The daily collegian. (University Park, Pa.) 1940-current, December 03, 1940, Image 1

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    Next Collegian
December 4
Hopes Fade For
Orange Bowl Bid
-" The great mystery of the year,
"Who is going -to the Orange
Bowl," is still unravelled as this
is being written and while •Penn
Staters continue to hope for a bid
to the Florida classic, chances for
the invitation to come to State Col
lege grow dimmer and dimmer. -
Unless the wire is on its way
now, Lion followers can cancel all
plans for a Miami wardrobe and
prepare for the usual cold and
windy Pennsylvania New Year's.
• When prospects for a post sea
son tame were killed by the Lions'
stunning upset at the hands of the
Pitt Panthers in the season's finale,
unusual circumstances brought
- State back into the limelight Mon
day as a presbectlve Orange Bowl
participant. Mississippi State had
already been picked by the powers
that be, to be the host team but an
unnamed northern eleven took a
last minute runout powder in
favor of a more lucrative offer.
That left only three possible
opponents for Miss. State: George
town, Lafayette and Penn State,
according to dispatches from the
winter resort. No official "feeler"
had been received by Lion auth
orities since the Pitt defeat. With
the Hoyas slated to battle Santa
`Clara in a Christmas Day clash on
the Pacific Coast, hopes again
burned bright for the Lions as the
Leopards' weak schedule made it
easy for biased observers to elim
inate them from, consideration.
But, the wheels of fortune spun
again and left State holding the
bag. The Georgetown-Santa Clat'a
fracas fell through yesterday and
the capital city eleven is now very
mucK the — rtinnine:for the
Orange Bowl' invitation, having
only a 19-18 setback by powerful
Boston Ccillege against them.
Boro May Suspend
Use Of Meters
State College drivers may get a
pre-Christmas gift if a plan to dis
continue operation of parking
meters from December 11 through
ChriSrmas Day goes through.
The idea was suggested by
Charles Schlow, representing a
number of businessmen, at the
regular meeting of the borough
council Monday night. Mr. Schlow
pointed out that the meters are
detrimental to business during the
Christmas shopping season when
shoppers usually spend -more than
the one hour permitted by the
meters, searching for Christmas
Members of the council were all
favorable to the plan. Mr. Schlow
was asked to contact the business
men and get some sort of printed
covers for rthe meter heads. Coun
cilman 'H. L. Stuart, chairman of
the police committee, will contact
Burgess Wilbur F. Leitzell on the
plan. Details will be completed in
the near future.
Cut Fine Exemptions
Due Saturday Noon
- Deadline focstudent exemption
petitions from the $5 cut fine as
tikinient will be Saturday noon
"and,hot last Saturday,,as previous
ly: stated . in the Daily Collegian,
A . .' R. Warnock, dean of men, las
The Senate 'committee composed
Of Warnock, Charlotte E. Ray, dean
of women; Russell E. Clark, Col
lege bursar; and• Dr. Joseph P. Rit
enour, head of the College Health
`,.S6rvice, will meet next Money to
- consider 'written applications.\ .
_ •
, .
1 \
a : • -r i r 'EI a t 11.
Fair And
' Continued Cold.
Banker To Speak
Charles F. Zimmerman, secre
tary of the Pennsylvania Banking
Association and president of the
First National Blnk of Hunting
don, shown above, will speak to
Liberal Arts students on "Federal
Solvency and Democracy" as the
second ,in a 'lecture series spon
sored by Delta Sigma Pi, profes
sional Commerce and Finance fra
ternity. in Room 121 Liberal. Arts
Building at 4 p.m-today.
Tuberculosis Talk
Slated For ionjght
"Tuberculosis and Its Preven
tion," second in the series of fiVe
disease prevention talks sponsored
by 16 campus and town groups,
will be discussed by Dr. Charles R.
Reynolds, Major-General, U. S. A.
,and . _dirctor of,
_the . , Pdnn:
al-Wall-la :Bureau of Tuberculosis
Control, in connection with the
Christmas Seal drive in Schwab
Auditorium_at 8 p.m. today.
