The daily collegian. (University Park, Pa.) 1940-current, November 19, 1940, Image 1
. . • . • • • •••• ,- • Successos to 4le, Weather— !he Free ta2eo, • .." g•._ scittrgiatt - Partly Cloudy. Continued Cold, I r , Established 1887 • • VOL. 37—No. 47 Smith finishes Fourth In IC4-A Championihip Mac Mitchell Retains . Crown; Frosh Second By ROSS LEHMAN NEW YORK, , N.Y., Nov. 18 Billy Sniith, captain of the Penn State team, failed today in his at tempt to regain the IC4-A cross country championship when _he 'finished fourth after a disastrous start. Leslie MaCMitchell of New York University reta in e d his crown by 'setting a new course record of 26:02, over the five-mile stretch in Van Cortlandt_Park. Penn State finished eighth in the team standings out of - 19 colleges entered in the meet. Rhode Island State was the team leader, follow ed closely by Michigan State, Man hattan, Northeastern, Maine, Cor nell, Alfred, Penn State and New York University.- Manhattan was the . defending chainpion, having won the title in 1938 and 1939. One-hundred thirty runners com pleted the gruelling couprse. - Following a very slow start, Smith was caught in a - runner's trap at the 50-yard marker and tired himself getting out of the boxed position. Trailing the lead ers by a tremendous distance, the Lion hill and dale leader forced himself to the limit to gain the fifth spot at 'the three-mile turn. A fast finish proved insufficient to overcome the early pace setters and he trailed 'MacMitchell, Bob Nichols of Rhode Island State and Bill Master of Colgate to the tape in 27:02. Bob Tingley of 'Rhode Island State was fifth. By placing three men in the first nine, the Nittany Lion fresh -mart.leain-gairiett place "in the yearling race over :the three mile course. Manhattan's runners won the title. Tink Candy finished fifth in 16:22, Curt Stone sixth in 16:25, and Charlie Hobbs ninth in 16:29. Dick Cressman, Bob Faloon, Jerry Eno and Bob Hazel also placed. Joe Wims of Temple was the individual winner. Penn Male May Gel Radio Station - Penn. State may soon have its own radio station if plans now be ing discussed by a student and faculty radio committee material ize. The idea of a 'college station has been presented before but always without sufficient facts and with out a definite plan. This time, however, the pkns have been worked out in advz.nce from in formation obtained from Brown, Williams, Wesleyan, and other schools that have introduced the plan successfully. The setup calls for transmission over the electric wires of the Col lege, thus a license for the sta tion would not be required. This same arrangement is used in the colleges . ment tomF d above and many others. At. the present time, the com mittee is preparinq to present . ;the plan to the Senate Committee on Student Welfare, whose approval it must receive - before any actual work on ate station can begin. Council Requests. Revision Of Hatch Act In Letter Borough Council has authorized sending a letter to James E. Van Zandt, congressman. from this trict, requesting that changes be made in the Hatch Act to allow College employees •to be elected or appointed to non - remun4rative .borough offices. • . TUESDAY MORNING, NOVEMBER 19, 1940, STATE COLLEGE, PA Congressmen Talk Al MI Dinner , Congressman James G. Scrug ham, former governor of Nevada, and James E. Van Zandt will be the principal speakers at the ner - -rneetitirorthe - MineraTlildfig: tries Society (A.1.M.E.) in the Nit tany Lion Inn at 6:30 p.m. tomor row. Mr. Scrugham, a member of the A.I.M.E. and congressman from Nevada since 1933, was governor of that state from 1923 to 1927. He will speak on "Strategic War Minerals." "Preparedness" will be Mr. Van Zandt's subject. He has been twice elected national commander of the Veterans of Foreign Wars and was recently re-elected to Congress from the 23rd Pennsylvania dis trict. The dinner-meeting is open to all faculty members and students, as well as their wives and girl friends, in the Mineral Industries School. Tickets are $l.lO. W. H. Eisenman, founder of the American Society for Steel Treat ing, will act as - toastmaster. The program includes entertain ment by "The Three Galloping Gauchps,". and John Teti and Jean Witherow. Cabinet 10. Ad On Rally, Transportation To Pitt A pre-Pitt game pep rally Thursday night will be considered at the- All-College Cabinet• meet ing in Room 305 Old Main, at 9 p. m. today, Arnold C. Laich '4l, All- College president, said last night. The question of a half-holiday Saturday and transportation to the