The daily collegian. (University Park, Pa.) 1940-current, November 22, 1940, Image 2

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"For A Better Penn State"
Established 1940. Successor to the Penn State Collegian,
establishei 1904. and the Free Lance. established 1837.
Published daily except Sunday and Monday • during the
reumlar College year by the students of The Pennsylvania
State College, Entered as second-class matter July 5. 1934.
at the post-o__ce at State College. Pa.. under the act of
March 3. 1879. '
Editor Business Manager
Adam A. Smyser '4l Lawrence S. Driever '4l
Women's Editor--Vera L. Kemp '4l ; Managing Editor
—Robert H. Lane '4l Sports Editor—Richard C. Peters
'4l ; News Editor--William E. Fowler '4l ; Feature Editor
—Edward J. K. McLorie '4l: Assistant Managing Editor- -
Bayard Bloom '4l: Women's Managing Editor—Arita L.
nefferan '4l : Women's FromotiOn Manager—Edythe
Rickel '4l.
Advertising Manager--John If. Thomas '4l: Circulation
Manager—Robert G. Robinson '4l ; Senior Secretary—Ruth
Goldstein '4l; Senior Secretary—Leslie H. Lewis '4l,
Junior Editorial Board—John A. Baer '42. B. Helen
Gordon '42. Ross B. Lehman '42. William J. McKnight '42.
Alice M. Murray '42,
Pat Nagelberz '42. Stanley J. PoKemp
nor '42, Jeanne C. Stiles '42.
Junior Business Board—Thomas W. Allison '42. Paul
M. Goldberg '42, James E. McCaughey '42. Margaret L. Em
bury '42. Virginia Ogden '42. Fay E. Rees '42.
Graduate Counselor
EiMorin] and Business Office
313 Old Main Bldg.
Dial 711
Managing Editor This Issue __William 1. McKnight ''42
News Editor This Issue Ralph C. Routsong, Jr. '4l
Women's Issue Editor __ _ . __Alice M. Murray '42
Sophomore Assistants _. Sam. L. Stroh. Richard S. Stebbins
Friday Morning, November 22, 1940
Which Way Is The Borough
Government Headed?
Which way is the borough headed?
Keep your eye on it and you still won't be sure.
Like Janus, the two-faced Roman, the borough
agents of law and authority are headed two direc
tions at the same time.
This being 1940, we will call the one face
`Putsch" and the other "Appeasement."
"Putsch" came out last fall with the announce
ment that all-night parking on the borough streets
was creating a fire hazard because it would block
the engines if they were to answer a call in the
wee hours.
"Putsch" continued with the announcement that
the statute against all-night parking would be en
forced in order to remove this fire hazard. Then
"Putsch" set about the task of enforcement and
on one bleak night ticketed 400 violators.
Here "Appeasement" took over and let the vio
lators off with simple warning since it was a first
"Putsch" and "Peas" got together somewhat
later and agreed it was best that the citizens be
not unnecessarily burdened because, after all, lo
cal government is supposedly for the best interest
of its citizens.
They agreed that the penalty against all-night
parking was a hardship in some sections, particu
larly the fraternity area, where other parking fa
cilities were either inadequate or unsuitable.
The fire hazard, however, was as great,as it had
been and neither "Putsch" nor "Peas" felt unre
stricted all night parking should be allowed. Nor
was "Putsch" up to the task of doling out 400
tickets every night.
Some bright gentleman, working for both
"Putsch" and "Peas" suggested that parking on
one side of thestreet only would be satisfactory
and would keep the streets clear for the fire en
Th borough council, however, with inescapable
logic decided against this plan, left on the books
the statute against all night parking, rejected the
one side of the street parking, and apparently left
the fire hazard as great as ever.
Which makes everything lovely. Students and
townspeople who find it hard to park their cars
anywhere but on the streets now do so only at the
grace of "Putsch" and the borough council. It's
not a nice feeling to wake up every morning and
have to throw a hasty gtance• . out of the window to
see whether Old Faithftil has been ticketed Sp
ecially when it really is not necessary.
The Hat Sociefy Council
A neat little idea that somebody should' have
thought of before is the Hat Society Council. It
hasn't had its system of emergency notification
tested yet, but—barring busy-buzzes--it should be
ble to get most of the hat men at any desired spot
in about 15 minutes.