Following , th'e informal talk
also . describing work of the bur
eau, a motion picture "Tubercu
losis, Its_Diagnosis, Treatment, and
Control" prepared by and for the
State health department will be
An officer of the French Legion
of Honor, Dr. Reynolds received
an honorary degree of science
from Dickinson Americari Medical
Association,' is an honorary fellow
of the American Medical Associ
ation, fellow of the American Col
lege of Physicians, an honorary
member of the Academy of Medi
cine of Washington, past presid
ent of the Association of Mili t kary
Surgeons of the United States
Surgeons, and president of the In
ternational Congress of Military
Medicine 'and Pharmacy.
'lnformation Please' Quiz
An "Information - Please" pro
gram, similar to the one held last
year, will •be sponsored by Alpha
Lambda Delta, freshman women's
scholastic honorary, on January
12, Hazel. E. Gassman '42, presi
dent, has announced.
Student Tickets On Sale
For Artists' Series Seats
Student season tickets for the
Artists' Course - Berieg will be on
sale at the A.A. windows in Old
Alain from 8 a.m. to noon today
and %Irani 1:304).m. to 540. M. if
seats are still, available.
Faculty tickets' be: sold
tomorrow and stUdents 'purchas
ing seats for townspeople and
faculty* must present written
proxies bearing the signature of
the person for whom the ticket
is intended.
Only three tickets will be sold
to•each applicant. ,
111111111111111111111111111111111111111111M1111111U1111111111 111 1 11 1
Weekend Includes
Play, Harvest Ball
The, coming weekend will in
clude two of the ranking events of
the fall social season—" Family
Portrait," a Players show, Friday
and Saturday, and the annual Har
vest Ball, Friday night.
Betty H. Christman '44. and
Margaret K. Sherman '43 were an
nounced last night as candidates
'for Harvest Ball Queen. Final
choice of the Queen will be made
by student ballot. Voting started
yesterday at Student Union and
will continue until Friday.
As publicity for the dance all
Ag students will wear overalls on
the campus today and tomorrow,
Thomas C. Backenstose '4l, dance
chairman, said. He stressed the
fact. that Harvest Ball will be a
costume dance as in previous
years. The dance will 'be in •the
Armory from 9 to 12 p.m.
The Players show will violate a
custom of many years standing—
not having a play in December.
The reason for this, according to
Director Frank S. Neusbaum, is
that "Family Portrait" ties in per
fectly with the spirit of Christmas.
The play is a picture of Jesus as
seen through the eyes of His fam
ily and friends. Jesus, Himself, is
not represented on the stage.
'Mrs. Lucetta Kennedy is starred
in the production as Mary, the
Mother of Jesus. Mary Magdalen,
the other leading part, is played by
Aimee L. Sobbott '42.
"Family Portrait" first appeared
in: New York during the 1938-39
season and was selected as one of
the 10 best plays of the season.
The play will 'be held in Schwab
Auditorium and will start at 8:30
pm both days. Tickets are priced
at 50 cents each and are on sale
at Student Union. All seats are re
College Places
At International
Establishing a new record in
collegiate show history, the Col
lege won the grand champion
award for pen of three Southdown
wether lambs for the third consec
utive year in the final judging at
the International Livestock Expo
sition held at Chicago Monday.
In the individual class the Col
lege took reserve grand champion
award on Southdown wether lamb
which was champion of the breed.
Individual sheep took first, fourth,
and fifth places on Southdowns,
fifth place on ShrOpshires, ninth
place on Hampshires, and third
place on Cheviots.
The pens of three wether lambs
took first place on Southdowns
and third place on Cheviots.
Two Minute Talking
Rule Off For Freshmen
"Since dating customs are off
for freshmen, the two minute talk
ing on campus is also off, but cus
toms muse be worn at all times
while dating," it was announced
last night •by the head of Tribunal,
W. Lewis Corbin, '4l.
"I'm No Fifth Columnist," de
clares Charlie Baish on the sign
Tribunal gave him last night. One
Would have his doubts, however.
when Charles is seen goose-step
ping • about the campus wearing
steel helmet, army belt, and a
Hitler-like moustache.
• The other freshmen found guilty
at last night's meeting and who
will be wearing customs this week
are: Richard Risteen, Charles Ka
veney. Milton Kodroff, Samuel
Harry, Walter Gerson, and Ted
Rothbauer. ,
..• .
Little Progress Reported
In Fraternity Robberies
Wagner Elected IF( Head
H. Edward Wagner '4l, presid
ent of the local Interfraternity
Council was elected chairman of
the' Eastern Undergraduate IFC at
its conference Friday arid Satur
day in New York. The conference
was held in conjunction with the
National Graduate Conference. Be
fore these two groups, which made
up the largest gathering of college
fraternity men in history, Wendell
L. Willkie, guest speaker, pleaded
for assistance in a campaign
against the use of personal vilifica
tion so that the country's ablest
and best men would aspire to na
tional leadership. .
