The daily collegian. (University Park, Pa.) 1940-current, November 07, 1940, Image 1

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    Successor to
the Free Lance,
Established 1887
VOL. 37—No. 39
Anna Kaska' Will
Sing Here in April
for Artists' Series
Anna Kaskas, Metropolitan Op
era contralto who has sky-rocket
ed to fame in four years, will ap
pear in Schwab Auditorium on
Thursday night, April 17, 1941 as
a presentation of the Artists'
Course series, Dr. Carl E. Mar
quardt announced last night.
The booking of Miss Kaskas by
the course committee, makes the
second vocalist scheduled for this
year's series. Paul Robeson has
been contracted for the opening
performance on December 9.
Miss Kaskas was born in Bridge
port, Conn. in 1910 and began her
study of music in Hartford at the
age of fifteen. A sponsor later
financed a trip to Lithuania. After
remaining in Kovno for a year,
she was sent by the Lithuanian
government td Milan for two years
of study and then returned home.
Entrance in the 1936 Metropol
itan Opera Contest was the next
step for the rising young contralto.
Out of seven hundred voices which
were heard and forty-eight which
were permited to enter the con
test, Miss Kaskas was singled out
as the most prominent. She was
then awarded roles in "Rigoletto,"
"Cavalleria Rusticana," and the
title part in a revival of Gluck's
"Orpheus and Euridice."
Heizel To Leave
For Conventions
President Raltihl - ,D.:Hetzel will
leave tonight for Chicago to attend
national conventions of two college
organizations—the Association of
Land Grant Colleges and Univer
sities, and the National Association
of State Universities.
The meeting of the Association
of Land Grant. Colleges and Uni
versities will be held tomorrow and
Saturday and the other convention
will be held Monday, Tuesday and
Seven faculty members in addi
tion to the President are delegates
to the National Association of State
Universities convention and will
leave Sunday for Chicago.
They are Miss Laura W. Drum
mond, director of home economics;
Stevenson W. Fletcher,- dean of the
School of Agriculture; Harry P.
Hammond, dean of the School of
Engineering; Frank D. Kern, dean
of the Graduate School; Fred F.
Lininger, head of the department
of agricultural economics; Milton
S. McDowell, director of extension
in the School of Agriculture; and
Dr. Pauline B. Mack, director of
home economics research. •
Warnock Urges Rigid
lif Code Enforcement
Speaking before a
,meeting of
fraternity counselors and house
presidents last night in the Liberal
Arts auditorium, A. R. Warnock,
dean of men, urged that the inter
fraternity dating code be strictly
upheld, and that the scholarship
rating of the fraternities be im
The meeting was held to inaug
urate a closer relationship and un
derstanding between the faculty
and fraternity men.
Dent For Absentee Vote
John H. Dent, candidate for the
•State Senate from Westmoreland
county, yesterday gave• his sup
port to the absentee voting drive
being conducted by the Daily Col
legian and All-College Cabinet.• -
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Slightly Warmer.
Famous Contralto
Anna Kaskas of the Metropo
itan Opera - Company will appear
in Schwab Auditorium on April 17,
1941 on the Artists' Course pro
gram. She is the second vocalist
scheduled for the series. (See story,
column 1)
Dickson To Open
Lecture Series
The Liberal Arts Lecture Series
program, now in its thirty-first
year, will be inaugurated Novem
ber 14, when Prof. Harold E. Dick
son of the department of archi
tecture will speak on "American
Mural Painting," Prof. Joseph F.
O'Brien, chairman of the Liberal
Arts Lecture Committee, announ
ced yesterday.
-- TargdaigargeWeanW:
tributions of general interest by
the faculty of the School of Liberal
Arts and by staff members of other
departments and colleges. All of
the lectures this year will be held
in Room 10, Liberal Arts Building
from 7:30 to 8:30 p. m. Thursday
The complete schedule of lec
tures for 1940-1941 includes a talk
on December 12 by Prof. Louis
Reed Tripp . of Lehigh University,
on "Unemployment in Pennsyl
On January 16. Prof. William H.
Gray, department of history, will
speak on "Axis Activities in Latin
America." This will be followed
on February 20 by a lecture by
,;Prof. Raymond W. Tyson, depart
ment of speech, — on "American
"Non-human Primate Behavior:
'lts Significance for the Under
standing of Human Behavior," will
be discussed by Prof. Clarence R.
