PAGE 'MI THE }IIMILY GOILILIEGIANI • "Pcir'A'Better Penn State" .1940. sucgeur.....ta _the Penn SateColWgian• establithi'fo , o4,..iid the' Free Published daily except Sunday and Monday during the o.olMlar College year by the students of The Pennsylvania . Citrate College. Entered as second-class matter July 5, 1934, , • ithet PCM;t 4 O--Ce at State College, Pa., under the act of - ~ .ittlaich "3,-1379. 'Eater 'Business - ;Manager Smyser Lawrence S: Driever '4l Women's Editor—Vera L. Kemp '4l ; Managing - Editor • —Robert H. Lane '4l; Sports 'Editor—Richard C. _P.eters —. 41; News , Editor —William E. Fowler '241; - Feature -*Editor ; --Edward J. K. - MoLorie '4l; As.silitant Managing 'Editor -."lERiyand Bloom "41; 'Women's 'Managing 'Editor—Arita -L. 44 , tifferan '4l; Women's Promotion Manager—Edythe B. - '4l. 'Ativertisinz, Manager—John. IL Thomas '4l ; Circulation anaqer—Robert G. Robinson '4l; - senior Secretary—Ruth 4, Goldstein '4 L ; Senior . Secretary—Le.ilie 'E. Lewis '4l. Zi r ru.l a Co.unsii..lor ariii'llusiilest: Orticri. .313 .01d `Main 'lndg Dial '7ll . Van wring 'Editor 'This ;12:itte J. PoKernpner." tl . ewn Editor ',This Issue _.__ • Ralol3. C. Routpoirg. 4 1 Wome•rl'A ;Editor This Issues _ __ __Jeanne .78. ••Btites "P 42 4.logihornore. *A:isistants __Walter Bei-kov, Berbers. Zukauskas :Wednesday Morning,,December 3,1940 German Strategy Begins.Tothange The EngHA:Picture • Germany, apparently, has found its most effec •twe 'weapon in the war 'with 'England. - in `the -methodical :raids through •which - it is -devastating She industrial midlands ,town by town. .Since those .paralyzing :raids 'began with . the devastation of Coventry 'we':have noted 'the sure ;:igns of :British weakening. 'Because - England •is 'no longer able to build-new , bottoms 'fast enough . 'her .:ea losses have reached - the critical :stage. •The'BritiSli censor, has suddenly •become obnox ious in his flare for blacking out even - the most ohvioug' facts. The British claims are beginning :11..svo..sornething 'of - the clear, empty ring 'that weviously we attributed 'to •Germany in the 'ac counts of 'the air battle. As •Britain fails, our own day of reckoning is drawing nearer. We ,know now what we did not /know at 'the start of this war, 'that -Britain's war :SF-ourwar. ' What has been :said here !before' is bedoming Clearer now as 'Britain's situation turns critical: That, if once we enter this war, we will be sorry we had entered• sooner. 'We will' be. sorry 'thatwe allowed 'Britain - to , drop almost . to 'the . ..bottom' before we'nnoved to - pull her We"will'recbgnize that in waiting we have 'made:our -ownjobiharder. Silence From Thelßoroagh What the borough authorities are thinking about the parking regulations—unless it be ncithing-- -ii; hard to divine 'from 'the •discussion at borough cour_cii.meeting'•Monday•night. •Nothingwas said. Nothing - •was -said. Yet the borough itself :has condemned the ,present,parking -situation because +it -is impossible 'to :get fire engines through the -r.txedts:in..the early-morning hours without serious .1 thazard. Nothing'•was said. Yet - the'borough continues to allow !parking on both •sides of a great many ::tredts in violation *of the law. 'Nothing was said. Yet the borough is tolerating 41 :nuisance that could be 'cleared 'up by simply iy.assing a - - new • statute. People who •have cars must park'them. Unfor tunately, cars won't fold up or evaporate 'when 'they are not wanted.. A ;lot of the TOO student 4 owners 'have mo suitable wrkitig spaces - nearby. - The:same is'true of a lot . Of townspeople. As milt :they have .left 'their cars in 'the streets over inight. 'The borough,• recognizing thetiecessity,•has tolerated the .violations. Now, :however, 'the t! authorities are seekingto clear up the dangers the ituatiorr creates. One of the 'worst aspects of the present safety 'drive ;is that makes possible a• selective crusade ' l ' --:fining'• some '-vibLators't but -not others. 'How' the borough •wotild do 'this, • how it would expe6t'to• see its'victimipay 'off'quietly while' oth ersareiinteritionally•passed Over tis something'Col 4egianvdoes'not" understand. 'hlf it '.were use; serioutness of the `Violation •eitea*dcdfi Persetial like' 6r dislike ;sit the baSislort•the 1 arrests the sittiatientniiiiieb;l6letated were' ien'ot iforenelfat: 'The`vshOlecilfiniiiiininecessary. 