Cabinet To Study
Chapel Fund Use
All-College Cabinet decided at
its meeting last night to investi
gate the use of chapel collections
with -a view to diverting part of
the funds into other channels—
specifically British war relief or
Mrs. Hetzel's Emergency Fund.
The proposal was broached by
Richard M. Geissinger '4l who
suggested that one collection each
month be given to a war relief
fund instead of to Penn State in
To further the investigation
Arnold C. Laich '4l, All-College
president, named a committee of
H. Edward Wagner '4l, chairman,
A. John Currier, Jr. '42, and Geis
Acting on a report that student
drivers have been continually
breaking traffic regulations when
parking near Frances Atherton
Hall, particularly on Friday and
Saturday nights, Laich appointed
a Traffic Safety Committee to act
on violations. Under a tentative
plan a campus patrolman will be
stationed near Atherton Hall to
apprehend and report violators to
the committee.
February 21, 22 and 23 were set
as the dates for the convention of
the Pennsylvania Student Govern
ment Association which will be
held on the campus _ under an
agreement made last year at the
first meeting.
An eight-page' Collegian
Christmas supplement designed
to help Collegian readers in de
ciding. their gift problems will
be issued as part of Friday's
Collegian. This
. _special section
will include a :number of spe
cial Chrietmas articles and gift
check lists, prepared with the
cooperation of State College
111111111111111i11111111111111111111111111111111111111111111 111111111111
$390 Stolen From Three
Houses Monday Morning
Little .or no progress has been
made toward apprehending the
person or persons who stole $390
from Pi Kappa Alpha, Tau Kappa
Epsilon, and Kappa Dblta (Rho
early . Monday morning, Police
Chief -John R. Juba admitted late
It has been established that the
robberie . s occured between 3 and
5 p.m. Monday. Pi Kappa Alpha
men lost $240; Tau Kappa Epsilon,
$100; and Kappa Delta Rho, $5O.
Only cash was taken, and change
was stolen in one case only.
The three houses robbed all use
the dormitory system in which the
men sleep in separate rooms from
their study rooms.
Juba pointed out that such cases
are extremely difficult to solve
unless the culprit is caught in the
act, since money is easily disposed
of. The only tangible evidence in
the case is some fragmentary fin
gerprints which have been sent
to the federal technical labora
tory in Washington, D. C.
Juba intimated that several
persons are privately suspected,
but incomplete evidence has per
mitted no conclusive suspicions.
Unless other fraternities heed
this example, Juba warned, they
may become victims also. He ad
vised keeping money in a safe
place and locking fraternity house
doors, as well as private homes.
Similar fraternity r obb e r i e s
have not been uncommon in the
past, Juba pointed out, and, unless
the fraternities take the necessary
precautions, could be repeated.
Late News
Washington—The 'United States
started the construction yesterday
of 65 ships for Great Britain. The
ships are needed by the English
government to compensate for the
number that are now fighting in
the Mediterranean. The Depart
ment of Commerce said yesterday
that England has already received
1044 airplanes although the Eng
lish war ministry says they have
received double this amount. Brit
ain will receive from 400 to 500
planes a month by next summer.
London The English war min
istry announced last night the sign
ing of a pact with Spain yesterday
by which their commercial status
with Spain will be improved. Eng
land will regulate the imports to
Spain to make positive that no
shipments of goods will be for
warded to the Axis powers.
Athens —As w te r swept
through the Greek mountains the
Italian charges were forced to
cease military operations with
their mechanized units. The fight
ing in Greece yesterday, therefore,
was mainly bayonet warfare and
the Greeks continued their ad
vance into Albania. Communiques
last night told of Greek' victories
along-their entire fighting line as
they pushed past Pogradetz toward
Elbasini. It was reported that they
advanced to the port of Valona.
Washington President Roose
velt departed yesterday on the ship
Tuscaloosa. He would not disclose
the purpose •for • their voyage or his
destination as he stated he was go
ing to the Christmas Islands to buy
Christmas cards and to the Easter
Islands to buy Easter cards, He
added that the trip was positively
a business trip, howenr.