SATURDAY, NOVEMBER 9,194 Q Soccer, Jayvee Football Scheduled For Only .Home Tilts Today 1111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111 Between the Lions 1111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111 Dear Mr. Morrison: Be happy you reside as far from State College as you do this morn ing. Penn State students are hot under the collar over your criticism ,of the Lion football team, and you wouldn't last long enough in this usually quiet village to blow your nose. Chief reason for this sudden dislike for you reverts to two state ments you made yesterday: 1. That your grid outfit "was stopped cold by such lesser elevens as Penn State and Bucknell." . 2. That Penn State stole plays from your erstwhile Owls In rebuttal of your first accusation I refer you to the national rat ings of the State and Temple teams. You'll have to look loud and long for any ranking system which puts the Owls anywhere within striking distance of the Lions, whereas the locals are in the upper bracket, both nationally and in the East. Your statement doesn't make sense, Ray. As for the Nittany crew stealing your plays during practice ses sions, I doubt that very much, too. There are gentlemen in the world of football, Mr. Morrison, and Bob Higgins is one of the finest. Personally, and I think most everyone agrees, you are seeking a damn good alibi for the unsuccessful season you have had to date, but this one isn't it, because it puts you in the cla'ss with a certain fellow from Ohio State, who made such a laughing stock of not only himself, but his whole team and university, only a few weeks ago. Really, I guess, we here at Penn State should laugh at your child ish accusations. It is funny, Ray, except that we don't like to see the name of Penn State taken in vain. Shall I send along a gross of handkerchiefs? We hope you'll need Syracuse Scribe Gives Inside Dope By DICK KOEPKE Sports Editor, The Daily Orange A badly beaten ball club last Saturday when they bowed, 28-6, to Georgetown hustling Hoyas, Syracuse's Orangement have been completely r e v a e d for this week's skirmish with Penn State. Stories and scouting reports drifting back to Syracuse from the bailiwick of the Nittany Lions in dicate that this year's edition is the best ball club the Staters have fielded in the past 20 years, and Coach Ossie 'Solem is overlooking no bets in whipping his eleven into the best possible shape for the talented Lions. Although State' is . rated more than a two-touchdown. edge over the Orange at the moment, Syra cuse has not been counted out of the picture by the gambling boys yet; the in-and-out tendencies of the Piety Hillers make them a poor club to bet against and the season records indicate that this will be an' uncertain week to ride your money on the opposition team. • - Since the beginning of the 1940 campaign the Orangemen have been turning out alternately good and bad Saturdays, and this is due to he a big weekend for the Saltine Warriors. After trimming Clarkson Tech in the opener, the Hillmen took a 40-0 beating from Northwestern's Wildcats. They bounced back the next week and carted off an easy win over NYV, but the following Saturday it was the - same old story—another loss, this time to Cornell. A victory at the expense of Columbia followed by George town's win brings the story up to date, pointing to a red-hot Satur day when Penn State invades Archbold stadium, Of course, a series of coincid ences of this nature will by no means insure an Orange victory, especially when Penn State has such a powerful team. However, the whole idea is rather interest ing. After all, you can't blame a guy for dreaming when his ball club is in the dumps. • Although the Orange squad has been trimmed down by injuries suffered in the Georgetown contest, Ossie Solem has scrimmaged his Charges for the first two days this week to iron out flaws shown by WITH DICK PETERS Yours, Dick Peters Coach Speidel Issues New Call For Wrestlers Although about 100 candidates have reported for wrestling prac tice held every Tuesday and Thurs day in Rec Hall, Coach Charley Speidel has announced that he is anxious to have all men interested in wrestling report on these prac tice days. Starting from scratch,. Speidel will spend most of