The daily collegian. (University Park, Pa.) 1940-current, November 07, 1940, Image 2

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"For A Better Penn State"
.itx:e.s.,or to the Penn State Collegian, established 1904, and
the Free Lance, established 1887
Published daily except Sunday and Monday during the
re,pilar College year by the students ot The Pennsylvania
Stt.t.e. College. Entered as seeond-class twitter July 5. 1934.
40. the post-office at State College, Pa., under the act of
Zflreh 3. 1879.
Editor Business Manager
Adam A. Smyser '4l Lawrence S. Driever '4l
Women's Editor—Vera L. Kemp '4l ; Managing Editor
—Robert H. Lane '4l: Sports Editor—Richard C. Peters
•41; News Editor—William E. Fowler '4l: Feature Editor
—Edward J. K. McLorie '4l ; Assistant Managing Editor--
Bayard Bloom '4l ; Women's Managing Editor—Arita L.
I-Tefferan '4l ; Women's Promotion Manager—Edythe B.
Bickel '4l.
Advertising Manager—John H. Thornal '4l ; Circulation
Manager—Robert G. Robinson '4l: Senior Secretary—Ruth
Goldstein '4l ; Senior Secretary--Leslie H. Lewis '4l.
Junior Editorial Board—John A. Baer '42. R. Helen
Gordon '42, Ross B. Lehman '42. William J. McKnight '42.
Alice M. Murray '42. Pat Nagelberg '42, Stanley J. PoKernP
ner '42. Jeanne C. Stiles '42.
Junior Business Board—Thomas W. Allison '42. Paul
M. Goldberg '42. James E. MeCaughney '42, Margaret T.. Em
bury '42. Virginia Ogden '42. Fay E. Rees '42.
z Member ''
Ossociated Collegiate Press
Distributor of
Collect ictte Disest I
Graduate Counselor _ C. Ftus.sei. , Eck
tlitorial and Business Office
313 Old Main Bldg.
Dial 711
Managing. Editor This Issue
IJ••ws Editor This Issue ____
Winten's Editor This Issue _
S.,olionore Assistant
Thursday Morning, November 7, 1940
The Presidential Election And
America's Future
We supported Wendell Willkie, but we are not
of the opinion that (as a result of the election)—
... There will be any earthouakes today.
... The snows this winter will be any 'deeper
ti,an usual.
Nor do we believe that the FBI will haul us off
to jail, that any German bombers will be sighted
over the Panama Canal tomorrow, nor that the
American social order will explode into dust. the
very moment the President begins his third term.
No, gentle reader, if you expected us to predict
any of these things or even to say that the coun
try is headed for the rocks, you are wrong.
The truth is we are proud of Tuesday's election.
w Care - pl'oud of it because more people than
ever before in American history went to the polls
to vote.
We are proud of it because we believe that, with
the aid of the radio and the press, they under
.slcod the issues more clearly than any previous
American electorate.
We are proud of it because it shows clearly that
even though the democratic way of life is dead in
Europe it is robust in the United States.
The President faces four hard years, four his
tory-making years. Clearly, the country now is
sailing on uncharted waters. We need to give him
more confidence and more help than he got even
im 1933.
He is our servant. We must help him. That not mean that Willkie supporters need to
deny what they believed before the election: That
a• third terni is undesirable, and that the Presi
dent's domestic policy has" been bunked. How
ever, these and all the election issues now must
be subordinated to the more important problem of
unity on the national front.
The next four years of the President's admin
istration will probably not resemble the first
seven, but likely will bespeak the last one. It was
principally because of the international crisis that
the President was re-elected.
International rather than domestic issues will
likely dominate government activity during the
President's third term. He will need unity at
Unquestionably. some of that unity was neces
k;arily sacrificed during- the heated campaign. Mr.
Roosevelt now is president for foie' more years
tnd, from every loyal American, he deserves a
return of support.
For some of the Willkie followers who bitterly
opposed the President, unity may be a faraway
thing. It should not be. It need not be.
President Roosevelt in the past has shown a dis
icgard for precedent. As has been suggested, he
might appoint Mr. Wilikie to a key position in
home defense organization.
If Mr. Willkie is the sincere and capable man
most of his followers believe him to be, he will
rccept such an offer and perform his duty with
credit. If he does, a lot of campaign wounds will
be healed and the President.will have taken a big
step toward creating national solidarity at a time
vtilen it, more than anythine, ease, is needed.