Through a chain letter system of telephone calls
beginning with Tommy Backenstose, president of
the Council, (Phone 4091), the hat men can all be
notified quickly. Backenstose calls the four other
hat society presidents, who call key men in.their
societies, and the system is carried down.until all
are contacted.
The organization, which formed itself this
month, hasn't had a test yet but is planning a Pov
erty Ball next month a something of an extra
curricular activiy. More power to U.
_C. Rus...ell
Downtown Office
11.9-121 South Frazier St
Dial 4372
Hi diddle dee dee
We're off to Pitt to see
A great Penn State victory.
We're gonna have Triads of fun—
And maybe conie home damn numb!
Hi diddle dee dee
Life's hell—but what a spree!
And Away We Go
Some will go by train, others will journey by
bus, and even more will make the last football
trek of the season by thumb. And when the cur
tain unfolds tomorrow at Pitt Stadium for the
gridiron finale, you'll find a happy-go-lucky con
tingent of State rooters on hand cheering the Nit
tany Lions on to victory (Hip-Hip). Penn State
has its weekends and students come and go, but
that ain't all. It's the Smokey city this time with
smoker, dance, Blue Band, game and everything
else in between. Eve . ryone Will be in a fog.
Smokey City-Penn State fog. What a combination!
We Told You Se
If you roll, fall, or bump into some of these guys
and gals, don't say we didn't tell you they'd be
there. Take a deep breath and here goes. Bill
.Christman, Bill CrawfOrd, Sam Chase, Jack Dodd,
Ted Clauss, George-Schenkeirr, Dick Blake, 3.s!qltei
Kennedy, Pat Nagelberg, Bob Clark, Dan Thomas,
Don Hart, Lowell Meeker, Bob Spurck, Nancy
Hutchinson, Beattie Mensch, Bob Gehres, Jane
Fulton, Bob Brooks, Peg Gies, Tommy Allison,
Louie Bull (no kiddin'), Alice Murray and Jeanne
Stiles (the gals that travel more than any Nittany
athletic squad), Lawton Snyder, Lou Corbin, Bill
Bartholomew, Doris Disney, Vera Kemp, Bob Mat
tern, Carolyn Erb, Oodey Beitsch, and Evon
son. Okay, you can relax now.
Oh You Do, DO You?
At a Cabinet meeting recently, Margie Harwick
was telling the male body why men couldn't use
the White Hall swimming pool.
"For one thing," she said, "women are using it
all the time."
"And what's more," she added. "we have figures
to prove it."
Short, Sweet, But Sour --
NYII fellow's girl friend at the game: "Are those
movie men on top of the grandstands there to take
pictures of us?"
And a wise man said: "Those damn high socks
They take all the joy out of legs."
Here And There At Large
Ever since we started college we've been trying
to figure out Why the Cornerroom is "unusual."
We've finally hit upon an answer. At the Corner,
room, it's Unusual to order anything but a coke . .
This week's orchids go to Ridge Riley and Lou
Bell for the excellent treatment they accorded the
visiting N.Y.C. newspapermen last weekend.
. _
- -
Buses will leave Central Parking Area on
Campus back of Chemistry Building at
12 - :"45 o'clock, Wednesday, Nov. 27th, bound
PHILADELPHIA and Intermediate' Points
In order to be guaranteed a seat on any of
the special buses, it will be necessary to
purchase Your ticket between 8 a. m. Fri
day, Nov. 22nd and 9 p. m. Tuesday, Nov.
26th. Tickets may be purchased at the Bus
Depot, lo s bby of State College Hotel.
Letters to the Editor—=
Reader Reports
'On Movie Patriotism
To the Editor
I want to ask just one question
and that !s, "Who do Penn State
students think tney are?".. I don't
think they know themselves.
In the movie last night, toward
the end of "Ramparts We Watch,"
the national anthem was played
completely through and what hap
pened in the audience? Here's
what. Across the aisle a girl
stood up, as she should, only to
be pulled down by a girl too self
conscious, to be patriotic. Several
stood up but sat dowri because
those in back were sitting and
couldn't see and still a few others
like myself sat nearly a third of
the way through befdre we .had
gotten up enough courage to stand
du'ring our national anthem.
All in all, about cne out of 10
or 15 stood at' all during the whole
song. The spectacle is not only a
disgrace for the students individ
ually but
the whole College
where it is expected that students
should be taught patriotism. We
all stand during our Altna Mater
but sit during the anthem that
stands for the country which gives
us thec6hance to go to a free
college' like ours.
