The daily collegian. (University Park, Pa.) 1940-current, November 16, 1940, Image 2

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"For A Better Penn State"
Successor to the Penn State Collegian, established 1904. and
the Free Lance. established 1887
Published daily except Sunday and Monday during the
regular College year by the students of The Pennsylvania
State College. Entered as second-ciass matter July 5. '1934,
at the post-office at State College. Pa.. under the act of
riaz , :h 3. 1879.
Editor Business Manager
Adam A. Smvser '4l Lawrence S. Driever '4l
Women's Editor—Vera L. Kemp '4l; Managing Editor
—Robert H. Lane '4l; Sports Editor—Richard C. Peters
•41; News Editor—William E. Fowler '4l: Feature Editor
—Edward J. K. McLorie• '4l; Assistant Managing Editor--
.•13avard' Bloom '4l; Women's. Managing Editor—Arita. L.
'-liefferan '4l; Women's Promotion Manager—Edythe B.
Advertising Manager—John H. Thomas '4l; Circulation
.Manager—Robert G. Robinson Senior...Secretary—Ruth
Goldstein" '4l; Senior- Secretary--Leslie H. Lewis '4l.
Junior Editorial Board—John A. Baer '42. R. Helen
Gordon '42, Ross B. Lehman '42, William J. McKnight '42.
Alice M. Murray '42. Pat Nagelberg '42, Stanley- J. Poliemp
rker '42. Jeanne C. Stiles '42.
Junior Business Beard—Thomna W. Allison '42, Paul
YiL Goldberg '42. James E. McCaughney - '42. Margaret L. Em
bury '42. Virginia Ogden '42. Fay E.. Rees '42.
Cmaduate Counselor
Nationai Advertising . Service, fir..
College Publishers Representative
0nc...7.0 • aOSTO. • LOS ANGELES • SAN FAM.CIsC2
Ed torial and Business Office
" 313' Old llain Bldg.
Dial 711
.Itlinaszing Editor This Izzsue
Wows Editor This Issue
Women's Issue Editor
Zodlomore Assistant
Saturday Morning, Noveinber 16, 1940
Yes, We Really Mean It—
Beet ItY.ll.
• As soon as we say, "Beat N.Y.U.," we are going
•to hear from a number of readers who will believe
It•is is not a very courteous way to greet a visiting
football team. Add to that the fact here are quite
a few : N.Y-.U. students who made the trip to State
College this weekend and , you'll see just how in
hospitalable Collegian can be. •
Approved editorial procedure demands that a
Conclusion be reached only aftar both sides have
keen heard. This is a lengthy proceLs which Col
,tegian completed to. its own satisfaction.
The result, however, was i.vwth the effort be
cause. it. showed- conclusively, to Collegian's way
of thinking .on partisan matters like school spirit,
that "Beat N.Y.U." is well based. The points in
favor outnumber and outweigh these: against.
In order to clarify- the !ssues as much as possi
ole. the case is here presented in outline form.
Penn State is unbeaten this year. It would be
a shame to mar such a nice record.
If we win we will get good publicity in
a. All papers.
b. Especially the New York papers.
c. Radio
If we lose, we will
a.. Get bad publicity.
b. Drop out of the first 7.0 ir the. national
c. Pass out of the bowl pictures.
d. Hurt our chances of producing an All-
Penn State is the favorite, Everybody plays
favorites. Everybody hates to pick a loser.
Thus everybody will be sorry if Penn State
If we win we will make a good impression on
all the guests who will be in tov:n this week
6. Last night's pep rally would be discredited.
7. N.Y.U. beat us in basketball l'ast winter and
we never have beaten them in football.
H. We want to win.
The N.Y.U. boys. have made. a 'long, trip. It
would be. a shame to disappoint them.
2. N:Y:U. has won only• two games this year. We
really shouldn't be greedy.
S. The New York sportswriters wcn't• have nearly
as much fun filing, their stories if Penn State
N.Y.U., too, wants to . win
This shows clearly, Collegian thinks, that Penn
State riot only deserves to. but• simuld win today.
Whereas Collegian can think of eight reasons why
Penn State should win, it can think of orgy four
or N.Y.U.
The only path left is to do our editorial duty.
• Beat N.Y:U.
