The daily collegian. (University Park, Pa.) 1940-current, December 05, 1940, Image 1

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    Successor to
the Free Lance,
Established 1887
VOL. 37—No 53A
500 Bid Good-By
To Colonel Emery
"I will always 'feel that I belong
_to Penn State, no matter where I
go," said Colonel Ambrose R.
Emery last night, as he expressed
.his.reluctance to leave State Col
' lege and Penn State, before a
cheering send-off crowd of 500 at
the State College High School.
Unaware of the student gather
ing outside, Colonel Emery was
inside the school inspecting the
State College Drum and Bugle
Corps. As he came out of the
school, the ROTC band started a
march and Colonel Emerz saw,
waiting for him in the cold air the
entire Pershing Rifles group. mem
bers of Scabbard and Blade, the
ROTC band, members of the ROTC
department and many others out
to say good-by to their friend.
To show their appreciation for
all he has done at Penn State, Ro
bert N. Baker '4l, in behalf of the
entire student body, presented a
watch to Colonel Emery, who in
• answer, expressed his appreciation
and thanks to all those connected
with ROTC and all others at Penn
After Cadet Colonel Thomas - G.
Tousey gave Emery an official
farewell, a cheer, 600 voices
strong, was raised, followed by a
stirring band selection. Colonel
- Emery was then surrounded :by
students and officers to bid him
The Drum and Bugle Corps
thanked colonel Eniery for his
help -and presented him with a
picture of the Corps, and, also the
EmefY is leaving State. College
• SundaY, • for -Macon; Ga, where he
is to command and build - the first
of. four new. replacement centers
for the training of new soldiers:
- After Emery leaves COL Edviard
D.-Ardery .will be in charge of the
ROTC department here at the
Banker Deplores
National Debi
Approximately 300 Liberal Arts
students last night heard Charles
F, Zimmerman, secretary of the
Pennsylvania Banking Association
and president of the Huntingdon
First isTational Bank denounce the
present administration's spend
lend policy.
His speech "Federal Solvency
and Democracy" is one of a series
presented by Delta Sigma Pi, hon
orary fraternity in commerce and
Mr. Zimmerman maintained,
"Unless we protect federal sol
vency and the ability to pay our
debts we shall be deprived of our
The national defense program
was also discussed by Mr. Zim
merman who mid, "Private enter
prise will pass out of existence if
the government persists in its
`everything for defense' program."
Mr. Zimmerman advised college
students in government work to
advocate high wanes. This will
get the mpuhlie annroval. From
this policy. he claimed. the New
Deal received ronnh of its popu
laritv. lie said that he did not
like to discuss nolities. but it was
impossible. sine. , politics, com
merce and ilnainoe. and business
go hand in hand.
kinki Bail
trv, a , T.l;pco "••••• , ..3•••4 rm I.ln
a charity ball In their club rooms
at 133 IVect Peavey avenue. at 8:30
p.•m. Saturday: The mice of ad
mission will be old clothes. old
shoes, canned P • nods, or anything
to help the needy.
iOttr Bty ;47,1t,,, ?., lI,E it 41'
at Snow and
Continued Cold.
Christmas Supplement
Will Appear Tomorrow
A special eight-page Christmas
supplement designed as an aid to
State College gift-buyers will ap
peal: as a part of tomorrow morn
ing's issue of The Daily Collegian.
Included in the supplement will
be columns of gift suggestions for
both men and women, special
Christmas features, instructions
for mailing and wrapping pack
ages. and a .comulete outline of the
College Christmas program.
Advertisements in the extra sec
tion will list the products offered
by the State College stores and
provide students and faculty mem
bers with a complete guide for
Christmas shopping.
41 %dents Cast
In Players Show
Forty-one students—one of the
largest casts ever used in a Play
ers production—will be seen on
the stage at "Family Portrait," to
be presented in- Schwab Auditor
ium at 8:30 p. m. tomorrow and
However, the leading part in
the play, Mary the Mother of
Jesus, is not taken by a student
but by Mrs. - Lucetta Kennedy.