7 1t 'tunnecessary becaUse "on one • Side Of the narrower•Streets—Which can' be accornplish eti 'by a borOugh "Ordinance-46dd • , lirimediately Clear'up 'the situation. 'Fire eqines Would'be t left 1 . with Plenty 6.f room. students and townspeople could park their cars without inconvenience, "the cons‘ant throat of fines would be removed from cions•lientious car-owners, and the borough would 'have. an Oil force:ibl , it might e en catch a __C. Russell Eck Downtown 119.-121 South .Fraz i er. St Dial 4372 CAMPUS CALENDAR , TODAY: C4mpus '44 party meets in 405 Old-Main, 7 p.m. - WOmen's rifle club meets in Room 2, White Hall, Mrs. Harriet Nesbitt ,will,speak at the Wednes day_ Reading in Robin / 402, Library, '4:ls.p:rn. PSCA Cn . binel meets in 304 Old.Miin, n Bils - p.m. ' Central' Council 'Meets - at the Lions' Club, Talk, "Tuberculosis and Its Prevention," `Schwab 'Auditorium, 7: P.m. • Druids meet in 418' Old Main, 7:30 p.m. • Independent Party, '43 meets in 318 Old Main, 7:15 p.m. • G..L.:Rishell, chief factory engineer of theHy ',grade'Sylvania Radio Tube Corporation will speak at'the regular meeting. of the Electrical Engineer ing" Society in Room 110,TE 13uildirig,78 p.m. •PSCA - Service ' Cbnirtiittee meets in 304 Old - Main;••8:15;p. m. PSCA Cabin Retreat 'Committee meets in 304 Old Main, 7:30.p.m. 'Second semester fee -deferment ,blanks are now , available 'att - the Bursar's Office. Deadline for ap 'iplication:is January 7. • •Student Artists' tickets on sale at AA win •:daw starting 'at 8 *a. -m• - Tour of .. new astronomical instruments labora 'ctory and leCture-demonstration conducted by -Dr. :Henry Yeagley in Room 103, Physics Building, '7"p• - m. Third:in 'Alpha *Nu'lecture series. 'Candidates .for assistant manager of ski meet in Rec• Hall. 'Cp. in. WrestlingTractide starts in Rec Hall,-4p.m. "TOMORROW: 'Facultyitownspeople Artists' Course tickets on sale at WA window. Grange - meeting inßoom 405,'01d Main, 7 - p.m. College'Senate - meets in'Ttbom 121, Liberal Arts, • • 4 1011 km. :Liberal Arts Student Council meets in 318 Old "Main, '7 :pm. :EDITOR'S NOTE: Cassius, who usually Writes his "Lean and 'Hungry Look" in this --col unin every 'Wednesday, has been confined by ill ness since Thanksgiving. Health .permitting, he will be back nest Wednesday. NIBIKIN6 AT THE NEWS Ralph W. Barnes is the - name.. How :many people have heard or read of that name, and how many who have, remembered or even-particularly - noticed it? Very probablyjew have, - forlhat•name has - appeared .few times, and then in tiny, - light:dace `by=lines.." .Ralph W. Barnes was only one of the many for eign correspondents, who, for the. Past-year or so, have 'been dashing about Avarqom Europe, in the places of greatest activity—=and danger. . That's where . thelbig . stories are. :He . was'one , bf . the men who have` been and are working night and •day,. risking - their lives to ob tain'accurate and • of the war .for American - readers who, upon reading that news, slap • down their • papers - in - disguest . and yip, like -hurt ;puppies, "Why can't they tell us what's • really •going on in Europe?" We use the;past tense in speaking of Mr. Barnes, for he was killed in the crash of a British bomb ing :4)lne Monday. 'After a 10-year, colorful career as :foreign correspondent 'for the New York Herald 'Tribune, 'this American 'reporter went - to :his death as' much :in the line 'of duty as any sol dier. THE DAILY COLLEGIAN ,a".; - .iiiiiniszfista.:tv.smiAz - xzics*smics=vozittsxszss - s;a l tai; • :Christmas -Car - • With Your Name On 301 or $l,OO and u . , tidUirve l- LinesAtit .". , 13- yiloitseloliousetanvassers. • K CathaU,M ' EE ' - „ ." 'Bottled under authority of The Coca-Cola Co. by COCA-COLA, BOTTLING COMPANY -OF ALTOONA -FOR PROMPT SERVICE-IN STATE COLLEGE—CALL 3919 A MUST ON YOUR WEEKEND SCHEDULE •arest 4I a TlME—lriday,Dec. 6-9 lo 12 `p —Armory Costumes t PRICE —:$lAO P er 0,401 e • +lfiSlt-4he 'Campus tbvils - Note ?--Cast' Your Ballot For The Harvest Ball Queen At Student Union. 0 0/ , iii ./, . „.... . , .744 .- ; A. - USIE THAT REFRESIIES WEDNESDAY, DECEMBER 3,- 1944:1 Coca-Cola v,ith:f6OcE is a 'taste everience mil lions welcome. A. natural partner wiEgood ihings'to eat, 'Coca-Cola sends you 'baCk 'to ' 'with that feeling of complete refreihment.