game will also be determined, Laich-said. Cabinet has the pow er :to recommend that the half holiday be granted and final ac tion will probably be taken on the special train or bus. Another report will be made by the committee investigating the matter of assistant deans of men, Laich said. At the last Cabinet meeting the committee, headed by Samuel A. Dum '4l, was instruct ed to confer with President Ralph OF THE PENNSYLVANIA STATE COLLEGE PM Pep Rally Tentatively Set Encouraged by the excellent turnout for last week's NYU game pep rally, Walter A. Sottung, head cheerleader, and Arnold C. Laich '4l, All-College president announ-* ced that, if current plans are suc 7 cessful, a similar rally and bonfire will take place Thursday night on the, Jordan Fertility Plots to give the Nittany Lion gridders a rous ing send-off for the Pittsburgh game. • Definite plans will not be made until the Cabinet meets tonight. However, preliminary arrange ments are being completed, accord ing to Laich and , Sottung. "We're going to have the Blue Band, cheerleaders, and plenty of wood. There will be an effigy of the Pitt Panther to burn. Bob Higgins and all football players will be on hand," said :Sottung. "We should have a great attend ance and I believe it will be a bigger and greater rally than last year's," he said: Hope of having President Ralph D. Hetzel speak at the rally was expressed by Laich and Sottung. If available, Carl P. Schott, dean of the School of Physical Educa tion, will be asked to talk. The possibility of a parade be fore and after the rally was dis cussed, but nothing definite has yet been stated. Sottung said that a parade would probably heighten the effect and create more spirit among students. Two Leaves Of Absence Granted By Trustees Leaves of absence for travel in Mexico and for a study of art pro grams at other colleges arid uni versities .were _approved -for two faculty members by the Executive Committee of the Board of Trus tees on Friday night. Paul R. Daugherty, professor of Spanish, has been granted .sabbat ical leave for the second semester to travel in Mexico and study at the University of Guadalalara. J. Burn Helme, professor of fine arts, will make a survey of college art programs during the first semester of the 1941-42 term. An extension of leave until Feb ruary 1, 1941 has been approved for. John Bracken, professor of landscape architecture, to continue as landscape adviser to the Gen eral State Authority. Collegian Now Available On Weekly Delivery Basis "The Daily Collegian" may now be procured on a weekly basis at three cents per day, C. Russell Eck, graduate counselor, announc ed yesterday. Delivery service may be had by calling the Collegian office, 313. Old Main. Rates are 15 cents per week for full five days delivery, or three cents per day when there are less than five issues per week. . Payments may not lag over a two-week period. The subscrip tion price for the remainder of this year is , $,2 for carrier and $2.75 by mail. Lehner Speaks Anthony Lehner, Department of Education and Public Relations of the Pennsylvania Farm Bureau Cooperative Association in Har risburg, spoke to the members of the Nittany Co-op house last night on the "Economic Principles Un derlying Cooperative Movements." Pictures To Appear The first of three specimen pic torial narratives prepared by the College publicity department for The Pittsburgh Press roto section will appear next Sunday. Cabinet Okays Alumni Membership Solicitation 11111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111 Freshmen Must Wear 'Beat Pitt' Signs "Beat Pitt" signs must be worn by all freshman men be ginning at 8 a. m. tomorrow, W. Lewis Corbin '4l, Tribunal chairman, announced last night. He said that the signs are now available at the Athletic Store and are free of charge. The signs are a good luck omen and in the past athletic teams have won every time they were wont 111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111 Ed School Lists Honor Students The following honor roll for the second semester, 1939-40 has been announced by Dr. Marion It. Tra bue, dean of the School of Educa tion. Last June's graduates are omitted. Seniors: Michael Beley, 2.90; Annabel Boyd, 2.58; Eleanor Boy er, 2.56; Edith Burrage, 2.59; Mary J. Gillespie, 2.67; George Gittle son, 2.90; Joseph P. Green, 2.57; Nelia M. Hazard, 2.67; Janet N. Holtzinger, 2.69; Stanley W. New comer, 2.63; Lorraine Parsons, 2.62; Stanley Pliska, 2.71; Robert Russ, 2.83; Dorothy Schnerr, 2.60; Gladyce Geist Watson, 2.56; Eli nor Weaver, 2.53; Vivenne Weis ner, 2.50; Betty A. Willits, 2.59; Regina 'Wingaris, 2.76; Howard W. Yates, 2.83. Juniors: Julia A. Adams, 3.00; Bertha K. Barclay, 2.67; Jean E. Clark, 2.56;, Margaret Cole, 2.65; Ruth Francis, 2.56; Muriel Heckler, 2.61; ...Betty Martin, 2.72; Martha Rissinger, 2.72; Dorothy L. Shaw, 2.75; Corabelle Walters, 2.56. Sophomores: Esther M. Hall, 2.82; Dorothy L. 