PAGE FOum ncore /\ en' Or 'Cram _Artist', You Must Know The Language There may be what is known as an intercollegiate language which links one school to another, but just be stranded on an alien cam pus some day and you'll find your self trying to translate net words that simply won't jibe. If the Dean called you in his of fice to say you were "getting ;3tabbed" (Wesleyan U.) or "catch ing a blippy" (Duke), you'd prob ably realize you were "getting the cob" (lowa State) and would have to do an "encore" (Ohio State). but would walk out moaning, "Geez, I 'flunked out!"' If you're on the other end of the curve, they're apt to call you a "cram artist" at Duke and a "DAR" at U. of California. Georgia, Tech terms him the "three point five man." but we know him as Education Problems Disscussed At Parley Problems of education were discussed at the conference of the Child Study Association of Am erica last week, according to Mrs. Marion S. McDowell, associate professor of home economics, who returned from the conference in New York Sunday. A. psychological experiment among children from 10 to 12 years old was described by Dr. Goodwin Watson, professor of psychology at Columbia Univer sity, and Dr. Howard Y. McClusky, associate director of the American Youth Commission spoke. 'Nixed kiting Saturday Mixed roller skating. sponsored !by the WRA Outing Club, will hold the spotlight in the Armory from 7 to 10 p.m. Saturday. at 25 cents per couple. GILASSIFIEID SECTION trYPEWRITERS—AII rn akes ex- pertly repaired. Portable and office machinA for sale or rent. Dial 2342, Harry F. Mann, 127 W. Beaver avenue. Iyr-CRE-ch !LUST—Small tan puppy, black nose, mascot of P•hi Kappa Tau ;fraternity. Last seen 'T ues d a y morning. No identification tag. 3 tch 11 -258 BOYS INTERESTED in making extra money for an hour's eve ning work. Report to Star Hall, 217 E. Foster at 8:30 Thursday nite. ltpdll-21E LEGAL. PAPERS ACKNOWLEDGED Eugene H. Lederer )14 E. Beaver Ave. Dial 4066 Do You Look Your Best SMART SHOP By RUTH GERBER '43 the estimable Phi Bete. We "polish the apple" here for the "heat gods" (Ohio State's profs) while of Ohio Wesleyan they cover it all by doing a neat "quill" job. And, when we're ac cused of "sleeping in," at Ben nington it's.merely a case of "tak ing a pad." Your stiff courses are "lulus" at Duke and exams are "board fights" at West Point. If they're too tough, you'll probably have to Ferdinand (throwing the bull at U. of West Virginia.) In case you want to call a coed by some other name, you might note that to the men at Illinois they're "O.K. Judys." Chicago U. is rather liberal with "dollies," but cynical Duke names them "sex traps." /111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111 1 Ellen H. Richards Tea Set for 4 P.M. Today Ellen H. Richards Club will hold its first student-faculty tea in the lobby of the Home Eco nomics Building from 4 to 5 p.m. today. The committee includes: Vir ginia Ogden '42, chairman: Mar tha E. Powers '42, refreshments; Marion M. Eberts '42. invita tions; and Jean E. Clark '42, publicity. 11111111111111111f11111111111MMUIIIMUUMIIIIIIIMIIIIIMIll 'Refs' Will Be Tested Candidates for official rating in basketball, who will take a pre liminary examination in White Hall at 4 p.m. today from Mildred A. Lucey, instructor of physical education, include: Dorothy M. Pearse '4l, Mary Ann Succop '4l, Betty E. Widger '42, Helen L. Woodcock '42, Jane E. Burke '43, Mary V. Devling '43, Ann .T. Drivas '43, Sara J. Jackson '43, Doris J. Laderer '43, Odette M. Scrivanich '43, Marilyn R. ThOmp son '43. and Lila A. Whoolery '43. Forum Beds Van Riper PSCA Freshman Forum elected Harriett G. Van Riper, president; Dorothy K. Brunner, vice-presi dent; Margaret K. Ramaley, secre tary; and Dorothy" Jane Jennings, treasurer. Elections were held in the Hugh Beaver room at 7 p: Tuesday. Officers will be install : - ed in the Hugh Beaver room at 7 p. in. December 3. CATHAUM "Moon Over Burma" Plus March of Time "Mexico" STATE "Rangers of Fortune" NITTANY "Down Argentine Way" Classroom! Look as well during class hours as you do on a date—it's just as important. A complete line of sportswear may be found at the new State College Smart Shop. Come in and see our wide. selection. 