"At a time. of great emotional .?ppeal such. as
that which now prevails, one. will do well to. con
centrate upon one's work more than ever and to,
be unswayed by speculations or vague conimen
iaries filled with forebodying for the future."—
Pres. Thomas S. Gates of the University of Penn
;;,i lvania cautions against false prophets.
C. u1.4.t5
Downtown Off ice
119-121. South Frazier St.
Dial 4372
_Stanley J. PoKempner '42
John A. Baer '42
Jeanne C. Stiles '42
____Dominick Gulab
o.g f t THE
Fifth= Column,
We. have often wondered about Cassius but it
rever occurred to us to report him to the FBI.
That's what a local merchant did when Cassius
came out . with some unpatriotic* remark. These
are bad days for radical.; Cas: especially when
you look the part.
Pat Nagelberg, Collegian Casanova, is griped
lecause his date didn't giVe him a corsage for the
Sadie Hawkins dance. Pat . says he had, to eat the
radishes from Chick Harvey's truck farm. And
we always thought you AoPi's were big-hearted
I ids, Polly Keller.
Bill "Mysto" McKnight, Kappa Sig radio ty
coon, is keeping the boys up nights with his new
short wave radio station. All his brothers are
polishing up their radio voices fcr State's pro
posed radio station. They're not going to be
caught in the same spot Willk;e was.
Never Say Die
Ted Baldwin and Dick Steboini received their
llometown paper, the "Northeast Breeze," yester
day. The headlines in the paper lead: ROOSE
JORITY IN NORTHEAST. Northfrast is a small
hamlet near Erie.
Evon Wilson, Theta Throb, was really burned
the other day when she noticed - in the new direc
tor y that she was listed as sophomore when she
really and truly is a junior. The, spunky Evon
whipped into the Registrar's office to•give them
a piece of her mind. She did and Registrar Hoff
man waited patiently until she fnished, then
pulled out Evon's registration card:, and showed
her where she had checked: class: . Sophomore.
Love Lies •
Pat Behney, one of the seven beautiful blonde
Kappas, has transferred her aVections from cheer
fnl Charley Mattern to jumping Johnny Long.
Some guys have all the luck. Congratulations, too,
zre in order to another blonde, Ad: Lord. Ada
has done what no other coed has been able to do
in three years. Namely, date Phi Gam Jackie
Sloan for more than two dates.
Every once in a while we wonder what on earth
people like Mildred 'Greenberg go to College for.
The other day in Journaln,m 13 class Mildred was
asked how many men were on a football team. She
d:ian't know.
Finn Falls.
Bill Finn, ladykiller super par excellence, has
all the Campus belles crying in their cokes. Bill,
rater - giving all the local ladies a whirl, has gone
and. got himself a true love namecl Flossie.
We have always said that if you can't boast,
don't knock, but there is :31.tch a thing asconstruc
tive criticism. As a poet, Campuscer, you are
even worse than you are as a columnist. Why .don't
ou try brick laying now that you've laid so .many
eggs. And we don't mean the fresh variety.
- John Keats contrasts the lot of bird and man
by describing the world of man as one 'Where but
to think is to be full of sorrow.' There are three
things that may be said in answer to this despair.-
First, it is encouraging that man can look out upon
life and say of this or that 'lt is not good.' Second,
it is encouraging that the recognition of wrong
challenges us to eradicate it. Third, it is en
couraging to know that we. can band together in
the; determination, to place ourselves• on, the. side.
of those forces that make for the progress of
civilization." Western, Maryland College's Pres
ident, Fred, G. Holloway challenges the pessi
"There is no greater menace at the moment than,
the danger- that- sensitiveness to evil, should- be.
come numb by reason of constant familiarity with
evil. We shall not- save. our Way of life through
denunciation of the Wrong; salVation can only be
achieved, by active practice of the. right."--Pres.
Charles Seymour of, Yaye Univercity calls for
aler3_ creed -in which right excluder all wrong.
"Our Latin American youth have never become
compromising, pampered and 501 t.,, and have been
ever ready for-great,secrifices. 'I'M, I believe, is:
the heart, the most inspiring. feature, -in our-Latin,
American life." : -:-Mrs. Concha , Romero James,
c.nef of the Pan American Union's division of in
tellectual co-operation, Washington, D. C., hands
a laurel to young Latin Ameri.:•ans. „
Grand opening of the Drydock,
Sandwich Shoo.
