The daily collegian. (University Park, Pa.) 1940-current, December 07, 1940, Image 1

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Successor to 4. ..f.'7 . . 4 <t4 z,
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• Established 1887 Ott
VOL. 37-NC. 55
Defense Course
Enrollees Will Get
Personal Supplies
- Individual "academic homes"—
' . a personal desk, drawing table and
locker—will be assigned to each
engineer who enrolls in the two.
government - financed de f ense
courses that are to be given at the
College beginning January 6.
. According to Dean Harry P.
Hammond, head of the School of.
Engineering, this plan for personal
study facilities is unusual. Space
.`in one of the engineering buildings
will be set aside for exclusive use
by the defense classes. There, stu
- dents may carry on both, day and
night study, - except for the time
spent in ,specialized work in lab
"This plan has been devised in
order to insure the.high degree of
efficiency that will be required to
•complete the intensive courses
- within the short period of 16
.weeks," Dean Harnmbnd pointed
The courses in Diesel engineer
ing and production engineering are
distinct from the 12 part-time
.courses to be offered to 10,000 men
under the same federal engineer
ing defense program at Penn_State
class centers in 41 towns and cities
throughout the state.
TO . be admitted to the College
Diesel engineering course, which
.7has been requested by the United
States Navy; applicants must have
three years of engineering college
preparation. For the other course,
• two years of college work, in en
- gineering, or Science, are required.
= Students vilL pay only for their
textbereks- , - - and—living •-expenses. - .
Prof. Harold A. Everett, head
of the department of mechanical
engineering; will be in charge of
• the Diesel course, while Prof,-Clar
• ence E. BUllinger, head of the de
partment of industrial engineering,
will supervkse the production
University Parley
Gels Underway
The Student Christian Move
ment conference of the Middle At
lantic States, being held here this
weekend with approximately 100
delegates from 20 eastern univer
sities and colleges, will get under
way today with a compact sched
ule of speeches, panel discussions,
and recreation.
Dr. Harold' Bosley, Baltimore
minister and educator, will open
today's program when he speaks
before The complete assembly in
Home Economics Auditorium at 9
From 10:30 a.m. to noon, various
discussion groups will feature
forums on minorities, constructive
patriotism, world reconstruction,
and religious power for action.
After • lunch in the Sandwich
Shop at 12:30 p.m., the visitors
will participate in a series of
planned campus tours and trips
to the PSCA cabin until 4 p.m.
when they will engage in a second
discussion period until'a 5:45 p.m.
dinner recess.
"Family Portrait," a Penn State
Players production staged in Sch-
wab Audithrium at 8:30 p.m., will
highlight the + delegates' evening
entertainment concluding with an
informal game session in fßoom 304
Old Main • at 10:45 p.m.
.Sunday morning, Doctor George
• Davis, Crozer 6eminary faculty
:-••mem!ier, will speak to the parley
Home Economics Auditor
ium at 9:15 a.m., followed by a
delegate discussion period until
11:15 when a mass worship serv
:._ice:will close thd — conference: •
Leads Cagers In Opening Baffle
• Dependable Johnny Barr, above, captain of the Lion basketball
team, will lead his teammates in an attempt to avenge last year's
defeat at the handg of Washington and Jefferson when the two teams
meet in the opening game on the Lion schedule in Rec Hall at 8
o'clock tonight.
Nittany► Cage Team Opens Season
Against W&J In Rec Hall Tonight
Practically the same Washington
and Jefferson team that outscored
the Lions last year will provide op
position of the toughest caliber for
John Lawther's quintet as the cur
tain rises on the State baske,tball
season in Rec Hall at 8 o'clock to
Three regulars from last year
will be in the starting Nittany line
up_ with the other two positions
still in doubt though a pair of
sophomores look like probable
Captain Johnny Barr, who needs
no introduction •to court fans, will
hold down one of the forward
posts. At the other will be either
newcomer Johnny Silan, a speedy
"now you see him, now you don't"
type of player, or letterman Scotty
(Continued on Page Three)
Robeson Opens Artists' Series Monday
Featuring the negro spirituals
for which he has become so fam
ous, Paul Robeson, noted singer of
folk songs, will appear before a
capacity crowd in Schwab Audi
torium Monday evening.
The curtain will rise for the
great baritone's recital at 8 p.m.
In addition to'stch favorites as
"Swing Low, Sweet Chariot,"
"Joshua, and "Go Down, Moses"
Robeson, by special request has
added "Ballad for - Americans,"
which he originally introduced on
the CBS "Pursuit of Happiness"
When Paul Robeson appears in
Schwab Auditorium after his New
York and Philadelphia perform
ances, subscribers -to - the Artists
Course will hear not only the
greatest interpreter of Negro spir
ituals but also a versatile and ac-
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Journalism Seniors Will
Meet Monday Night
Plans for an employment book
let will be discussed at a meeting
of all journalism seniors in Room
318 Old Main at 7 p.m. on Mon
day. If approved, the booklet will
be sent to editors and advertising
men in the east.
Prof. Franklin C. Banner will
speak briefly on "Finding A Job,"
Co-chairmen Robert H. Lane '4l .
and George C. Schenkein '4l have
The conference is being spon
sored by Sigm'a Delta Chi, Alpha
Delta Sigma and Theta Sigma Phi,
honorary journalism fraternities.