these drill ses sions in explaining the simple holds and technique of wrestling. BT! Predictions Hoping to better the .833 aver age made. to date, we close our eyes and say that: Penn State will trounce Syracuse by tvio touch downs. Cornell will keep on against• Yale. Penn will outman euver Harvard. Michigan will edge Minnesota in the game of the. day. Notre Dame will take it out on Navy. Tulane will strangle Alabama. Clemson will upset Au burr. Stanford will push Wash ington out of the way. Fordham will sneak past Puydue. Pitt will stagger Carnegie Tech. the :Hillmen Many of the regulars have been hobbled by minor bruises and hurts, but all of thiLm, except Dick Banger, should be ready for State. Banger, regular tailback last sea son, has been playing wingback and blocking back this year and doing most of the passing. It now appears that Gerry Court ney, Leo Canale, and Joe Watt will get the opening backfield nod with either Red Rodiek or Cliff Wilson calling the signals. Courtney, styl ish broken field runner last season, hasn't shown much this year, and he may be due this weekend. Can ale, a terrific bucker, will start at fullback, and soph Joe Watt will be the wingback. Dick Weber and Johnny Cong don have retained their guard berths, and Ray Tice is still at cen ter, but the tackle story has a diff erent slant. Bill Eschenfelder has displaced Torn Kinney at left tackle and right tackle Joe Rigan is getting a tough scrap for his job from Dick Ransom and Ernie Asch erman. Whitey Piro is set at left end, and Paul Berthold has passed Les Dye at the other flank. A third-stringer till the Georgetown contest, Bert hold played brilliantly after re plaCing Dye and sewed up a 'regu lar berth. THE DAILY COLLEGIAN Booters Meet Army In Only Varsity Game In the only varsity contest here this weekend, the Penn State soc cer squad will attempt to score their 59th victory without defeat when they meet the Army eleven on New Beaver Field at 1 p. m. today. Fans will have an excellent op portunity to see in actual play the power system of playing soccer as opposed to Bill Jeffrey's system. The Cadets use the power kick and rushing type of play as against the short, placement kicks and strategy stressed by Jeffrey. Only regular missing from the Lion lineup will be Alan Heck, sophomore right fullback, who is still recovering from injuries re ceived in the past two tilts. Heck suffered a leg injury in the Syra cuse game and received a dislo cated knee when the Lions battled Navy last week. Dick Dearborn, who has shown up very well as a substitute this year, will take over the position. Don Megrail, center halfback, has had a charley-horse for the past week but will take his place in the. opening lineup this after noon. Outstanding• for the West Point ers is, strangely enough, a substi tute, Bob Claggett, who tallied the Army's two goals against M.I.T. Wednesday. Also a power man in the Army lineup is Len Guckey son, center halfback, who has pac ed the Cadets in almost all their encounters this year. The lineups: Penn State Army G. Leskaris Hayduk RB Freeman • Weeks LB Dearborn Stern RH Hosterman Koslowski, CH Mcgrail Guckeyson LH Green OR Hartman IR Dalindo CF King IL Corman OL. Durain Frosh Rooters Seek 2nd Win At Cornell Tomorrow Sixteen freshman booters left yesterday for Ithaca, New York, where they wilt meet the Cornell freshman soccer team this after noon in an attempt to avenge defeats suffered at the hands of the Little Red booters for the past two years. Defeating Syracuse early in the season, the Little Lion soccermen will be midway in their season and out for their second victory. Next Wednesday the freshmen will close their schedule, playing Army's plebes at West Point. Accompanied by Coach Clyde Underwood, the following fresh men made the trip: John Struck, Charles Horvath, Harold Framm, Sam Schnure, James Irwin, Boyd Etters, Earl Stauffer, Henry Yeag ley, William Pritchard, Tom Will iams, Lloyd Black, Dick Miller, Len Fruchter, Wayne Bechdel, Sam Landis, aiid Logan Gerheim. Football (Continued from page one) eleven it has faced this year. Flashing a powerful running at tack at times, the Orangemen have bowed to Cornell, Northwestern, and Georgetown, all rated among the ten best in the nation. With a