PAGE FOUR Corbin, Peters, Robinson Vie For Catch-of-Campus Winner Will Be Crowned Om Sadie Hawkins Day 'W. Lewis Corbin '4l, Charles M. Peters '4l, and Robert Robinson '4l survived coeds' balloting on their ideal man and will battle it out for the Catch-of-the-Campus title voting this week at Student Union and the Corner Room. Pictures of the finalists will be on display this week at the Corner Room and the top man will be crowned with a Mortar Board at the Spinster Skip, slated for White HaH. from 9 p. in. to midnight, Saturday. The dance will feature the theme of Sadie Hawkins Day, which gives coeds legal right to bag their favorite BMOCs. White Hall will he decorated with comic strips of A 3 tO,app's famous characters Daisy Mae, Li'l Abner, Sadie Hawkins, Marryin' Sam, Mammy and Peppy :s(3kum. Ole Man Mose, Mayor Gurgle, and Frightful and Fruitful MCGulp. Usual. corsages of roses and gar denias will be supplanted by cab bages. carrots, and. cauliflower. Movie dates made by the coeds, escorting in reverse, and a door prize will help reflect Sadie Haw to catch a man until WO S tiE:Pir,i liffiliges Fovr Ar.u.rici T. C •Si-lit :ley Lie') rn). G. Stein i.)!• AID :a Epsilon ; tilt t!1.2 l' , Tittany Li•)11 ::r.l last V. The Movies CATHAMM—"They Knew What They Wanted" STATE—"Kit Carson" NJTT.ANY—"Ghost Breakers" CLASSIFIED SECTION FOR SALE—Tuxedo, size 35; ex cellent condition. Single breasted. 3tpdllsE JEWISH STUDENTS—Kosher meals available at reasonable rales. Call 4161 for reservations. Mrs. Stern, 217 E. Foster. Gtpd Sat-Tue-Thu 11-14 Tl' YPE WR ETERS—AII makes ex- pertly repaired. Portable and office machines for sale or rent. !Dial 2342. Harry F. Mann, 127 W. (Beaver avenue. lyr-CRE-ch LOST—NYU class ring. initials S. T. Return to P.O. Box 500. ItllscligD CLASS e RINGS for XMAS Drop a HMI to Mother or Dad ORDER EARLY - IL. G. Balfour Co. Office We, The Women Miss Fix Advises lovelorn Com DEAR MISS FIX ,I am five feet three inches tall and have blonde hair and blue eyes. I am Considered a good dancer and never lack dates, but there is a man in one of my classes that I would like to date. He does n't seem to know I exist. How can I make him look my way? Thank you, Betty Coed Dear Betty: Meet the man after class and ask him to Mortar Board's Spinster Skip, November S. Then your troubles will be over. DEAR MISS FIX: I am tall. dark. and considered attractive by my friends. I have been going steady with a fellow for the past two years. but we re cently broke up. Win you advise me on how to get back into cir culation? (Political ./sivc.rlA:iiriont,) I ':J 22-:t - . Cf.IIMUNITIES IN V I TE FO 1 R NIA Y MOVIV *Sunday Movies increase employment because -the law limits the working week to six days. *The law specifies that no theatre opens before 2 P. M. *lf golf, -tennis, professional baseball, football, auto racing are permitted, why not give ALL the people the right to Sunday recreation? BE SURE AND GET THE SEPARATE SUNDAY MOVIE BALLOT THE DAILY COT,T,FGL4N The Second-Nighter `Balloon Goes Up' For Soph Hop Goers By GEORGE SCHENKEIN Thespians have done it again! If "The Balloon Goes Up" is any indication of the club's success, it looks like the Thespians are on their merry way to another banner year. The popularity of the revue, which played to packed houses both nights, was so outstanding that it merited repeat perform ances on Soph Hop weekend. With the show built around them, the Stooges were mainstays in creating its success. Ned Start zel's Elmer in the "Friendship" number was matchless as was his portrayal of Myrtle. the nurse, in a "A Mourning at the Dispensary." , The Stooges' "Heil Swastika" created a wow Saturday night although the boys' inimitable an tics did not live-up to "Dirty Olga From the Volga." Stringer, a typ ical proto-type of. Martha Raye, was without parallel in "Friend ship" and "80-Peep," while her bouncing. effervescent excitement in "Minnie The Moocher" stirred the audience. Add to this list Shaft-In-The- Dear. Kathleen: Solve your problem by getting a date for the-Spinster Skip from 9 to /2 p.m. Saturday night. ,Sincerely, Kathleen 3 L.:09 •Is. ' Ago ett. -.I F- 4.414 ' i 2144 ;,.' ENNSYLVANIA ENJOIT, a WI • "17- f "Tr 't 1 ;4 * I - • -"Z A ts 7. • / (ELECTION DAY, TUESDAY, NOV. 5) Draft Leon Rabinowitz, in "ROTC" a takeoff on Jan Savitt's WPA, and his life-like characterization of Chief Shtuba, and you have the stars of the show. Supporting, the leads were the Swingerettes, a newly-discovered trio of ear-pleas ing (and eye-pleasing, too) girls. "The Balloon" rises again Soph AY M 1 VIES / 1 11 Z. TUESDAY, NOVEMBER 5, 1940 Hop weekend. Its striking humor is by no means subtle but of the type that produces much raucous laughter. We've seen it twice and, like the repeaters at the never ending "Hellzapoppin'," we'll bet there'll be plenty of theatre-goers around these parts who'll come back again two weeks hence. (Political Atlvertisememl