123 S. ALLEN STREET Ail The Movies In The THE DAILY COLLEGIAN With Other Women, Coed Football Brings Fan Mail From East Drawing every big-time news gathering organization in the coun try, Pi Beta Phi and Tri Delta, sor orities at University of South Caro lina, held the first coed football game in the nation. As a result of all this publicity the women now are being swamped with fan mail from all over the East. Texas University redheads are united. Rho Eta Delta, their sOr ority, recently sponsored a drive for the IVlaple Leaf Fund, an or ganization to aid Britain's home less war refugees. Other socially-minded coeds -at Texas have formed a secret service organization called Pzathx. These G-women help with Various drives and projects, keeping their good deeds a secret. OM= A West Virginia coed, Elizabeth Bailey '4l, was the first woman student to solo in this year's CAA course, when she made her flight two weeks ago. A "smelly" issue of The Owl, Temple magazine, was published this month. Perfumed pages and articles for men and women on perfume , created the aroma. The women were told how to be "EXTRA-tantalizing" by using the correct perfume, and the men were informed of the type girl each scent suits. 13M3M3 Waynesburg College coeds are refugees from an air raid—a cold air raid. The coeds are being cared for in private homes and sorority. houses while the furnace in their dormitory, Walton Hall, is being replaced. EMI= California coeds sponsor a social usage forum where guests answer coeds' queries on what to wear and how to act. 11=M2 University . of South Carolina takes stock of its coeds and finds that the average woman on its campus weighs 121 pounds with her clothing on. She has six pairs of shoes while she prefers socks to stockings. The blonds in general weigh less than the brunettes, but very few girls willingly reduce. Tlie Women's League of Kent State University sponsored an "In augural. Tea" in keeping with the patriotic furvor that is apparent on so many campuses. Swim Club Meets Monday WRA Swimming Club will hold its business meeting in White Hall at 7:30 p.m. on the second Thurs day of each month instead of weekly, Louise B. Clark '4l, presi dent, announced last night. Weekly program for the club, consisting of practice,' instruction, and games,• will be posted on the pool's bull etin board. Alumna Georgia W. Owen '4O, now a -student dean at Ohio State University, returned yesterday to visit the Delta Gammas until Sat urday. RIDES Wanted and in# Offered insertions for this column cost 10 cents and must be received at the Col legian Office by 3 p. in. the day pre ceding publication. Only the essential facts, destination, time of departure, and name of student will be used. Code: R.W.—Ride wanted. P.W.—Passenger wanted. L—Leave; C—Call. PW—Philadelphia, L—Friday, 3 p.m., C—Gene, 4062. PW--Pittsburgh, L—Friday af ternoon, C—Orkin, 2481.; PW—(3) Gettysburg, L—Friday, 5 p.m., C—Harris, 2381. 'RW—Phila., L—Wednesday af ter 11 a.m., C—Rm 203 Watts Hall. RW—Wilkes-Barre, L—Wednes day after 10 a.m., C—Jenkins, 711. RW—Seranton, Wednesday Afternoon, C—Ed, 2907. - RW—(2) Phila.,. L--Wov. 26, 3 p.m., C—Kinney, 2911. RW—Erie, L—Wednesday noon, C—Deibert, 2593. RW—(2) Pittsburgh, L—Satur- inside Story About Mac Hall Meals By EMILY-L. FUNK '43 Behind Mac Hall's dining doors is a staff of almost a hundred men who prepare and serve meals. In the office are Miss Ida M. Parent and Miss M. Elizabeth Latham whd plan menus and buy food. Reigning supreme behind the kitchen steam table