The daily collegian. (University Park, Pa.) 1940-current, November 08, 1940, Image 1

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    Successor to
the Free Lance,
Established 1887
VOL. 37—No. 40
Van Zandt Will Speak
Here On Armistice Day
All 11 O'clock Classes
Will Be Suspended
The audience at the combined
student body-borough Armistice
Day program will be among the
first to hear James E. Van Zandt
since his re-election to Congress
from the 23rd district when he
speaks at the observance in Sch
wab Auditorium at 11 a.m. Mon
Representative Van Zandt's sub
ject has not been announced. The
Council of Administration has or
dered all classes suspended at the
11 o'clock hour.
Preceding the actual program
taps will be played and the custo
mary silent period will be observ
ed. An organ prelude will be play
ed by Mrs. Richard W. Grant and
John H. Frizzell, College chaplain,
will give the invocation.
After a hymn, "America, the
Beautiful," there will be a res
ponsive reading and a solo, "Who
Goes There?" by Harlan N. Worth
ley, professor of entomology. A
prayer by Professor Frizzell is next
on the• program, followed by Rep
resentative Van Zandt's address.
Professor Frizzell will pronounce
the benediction and taps and a
postlude will be played to end the
Student groups which are par
ticipating in sponsorship of the
program are All-College Cabinet,
PSCA, Inter-Church Student Fel
lowship Council, and the Student
Religious Workers Council.
Town, qsganiz.ptions taking part
in the presentation of the observ
ance are the Alpha Fire Company,
Borough Council, American Leg
ion, Commerce Club, Elks, Kiwan
is, and the VFW.
Atli Hall Waiters Party
Ath Hall waiters and kitchen
help will hold a party in Grange
dormitory playroom at 8:30-p.m.
tonight. There will be dancing to
latest records and refreshments
will be served.
Late News
Tacoma The six million dol
lar Tacoma bridge, the third larg
est in the world, rocked and heav
ed through a thirty-five Mile an
hour gale yesterday afternoon and
finally collapsed. The bridge,
which spanned Pugest Sound, fell
200 feet leaving only the towers
and cables in their original posi
tion. Only one car was caught on
the bridge when it crashed, and
the lone occupant crawled to safe
ty hut his dog, the only casualty
of the incident, was caught in the
mass of twisting. steel.
Washington—The United States
sent a plea to Berlin and Rome
yesterday asking for free passage
of ships carrying American re
fugees from Great Britain. Rome
gave her• consent but powers in
Berlir would not promise, stating
that mines had been planted
around the coastline of England
which would seriously hinder the
passage 'of the liners. -
Boston Senator Lodge an
nounced yeMerday that he will ask
the Senate to consider the doing
away -with the electoral college
and leaving the outcome of the
nations presidential poll up to the
popular vote.
0f .......„, ..
Armistice Speaker
'The Hon. James E. Van Zandt,
representative to Congress from
the 23rd Distritt, will speak at the
Armistice Day observance in Sch
wab Auditorium at 11 a.m. Mon
day. Classes will be suspended at
that hour in order that students
may attend the ceremonies.
International Tea
Given By PRA
" The - PS - CAVirillifold its -annual
International Tea and Hobby Show
in room 304 Old Main from three
to five o'clock on Sunday.
All foreign born students have
been sent invitations to the affair
which is designed to promote an
interest in the handicraft and hob
bies of.foreign nations.
In addition to the tea an enter
tainment program has been ar
ranged which will consist of sing
ing and 'playing of musical instru
ments by various students in cos
tumes of their native land.
All people who have hobbies
from foreign countries are urged
to bring them to the CA . office by
Saturday morning.
The hobby show, with booths
depicting various countries, will
be located in the Hugh Beaver
Room, and all students are urged
to submit their exhibits by Satur
day noon.
