The daily collegian. (University Park, Pa.) 1940-current, November 20, 1940, Image 2

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"For A Better Penn State"
successor to the Penn State Collegian. established 1904. and
the Free Lance. established 1887
Published daily except Sunday and Monday during the
regular College year by the students of The Pennsylvania
State College. Entered as second-class matter July 5. 1934.
of the post-office at State College, Pi.. under the act of
March 3. 1879.
Editor Business Manager
Adam A. Smyser '4l Lawrence S. Driever '4l
Women's Editor—Vera L. Kemp '4l; Managing Editor
—Robert H. Lane '4l ; Sports Editor—Richard C. Peters
'4l ; News Editor—William E. Fowler '4l ; Feature Editor
—Edward J. K. McLorie• '4l ; Assistant Managing Editor—
Bayard Bloom '4l ; Women's Managing Editor—Arita L.
liefferan '4l; Women's Promotion Manager—Edythe B.
Rickel '4l.
Eiitorial and Business Office
313 Old Main Bldg-
Dial 711
Managing Editor This Issue ____Ralph C. Routsong. Jr. '9l
t. , Thwe Editoi This Issue ..Stanley J. PoKempnir '42
Women's Issue• Editor Jeinne . C. Stiles '42
I=• , nhomore Assistant .__Harry W. Vosbura
Wednesday Morning-, Novembef 20, P4O
Penn State Students Fge
Their Alumni
The All-College Cabinet by its action'. last Satur
day morning effectiVely showed that students are
interested in the Alumni Association and• would
like to• see it succeed. . .
Although its• action• approved the: plan of volun
tary membership's• solicited among; undergradu
ates, there is one thing the Cabinet did not do—
and this is important:
It , did not endorse the Alumni Association pro
gram• as• it is now conducted and it didndt mean
to endorse if.•
This - program has - been open to criticism in the
past - for its failure to exploit the full poteniali
ties of the Association as an- organization- which
should: be' of great service to the College:
• Rightly last year's student leaders and the
Board• of Trustees rejected a plan for compulsory
student membership. in the Alumni Association.
The students felt that the Association might grow
;: fat and lazy on an assured income'. This has been.
a voided:
Still a comparatively feeble body, representing
;somewhat less. than 2,000 alumni, the Association
now has a chance to go before the undergraduates
to increase its membership. With a good program
it could conceivably recruit as , many. as 1,000 new
members every year, all for fiVe-year member
It is, of course, true that the Alumni Assobiation
is not as feeble as some would have it appear to
b 6 - -!: It has a great many active local groups, it has
wielded considerable lobby pressure for the Col
lege when such was deemed necessary, and it has
in other ways (which should be, doubt will
be, called to student attention from here on) satis
fied many of the duties expected of an Alumni
If the Alumni Council accepts this neiv member
ship plan at its meeting in . January (and Collegian
believes it should) the Association faces -a mighty
new task that will benefit- both it and Penn State.
This rapid influx of new students brings with ft
the possibility that soon an overwheltning major
ity of the paid-up Aluthni Association, members
will be less than five years out of College.
The Alumni Association is going' to have to ap
peal to them as it has failed to appeal to the grad
uates of recent years who are for the most part
now lost to Penn State.
The undergraduates whose memberships are be- -
ing solicited are going to have to be sold—and
well—on any proposition that asks them for eight
bucks; which is all a mighty big weekend costs
most students.
Most prominent among, the suggestions the
Alumni Association has already Made in telling.
what it hopes to.' do for students are the Student
• Union Building and a Placeinent Bureau. If the.
memberenri canvass is to- be successful, the Asso
• ciation will have to show that these things are
tangibirities . and .not just bait.
In turn (once the students are in the Associa
tion they will have' the right to demand their
money's worth and they will be a powerful enough
group to get it. They will have to be reckoned
with. What they want they will be able to get..
This program may well bring important changes
in the complexion and conduct of the Alumni As
scciation program, as the Association leaders
recognize, but it is hard to believe that btheSe
changes will work toward anything but the good
of Penn State.
To make this finally sure depends on the stu
' dents' who will be solicited and who will becothe
tglt „.
, Arumni Association m embers. Before they are
sold they must demand evidence that the program
. is a worthwhile one.. , After they are sold it be
comes their duty to keep the Association an active,
• well-functioning organization dedicated to the
good of Penn State.