Downtown Office
119-121 South Fiazier St.
Dial 4372
Grbe Schenkein '4l
_Stanley - J. PoKempner '42
Vera L. Kemp '4l
S. Stebbins
Now that the poltical hullaballoo is over and
Jeanne Stiles and Alice Murray are speaking to
each other again, your benevolent correspondent
has the following fatherly advice to offer:
Advice To Republicans
Cheer up—chances are the sun will still come
up in the East and flowers will still bloom in the
Advice To Democrats
Advice To Everybody
Get out your fur-lined ear plugs, here comes an
other four years of - "Mah Friends."
With Sadie Hawkins day fast approaching and
Penn State's lovely female contingent girding their
loins to pull an Amazon Saturday, Campy .has
these words to offer in the nature of
Advice To Males
Arise, you dormant Penn State males
Escape the coed noose
Foo foo to Sadie Hawkins day
Let's SKIP to Syracuse!
Prodigal Pins
We could tell you a lot of things about last
weekend. like Bayard Bloom sleeping through his
date for the game Saturday afternoon (this radio
certainly is a wonderful thing, eh, Alice?), and
Eddie Harris giving his girl half the jewelry in
State College and—but as we started to say, we're
Lo:na to let sleeping dogs lie and content our
selves with a summary of the pin situation.
Pins lost: Tom Vargo's sps badge to Sally Fab
er, dg, Frank Deger's alfachirho pin to Jane Foose
aopi, George Roy's phisigmakappa jewel to Nancy
Crosser, Bob Clark's phi sig badge to Jane Keith
ickg, and George Parrish's thetaxi sparklers to
Jane Gibboney kkg.
Additional information: it seems that Keith and
Gibboney are roommates and both went out pin
less Monday night and each returned grinning like
a Cheshire cat ready to receive her roommate's ad
miring comments.. Look at my. frat pin!
Pins returned: Dottie Wickersham's phi delt
tadge to Gart Dietrick, Pat Beheney's phi delt pin
to Charlie Mattern.
At long last Gamma Sigs Bud Loeb, Bill Good
man and Bernie Shwartz got rid of their house
party dates at 6:30 a. m. Monday when the girls
climbed in their car and headed for Philly. Sigh
ing with relief, said fellows went to class.
At noon the weary three dragged themselves
back to the house for lunch, looked inside the door,
stared again, and accepted their fate. The girls had
taken the wrong turn at Harrisburg.
An Announcement--
have appointed us as distributors of their
products in State College
Beautiful Christmas displays will be shown
in all of the following cosmetic lines:
Elizabeth Arden
Helena Rubinstein
Prince Matchabelli
Harriet Hubbard Ayres
Yardley and Houbigant
Early American Old Spice
Bourjois !dais Qui
Corday and Coty
Bourjais Evening in Paris
Max Factor
Hudnut Gemey and Yankee
Revlon and Sage Manicure Kits
Mew Music Hours
Part Tomorrow
A new schedule of listening
hours for the Carnegie Corporation
gift set of recordings in 'Room 417
Old Main has been. announced by
Hummel Fishburn, associate pro
fessor of music education.
Effective tomorrow and ending
December 7 the hours will be:
Sundays-2 to '6 p.m., 7 to 10
p.m. (except December 1). Mon
days-8 to 10 a.m., 1 to 5 p.m., 7
to 10 p.m. Tuesdays-9 to 11 am.,
1 to 3 p.m. Wednesdays-8 to noon,
1 to 5 pm., 7 to 10 p.m. (November
27, morning only).
Thursdays-11 a.m., 1 to 5 p.m.
(except November 28). Fridays
-9 to noon, 1 to 5 p.m., 7 to 10-p.m.
(except November 29). Saturdays
—8 to noon, 1 to 5 p.m. (except
November 30 and on November 16
morning only).
Aptitude Test Required
for All Pre-Med Students
The Association of American
Medical Colleges' Aptitude Test
will be given in Room 121 tomor
row at 3 p. m., announced Prof.
0. F. Smith, Assistant Dean of the
School of Chemistry and Physics.
This is the only time the test
will be given this year. It should
be taken by all students who ex
pect to apply for entrance to a
Medical School by Fall of 1941.
The test has been adopted by the
Association as one of the nor
mal requirements for . admission.
Students should make applica
tion immediately to Room 112,
Pond Laboratory. A fee of one
dollar is required of each stu
dent taking the test.