America doesn't need people of
this sort.
Sincerely, -
John Brandt Jr. '4l
A Plea Is Entered .
For A Radio. Station
To the Editor
This is not written as a personal
plea for recognition; neither is it
written as a
. means for personal
reward. However, this is written
in an endeavor to bring to light
the reason behind our attempts to
start a radio station at the Penn
sylvania State College.
Since My freslunan year, I have
noticed many things that were
wrong tivith the Collegian; how,.
ever, one good thing I especially
noticed was 'that the Collegian
has always printed both sides of
evew story and was fair to all
parties concerned.,However, in re
gards to the proposed radio•station,
you have failed in your duty to
the school.
Mr. Editor,. the Collegian has
always been in favor of a better
Penn State, and since the begin
ning of our venture, this has been
uppermost in- our minds. Just as
it has been proved that :there is
need for a daily paper at' Penn
.State, cso is there a necessity for
a College radio station.
Are the students in favor of
College radio station? OUr survey
has shown us that an overwhelm
ing majority of students are anx
ious, not only to have a station,
but also to act as counterparts of
thiS:station. What more proof of
the advisability of a station is ne
Mr. Editor; I sincerely ask you
to weigh the points pro and con;
I ask you to remember that the
experiment has been tried at var
ious schools 'in the country, and
has been successful at Brown, Har
vard and Williams among many
others. Please remember that Penn
State is in our opinion the equal of
any of
. these_eolleges.
In conclusion, may we hope for
_ .
Hundreds of - Books .On Sale At
Redueed Prices. Select Than
Norc FOr Christmas Gifts
- i'RIDAY;NOitEMBE4 . 1940 - ' ;
'Deba l te at Foundation,
7:30 p.
.The Art Group will meet in
Room 318 Old Main, 700 p.m.
Municipal finance committee will
meet in the first floor lounge of
Old Main at 8 D.M.
Ski Club meeting in Room 318
Old Main at 7:30 p.m. Pictures of
State -meets will be shown. •
Candidates for frosh and var
sity boxing report to Ret Hall. - -
The Senior engineering lecture,
scheduled for today, has been in
definitely postponed.
Finance Confab, conducted by -
the Extension Services and the
Institute of Local Government at
Penn State, convenes with lunch
eon in the Sandwich Shop at 12:30
p. m.
Varsity. soccer game with Tem
ple on New Beiver Field at 2 P.
in. "An amplifying system will be
used to explain the play.
The '44 Campus Party will meet
-in Room 418 Old Main, 7:30 p.m.
'43 Campus meets in Room 413
Old Main, 7:30 p.m.
PSCA Freshman Council Pro
gram Committee meets in Rooth.
304 Old Wain, 7:30 p.m.
All student panel forum on
"Unionism." A. F. of L. vs. C. I. 0.
will be held in Room 304 Old •Main
at 7:30 p.m.
The last in a series of - Freshmen
orientation meetings will be held
in Schwab Auditorium, 7 p.m.
Special Vacation Buses
Have Seat Reservations
The Greyhound BUS Line will
provide buses with - seat reserva
tions for the Thanksgiving vaca
tion. The ; buses will- leave the
central parking . area on campus
back of the Chemistry building
at 12:45 p. m., Wednesday 27. The
buses will leave for Greensburg,
Harrisburg, Scranton, Wilkes-
Barre, JohnstoWri," New York,
Pittsburgh, Philadelphia, and in
termediate pointS.
greater and closer harmony be
tween our organizations; we are
but minor parts of that place en
deared- in our hearts, which is
known as Penn State. Let us re
member that the chain is only as
strong as its weakest link.
Yours for a better•Peiin State,
Norman - A. Shandelman '43
Editor's Note:—We are still for
a better Penn State, Mr. Shandel
man. Are . yOu aware that, although
a daily paper was a necessity at
Penn State more than ten years
ago, the idea had to be - postponed"
until it could be shown that the
project could be successfully oper
ated? Even this year, the Daily
Collegian is operating in an exper
imental stage. Do you, Mr. Shan
delman, have facts and figures
available- from all college broad
casting stations showing their op
erating budgets, subsidies, means
of obtaining program . material,
etc.? Let's be sure of our struc
tures in building thiS better Penn
. ,