Successor to The Free Lance, Established 1887 VOL. 37—No. 49 emery Leaves For , .Nlloary Padey • Col. - Ambrose R. Emery, head of 'the .military department, reported yesterday that he will leave the College tomorrow for a 10-day donference in Washington, return to the College afterwards, then leave again for a permanent as, signment in Macon, Ga. His statement was = issued to clarify reports that had been_pre valent since his departure was first announced last Friday morn ing. 'ColOnel Emery added that this conference held by the Chief of the Infantry Office, was being called to discuss the establishment .of four new Infantry Replacement Centers, throughout the country, which will be used for giving basic training to new men in the Army, bath draftees and volunteers. When, after returning to the College, Colonel - Emery reports to Macon, Ga., for permanent duty; it will be for the purpose of com manding and building the first of these new Replacement Centers. He explained that there will be eight officers at the conference in :Washington.: Four of them will _Washington:: these new bases and four_ will serve as their assistants. The - other three centers are to be built at Spartenburg, N. C., Camp Woters ) Houston, Texas; and Camp Nacimemto, San Diego, Cal. Dr. Carpenter To Speak At-Phi Delta Kappa Party • Phi Delta Kappa honorary so - ciety will hold a combined party -- and discUssion meeting. at the Am _ erican Legion Hall, two miles west -of --State—College orr :Routo 45 - ; morrow night. The, group will leave -Old Main at 5 p.m., with transportation being provided. for those who do not al ready have a ride. Feature of the evening will be a group discussion led by Dr. C. R. Carpenter, associate prdfessor of psychology. • The topic for discus sion is "Psychology and-Propagan da with Special Reference to War." - 11111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111' Lafe News Bulletins 11111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111 Washington . United States war production officials announc ed last night that England will buy four flying - fortresses shortly. The panes will not have American gun sights but will be equal to Nazi ships in all respects. Berlin Reports from Berlin last night told of the joining of Hungary to the Axis powers. Bul garian reserves are being called to the colors and Turkey fears she will be forced to enter the war if `Bulgaria -e n ter s and attacks Greece. Athens The Greek war min istry reports Greek victories near Koritza. The Greek air force downed eight Nazi fliers in a fierce front line battle late yester day afternoon as the infantry gained footholds at five points in the fascist front line. The Greeks have penetrated six miles into Al bania. London The midland indtp- trial areas in England were bomb - ed yesterday as Nazi planes cross • ed the English border at a rate of one per minute. RAF bombers were reported to have blown up a large munitions plant in Czecho slovakia yesterday afternoon with a very small force. • i! ‘,...„,. , 0 \, al lr B a it ll i,..v,,..i oatirgitatt . .„ , 5 , THURSDAY MORNING, NOVEMBER 21, 1940, STATE COLLEGE, PA 1111111111111111111111111111111MMIIIIIMIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIII 9 Presidents' Portraits Placed In Lounge • Portraits of the last four pres idents of the College, hung in the second floor lounge of Old ,Main yesterday have been join ed by five other paintings which have-been given to the College by Pennsylvania artists. From an • art standpoint the most outstanding of the por traits is the one of President Ralph D. Hetzel painted this year by - Henry Varnum Poor. The other presidents whose pic tures were hung are G. W. Ath ' erton (1882-1906), Edwin E. Sparks (1908-20), and John M. Thomas (1921-26). itimuunnummtunthinunniumunnuflimmunii. Coeds To Select Queen Candidates Coeds. of Mac and Atherton Halls. will get an opportunity to vote for their favorite candidates for Harvest Queen tonight. -- Members of the Harvest Ball committee will distribute ballots in both dormitories and the girls Will then select two candidates whose names will be submitted to the Student Union desk where all students may vote their choice for Queen. Four girls, other than the two candidates, who receive the next highest , number of votes in to night's balloting will be named the Queen's court. -The committee requests that all Ag students wear overalls on Mon day and Tuesday preceding the dance. The ball will