Livestock Judging Team
Leaves for Kansas City
The Livestock Judging Team
left yesterday for Kansas City,
Mo., where it will participate in
the American Royal Live Stock
Members of the team making the
trip are Thomas R. Baird '4l, Ro
bert C. Campbell '4l, Ray H. Dutt
'4l, Morton E. Jenkins '4l, and
George T. Stewart '4l, and Coach
William L. Henning.. •
Dr. William A. Broyles, profes
sor of agriculture education, will
attend the Show as superintendent
of contest grading. Assisting him
will be 'Russell B. Dickerson, de
partment of agriculture education.
Engineer's Library Shows
Revised 'Headlight Shelf'
Mrs. Crystal Bailey announced
yesterday that th e engineer's
"headlight shelf" of books, located
in Room 110 Main Enginee/ing
Building, is now ready for Circu
Letters to the Editor—
Frosh Challenges
Sophomore Class
To the Editor:
In the 'Short time that it has
spent at State, the freshman class
has been given no opportunities
to prove its superiority over the
sophomore class. This has resulted
in quite a bit of indifference among
the freshman in regard to class
spirit. In order to raise the '44
class spirit to its optiino, something
must be done that will be support
ed by every man.
On behalf of the Class of '44,
I challenge the Class of '43 to a
tug-of-war, with two tons of our
halest and heartiest. men pitted
against two tons of their so-called
outstanding athletes—the hat men.
I am certain that this event would
hold the interest of every Penn
State man, and would promote a
class spirit that has never been'
Jack J. Bard '44
111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111 M
Toward Unity
IP With the re-election of Franklin
D. Roosevelt on Tuesday,- one of
the most vindictive, mud -slinging
presidential campaigns in the his
tory of this country came to a
close. The hurts, bruises, and ill
feeling resulting from this knock
down, drag-out national scrap are
extensive; but,. less than 24 hours
after the polls closed, Americans
were at work patching up these
injuries and preparing to again
work together, not for party, but
for country.
Two groups in particular scarce
ly waited for the shouting to die
'away before starting the ball of
-American unity rolling. Last night,
The Council For Democracy, a
group whose board includes some
of the nation's leading men in al
most every profession,
.held a
United American Rally in Car
negie Hall, New York City. The
speaker of the evening was How
ard Conley, one of the foremost
supporters of Wendell L. Winkle.
Other speakers, who pleaded, not
for victory of a certain party, but
for American shoulder-to-shoulder
cooperation, were noted men from
both sides of the major political
fence. A nationwide radio hook-up
carried their words into homes
throughout the country. •
The other move for the "closing
of American ranks" came from
The American Defenders of Free
dom in the form of a call "For
Unity for Americans All," signed
by 27 educators, editors, clergy
men, and labor leaders. It urged
that the nation remember that
"bruises, disappointments and •bit
terness" left over from the cam
paign "should not in good sense be
allowed to remain to divide our
All this comes, without further
comment, as an answer. to 'those
people who have been crying the
blues over nasty things done and
said in the recent campaign—who
fear that American Democracy is
Independent Party
Holds Social Tomorrow
At a meeting of the Independent
Party in the, Home Economics aud
itorium last night, plans were made
for an informal social to be held
at Sigma Pi tomorrow night. •
Men and women students of all
classes are invited to the affair
which will begin - at 8:30 p.m. Re
freshments will be served and fa
cilities for dancing provided. -
Gerald F. Doherty, chairman of
the '42 clique. presided and ap
pointed William F. 'Collins '42, as
chairman of a committee to ar
range for a blue book file.
111 111 111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111
Pre-medical students wishing to
take American Medical Colleges
Aptitude Test must make applica
tion at Room 112 Pond Laboratory.
PSCA Seminar meets in 304 Old
Main at 7 p.m.-
Cwen meeting in Miss Mary J.
Stevenson's apartment in Grange
at 6:45 p.m.
Swimming club meets in White
Hall at 7:30 p.m.
Monthly meeting of WRA Out
ing club in White Hall at 6:30 p.m.
Plans for a roller skating party
will be discussed.
PSCA and church worship study
group meets in 304 Old Main at
4:15 p.m.
Students on Social Inquiry trip
meet in PSCA office at 1 p.m.
At,The Movies
"The Ramparts We Watch"
"Captain Caution"
' "I Love You Again"