.Mrs. Kennedy was given the part
because of the experience which
she. has gained on the professional
stage and in previous Players
• Students having principal parts
Ariclude Joanne M. Palmer '43
ftlfaiY' r CleotillaS); Ai nee t;
bott '42 (Mary Magdalen), Elea
nor F. Herrman '42 (Reba), Civia
Cohen '43 (Naomi), Theodore
Whitehurst '4l INathan), and Wil
liam H. Cissell '43, Philip W..
Eichholtz '43, Carroll E. Hippen
, steel '43, and .Howard M. Oppen
heimer '43 (sons of Mary.) •
Other students in• the play are
James J. Ambandos '43, John M.
Ayres '44, John L. Balega '44,
John G. Baxnbrick '42, Leonard I.
Beerman '43, Edwin I. Carson '4l,
Milton Dolinger '44, June M. El
lis (special student), Jane H. Fire
stein '42, Leon B. Flook '43, John
W. Fritz, Jr. '4l, Hazel E. Gass
man '42. Jack D. Hunter '44,
Thomas E. Kendig '42, Joseph J.
McCoy (two-year student).
• Mary E. McCurdy '44, Helen D.
McKee '44. Evelyn J. Mages '43,
Martin Molda '42, Dolores Y. Paul
'43. Leon Rabinowitz '43. Lois A.
Reisinger '42, Marion J. Reynolds
'44, Mary E. Roberts '43. Jacob
Sacks '4l, David Segal '42, Shirley
J. Tetley '44. Otho W. Vanderline
'42, Ruth Wachs '44, Malcolm
Weinstein '4l, Mary I. Young '4l.
Educator To Speak
"American Schools in the Pres- -
ent World Crisis," will be the sub
ject of a speech by Miss Ruth
Wanger, regional vice president of
the American Federation of Teach
ers Association.
Stage 'All Set' For Battle OF Century
The Battle of the Century is
about to take pla • ce—maybe.
A tug-of-war between the
Freshmen and Sophomores, "to
'rive the Freshmen class an op
portunity to prove its superiority
over the sophomore class . . . and
promote class spirit that has nev
er been equalled," was the propo
sition es stated in a letter to Col
tr,gian hy . sack J. Bard, a member
of the ( 7, 1 , 7 m-trodden group'," the
class of 1944.
Irtir , ntor Bard also made a
for the terms of battle.
lie proposed that "two tons of the
Frey And Cramp Are Nominated
To Lead Freshman Presidential Race
.peke W I ( Can Strut Their
Stuff 'Tomorry' Night At Nine
Rurality and informality in
both" dress and decoration will
prevail at the annual Harvest Ball
tomorrow night in , : the . Armory,
rDancing will begin at 9p. - ail.
will continue until 12 p. in., with
intermission featuring the coro
nation of the Harvest Ball Queen.
Except the voting for the can
didates for queen, Betty H.
Christman '44, and Margaret K.
Sherman '43, which will continue
at Student Union until tomorrow,
all plans are completed, according
to W. Lewis Corbin '4l, general
j To propagandize the ball, mem
bers of the Ag school will wear
"Zeke and My" overalls around
campus today and tomorrow.
This advertising is a cue to all
who plan to attend that the ball
will be a strictly informal affair.
• The music of the Campus Owls
will provide a contrast to the set
ting with just the right amount
of swing and sweet rhythm that
has made them popular on cam
Tickets at one dollar per couple
can be purchased from any mem
hpr of the Agriculture Student
Council and will also be sold at
the door tomorrow night. The
price also includes checking.
Dress customs for freshmen at
tending the dance will be sus
pended for the duration of the
affair, Corbin, tribunal chairman,
has announced.
Kappa Sigs Entertain
Kappa Sigma fraternity will en
tertain the Chi Omega, their sister
sorority, at dinner tonight. .
halest and heartiest men be pitted
against two tons of hat-men."
The stage was set . . . the dam
age done . . . and Charles H. Ride
nour entered the scene.
Charley, the mighty mite of the
wrestling team, accepted the chal
lenge in the name of the Druid
hat society.