Downtown Office
119421 South•FrOzier St.
Dial 4372
Last week's Jovian thunder made ,us few
friends; proved, if naught else, that there are at
least three persons - who read. this- hebdomadal
gurry. Even they were a trifle bitter. This one
against-the-whole-damn'-world: business tends to
become rather bruising after a time.
Questions for the bright boys who dream up the
seating arrangements - for football games on New.
Beaver Field: what logic requires seniors and
juniors to sit on one grandstand, while the
mores and freshmen sit on the other? What oth
er college uses Penn State's system, i. e. the split
cheering section? Just what' sort of school spirit
can be expected from, a split cheering section?
Why doesn't Penn State have one large cheering
section composed of all four classes grouped to
gether on one grandstand? Since all-four classes
pay the same athletic - fee, why should the Sophs
and Frosh be obliged to sit with the sun il' their'
eyes . for two football: seasons?" Who's' responsible
for the present weird set-up? Or doesn't any 'one
give a damn?"
It occurs to -us that something could be done:
about this situation before 'next year's football
season, and we are therefore willing-to place a few
on the side that nothing: will- be done:.
Recently Fred . Waring presented a brand new
Penn State:song; of his own- cbint)osition; over the
radii). on- a nation-wide broadcasting - systern. It
was. called "The- Hills of Old Penn State." There
was no charge for his services. It is 'a wonderful;
song, , worthy of any college's pride. Mr. Waringls
song was his gift to his Alma Mater, and- to her
students. Mr. Waring received six- post-cards af
ter his broadcast. Six post-cards which said' thank•
you. And that's all the' thanks Mr. Waring got
from the students of Penn State who are so busy
being smooth that they've no time to bother' with
such unsophisticated tripe as school spirit, or man
Incidentally, Mr. Waring will play "The Hills. of
'Old Penn State" on his program over the National
Broadcasting Company's net-works this Friday.
evening. Not, of course, that any one should let.
this interfere with their plans for Friday evening.
Perhaps this time Mr. Waring will receive seven
post-cards for his pains.
If no one objects, we would like to put in- our
two bits for the British War Relief Society. It's
rather a pleasant thought that it is possible for one.
to do something other than mere ranting about
wha an unholy pounding the English are taking.
Next time you, gentle reader, are faced with a
choice between a double nut hot fudge marshmal
low sundae and one of those little contribution
boxes marked "BWRS" try going without the
sundae. Your thirty cents will buy enough band
age to take care of at least one casualty; enough
wool to knit gloves or caps for a couple of kids.
No point in letting kids go through Hell- for the
stupidities of their elders.• ' • —Cassius.
~ ..::‘,
.. -4... r--...., ALL COLORS
:::: • 1 - \
.--‘ \ \ ,
NQ , $l.OB - $l3O
130 S. Alen. Street
Letters to the Editor—
Opinion Offered
On The Holiday
To the Editor
Since we had a football holiday
last year after beating Pitt—our
toughest assignment and had
only one day off for our Thanks
giving vacation, many of 'us think
it is only right that, providing, we
take over Pitt again this year (arid
we certainly hope to)' we should
have the extra days between the
game and our Thanksgiving vaca
tion free.
Will we benefit much. from our
classes anyway in a state divided
between exuberance after the
game and anticipation for the on
coming vacation? -
Those .living in the vicinity Of
Pittsburgh who are• attending• the
game and others with• that much
publicized Penn State spirit', which
is needed' in this game especiallY,
think it is ridiculoUs to return. to
State College for two-and-a-half
days of classes and , probably' will
find it profitable- to pay the- neces
sary fines' in order to remain• at
Can't something. be• done- to con.:
vine the Powers. That Be. that we
have . earned (in oui suppditt of the
Lions through their thoroughly
successful , season this year and•our
scanty Thanksgiving vacation last
.year) a mere two-and-a-half days
more vacation, to complete a per
fect week in which to celebrate
Thanksgiving and our victory over
Interested supporters, .
Evelyn M. Fritz
Helen Randolph
Betty Marshall
Ruth Grubb
Marion Suresh
Mignonette Frederick
Ginna Van Brunt
Jane Foore
* *
Editor's Note:—This is almost
impossible to accomplish without
seriously disrupting the College
schedule. All-College Cabinet con
sidered this• plan and decided on a
recommendation that only a Sat
urday half-holiday be granted with
no Monday holiday win, lose, or
Even The Mothers
Find - Us Interesting
To The Editor
We have just been reading the
Collegian which our boys from
Penn State sent to us. It is really
a fine paper. It doesn't seem pos
sible that students could produce
such a fine paper.