Carpenter, department of psychol
ogy and education, on March 20.
In addition to Professor O'Brien,
the committee is composed of Pro
fessors Thomas D. Bowman, Ar
thur H. Reede, J. Paul Selsam, and
Phillip A. Shelley.
Students Pay Off As F. D. R. Stays In
With a sixth of the votes still
not tabulated at midnight Presid
ent 'Roosevelt was assured of 36
states and 468 electoral votes while
Wendell L. Willkie could count
on nine states and 63 electoral
• In 'three states the outcome of
the election was still in doubt.
The President was swept back
into office for the first - third term
in the country's history by a slim
popular vote margin of only slight
ly over 4,000,000—a margin which
made the race one of ,the most
hotly-contested on record.'
Nearly comp let e returns in
Pennsylvania gave the President
a lead of 268,726 votes. Totals
were: Roosevelt, 2,162,946; Wilikie,
PSCA Canvass
leaders Chosen
Personnel organization for the
annual PSCA Finance Canvass,
which will start with the Kick-Off
dinner in the Nittany Lion Inn
Monday at 5:30 p.m: and end next
Friday night, was revealed last
night by Harry W. Seamans, gen
eral secretary of the PSCA.
Three general' chairmen will
head the campus canvass, which
will be divided into faculty, men
and women sections.
Prof. Edward H. Rohrbeck, ag
riculture extension, will supervise
the following administration and
school chairmen: Walter J. Mills,
Administration; Prof. Andrew J.
Borland, Agriculture; Prof. Ed
ward B. Van Ormer, Education;
Prof. Frederick C. Stewart, Engin
eering; Prof. A. John Currier,
Chemistry and Physics; Prof. Har
old A. Alderfer, Liberal Arts; Prof.
Chesleigh A. Bonine, Mineral In
dustries; and Prof. Robert A. Hig
gins, Physical Education.
• The men's division will be com
prised of Senior Class President
William B. Bartholomew '4l, chair
man; with Edward E. Lewis '4l,
John M. Byerly '42, Raymond F.
Leffler '42, and Gerald F. Doherty
'42 as section chairmen.
Marjory A. Harwick '4l, WRA
president, will be in charge of the
women's drive with Janet Herzog
'42 and Betty L. Zeigler '42 as
division heads.
Some of the main PSCA pro
gram will be benefited by which
the finance drive are special speak
ers which are brought to the cam
pus for student religious guidance,
the annual Student Handbook, Re-
Jigion : p 7 .l4fe, Week t
ploYinent service and variaiii
ers and program activities for re
ligious training.
165 Students Instructed
At First Dancing Class
Approximately 165 students at
tended the first All-College danc
ing class held in the Armory Tues
day night under the direction of
Joseph C. Ferro, former instructor
at the Berwick YMCA.
Although this class is principally
for beginners, Mr. Ferro plans to
arrange for a special advanced
section later in the year.
Tomorrow night the second in
a series of ten classes - for begin
ners will be held.
Music By Soph Hop Band
featured In Dance Today
Starting this afternoon and con
tinuing every Tuesday and Thurs
day afternoon throughout the se
mester, Student Union dances will
be held in the -Armory from four
to five o'clock.
Bob Chester's music will be pre
viewed through his latest records.
Tabulation of 8,055 precincts
gave Joseph F. Guffey 2,047,421
votes in the U. S. senatorial elec
tion and Jay Cooke, his Republican
opponent, 1,855,885.
Other figures were: State Treas
urer—G. Harold Wagner (13), 1,-
925,112 and James F. Malone, Jr.,
(R), 1;854,216; Auditor General—
F. Clair Ross (D), 1,947,918 and
Frederick T. Gelder (R), 1,732,504.
In Centre County,. Kenneth G.