"If the challenge is on the phy
sical side, name your place and
weapons," Ridenour added. "If
it is on the mental side, we shall
endeavor to show you what sort
of head the hat covers."
Frank It. Flynn, president of
11111111111111111 1111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111
Damage To Decorations
The State College Commerce
Club, which is sponsoring a
Christmas street decorations
project, has requested the co
operation of all students in pre
serving the Christmas trees
and bulbs which will decorate
the street.
In former years some of the
trees were damaged and quite
a few bulbs broken by students
evidently filled with too much
holiday spirit.
It is hoped that this year there
will be no damage done to the
decorations which represent the
combined efforts of town mer
chants, the Ladies Auxiliary of
the American Legion, the Alpha
Fire Company, and the West
Penn Power Company.
1111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111 h
Foresters In U.S. Service
A recent alumni survey by the
department of (forestry revealed
that at least half of the forestry
graduates are employed in Gov
ernment services. The report cov
ered 933 graduates, including
graduates of the Pennsylvania
State Forest School at Mont Alto,
which was merged with the for
estry department of the College in
the sophomore class, also accept
ed the challenge. He suggested
that Tribunal set up a prize, such
as the removal of a custom if the
Frosh win, or a longer continua
tion of the custom if the Sopho
mores triumph.
Thus the bucket is shifted into
the hands of W. Lewis Corbin,
chairman of Tribunal. Corbin
says preparations are being made
for the tug-of-war, but nothing is
definite as yet. It will probably
be held inside of the next two
weeks, he added.
Petitions, Pictures
Due Tomorrow Noon
The small guns of Penn State's
political front began blazing Tues
day night when John B. Cramp,
Independent, and Paul 0. Frey,
Campus, were nominated by their
respective parties as freshman
presidential candidates to be elect
ed on Monday, December 16.
Flashing into •concerted forma
tion behind their political stand
ard bearers, both parties approved
their slates with hardly any dis
agreements, and proceeded to out
line plans for their campaign
Other officers named on the
freshman slate were: vice presid
ent, Paul M. Heberling (Independ
ent) and Robert L. Walters, Jr.
(Campus); secretary, David G.
Keeney (Campus) and Phyllis R.
Watkins (Independent); treasurer,
Betty R. Broderick (Campus) and
Larry T. Chervanek (Independ
ent); historian, Helen E. Dodd (In
dependent) and E. Clint Stubbe
With the petitions deadline set
for tomorrow noon, the candidates
will be concentrating on procuring
the necessary 100 freshman sig
natures, which must include 25
per cent women.
At the same_ time, party plat
forms and pictures of candidates
must accompany the petitions,
which can be .handed in at Stu
dent - Union or I. Leonard
Krouse '42, chairman of the Fresh
man Elections Committee.
Coincident with the signing of
petitions, Krouse war n e d all
freshman politicians that.they can
not influence signers by stating
that signatures on petitions also
entails a pledge to support that
particular party.
Any party found . circulating
such information will be heavily
punished by the Elections Com
mittee, Krouse said.
1111111 1111 1 1111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111 M
Late News
Athens—Reports came through
from the Greek capitol last night
confirming the capture of tle city
Pogredetz from the Italians. The
communiques told of further
Greek advances into Albania as
the Grecian mountain forces drove
within 15 miles of Albridon in
northern Albania.
The Greeks bombed Portoeda
terrifically yesterday and the Ital
ians were reported to be in hasty
retreat on all fronts. As winter has
set in around the Greek mountains
and those in Albania, the Italians
are retreating over icy mule trails
and are being forced to abandon
their supplies.
Berlin—The war in Germany
was refreshed last night as RAF
bombers hurled destruction from
the air at two large German towns
in the midland. The towns, near
the Rhine river, were given a ter
rific bombing and several blast
furnaces were destroyed.
London would not confirm the
report that the huge bridge span
ning the Rhine river and by which
the Germans nre transporting most
of their supplies over, was de
molished. Toe RAF fliers contin
ued their flight of destruction as
they swept over northern France
and struck at Dunkirk. They lash
ed out at airdromes owned by the