Ten will be served in the Penn
State In China Room by two Chin
ese students, Shuk- - Yee Chan,
graduate, and Ruby Lee, transfer
Members of the committee plan
ning the tea and hobby- show are
Francis G. Reist '42, chairman,
Mary B. Anderson '42. Christine
R. Grant '43, Doris E. Ives '42,
Olive L. Kalar '43, Ada Lord '43,
Anita H. Reinesalc '43, Eleanor
L. Robinson, graduate, Alberta
Rogue '44. and Andrew P. Szekely
Shoplifting Rumor Dispelled By Stores
Following a report of unusual
amounts of shoplifting in local
stores, an investigation was made
yesterday by a Collegian reporter,
and little basis for a general state
ment that a "crime wave" had
struck State College was found.
When a local merchant reported
that he noticed the disappearance
of more articles from open cases
than many years, it was assum
ed that this was generally true.
• On investigation, it was found
Alumni Plan For
Pill Celebration
Penn Staters traveling to Pitts
burgh for the Pitt game weekend
will be well entertained by the
Allegheny County alumni associa
tion, which has planned a smoker
and dance for State fans.
The annual Penn State Smoker
will be held in the Schenley Ho
tel, Pittsburgh, Friday, November
23, at 8 p. m. Harry H. -Brainerd,
chairman of the smoker commit
tee, has arranged for a general
get-together which will feature
entertainment and refreshments.
Rex Rockwell and his orchestra
will provide a familiar note for
Penn Staters at the dance to be
held 10 p. m. Saturday night in
the William Penn Hotel ball room.
Alumnus R. H. Frey will be
chairman of the dance committee,
and alumni Harry H. Brainerd
and Edward M. Aiken will man
age the ticket committee.
The proceeds of the smoker and
dance will be added to the Penn
State Scholastic Fund. All promo
tion and organization work is be
ing contributed by members of the
Pittsburgh alumni group, headed
by Benjamin C. Jones.
Alderfer Misses
Seven Counfies
Prof. Harold F. Alderfer, execu
tive secretary of the Institute of
Local Government, missed only
seven counties of 'Pennsylvania in
his prediction of the 1940 presid
ential election.
He predicted that Columbia,
Clinton, Cumberland, Juanita, and
Monroe would go Republican, but
they went Democratic. Professor
Alderfer felt that Erie and Law
rence would give 'Roosevelt a
plurality over his Republican op
ponent, but they voted for Winkle.
While these counties were predict
ed incorrectly, the margins of vic
tory in all of them were decidedly
The total tabulation gives Pro
fessor Alderfer an average of 90
per cent in his prediction. This
does not quite come up to his mark
of 1936 when he missed only one
Another election bet came to
light yesterday. William Heim '44
got a ride in a wheelbarrow with
an upperclassman providing the
motive power. Lester W. Kutz '4l,
an overconfident Republican, was
the unlucky upperclassman re
quired to push Heim from Pi
Kappa Phi fraternity to Co-op
Corner and back.
Visit Washington, D.C.
Civil Engineering professors
Robert E. Minshall, Robert D.
Scheier, Charles A. Eder and Ju
lius E. Kaulfuss left yesterday for
Washington, D. C., where they will
spend several days visiting engin
eering and other laboratories.
that this was the exception. None
of the other merchants contacted
reported any large amounts of
shoplifting. Most of them said
that shoplifting was rare in State
College and certainly not more
obvious than elsewhere.
Most merchants claimed that
they were aware of the identity of
a few' habitual "kleptomaniacs"
who were responsible for what
little shoplifting was perpetrated.
These persons, they said, were al
Symposium Tonight Opens
3-Day Pan-Hel Conference
Many Rooters Expected
Al Pep Send-off Today
Atttendance of every Penn
State rooter who can possibly
make it is expected at the all-
College football send-off on Co
op Corner at 7:30 a. m. today.
Campus officials and organiza
tions have prepared a special
rally in honor of. Coach Bob
Higgin's unbeaten eleven.
.Tack Brand '4l, president of
the Athletic Association, last
night stated. "Each student
should turn out because we
want. an undefeated season. The
team neds our support."
Industry Demands
More Engineers
Every member of the graduating
classes of the Engineering School
for the past several years has been
placed in his chosen field, accord
ing to figures released by Dean
Harry P. Hammond of the school.