Haines (R) was re-elected to the
State Legislature with 11,022 votes
to Democrat John 'W. Decker's 9,-
413. James E. Van Zandt (R) car
ried the 23rd Congressional Dis
trict fight with 56,983 to 44,255
To '44
'44 Elections Proctor
H. Leonard Krouse '42, chairman
of the Freshman Elections Com
mittee and junior class president,
started freshman political activ
ities last night when he appointed
his committee to aid him in super
vising freshman elections. (See
Story, column 5.)
football Send-off
Set For Tinuirrow
Penn State's undefeated gridiron
squad will get an All-College send
off tomorrow at 7:30 a.m. when
they leave Co-op corner for Syra
"We should have a good turn
out," said Walt Sottung '4l, head
cheer-leader, last night. "The Tem
ple send-off was a sample of what
we expect. Torriorrow everybody
should participate in the demon
Cheerleaders will be present to
lead the rally. Songs and cheers
will see the Lions depart to do bat
tle with the Orangemen. Fratern
ity heads are cooperating with
Jack Brand '4l,' president of the
Athletic Association, and Walt
Sottung, who are in charge of the
send-off program.
All-College President Arnold C.
Laich '4l made a strong plea for
student cooperation last night
When he said, "If the entire stu
dent 'body will show the team that
it is behind them, it will give the
men that extra lift which may
mean so much in Saturday's game.
Let's all get out and make this a
real send-off."
for William M. Aukerman (D).
Meanwhile, in State College stu
dents were busy paying off election
bets. Erik S. Moeller '4l and Carl
Singhouse '44 found themselves
with cue sticks, down on their
hands and knees pushing potatoes
through the Corner Room revolv
ing doors, through the restaurant
itself, and back through the doors.
William T. Christman, Jr. '43 and
Frank J. Marmion, Jr. '42 were the
Democrats on the winning side of
the bet.
A happier boy than these three
overconfident Republicans was J.
Hilary Kelley '43 whose father,
Augustine B. Kelley (D) was elect
ed to the U. S. House of Repre
Names Juniors
Elections Group
Freshman Political Code
To Be Discussed Monday
Wit hthe promise to facilitate "a
keener coordination between
freshman political cliques and a
greater knowledge of campus pol
itics," H. Leonard Krouse, junior
class president and chairman of
the Freshman Elections Commit
tee. heightened freshman election
activity last night by naming his
commitee members.
Members of the committee are
Krouse, Thomas J. Hensen, Rob
ert D. Baird, Mildred M. Taylor,
Barbara Torrence, Dorothy Bay
ard, Ross B. Lehman, A. Pat Nag
elberg, all juniors, and Richard C.
Peters '4l, ex-officio member.
"We will do our best," Krouse
added, "to instill in freshmen the
desire for clean politics and create
in them an attitude and consider
ation toward political issues rath
er than personalities."
Meeting for the first time on
Monday at 8:30 p. m., the commit
tee will officially guide the fresh
men into their initial campaign
when it meets with '44 Campus
and Independent party chairmen
and names the petition deadline
and dates of the mass meeting and
Setting up the freshman elec
tion code will be the chief task of
the committee. It must also in
struct the freshman parties in po
litical conduct and clarify the can
didates' eligilibity.
Later, the Freshman Elections
Committee will enforce the code
and function as a tribunal in pun
ishing violaters. Other principle
duties of the committee include
the arrangements for the election,
checking petitions, policing the
polls, and finally, tabulating the
election returns.
Foresters Hear Bennett
Dr. Logan Bennett of Pennsyl
vania Wildlife Research will speak
to the Forestry Society at 7:30
p.m. today in 109 Agriculture
building on the subject, "Status of
Game Animals in the United.
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Late News
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Washington, D. C.—Presidential
votes were still being tabulated in.
Washington last night from sev
eral states and although they had
not all been counted, President
Roosevelt was leading Wendell L.
Willkie by more than three and a
half million votes at 7 p. m.
Washington, D. C. Varied
foreign opinion was shown on the
re-election of President Roosevelt.
The Axis powers were non-com
mittal except for statements con
cerning Roosevelt's hostility to
ward them and his partiality
shown to England.
Hyde Park, N. Y. President
Roosevelt laid a cornerstone for
a new post office and stressed his
feelings toward John L. Lewis by
pointing out and agreeing with
workmen who were wearing anti-
Lewis signs.
Salonika Greek troops drove
all Fascist forces from their coun
try and were advancing into Al
bania in an attempt to drive the
Italians out of that country, ac
cording to a late communique.