be held in the Armory Friday, December 6. Important Notice - Because- of the football half holiday Saturday, The Collegian will not publish its scheduled Sat urday issue but will print an eight page paper tomorrow. This ar rangement is being made to allow staff members to join other stu dents in attending the Penn State- Pitt game in Pittsburgh, Daily Collegian Challenges Winner OF Penn-Cornell Touch Football Fray An undefeated, untied, unseor ed upon, and wholly imaginary Big Red team will engage in dubi ous battle with an equally well trained Quaker outfit this Satur day afternoon on Franklin Field. The Cornell Sun has answered the challenge of the dauntless publi cation, The Pennsylvanian, to come to grips in the grueling game of touch football. Eager to maintain its position of dominence in collegiate newspap er circles and desirous of continu ing its glorious traditions, The Daily Collegian has taken precar ious measures to protect its un marred escutcheon. (Shield to the boys from Ithaca.) The Penn State publication has challenged the Cornell Daily Sun and the Daily Pennsylvanian. The two-bit circuit has now become the Big Three. The honorable gentlemen of the pre s (we'll molder the °bums) from Ithaca and Philadelphia are scheduled _to engage in their knockdown, do-or-die, chaw-em, up, rootin', tootin', ephemeral contest prior-go their varsity clash on Saturday. The *swash-buckling junior board and simple sopho mores .of The Collegian offer- 'to meet the victor of this contest on New Year's Day ifanyone can be persuaded to show up. ' The Sun feels confident of vic tory, so confident in fact that it OF THE PENNSYLVANIA STATE COLLEGE Popenoe Advises Mature Marriage "People should be physically, mentally, and intellectually matur ed before they marry," Dr. Paul Popenoe, general director of Fam ily Relations Institute, Los An geles, California advised in an ad dress before 900 students and townspeople in Schwab Auditor ium last night. Dr. Popenoe pointed out that the stage of adult maturity is reached when a person gets to love other people besides himself. According to Dr. Popenoe, there are many people who never reach this neces sary point and therefore cannot hope to make a success of maul age. The worst offenders, he said, are those who have been tied to their mother's apron strings since early childhood. "Too many young men and wo men think that marriage is a child's game,"- warned Dr. Pop enoe. "Marriage in reality is a proposition which demands sacri fice, compromise, and complete understanding of the partner's point of view." Dr. Popenoe advised young peo ple to get interested in community affairs such as church work, clubs, and boy and girl scout organiza tion. He states that statistics prov ed that aggressive personalities tended to make better matrimonial pairs. "There is an inadequate pro gram of social life present in over 50 per cent of our schools and colleges," said Dr. Popenod. "This. is an unhealthy condition." He went on to say that it is the res ponsibility of the more fortunate ones to provide activities in which all would have .Rn opportunity to advance their social and emotional maturity. Addition To ROTC Staff _ William Crumlish '39, has re cently been added as a Second Lieutenant to the engineering div ision of the military department at the College it was announced by Col. Ambrose R. Emery. - 41 1: 11 4 Y l4ts 'i , \.4\ •-- %....r.oi •N v ies.4i . \ , .. . . . s . "O/~•)*: f . il i f ." 1 t ' ..s- • ~., ...:, # Pr ~ --,, i • , . ~, i • • k• ; : ... : 'l.s 1 , 4. 5 * ;. /: i' 4 ..•‘'.l`; ' 44,,, ' .... , ‘liz,., f,, , ?„ 1. ::, ','• '..:' , ."4, ; ' s.' 1'• :. A . • •e'• • i i/ ' • 1 ( i • k...•,: : s :, ' ;.• k P . i '-''..'.. - 41. :• ~,•••••-st: h,•..---= • ` 0 4 '• ( ."1. ' .:. f:/. d~~t• .. .,o'~2. Yo:7 THE COLLE has augmented the Pennsylvan (Continued on Page Two), 5,000 Fans To Turn Out For Mammoth Rally Today ; Prexy Grants Hall-Holiday Their request for a Saturday football half-holiday granted, some 5,000 football-mad students hoping to see their football team complete its first undefeated season since 1921 0 will swarm over the Jordan Fer tility Plots tonight in a mammoth bonfire pep rally expected to put last week's celebration to shame. The rally will start at 7p. m. Guests of honor will be the football players who leave Friday morning for Pittsburgh where a Penn State team has not beaten Pitt since 1919. Aroused by word that Pitt students, just as enthusiastic