The daily collegian. (University Park, Pa.) 1940-current, November 14, 1940, Image 2

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    P Two
"For A Better Penn State'"
iSuceessor to the Penn State Collegian, established 1.904, and
the Free Lance. established 1887
Published daily er.cept Sunday and Monday during the
regular College year by the students of The Pennsylvania
£tate College. Entered as second-ciasa matter July 5. 1934.
,at the post-office at State College, Pa., under the act of , :h 3, 1873.
Editor Business Manager
Adam A. Sroyser '4l/. Lawrence S. Driever '4s
Women's Edit„Or—Vera L. - Kemp '4i; Managing Editor
—Robert li. ,tbatte : Sports Folitor,,BielLard •C, Peters
•41; News . EdifOr--William E. Fowler :11, ; Feature Editar.
—Edward J. K. MeLorie '4l 'Assistunt Managing Editor--
J ayard Bloom '4l; Women's Managing Editor—Arita L.
4Kefferan - 11: Women's Promotion Manager—Edythe B.
ilielcel '4l.
• Advertising Manager-3'4:V= H. Thorna.l '4l; Circulation
Manager—Robert G. Robinson '4l; Senior Secretary—Ruth
Goldstein '4l; Senior Seeretary:--Leflie H. Lewis '4l.
--Editorial and Buninesa Office
313 Old &Lain Bldg:
Dial 711
. •
klAnaging Editor This Issue ______William S. McKnight '42
Vews Editor This Issue ___________-__Ross B. Lehman '42
WOmen's Issue Editor ___ ___Seanlte 'C. Stiles '42
ilrztrihuniore Assistants _-Donald W. Davis, Richard S. Stoebbin.:
Thursday Morning, November 14, 1940
Thinking Ahead, What Will The Senior
Gilt Be This Year ?
Lest anybody take offense at the title of this
editorial and accuse Collegian of being premature.
we wish to report that the Class of 1941 will have
graduated in 30 more weeks.
The class this yeas will do well to profit by the
experience of past classes. (Of course, other
classes would have done well to Profit by the ex
fierience of classes preceding them. The trouble
is most of them did not.)
Perhaps this, too; will be metly a futile shot in
'la the dark.
Perhaps this year's class 'president will do as
One president did two years ago.--:call a class meet
ing, get a meager attendance, ask for a show of
.hands, and decide there; and then how more than
$4,000 was to be spent. Incidentally, the wish of
that class still hasn't been 'carried cut.
Perhaps, too, this year's senior class will com
mit some of the other errors which have compli
cated the expenditure of class gift money.
It is Collegian's natural hope that the class will
not make any mistakes. Collegian begs thsl opin
ion be heard now on the matter of the senior gift
rather than on the day before thri selection is
By no manner of construction is this a plea for
any one gift. Necessarily it is a plea against some
which can have no worth.
The class gift fund is the residue of the damage
fund into Which each student pays one dollar
'every year he is in College. Left-over class dues
go into a fund for reunions. The money is used
to pay only for damage on campus and, usually;
by the time a class 'graduates the payments Of its
i7iembers have accumulated a surplus of four or
dive thousand dollars. It is up to ihe'class to dis
loose of this money as it will, the established cus
tom being to use it for a gift to the College.
Two grievious errors have been committed.- in
the. past:
(1). On graduating the class has so tied up its
fonds that the delegation of the gift cannot leg
ally be changed without the coment of all the
members of the class, or at best, a trip through the
courts. Thus the Class of 1922 has a fund of $29;-
902 for a swimming pool that the College no longer
(2) The gifts are frequently ideas; never work
ed out in detail (like 1940's whiz-bang Lion Shrine)
or they are beyond the means of the gift fund
(like 1939's $15,000 mountain ldclge). The result
5s that these funds necessarily remain idle for
lye.ars after the class graduates.
College officials; grateful for, but wearied by
the class gifts, usually have tO.bear the brunt of
arrangement after the class gradttates. linagine
how happy the faculty committee-Must be that has
$5,000 for a Lion Shrine, but no plans and no site.
