the Stage in order to ihetease the capacity 'of the anditoi.iiirri. Whin the first two days of the . •;;ale were over it found to its chagrin there were 136 stage seats left. This; we believe; means that -i)o stage seats were sold. We Would alindst stake our mathematical reputation on it. . Just what are the reasons fOr this lack of desire to Sit Oh the stage we can not be sure. Fapulty 5,-.ives and coeds tit those-than-average attractive ness may have consideraiely desired not to ills trat the audience by Showing a pretty leg or a pretty W face so publicly. Those triaY ave shunned the public eye. The lack 6f ansr termediate, neither too pretty tii)r too disecktrag- Ing to sit on the stage, i'Voulci Have {)roved there is ; - 3.0 Stich thing as an average person. The males are harder to ex4n begin to under their Idok.§ and what anydne thinks or says about their loks and what anyone , thinks Or say's about PerhaPs they dreaded the disillusioning prospect of lOoking all evening , at a house , filled with their own kind; created as they were told iii the image of their i%4aker. This could drive any one from , rel4.gion. On the dth?r , hand they may Save thbi4glit, as One did; that it wasn't 3;vdrtii $5,80 to lddk at any - cdll'Oction of posteriors; no inat.tei• 'how great the art thus 'enclosed. The Housint Plan Where is the Student Hciusing Board's plan for rooming house inspection approved "in principle" . it months ago by the Senate Cntrithittee_ Stu dent Welfare and accepted by the President but turned back to the Committee to be worked out in detail? The t3' , :stetn then sounded desirable and almost ISBssible. the Senate bain - ittee apparently tiiiinght it was, but everibiidy is apparently too biasy with other ihings to care much abont it. Collegian hopes the Siudent Hnusiiik will decide to find out how many more months are ouig it; pass * before its plan is worked out in de tit4 *edne.sciay night's demonstration by 500 stu: denti is evidence enough of the high esieein held Co!Tor . Ainbiose R. EmerY. whis will leave the liilitary departinent this weekend i - or new lh thtineCtion with the hational &dense "In site Of knoderii theories to the eontrary; a single standard of behavior for itie'n and tVeirtin It isn't' a atieition of tieing tiidd h se?‘.. differences' UtT7V4ii hilt arid iVaTifen bi.en chafigei! iy modern Ciistoins, and the girl who cdnducts herself with the sante freedom men do is 4.rily . asking for trouble." Dr. Nora Whither, gynecolO ilist at the University of IVlinnesOta, concludes that more than custom differentiates between feminine and masculine behavior. iVEW YO .ri.Y EIZE:=I --C. Russeit. , Downtown Office It9-12t South Frazier St Dial 4372 WS f 4 rut, i T.,,-;_ ) . ` bit . MANIAC 11111110111111f111111101111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111 Plagiarism We hate to admit it, but we got the idea for the "ydu stuff which folloWs from Migs Vera keinp; Frau-Fuehrer of the Women's page 'on this - • • sheet. Give credit "where credit is due We always say; and anyway if Vera doesn't know quite every thing, and admits it, as her column '"*e, The WOrnen" in yesterday's Daily . Collegian seem s to indicate. we might as well shoW our ignorance We Wiflder . Why fraternity men should be the only men to go.out for sports managerships? Why anyone from Wyoming Valley should have the gall tO deride the looks, beauty or attractive ness of Penn State coeds? Why the Sophomdre class doesn't throw a bingo party instead of a dance? Who Made the unjust remark that Phi Gains -slieak only to Theta's and Thetas speak only to God? Why the Powers that in in the Athletic AsSOci atiOn don't come off theii• high horse and fill the bleachers up at football games by selling seats at a $l.lO a .stall? • If it is really true that PrOsh fooniallerg are told to get their dinner elseWhere•if they do not shoi.v up Particularly well in practice that day? What happened, to the Lion Shrine which teas to have been last year's Senior diasg gift to pos terity? If Eton West is really coiibeit6ci or juSt hen pecked by his pretty tilde? Why Pennsylvania State College is still Penn- SYlvania State College and not Pennsylvania State University? Why Ag Fuehrer Tommy backenstose' girl Betty Christinan was one of the t*o candidates alleged ly named by the coeds for Harvest Ball Queen? How Many girls will cry themselves to sleep v; , hen they. learn that Jim Ritchie has tacked his jewelry on Lila Whoolery? What happened to ihe bathtub i;vhich used to grace the Mac Hall yard? What prompted Beth Sower to answer "Calm is the Night" When English prof Rubin asked her what song she Wanted played at her wedding? We Sfi~l Wendel' Why the romance bet Ween Jarie Fulton and Boy With the Horn Walt James has been kept in the dark? Wh3• Ed Spenser got up, and lett the table in the Sandivich Shoji when Art Myers joined his little tete a iete with Gwen Harris? If Football Manager Bill Finn will give the lo cal queens a break now that he is a No. 1 BMOC, or stick to his Flossie? Who's yehudi Why Bill Fowler can't get more than one date With the same girl? Why Larty . briefer ilOesn't jiiiri , the Foreign Legion ivhere he wouldn't annoy anyone but the Camels? Why SAE Wake Thompson was chosen by a Class of thirty girls to decorate the Home Ec Christmas Tree this year? If iihirny Stagg will ever wise up and know a good .thing when she has it? - Why the Fresh — rna.ii; Junior and Senior cheering SeeticthS aren't combined so the . upperclassmen learn td yell? , . What visual e4LicatiiM prof GOodman's Wife *Old say if she kiie* her spouse teas ideked in ailthetdiraphic dal idbiti fOf a tense the Othei• day with 16 kiVelY t66:6? Why Midge Kitig; T3ie§flans itotslibi; sits in iiie Saitd*lch SKOP ealithi itl bute tricks tdtii are 8i hicks Aid' could tae takeii .wttri the • alibi? Why they aon'titikel t h e .