over Salt urday's contest, are wearing "Beat He— Out of State" buttons, the Lion rooters tonight will sacrifice a gigantic straw panther to the flames of their victory bonfire. President Ralph D. Hetzel yes terday afternoOn granted the All- College Cabinet's request for a football half-holiday Saturday morning. The complete text of his letter to Arnold C. Laich '4l, All-College president, appears on page tw,o. the holiday cut fine will not go - into effect until next MI Mopll* Paper Describes School The current issue of "Mineral Industries," published by the School of Mineral Industries and issued this week, includes a com plete survey of the School, with ar ticles, pictures, arid drawings ex plaining every aspect of the School's activities. This issue is the result of careful study, and it is believed that no other school has ever undertaken a similar project. • • A double spread on the center pages of the 8-page edition is de voted to drawings of the floor plans of the MI Building, including the new wing. The whole edition is given over to articles explaining the trends and objectives of the School. An editorial .by Dean Edward Steidle stresses the.unity of the Common wealth, mineral industries, and the College in building a "program of instruction and research for the benefit of its citizens." V% v tf, "Credit for this union," Dean Steidle's editorial continues, "is due to those industries which, des pite the depression years, contri buted laboratory equipment and thousands of dollars for research, and' to State and College officials who recognized the need for a Mineral Industries School on Penn State's campus. Other articles describe resident instruction, fields of work, exten sion work,"enrollment, and mineral industries research. "How shall we deal with aggres- Greece will feature the meeting of sion .in the Americas?" the topic the International Relations Club in of tonight's Town Hall program, Room 100, Liberal Arts, at 6:45 will the subject of the Fireside p.m. today. Discussion at the home of Rabbit Dr. Robert E. Dengler, professor Benjamin M. Kahn, 301 S. Pugh I of classical languages, will be the street a* 8:30 tonight. principal speaker. lAN TROPHY Discussion Tonight Weather— Cloudy, Slightly Warmer. PRICE THREE CENTS Preceding the rally, students and cheerleaders, led by the Blue Band, will form at 7 p. m. at the Corner Room for a parade through town, which will terminate at the grounds. The route of the parade is: south on Allen to Beaver; east on Beaver to Locust Lane; north on Locust Lane to College Ave nue; east on College to Shortlidge Road; thence to the fire. At the fire, the students will be led in songs and cheers, the guests of honor will be introduced, and the speakers will give short com ments. At the height of the rally, the huge effigy of the Pitt Panther will be offered to the hungry flame of the bonfire—Penn State spirit. Fraternity men are asked to co operate by having their freshmen paint and carry "Beat Pitt," "Down with the Panther," and other slogans and banners. The five hat societies will be present to keep in order the en larging parade as it adds spirited students to its ranks: They will also keep the rally in order. The "Beat Pitt" signs worn by the freshmen are of good omen for the State team. in the past three years, the "Beat Somebody" signs have been worn by the freshmen for seven events, and State has won all of them. The committee in charge of the bonfire and rally tonight as ap pointed at the All-College Cabinet meetings Tuesday includes George L. Parrish '4l (chairman), Mar shall D. Miller '4l, Thomas C. Backenstose '4l, and Walter A. Sottung '4l. At Pitt, this is "Penn State Weekend". A huge Pitt pep rally has been arranged for Friday night at the Soldiers' and Sailors' Mem orial Hall, and open house frater nity dances will be held Saturday night. As evidence of his enthusiasm, one Pitt student sent a letter to Charles A. Lockwood '42, enclos ing one of the "Beat He—Otit of State" signs, and signed it "The Panther." Commuters Invited To Eat In Sandwich Shop Commuters who bring their lunches with them may eat them in the rear of the Sandwich Shop during the noon hour, Miss Hazel Fall, manager of the Sandwich Shop, announced yesterday. "They are very welcome to use our tables," Miss Fall said, "and I assure them that they will be un der no obligation whatever to buy anything from us." iGreecian War Is Theme In IRC Meeting Tonight A discussion of the war in