'Mag0r,.2.65; Sarah E. Paxton, 2.65. Specials: Frank E. Hatton, 3.00; Robert F. Wilson, 3.00; George L. Wolff, 2.60. Dr. Paul Popenoe Speaks Here Tomorrow, Thursday Dr. Paul Popenoe, director of the Institute on Family Relations at Los Angeles, will speak in Schwab Auditorium at B:ls—p.m. tomorrow and Thursday under the auspices of the PSCA. Tomorrow, his subject will be "When Is One Ready to Marry?" and Thursday he will speak on "What 'Makes a Successful Mar riage?" At 4:10 p.m. on Thursday, Dr. Popenoe will speak to faculty members on "The Changing Fam ily in the Changing 'World" in Room 10 Liberal Arts. Yeagley Will Lecture On Astronomy Tonight Dr. Henry L. Yeagley, profes sor of physics, will deliver the second in a series of open lectures on astronomy in Room 103 New Physics Building at 7 p. m.. today. The lecture, sponsored by Alpha Nu, honorary astronomy society, will be on "The Celestial Sphere and the Measurment of Time." Frosh Forum The Freshman Independent party will conduct a foram on the election code tomorrow evening at 7:30 p. m. in ROom 318 Old Main. At the meeting a platform will be adopted and probable nominees mill'be discussed. • • PRICE THREE CENTS Undergraduates May Join Association Undergraduates will be solicited for five-year memberships in the Alumni Association well in ad vance of their graduation if a plan approved Saturday by the All-College Cabinet is approved by the alumni council in January. The Cabinet voted in favor of the plan after meeting with the executive board of the Alumni As sociation for more than an hour on Saturday morning. Previously the plan had been worked into shape by a committee of the Cabinet and a sub-committee of the Associa tion. These committees will con tinue to work on the plan in pre paring a final draft. The plan approved calls for an annual spring membership cam paign. (similar to the PSCA's fin ance canvass) to solicit payment of $8 by the students as under graduates for an Alumni Associa tion membership which will ex tend until five years .after their graduation. As proposed, the campaign would be directed principally at sophomores and juniors. Sopho mores would be asked to pledge to pay two dollars with their fees during their last four semesters in college and juniors to pay four dollars during each of their last two semesters. The plan was introduced as a means of strengthening .the Alumni Association which currently has a membership under 2,000, repre senting far less than 10 per cent of the alumni. Members'. of the association at tending the meeting were: Earl E. Hewitt '9B, William K. Ulerich '3l, George M. Arisman 10, Miss Julia G. Brill '2l, Miles Horst 'l4, Walter D. Fixter '24, Charles L. Eshelman 'O5, Robert H. Craig 'l4, Edward K. Hibshman 'O9. 111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111 IL Late News Bulletins 111111111M11111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111. Berlin 7 —Hitler is holding an other Nazi parley today—this time with the foreign minister from Spain. It was thought that the German leader would try to con ciliate Spain towards Russia. Athens—Greecian forces attack ed and conquered a large force of mechanized troops yesterday and drove the Italians completely out of Greece. Fascist troops were re ported to have been driven into Yugoslavia by the "mountain men" of Greece. Washington President Roose velt sent another plea to the lead ers of the CIO and the AF of L yes-; terday in trying to gain concili ation between the two labor unions. The resignation of John L. Lewis was tendered yesterday and he made a plea for the CIO to pick a leader carefully and to sup port him - in all respects. London—The battle of Britain continued yesterday as Nazi bomb ers blasted residential sections around Southampton and Liver pool. English officials expect the war to last for at least another year. The Nazis are showing their air power with a ratio of at least two planes to England's one. Re ports from . Dover told of a heavy long range gun bombardment yes terday afternoon. The hour-long bombing lasted until a sheet of fog blotted out all possible targets on both Sides of the English channel.