Record concert; 417 Old Main,
8 p. m.
Skating party in Armory be
ginning at 7 and 9 p. m. Admis
sion 20 cents pnr person per ses-
Executive Board , of the Alumni
Association, Alumni Association
office, 9 a. m.
All-College Cabinet will meet
with. the Executive Board. of the
Alumni Association in the Alum
ni Association office, 10:30 a. m.
sillel. Social at the Hillel Foun-.
dation, 133 W. Beaver, 7:30•p. m.
All hat men should report to
New Beaver Fjelr! by 1:45 p. m.
Thespian show. ."The Balloon
Goes Up," Schwab Auditorium,
7 p. m.
PSCA Seminal. group leaves
rear of Old Muir. for overnight
cabin, party, 5 p. m. Dr. Henry.
L. Yeagley will taik on astronomy.
Important rn:?eling of Campus
Center Club in 302 Old Main, 7
p. m.
Town Meeting, "C;vil Liberties
and the Fifth Colum," Hillel
Foundation, 133 W. Beaver, 7:30
p. m.
Chapel, Df. M , les Krumbine of
Cleveland' will. speak, Schwab
Auditorium, 11 a. m.
publicity meeting for Harvest
Ball, second floor lounge, Old
Main, 3.p. m.
Rev. E. H. Bonsall will speak at
the Westminster Fellowship. meet
..6:15.p. m.
League of Evangelical Students
meeting, 618 Old Main, 7:30 p. m.
Hike to Brenner House, leave
from corner of Ccliege. Ave. dnd
Frazier street, 2p. in. Sign, up at
Student Union, 25. cents fee.
Forestry Open House, 3 to 5 p.m.
Deadline for senior 'LaVie pic
Important meeting of Collegian
sophomore editorial staff, 313 Old
Main, 5 p. m. Attendance com
metic debut, LENTHgRIC presents "PIN,K. PARTY"
msem-ble. of, cosmetic and frag,ranc.e ac.cesr
sories, all sce-nted and packaged; to, mat h.
- Initiateyout teem-age favorites into the delight , _
of perfumes and. cosmetics 'by Rriesekiot them.
with one of the. "Puw., PARTY" - ohoetarl , ::#,ThodqieF.
illustrate_d . offers Bouquet, Perfurno, Bath
der, Lipstick and- Face : Powder all in• the delicate
but provOcative , "Piric PARTY" fragrance. Priced
at. Stn.
Other "PINK PARTY" gift combinations. from
$1..50 up.
11111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111 MA
Could It Be?'
"There are more things • in
Heaven and, earth, ,Ho_ratio,. than
are dreamed of in 'your •philoso
Written. ne,arly ..3.00, years ago .by
William. Shakespeare, this quota
tion comes to mind today, as we
read,of the most destructiveearth
quake in Rumanian history. With
reports of increasing havoc
wrought by the tremor still coming
in, we can scarcely help wondering
if • some power, mightier than all
nations of this earth combined, is
not showing, itself against the Axis
Call the cause behind it GOd,
call it the force of Nature, call it
mere coincidence, but the fact-re
mains that no more vital blow
thhn the almost complete disrup
tion of Rumania's oil fields could
have been struck, had it- been
planned carefully by a genius at
military strategy.
Adolf Hitler might suddenly die
or be killed, but Goering would
take over and the war would con
tine; an earthquake might over
whelm Germany or Italy, and still
Nazi armies would suffer not too
greatly; but, the Axis military ma
chine needs Rumanian oil contin
Perhaps all this is very silly to
speculate upon, but then it is in-.
teresting and possibly helpful, to
those who say that Democracy is
doomed. Devout believers, who
have been, wondering why their
God has not stepped in and won
the war for Demoracy, now may
Committee or: Academic Stand:-
ards meets, 204_ lYlain Engineering,
3:30 p.m,
4-H• Club, 413 Old Main, -7:30
Nutrition exhibit on, "Thiamin,"
208 , Home Ec buildirig, 8 a, m. to
Tatty *-- ;;. 1€
I'7 •
..J'o celebrate the teen-age cos-