victory over State so important towards their season's success, Coach Ossie Solem's minions will spat z. nothing in an effort to upset the dope. Ed Rodiek will direct the attack aided in the back field by halfbacks Gerry Court ney :Ind Joe Watt, and fullback Leo Canale. Courtney and Ca nale have been the home . team's best ground-gainers all year. Syr acuse's ace in the hole will be its counterpart of the Lions' Pepper Petrella in 147-pound Bunky Mor ris, ace passer, and kicker. Captain Smith, Snyder Enter Final Dual Race Against Pitt Harriers Captain. Bill Smith, foremost Nittany Lion harrier for four years, and •Cet Snyder will race their last five-mile harrier grind in dual competition when Coach Chick Werner's cross-country squad runs its season's finale in Pittsburgh today against the Pitt Panthers. Only defeated once in his dual career, the slightly built Nittany captvin will be gunning for his 14th dual meet triumph against "Zeke" Sterner and Mac McCable, Pitt's top harriers'. Surging to two IC-4A champion ships in his freshman and sopho more years, Smith blosomed into the nation's No. 1 harrier. Last year, suffering from a stomach illness and a few bad breaks, "Mysterious Bill" lost his only dual race to Michigan State's Cap tain Fehr, who nosed him out in a spirited break foe the tape. As a disappointing climax to his junior year, Smith was defeated by Les McMitchell, NYU harrier, in the IC-4A's when a stitch in the side of the Nittany leader slowed him up near the finish line. Werner will send Smith, Chet Snyder, Pop Thiel, Vern Kotz, Bob Kingtigh, Bill Jimeson, and Archy Hyson into this final tilt, as both the Nittany Lions and Panthers are seeking their season's first win. lions Rated Third in Nation In Total Rushino Defense Marks Bowlin Walters Stilison According to the latest figures compiled by the American Football Statistical Bureau, Penn State ranks among the country's first ten in offense, defense, and rushing de fense. Deshert Frankosky The Nittany Lions' rushing de fense average of 38.8 yards per game rates the Staters third in the country. Penn State's average of 99.8 yards per game for total defense rates fourth, and an offensive aver age of 313.2 yards puts the Lions in the tenth spot. THE FIRST NATIONAL BANK OF.• STATE COLLEGE Member of ' Federal Deposit Insurance Corporation PAGE THREE Jayvees Meet Panthers Here At 2 p.m, Today Fully aware that their game with• Pitt shares the sports limelight on. Beaver Field with the soccer gamc today, the Jayvee gridders are pre pared to whip up a real battle anc do a fancy job of Panther taming. Danny's Demons will see action al 2 p.m. on the varsity field. "Cap" Bailey, who was sched uled to travel to Syracuse with the varsity, has been recalled for serv ice against the Panther Jayvees His kicking and passing from the tailback position should greatly strengthen - the Demons' attack. Against Navy last week, Bailey booted a punt 60 yards and - mile(' it out on the three yard line. Quent Deidrich, stellar back whose 94 yard touchdown run against Navy was called back be cause of a penalty, will again star; for Danny DeMarino's gridders the fullback spot. Frank Silvestr . will call signals at blocking back Either Ted Phillips or Bill Shut will start at wingback. Phillips re turned to action recently afte being out for a week with a knee injury sustained in the opening game against Cornell. The forward wall will line ur with Walt 'Sottung and "Smoky" Mall as ends, Pete Krones and Jin - Hall at tackle, Joe Valla and Johi Tessieri at the guard posts, an( Lou Palazzi whipping the pigskii back from center. Ed Gales anc Sam Kopach will both be out o: action because of shoulder injuries sustained in the Navy skirmish. '44 Cross-Counfry Team Meets Cornell Tomorrow The freshman cross -countr: team will be looking for its seem victory of the season when the: run against the Cornell frosh a Ithaca, N. Y., today. Members of the team who lef yesterday for Cornell are: Tini Candy, Charlie Hobbs, Bob Hazei Curtis Stone, Bob Faloon, Did Cressman, and Jerry Eno. Be sure to see the soccer exhibii in the Athletic Store window to day. Varsity player, Hap Freeman has done all the lettering for the display.
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