The Collegian acts as a connec
tion between our sons and their
parents, Since they forget to write
quite often, we can refer to the
paper to see what has been hap
Yours truly,
Spike, Charlie, and Joe's Mothers
Ridgeway;' Pa.
EDITOR'S NOTE:—The moral
of this ''story, gentle readers, is
"Send your Collegian home."
A Note TosCollegian
From: The PSCA
To The Editor:
The Penn State Christian As
sociation is very grateful and ap
preciative,.as I am, for the excel
lent job done on the PSCA Sup
plement in the Tuesday, Novem
ber 12, issue. •
Mr. Ross Lehman, for his work
on the CA ,Supplement, deserves
considerable credit for his' splen
did organizatiOn, his staff lead
ership with those •who worked
with hirri; his creative imagina
tion, and his ability to prepare an
attractive layout.'
Please knoW that the CA is de
sirous of diligently and effectively
Serving Penn State students and
will always welcome your sugges
tions wherein its program may be
Sincerely yours,
Harry W. Seamans,
General Secretary.
Ines campaign;
"Congressional ProberA-iai List
of 300;000 Suspected of
Against U. 5.," the headlinei said.
To our mind a picture flasheda
picture of an incident which, en
acted in one small Pennsylvania
city, must have- been re-enacted
throughout the country in the- past
few months.
An Italian man.who has not been
in the United States long, enough
to lose his accent, , but who has
been here long enough to have
; established a , successful' business,
built a substantial home, and'setit
several children 'through .
our best Eastern colleges, lies in
a hospital bed, very ill with Tined
monia. '
A visitor comes into , the room,
and, in the ensuing conversation,
, the sick man learns that rumor:ac
cuses him, of being a fifth columrr
ist, his very bedside' watcheaThy
F.E.I. guards..
He laughs, as he should, at the
i iirea of his working against..
country which has given him; arid
'his children. haPpiness and secur
ity; but kte • might °well be-ingry
,with people Who could start
. rtimor" which' might worry .him
,Ircirin a sick-bed into a coni - atid
change his busirtess 'from one of
,success into failure,
If' such. a , rumor could run ramp=
4nt in one town,. similar ones were
and are undoubtedly abroad all
over this nation, and, if such is the
case, we are not far from the state
of affairs which existed during the
last war, when a person with a
German name or German accent
was not safe from persecution.
With the papers soon to be full of
stories dealing with persons arrest
,ed by 'Mr. Dies for unAmerican ac
tivities, we shall probably see
those days again.
It is Chairman Dies' business to
see that persons 'working against
America be taken care of properly.
We say, "More power` to' him," but
we still try to remember That the
most scathing denunciation of Hit-
ler which has reached our ears,
came from a full-blooded German,
born in Bavaria
A "new" . Dorothy Lamour ap
pears in
,;`Moon Over Burma", at
the Cathaum Theater today. Sans
sarong,, and with short hair, she
swaps cracks with. Robert Preston
and Preston Foster.
Dorothy's a girl from Brooklyn
who poses as Spanish in a cafe in
Rangoon, and it doesn't take :the:,
two• male leads long in finding it
Freshmen• and- Sophomore can:-
didates for Froth meet in Froth
office. Business staff at 4 p.m. Ed..i~
torial staff at 7 p.m. Refreshment
Coffee round-table hour at. 4
today at Hill6l Foundatibn.
Liberal Arts Council 'meeting. t
7 pan. in 304 Old Mair.
Open forum. at the College Bia . '
Store Lounge, 129 W. Beaver AA
nue at 7 p.m. Dr. Arthur B.
erland will speak. • •
Meeting of '44 Canipus party
postponed until Monday night:at
7:30. in 318 Old Main.
Candidates for Phi Eta :Sigma,
Freshmen honor society, mustreg.:
ister in. Room 209 Liberal7A-rts be
tween 7 and 9 p.m. " = •
"Druid meeting at 7:30 ?p.m. in
405 Old Main.
Penn State Club members reg
ister for intramural spOtti-in club
room. .No entries after 11-.-p,m.'to
Alpha Phi Omega, national Boy
Scout fraternity, will meet in
Room 318, Old Main, at 10 to
. , .
German club meeting at Alpha
Kappa Pi fraternity house .
p.m. Discussion on Franz Schubert.