'Collegian begs three things of this year's grad
:eating class:
(1) That power to change the gift be left with
the permanent class officers or some other grouP
small enough that it can handle the gat money
without undue red tape. Otherwise, the unwieldy
class of eleven hundred individUals legally must,
all take part in decisions regarding the gift.
(2) That the gift be planned in detail before it
is given.
(3)- That it be i'ithin the limffs of the class
funds so that the money will not have tO lie idle
for years while the College stab ,- ; blindly about
trying to find the remaining funds necessary to
complete the project.
For these points to be accomplished; the class
will have to begin its consideration of gift sugges
tions almost immediately so that it will have. time
to work out full plans hotore it graduates.
Doixistowit office
119-121 Sotith Frazieir St.
Dial 4372
We hope Soph Hop
Is not a flop,
We'd hate to see
Attendance drop.
We'd go oursell;es
To Sw. , ng -and • Stomp',• - -
If only we -
Could snare a comp.
With due apologies for the above bit of verse,
which wandered into our mind while . we were sit
ting in the Cornerroom debating the comparative
merits of fresh lemon and chocolate cokes, the
Campuseer salutes the approach of - another week
end. May the imports be spicier, the coeds jeal
ouser, the band hep-ier, the football team peppier
.. but not the Froth
Orange Echoes
It was a wonderful weekend in picturesque and
historic Syracuse . . . where sorority women Live
in sure enough sorority houses . . . we liked the
Amalgamated Gold Diggers
. (Alpha Gamma Delta)
--charming girls . . . incidentally, the Beta house
is next to theirs .. . Cheerleader LFeworthy beam
ing as he talked shop with the SyracUse cheer
leaders (need we mention their sex) ... Dave Wag
erseller, the orie-man cheering section . . . Carl
DeLong looking important behind a sideline badge
. . . ditto Tommy Allison.
Garzone's Cafe . .. sigma nus and theta chis giv
ing the local gals a break . . . a blonde in a white
angora sweater smoking a cigar (local color note)
.. . the Orange . . Drummond's . . Alice Mtir
ray and Jerry Howarth '4O . . . B'irman's and the
du's . . . the Hotel Syracuse. Barbaia Hutton, and
s',? per couple on the line . . . Ted Winters and
Harry Oiler and another SPE house with a red.
dont. . . a Syracuse cheering . section which could
gave pennsy .scrape some lessons
tower . . .
Quote Of The Week
We bow in awe to Jim Hitchens. Phisigms.kappa
who has what it takes to make a visiting Pan-hel
girl (from Brooklyn, no less) interrupt a casual
conversation with the following electrifying auery:
"Pardon me; but would you think it was for
ward if I'd suggest we step outside and mug?"
P. s. We have it on good authority that Hitch
ens is broad-minded about these things.
Pin Mystery
Jane Gibboney has a thetaxi
She lost it last week after eating at the siiinanu
house with her kappa brethren.
It turned up in sotneboy's car.
Very puzzling, eh, George? •
Wanta buy a pipe for him !
Then be sure to choose from our
large selection of Kaywoodie,
Friar, Grand Slam, Old Eng
land, Royal Teske, Frank Med
ico, and Yellow Role pipes.
If it's candy you want to, give
her—make it, Whitman's, Mary
Lincoln, or Schraffts. Or how
about a Lady Buxton "3-way"
bill fold. They are designed
for every active phase of a
won - lan's life—adaptable at a
moment's notice to suit her
every need.
When Thinking of Gifts—
Think of
the water
Classified Advertising Will Bring Results!
Why Not Wed from Our .
Store A Gift For YOUR GIRL - -
We Carry A Coniplete Line of - Rings,
Bracelets, Lockets and CoihpaitS
Opp. Old. Main SHOMBER6 I S
Calleie Avenue
Sturdy Double Soles
Heavy service stitching
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(Tanwed for Velvety softness)
Ask for No. 6900ntique Brown, No. 691 Block
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te (
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Say, Have You Heard The One About the
Oops! 1 heifer Not Tell. If You Want to
know See—
November 15 =and 16 at T P.M. in Schwab Aud.
Friday-43c Saturday-75C
Tickets On Sate At Student Union •
202 S. Allen Street