In addition to this fine record,
Dean Hammond pointed out that
a shortage of engineers in evely
field of industry has caused the
demand for graduates to far ex
ceed the supply.
The nation's intensive defense
pro - gran - 1 - has also increased' the.
need in all branches of engineer
ing, until the shortage now is more
acute than at any other time in our
nation's history, including the
1917-18 days.
February graduates of the en
gineering school are being con
tacted by basic industries, and in
quiries are already being made
about graduates this. coming June.
The combined factors of expan
sion of our resources and national
defense has created many new jobs
and greater openings than ever be
fore are being offered to graduates
of the engineering school.
Extra Period Added For
Training Band Practice
Frank Gullo, assistant profes
sor of music, has announced that
the newly organized training band
for student musicians will meet
for practice on Mondays at 4 p. m.
in addition to the previously ar
ranged Thursday period.
An extra hour has been sched
uled to accomodate the large num
ber of instrument players that has
shown interest in the band. Direc
tor Gullo believes that the addi
tional training period every week
will enable many more students to
obtain adeqquate instruction and
ways watched closely when they
came into the stores.
Most of the articles "lifted"
were small items, left on display
cases. None of the merchants re
ported any large thefts. The store
which originally suggested possi
ble upward trend, raid that noth
ing of much value has been taken
in the past few years and only a
few small items were missing this
Partly Cloudy
Phi Delta Theta Plans
Dance For Delegates
Opening session of the three
day Regional Panh'llenic Confer
ence will get underway at 9 p. m.
today in Room 304 Old Main af
ter registration of more than 60
visiting sorority women and 20
natinnal officers in the first floor
lounge of Old Main from 5 to 8
p. m.
Official greeting will be extend
ed by Harriet Singer '4l, as presi
dent of the hostess Panhellenic as
sociation, followed by an hour's
"Fraternities in the World To
day," theme conference, will be
discussed first from the active's
point of view by Jane Scott, Kap
pa Kappa Gamma and Panhel
lenic President at the University
of Pennsylvania.
Mrs. Josephine B. Meredith,
Dean of Women at Dickinson Col
lege, will stress her side of the
picture followed by another ver
sion from Mrs. Irving S. Brown,
Alpha Chi Omega delegate to the
National Panhellenic Association.
Phi Delta Theta will entertain
all the guests at a victrola dance
after the meeting from 10 p. m.
until dormitory closing at 1 a. m.
when delegates must return to the
sorority houses and suites to which
they have been assigned.
The program:
5-8 p. m.—Registration. First
floor lounge, Old Main.
9 p. m.—Symposium, Room 304
Old Main.
10 p. m.—Victrola Dance at Phi
Delta Theta.
(amp Conference
Underway Tonight
Camp songs new and old, swim
ming races with candles and
nightgowns, and a guest speaker
will feature tonight's program of
WRA's second Camp Counselor's
Conference at White Hall, Mar
ion E. Sperling '42, chairman, an
nounced last night.
As a successor to last spring's
Camp Conclave, which empha
sized the theoretical side of camp
ing, the conference today and to
morrow will stress the practical
camp program, with coed counsel
ors participating in all events.
6:30-7:30 p. m.—Singing
7:30-8:15 p. m.—Speaker
8:15-9:30 p. m. Swimming
games and stunts
2-3 p. m.—Arts and crafts
3-4 p. m.—Games and refresh
4-5 p. m.—Folk dancing
PSCA Service Committee
To Aid Needy Children
The PSCA Community Service
Committee will meet in Room 304
Old Main at 7 p. m. today to
discuss plans for aiding the under
privileged children of Woodycrest.
a community two miles north of
State College.
Duane Ramsey, associate pro
fessor of sociology, Miss Smulling,
Red Cross nurse of State College,
Mrs. Sheldon Tanner, member of
the Welfare Fund of State College,
and Rev. Albert S. Asendul, of the
Faith Evangelical Church are the
leaders of the movement.