is the chef; his talented hands, 12 years of Mac Hall ex perience, and a capable staff en able him to prepare food for al most 500 women. Helping him are an assistant chef, salad man, kit chen man, and general man who replaces other employees. Desserts are prepared by the baker and his assistant. Food preparation begins early in the morning and ends at dinner with, the help of 60 College men. Waiters line up before the steam table and take platters of ,meat and vegetables to each tables. Sec onds, beverages, and desserts re quire return trips when dirty dishes and silverware are'.placed in the dish washer. Fourteen dish washers place dish4S on a wooden rack, send them through the washer and rins er, and then into the hot plate -heater. Meanwhile, bus bOys serve waiters, pots and pans are scoured, and the head waiter completes his check-up. Potatoes and carrots are pealed for the next day, coal is in the baker's oven, waiters set the tables, and refrigerators and store rooms are locked. One hour after the dinner bell, Miss Parent is ready to lock the kitchen. To provide more cooking space and menu , variety, new equipment was installed last sum mer. Equipment includes: five new refrigerators, milk room, fruit room; meat room, left-over room, freezing room, four gas ranges, three deep fat friers, master mixer, vegetable steamer, two stainless sinks, two. steam kettles, a batter mixer, and a baker's table. No wonder coeds gain weight! Nursery Will Serve lunches For Children Children of the Home Econom ics Nursery School will be taught how to feed themselves at lunches served beginning Monday, Decem ber 2. The meals will be served in the nursery kitchen and served in the dining room where visitors may watch from booths. Mrs. Marion S. McDowell, associate professor of home economics, is in charge of the Nursery. Beta Theta Pi will entertain Kappa Alpha Theta at dinner at 6 p.m. tonight. ONLY TEN SCHOOL DAYS TILL ARVES BALD Friday, December 6—Armory--9 to 12 Price sl.oo—Checking Included. Music by—THE CAMPUS OWLS Don't Forget To Vote For The HARVEST BALL. QUEEN THURSDAY, NOVEMBER 21; 1940 We, The Women— Chemical Analysis Of Penn State Men Chemical Formula: Mal Member of the human family Specific Gravity; - :::Variable Occurrence in Nattitre: Can be 14- cated wherever wine, women, and song exist. Physical Properties: All colors, sizes, and shapes., Generally pears disguised in an S sweater, without a tie, unshiven;:ind wear ing shineless shoes and la ble raincoat. A few may be seen in a scratchy tweed • suit, loud• matching socks and tie, saddle shoes, and one of six honorary hats. Natural surface free froth covering of pigment and grease, but hidden beneath whiskers. Puffs up at all - coinpliments and melts when treated properly. Boils at nothing and may freeze when least expected. Usually indifferent, oc casionally cheerful, and some ,times very friendly. Chemical Properties: Volatile. Highly inflammable, and - danger ous in an argument on polities. Possesses great affinity for green : - backs, chocolate layer cake, and beer. Valence is five to one. Turns green when placed next to a better specimen. - • Chemical Action: Boos and whistles in theatres, jitters to fast music, enjoys dialing '5051. Test: When treated with soap an& water becomes odorless and colorless. Shampoo reveals„k-good head of hair under the-_covering of grease or -perfumed glue._ Conclusion: Not so bad. ' • lota Sigma Pi initiates lota Sigma Pi, women's national chemistry honorary, initiated-Jos ephine H. Benjan '42, Ruth Reid '42, Roslyn _L. Schuman and s Mary L. Wolff, graduate students', and Ruth H. Zang, special student iff the Chemistry Library,- at 5:30, p. m. yesterday. The new mem bers were entertained at dinner at the Allencresl. Gigantic Salel Glamoroui - FUR (OATS TWO DAYS ONLY . Today and Friday Mawson—DeMany Forbes SCHLOW ' S E. College State College