Roller Skating Sessions
Slated For Armory Today
Roller skating sessions will
again be held in the Armory this
afternoon and evening, it was
announced today by Ray M.
Conger, recreation committee
member in charge of the activ
Starting at 2 p.m. and con
tinuing until 5 p.m., the first
session will carry the admission
price of 20 cents •per person. Two
evening sessions will be held at
7 p.m. to 9 p.m. and 9 p.m. to
11 p.m. Admission for the eve
ning sessions will be 20 cents
per person for each two-hour
Dramatics Parley
On Campus Today
Climaxed by the second per
formance of "Family Portrait" in
Schwab Auditorium at 8:30 p.m.
the department of dramatics will
sponsor a conference today at
which the possibility of forming a
state federation of d ram a tics
groups will be considered.
Members of the proposed feder
ation would b,e producing groups
from high schools, colleges and
community theaters. If the feder
ation becomes a reality all groups
represented at the .conference may
become charter members.
Heading the list of speakers on
the program will be David B. Itkin
who will talk on "Directing the
Play" at
.3:30 p.m.
Other speakers on the program
are Prof. C. R; Kaser head of
- drarddibS — af 'llie"UniversitY z of
Delaware; Alfred Rowe, director
of the Harrisburg Community
Theater; and Garrett Leverton,
head of dramatics at Northwestern
University. 'Members of the Col
lege staff will also participate in
the sessions.
A registration fee of $1.50 will
be charged for the conference. In
addition luncheon will cost 75
cents. Admission price for "Family
Portrait" is 50 cents and tickets
are on sale at Student Union.
For those attending only part
of the conference there is a fee
of 50 cents for each of the morning
lectures and 75 cents for each of
those in the afternoon.
Mrs. Morse Injured
Mrs. Adrian 0. Morse broke her
wrist early Thursday morning
while she was on the way to re
lieve Mr. Morse, assistant to the
president, who was in line for Ar
tists' Course tickets.
complished personality.
The negro baritone has been
prominent in three fields, athletic,
dramatic, and concert. The late
!Walter Camp called him one of
the greatest ends that ever trod
the gridiron: Be had been ap
proached by boxing promoters and
has made numerous dramatic tri
umphs in "Emperor Jones," "All
'God's Chillun" and many others.
Today on the concert stage he is
acknowledged the best-known folk
singer in the world.
Robeson will share a portion of
his program with Clara Rockmbre,
therminist, who is an artist in her
own right. The'State College audi
ence will thus hear the product of
modern electrical magic, a musical
instrument that is not touched by
the performer.
Possible Rain
Tug-of-War Billie
To Decide Fate
Of '44 Customs
With the removal of all customs
set as the prize if the freshmen
win, the freshman class will meet
the sophomores in an unprecedent
ed tug-of-war on New Beaver
Field at 2:30 p.m. next Saturday
afternoon, W. Lewis Corbin '4l,
chairman of Tribunal, announced
Corbin put Jack J. Bard '44,
original challenger, and Thomas
H..Staman '44 in charge of the Se
lection of a freshman team, and
Charles H. Ridenour '43 and Frank
R. Flynn '43 will choose the sopho
more contingent. •
No definite arrangement has
been made as yet as to the weight
of the two teams.
• "If the freshmen win," Corbin
added, "they will be allowed to
remove all their customs immedi
ately. If they lose, they will have
to continue wearing their customs
until Christmas vacation."
Bard first suggested the battle
in a letter to the Collegian recent
ly. He said that the freshmen
should be given an opportunity to
prove their superiority over the
sophomores, and proposed a tug
of-war between two tons of fresh
men and two tons of hat men.
Ridenour accepted the challenge
in the name' of the Druid hat so
ciety and Flynn did the same as
president of the sophomore class,
suggesting that Tribunal set up
a prize.
Corbin consented and started on
the arrangements.
The tug-of-war will be held on
the west side of the track on-New
Beaver Field; spectators are re
quested to remain in the West
Stands until the proceedings are
Late News
111111111111111111111111111111 111111111111111111111111111111111111111111
Athens Unofficial war com
muniques from Athens last night
reported that the Greek army had
advanced on all fronts yesterday
and had made impressive raids
near Premedi. The Italians at
tempted to execute a hasty - retreat
in order to avoid a trap but 7,000
men were thought to have been
captured and 5,000 fled into Yugo
slavia along with materials and
foodstuffs. Mussolini's fighting
planes were active in trying to
stop the Greek forward lines and
give the Italians a chance to re
treat safely. The Greek air force
retaliated with an intensified
bombing of Klisura and the re
treating Axis troops on their way
to Tepelini.
Washington It was stated last
night by Congressman Dies that
he will soon unearth a plan to rid
the United States of fifth column
ists but in order to do so, he'might
have to revise the National Labor
Relations Act. Dies also stated
that he had at last found concili
ation with President Roosevelt
and.the Department of Justice and
that now he will be able to make
sodle progress in his investigation
of un-American activities.
Washington A United States
bombing plane departed late yes
terday afternoon on a mercy flight
with the wife of the former Pres
ident of Chile its principle pas
senger. The former president's
wife was taken sick in the United
States and the atmosphere of her
own country was diagnosed as the
best cure.