PAGE EIGHT Soph i op Slips Back into Groove With Total Deficit 01$R9Orni Students Won't Volunteer In War AUSTIN, Texas, Nov. 21---Col lege students. exempted from the draft at least until next June and told by President Roosevelt that they are more useful in the class room than in the 'army, face today a world plagued with ever-spread ing war. With the election over, increased aid to Britain appears certain, and whether from circumstances or from blundering, the possibility exists of armed conflict against the axis powers. If war were de clared, how many men now in college Would volunteer, how many would wait until called? That was the question scores of interviewers for Student Opin ion Surveys of America presented to a cross section representing the 'tqt ......„., a tif R N N r' 1 N N N N N ri N Kf N N N N iN Yes, it's time once more to go through that annual ordeal of Christ mas shopping. Shopping need not be such a task . . . there's no need to rush from store to store at the last minute to pick up a few much handled, left over gifts. By, starting your shopping early you can choose from a wider assortment of gifts, and you avoid that late rush. This year why not ease your mind of the worry over Christmas gifts by getting them off your mind early. You'll find,your Christmas va cation much more pleasant and your friends and family really pleased with their gifts. In State College you'll ideal spot for shopping. All the stores are within easy walking distance of the center of town. You'll 'find that they carry the highest quality merchandise and that it will cost you no more than in the big city stores. All the merchants are willing to help you make the wisest choice in your selection of gifts. The State College stores are co-operating with The Daily Collegian in put ting out a special Christmas gift supplement in the Friday, December 6th issue. Be sure to watch for it. You'll find it of great assistance in choosing your gifts. LBUY YOUR GIFTS IN STATE COLLEGE[mmn:l!=i entire male enrollment of U. S. colleges and universities_ Nearly one-fourth of the men are ready now to join the army in case of war. The rest, a majority of 76.5 per cent, say they would wait un til drafted. These national weekly polls of college thought are sponsored by 150 campus newspapers, The Daily Collegian among them. Personal interviewing is the meth od used in gathering opinions from a proportionate sample that contains correct ratios of men and women, lowerclassmen and upper classthen, and all types of col- . leges, distributed over six geo graphical sections of the country. This was the question used: "If the/U. S. went to war against Ger- The Little It id Gentleman Wants To Help You Make Your Christmas Shopping Easy State College Stores Offer High Quality Gifts At Low Prices SANTA SAYS:- ye*, at. ~(7';4-TE CO.24EL- THE DAILY COLLEGIAN many. Italy, or Japan, would you leave school and volunteer or wait until your turn came in the draft?" These . were the returns, section by section: Men only: Vol. Wait New England 36% 64% Middle Atlantic ....20 80 East Central .. . ....21 79 West Central 16 84 South 28 72 Far West 23 72 All Men Students ..23.5 76.5 One year ago last month Stu dent Opinion Surveys found 42 percent declared they would vol unteer if "England and France were in danger of defeat and the U. S. declared war on their ene mies." -BEAT PITT 405 Couples Paid To Hear Chester Sliding back into line to com ply with the tradition of former years after last year's $l3OO pro fit spree, last Friday night's Soph Hop recorded a loss of $298.91, according to a statement released yesterday by co-chairmen Eu gene R. Yeager '43 and William P. MacFadden '43. However, the loss this year was not as great as that of 1938 which was $901.96, and can be explained Partly by the bad weather and the influence of preceding big weekends. 41. A total of 405 paid admissions repreknts the largest amount of income— Booth rental amounted to $145, -and $132.50 was collected from checking. To tal income added up to $1862.30. The orchestra expenditure of sl,qoo represents the greatest amount of expenses. Decorations cost $350, $25 more than last years decoration bill. A total of $2161.21 for expenditures was reached, as compared with the $2687.44 debit total for last year. Complimentaries issued this year numbered 73, an increase of three over 1939's record of 70. The tentative statement: Income: Admissions, $1417.50; tax on admissions, $167.30; booth rental, $145; checking, $132.50. Total income, $1862.30. Expenditures: Music, $1000; decorations, $350; programs, $115.75; tax on admis sions, $167.30; advertising, $114.75; .compensations, $100; checking labor, $57.50; telephone and tele graph, $5; labor, $137.50; ticket printing, $23.66; piano rental and tuning, $l5; miscellaneous, $74.75. Total expenditures, $2161.21. Es timated net loss, $298.91. Lecture Is (hanged The senior engineering lecture scheduled for November 22 has been postponed and H. K. Breck enridge will lecture at a later date to be announced. There will there fore be no lecture on Friday. The next meeting of the class will be on December 6 when representa tives of the General Electric Com pany staff will present "The Job Interview." gZeturii On.gagement • THE CLEVELAND SYMPHONY OR CHESTRA will play one of those return engagements which it regards as the best testimonial to its artistry. - • In 22 years, the orchestra has played 856 - • concerts in 25 states, Canada and Cuba: Those of you who heard the Cleveland Orchestra last year enjoyed its thrilling performance and those of you that did not attend should by all means hear it on this year's • THE PENNSYLVANIA STATE COLLEGE *. " 4 • FRIDAY, NOVEMBER 22, .1.940 • Marital Advisor Dr. Paul Popenoe, who spoke in Schwab Auditorium last night on "How To Make A Successful 3,11ar..;' riage."" Happy Marriage Needs Coopeialion "Cooperation is the greateit factor in .the establishment of a successful marriage," declared Dr. Paul Popenoe, nationally known marital adviser, in an address be— fore 500 students and faculty members in Schwab 'Auditorium I - last night.. Dr. Popenoe pointed out that a balance betwen three forces or factors must be obtained before 'a successful marriage can be ob tained. These requirements 'are a sincere . and - -cooperative attitude toward marriage, possesion of technical information, and the' , ' conviction-that the opposite sex is not a natural 'rival. "Newspapers are also contribut ing to unwholesome attitudes," re vealed the noted marirage prob lem consultant. They use seven column headlines to cry out that prominent people are not- getting along with each other. They never print anything about the millions of happy marriages. •