PAGE FOUR Alifti To Give Tea Dance Alpha Epsilon Phi will enter tain Beta Sigma Rho at a tea dance M Grange Hall lobby from 3 to 5 p.m. to mo OILASSIFIIIED SECTION TV.PEWEtITERS—AII makes ex- pertly repaired. Portable and office machines for sale or rent. Dial 2342. Harry F. Mann, 127 W. 03eaver avenue. lyr-CRE-ch :MY DOCK NIGHT CLUB open- Saturday, November 16. Make reservations at Student Un ion office 25c per person. LA.R.GE DOUBLE ROOM with c.ook - ing. facilities. Dial 2426, 218 'E. College. 3tpdll9E FOE RENT—One single room for man on second floor at 412, S Alen. Call 2392. FOE, RENT—Second floor double room. 128 Miles :Areet. Phone 2801, -ltpd 119 E / • A:N/ A itA, A bEt os : T.1 , 1 , r - X 1 3 .4" •• • • Shows at 1:30, 3:00, G:3O, 8:30 TODAY - MON. - TUES. Vancers Best-Seller!, .14,G'ICprasenti; c . \ Tt. O P ( " • • • Evenings Only 6.300 8:30 TODAY ONLY ( TODAY ... bnsfan yU slll6,7iiri Oidefe MONDAY ONLY GARY COOPER DORIS DAVENPORT WALTER BRENNAN ''THE WESTERNER' =IINIMIMINEO 4tchlll2E J. Paul Selsam, assistant profes sor of history, will speak on "Our Responsibility in the World Today" at the conference dinner in the Nittany Lion Inn at 6:30 p.m. to day. 2tpd 11-12 E Profs Classified Spicy, Skimmers, Killers-Egad! "All professors can be divided into classes." declares the Emory Wheel, student newspaper of Em ory University, Atlanta. and lists the following: "1. The killer type: He wants to kill off the lower third of the class and thinks the best way is by overwork. "2. The spicy type. He has a lot of cheek and picnty of tongue to put in it. His lectures kick up intellectual sparks out of the aca demic flint. "3. The skimmer type. The surfacing in his courses is fine. But the foundation is weak. "4. The fatherly type. He is the unexpected father, always giv ing pop examinations. `5. The hard rock type. You We, The Women— Today Is THE Day! Start Running, Men DEAR BOY FRIEND: Today is 'THE day! Not only is Penn State going to beat Syracuse, but I am going to beat you. For today is the day to get out your track shoes and start running. It's Sadie Hawkin's Day and I want you 'for my Li'l Abner. Today the dating code will suf fer a nervous breakdown with all the coeds doing the escorting. In stead of your sending me a corsage, your's will arrive in the conven tional cellophane wrapper. Do you think radishes, will look all right with your gray suit? And how about a dinner and movie date be fore the Spinster Skip? I'll be around at six. Today I am going to prove I really appreciate all the good times we have had together. • .-Tonight you can give me your shaving kit to carry. And you can keep me waiting—hut for long, please. I will try to be as good natured as you always are about stuffing your pockets with a com pact, lipstick, and comb. And I'll endeavor to wait without tapping my foot. You mad• not be tall, dark, and handsome. or even a medium, light, and able-to-get-by-in -a- is r-o w d type. You may not be voted the "Catch-of-the-Campus" but you are still my ideal man. Phi M To Initiate Six Phi Mu will initiate Julia A. Adams '42, Elizabeth A. I4ower '42, Virginia M. Penrod '42, Miriam I. Shaffer '42, Mildred L. Austry '43, and Elizabeth H. Taylor '43 at the Phi Mu house at 7:30 p.m. tomor, row. Panhellenic Conference Speakers SADIE lIAWKINS Armistice Da y observance, Schwab Auditorium, 11 a. m. ASCE 'meeting, 107 Main Engin eering, 7:30 p.m. TUESDAY: Monthly meeting of Circulo Es panol at 7 p. m. in Grange play room. PSCA finance campaign driVe workers meet in Hugh Beaver room at 11 a.m. THE DAILY COLLEGLkti Miss Charlotte E. Ray, dean of women, will lead a round table discussion on rushing at the Nit- tang• Lion Inn at 3:15 p.m. today have to be more than a good mu sician to hit a high C under this poker. If he were a movie critic, he wouldn't even give the United States flag 43 stars. - "6. The uh-mar. type. He doesn't know any punctuation ex cept "uhs." For vamety he throws in a "but uh" now and then. "7. The cocktail type. He whets your intellectual appetite. He knows a great deal but doesn't try to make everybody realize it. "3. The nomad type. Like the nomad of the dean t he loves to wander and what he wanders over is dry as the desert." Could Penn State professors be classified among these aforemen tioned types? We wonder. Ten freshman Women Will Visit Prof. Frizzell Ten freshman women, five from Mac Hall and five from Woman's Building, have been invited to the home of Prof. John H. Frizzell, head of the speech department, in connection with the faculty-stu aent get-to-gethers. from 7 to 9 p. in. tomorrow. Attending from Mac Hall are' Margot D. Blass, Eleanor M. Ston ers, Elsie M. Longenecker, Ruth A. Shanei, and Audrey M. Bever,, while Mary Ann Krall. Mary Lau bach, Lois Dosch, Jane Murhpey, and Gloria Duerst will represent woman's building. Holds Spaghetti Supper Twenty-one members and ini tiates of Eta Kappa Nu, Electrical Engineering Honorary, were pres ent at a spaghetti supper held at PSCA cabin Wednesday night. 