§.14 . 164 in Stec Hall 5o ihe Poor &lit:4AM to s tay higitt to irett4ii their tillturbd tfut lazy If those coeds who Wear those knee-length red hose also wear red woolen underwear? If the War will last until 1952 when it is estA mated reliable observers most of the coeds now ltuitting socks, etc. for the soldiers will finish', THE DAILY COLLEGIAN Players Present Christmas Gift To College With Hit Performance By ROBERT H. LANE One of the finest Christmas presents Penn State could ever hope to receive was presented to lovers of the footlights in Schwab Auditorium last night when the Penn State Players jumped the Christmas gun by 20 days with a blue-ribbon performance of Le nore Coffee's and - William Cow% en's "Family Portrait." To compliment a production by saying it is dtherent would be following in the steps, of any pub licity man who is trying to fill a theater for a below-par produc tion, but this time a reviewer can label a play, "exceedingly differ ent." . One cannot go back into history and say Mrs. Lucetta kennedy gave the; best performance ever seen on a Penn State stage,. but even the most skeptical could not I efrainfrom saying it was one of the finest. Playing the part of Malt, the mother of Jesus; Mrs. kentledy was superb. It W6S the old story of any mother's Idire for hir son, but this time the son hgd hien. cruci fied. Ari actress is pften carried away by but ,iVnen she carries the ai.idiAice with her, there is risi. greater. th"Vdi•d. As the mother of -.l6.idg; IVlrs. Kennedy did just that. the skepticism of his four bitittieis who. could not conceive hiin as .ahythiug IS4 a — cdrpepter. Eioivard dtiliEnhe'tnine,r;, Philip tietioliz; Carroll iiitiiSetigteel and William Cissel mined 111 splendid PerioithanceS as 5P..4,P . 11, Simon, JaMeS arid Judah, respectively. Joanne Palmer, as the easy-go ing Mary Cleophas, Mary's sister in-law, handled her cleVerly worded lines perfection. • . In the role of an outcast who was resurrected from sin, Aimee Sabbott was. well cast as Mary Magdalen. Because of the large cast of 42 players, one of the largest in his tory of the Players, space limits the bouquets, that can be tossed fer fine acting, but hcinbrable mention can be given to Civia Cohen, Elinor Herrman, Ruth Wachs; Marion ReynoldS, Mal colm WeinStein,,Jjahn Fritz; then di)re. Vrinteluirst; Lois Reisinger, Ectifin Carson. and Mary Roberts. And last but tritely etiOugh, far • a from least, hearty congratulationaio to Professor and Director Frank S. Neusbaum whi) may sdnieday recall ,"Family Portrait" as the best production he ever directed on this caMpus. Reward for information lead ietnicii Of the Cocoa Cola cooler stolen frem the THE house oh , or about NOveMbik 8. $o cidesiiSits asked. *lite BOX tice 261; maii Cdl lege, Pa. • THE POIST NATIONAL BANK OF • _STATE CO . , • • ...--.„-meNtiper—•of • • Federal Deposit lizsurante Corporation SATURDAY, DECEMBER 7, 1940 IA Cou ncil A4di Thifiii Journalism Kizer Platilled Three tiaNV jimior comnieree tTcl finance . cepresentatives were added to the Lthergl Arts . couhcil , aitcl Plarig fOr student-faculty in the journalism d ep ar tmen , t formulated . .at, a meeting of the council • ThUrsday :Robert 'Mall, William 0. ilVleyerg, arid Jack A. Sloan were elected to fill the vacancies; increasing council membership to 26. CAMPUS CALENDAR TODAY: Sign . up at Student Union for rides to Wizippie's barn Suncia.y.. Trucks leaVe corner of doilege Avenue and Fraier street at 2 p. nyentY cent fee charged. Meeting of, Junior Independents in 318 Old Mai 7:35 P. m• Penn Biate Players present "Family F>ortiiii" in Schwab And itorium at 8:30 p. rn: All tickets arq,, 50' cents. Basketball, Penn State versus WashifigiOn and Jeff6rsiin; Bee 815, di. - DrYdotii, Satidwial. Shop; at P. tigtA tresiii6.'n Connell Caiiin Retreat Committee leaves 304 Old Main 1 p. m. for CA cabin in • ShingleiCki4f. Gap fbi.-dfteintion at 661)01. Catholic Club meeting in 405 did Iviain at 7:45 p: talcatitin tudgnt COuncil meets in .318 Old Main at b . p. in., • Evangelical Society meeting in 318 bld Main at 7 p. BundaS , Chapel in gehNirab Aud itorintii at 11 a. m. TtlittiAti Liberal Arts Student Council meets. 4 P. m. Room 318 Old Main. MORNINGSTAR BREAti • Morningitar Bread., is fine for every purpose. It makes sandwiches .. that_are _,pleasing in taste and at the same time nourishing. And if you .want ciao trnlitthdt Mai* inglti,tia -feat trilinth thii is the loaf fat tau. MOiitiiiir StAt" i fiti-*helit .. P Purity Biai aid .titiiiik, Wiimei ("Ai. . .. ••• - T...... 4... - ~.. • - ... , ~..../ Ar, • ...?; ii .., _ -,•“ _ 1 16114 ""*NI