111111111111111111111111111111111111111111a111111111111111111111111111 CAMPUS CALENDAR 111111111M111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111 TODAY-s- Meeting of League of Evangel ical Students in Room 318 Old Main at 7:30 p.m. Record concert in Room 417 Old Main at 8 p.m. Soccer game with Army on New Beaver Field at 1 p.m. Spinster Skip in White Hall from 9 to 12 p. m. MONDAY: Meeting of Fresl - man Elections Committee in 318 Old Main at 8:30 p. m. Adrian 0. Morse, assistant to the president, will discuss "The Fra ternity's Contribution in the Fu ture," at the luncheon of Panhel lenic delegates at the Nittany Lion Inn at 1 p.m. today. Panhellenic (Continued from page one) TODAY: 9 a.m.—Fraternity cooperation, Rooms 304 and 305, Old , Main. 9:30 a.m.—Membership limita tion. 10:15 a.m.—Quota system. • 10:30 a.m.—Scholarship. 11 a.m.—City Panhellenic aid to College Panhellenic. _11:15 a.m. Panhellenic pro grams. Mrs. A. K. Anderson. 1 p.m.—Luncheon. Nittany Lion Inn. 2:30 p.m. Worth of sorority membership. 3:15 p.m.—Rushing. 6:30 p.m.—Dinner. Nittany Lion Inn. 9 p.m.—Spinster Skip. 10 p.m. Social hour in southeast lounge of Atherton Hall. TOMORROW: 9-10:30 a.m.—Breakfast meeting. Allencres t. . Former Navy Chaplain Will Speak In Chapel Dr. Brenard C. Clausen, pastor of the First Baptist Church in Pittsburgh and wel: known speak er on the campus, will speak on "Conscription for Christians" at Chapel service tomorrow. Dr. Clausen served as Chaplain in the U. S. Navy on board the U.S.S. North Carolina from 1917 to 1929. He is a member of Phi Beta Kappa and Delta Sigma Rho. Aside from his pastoral work, Dr. Clausen has written such well known books as: "The Door That Has No Key," and "The A.B.C. of the New Testament." His pastorates have included Mount Vernon, New York, Hamil ton, Syracuse, and now Pittsburgh. Drop Reported By Pugh In Center Enrollments David H. Pugh,: supervisor of the College undergraduate cen ters, has just released figures that show a drop of 27 students from last 'year's total of 533 students enrolled at the undergraduate centers. However, Pugh stated that the transfer enrollment on the cam pus had a slight increase of 11 this year over last year's total of 113. Following is the total enroll ment of the various undergrad uate centers: Fr. So. P-T._Tot'l Altoona ....87 64 8 159 Dußois ....81 50 6 137 Hazleton ...66 31 15 112 Schuylkill .69 31 8 108 Totals 303 176 37 516 Zeta To Pledge Two Zeta Tau Alpha will pledge Eleanor M. Fitzpatrick '42 and Dorothy E. Holmes '43 at the home of Mrs. Howard Niesley, town alumna, at 4 p.m. tomorrow. SATURDAY, NOVEMBER 9, 1940 I Catch-of-Campus Crowning Tonight In an atmosphere of comic car toons and backwoods decorations, the Catch-of-the-Campus will be crowned at Mortal Board's 'Spin ster Skip, set for White Hall at 9 p. m. today, to climax Sadie Haw kins Day. Tonight the ideal man, W. Lewis Corbin '4l, Charles M. Peters '4l, or Robert Robinson '4l, will re ceive a Mortar Board, and each coed will be draggin" her own par ticular Li'l Abner, the one she's been chasing all week. Any late racers may still secure tickets for the dame, for which the Campus Owls will play, at Student Union or at the dance for one dollar per couple. Sadie Hawkins Day will be com plete with coed-escorted bachelo'r boys, vegetable corsages, and• a movie version of "Li'l Abner" at one of the local theaters. -- Tribunal has lifted freshman men's customs for the dance, and WSGA has granted free one o'clocks to freshman women for the dance. Counselor Confab Features Crafts Making acorn bra cele ts and lanyards, playing such camp games as geography and charades, and folk dancing will highlight today's session of the Camp Counselor's Conference at White Hall begin ning at 2 p. m. • Mrs.. M. Donald Esh, mother of H. Jean Esh '43, and supervisor of arts and crafts in the Bear Moun tain slistrict, Will lead the arts and crafts sessions. Ten cents will, be charged for making each of these items. After playing table and action games useful for the camp group, coed counselors will be taught folk dances by Mildred M. Lucey, instructor in activities and head counselor at Camp Onika. WPA office has set up an em ployment bUreau for 'prospective counselors, and any interested co ed may file an application at the conference. An exhibit of leather goods, camp scrapbooks, photographs, and handcraft projects made by the counselors in previous summers is a feature of the convention. Last night's pro;,ram was de voted to camp songs and swim ming games and stunts. Today's program: • 2-3 p.m.—Arts' and crafts. 3-4 p.m. Games and refresh ments. 4-5 p.m.—Folk dancing. With Other Women— Soph Dance Features Kiss Testing Machine Sophomores • at Northeastern boast . of something new for their annual dance—it's a "Kiss-0- Graph," an electro-magnetic me chanical device, guaranteed to test the amount of heat generated when osculation occurs. Temple, like most schools, re cently concluded its sorority rush ing. Women debaters at Cornell discussed advantages of deferring the rushing until second semes ter. Panhellenic AsSociation at West Virginia University organized an Intersorority Pledge Council, com- posed of two pledges from each sorority, to familiarize the group with Panhellenic work. Zeta Entertains Officers Zeta Tau Alpha will entertain Miss Dorothy Gibbons, national field secretary, and Miss Doris 'Murray, province president, at a Coffee hour in Atherton Hall from 2 to 2:30 p.m. tomorrow.
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