PAGE TWO THE DAILY COLLEGIAN "For A Better Penn State" Surcessor to the Penn State Collegian. eitablished 1904, and the Free Lance. established 1.887 Published daily except Sunday and 'Monday during the regular College year by the students of The Pennsylvania State College. Entered as second-ciass matter July 5. 1934. at the post-office at State College, Pa., under the act of .March 3. 1879. Editor Business Manager • Adam A. Smyser '4l Lawrence S. Driever '4l Women's Editor—Vera L. Kemp '4l Managing Editor —Robert H. Lane '4l : Sports Editor—Richard C. Peters '4l : News Editor—William E. Fowler '4l ; Feature Editor —Edward J. K. McLorie '4l; Assistant Managing Editor— Bayard Bloom '4l; Women's Managing Editor—Arita L. Hefferan '4l; Women's Promotion Manager—Edythe B. Rickel '4l. Advertising Manager—John H. Thomas '4l ; Circulation Manager—Robert G. Robinson '4l; Senior Secretary—Ruth Goldstein '4l ; Senior Secretary--Leslie IL Lewis '4l. Junior Editorial Board—John A. Baer '42, R. Helen 'Gordon '42, Ross B. Lehman '42,• William J. McKnight '42, Alice M. Murray '42. Pat Nagelberg '42. Stanley J. PoKemp ear '42. Jeanne C. Stiles '42. Junior Business Beard—Thomas W. Allison '42, Paul 7 Goldberg '42. James E. McCaughney '42, Margaret L. Em bury '42. Virginia Ogden '42. Fay E. Rees '42. Meintxr isso•cialed ColleEsiale Pre s s Coll e 6iate Digest Ggaduate Counselor C. Russell Eck Diltorial and Business Office 313 Old Main Bldg. Dial 711 Managing Editor This Issue News Editor This Issue ____ Women's Editor, Thii Issue_ 15. - phoniore Assistant _____ Tuesday Morning, November 5, 1940 EDITOR'S NOTE:—AII of the editors who have served Collegian in the last 15 years have been invited to write the editorial they would most like to address to Penn State students to day. Not all of them have respcinded. The ed itorials of those who have are being published in this column from time to time. By CHARLES A. MYERS Department of Economics, M.I.T Looking back six years, the impression is fairly clear that the frills of college were often more, im portant in undergraduate life than were the basic purposes for which colleges exist. Although there may be some dispute as to what these purposes really are, at least one is to further the develop ment of the student's Mind by either a, thorough grounding in the liberal= arts or a rigorous training in the technical subjects. Yet the hours were crowded•with pursuits other than these. The best movies came on Mondays and Tuesdays, and frequently were not missed. he daily hour in the - Corner became a part of the curriculum for many-. Extra-curricular activ ities (including the Collegian) often involved - more time than the whole set of classes and their pre paration. Some of these activities may have been "character building" or may have aided in the -development of some special ability, but many could not be characterized so favbrably. Then there Were sports events, dances. and other social functions so numerous that scarcely a week-end was unfilled. With all these. plus innumerable student meetings of all sorts, it was . frequently an cilort to get sufficient time for courses which had challenged one's interest. There were exceptions, it is true. Some students, frequently in the technical courses and often non -:fraternity men, could not enjoy "college life" be cause they were seriously about the business of preparing themselves to earn a living and usually earning a good part 'of it while at college. But these, in restrospect, were the shadows of the pic ture, not the highlights. We are now told that today's college generation is more serious, more concerned witn the problems of this democracy and its future in a war-ridden orld than were its predecessors. Six years put of Penn State, spent in and around five other col leges and universities, have confirmed the general truth of this statement. Certainly, such a change was to be'desired. With present-day events raising searching questions, the answers to which few men know simple answers, ,it is imperative that students fortunate enough to be in college devote more of their time to an at tempt at understanding these events and issues. The war has overshadowed all else. but there are pressing domestic problems, as well. At Penn State, there are good teachers in all departments whose fimd of knowleche and under standing is seldom exploited to the full by those who pay good moneY to qualify for a diploma. Surely, in a democracy, where the colleges hope to .furnish capable leaders for tomorrow's•inore diffi cult world, it is crinalr to devote one's Distributor or Downtown Office 119-121 South Frazier St Dial 4372 George Schenkein '4l _William J. McKnight '42 Helen Gordon '42 David Samuel, LION _ TALES Just so I won't disappoint my mother and the Kappas who read this column because there is al ways one of them mentioned in it, I might as well start this off and in my own clever way observe that houseparty is over and the only things left on our feeble minds are the election and the fast approaching black letter day when we get our be low grades. I haven't decided which is worse, quietly thinking of that bluebook I flunked or get ting a good dose of politics administered by Bay ard Bloom and Frank Kingdon over a cup of cof fee in the Sandwich Shop. Coeds Did All Right •It seems rather late to begin to rehash the weekend, but it seems the only way to give you folks what you want, namely, a gander at your name in print. But before I wade into the pile of matchbox covers, etc. on which I jotted down names this week-end, I'd like to make an observa tion about the coeds. In spite of their beefing and snorting in the editorial columns of Friday's pap er. they seem to have done nobly by themselves. As far as I could discover, Dean Ray's girls out numbered the dreaded imports. Either the local talent is improving or Penn State men aren't so particular as they were. In a way this is a major calamity for Vera Kemp and her cohorts. What will the women's staff do for editorial matter be fore big week-ends if the girls have no imports to gripe about? And now about the week-end. Did you know that Bill Fowler, lucky dog, sat Sunday morning in the Diner and beamed while two Kappa Sig im ports knocked themselves out arguing over wheth er he was cute or not? They couldn't reach a - de cision. Speaking of Kappa Sigs, they tell me that those boys together with the SigMa Pis; the Delta Chis, the Pi Kappa Phis and.,a couple of other houses were the worst offenders this week-end as far as importing is concerned, while the Sigma Nus, Phi Delts, and SAE gave the coeds a break and split half-an-half. The girls tell me that Phi Psi was the house that really appreciated coed talent. We were-really beginning to worry about the plight of the University of Michigan, where the only key to the lost and found office was lost,. when we were jolted by a report_on some eye tests at the University of Washington, where it was learned one-fourth of the coeds are incapable of winking. - F/ 1. •: WHISPER CAMPAIGN WORD -OF - MOUTH. THE ' MOST PRECIOUS KIND OF ADVERTISING HAS AC COUNTED LARGELY FOR OUR GROWTH . . . . COME IN AND DISCOVER WHY ONE FRIEND TELLS AN OTHER ABOUT JACK HARPER'S STORE. r i ii......... : ..............?1: .:: e........:: ffit, Yatit3 *tip 6t, I=l • .. ...1 THE DAILY COLLEGIAN Letters to the Editor— Absentee Voting Long Time Away To the Editor: Perhaps this will dash a lot of buoyant hopes among the thous ands of college students looking to the day soon when they will not be deprived of their constitutional privilege to vote 'because of the lack of an absentee-voting system in Pennsylvania. But before the Collegian's fine campaign to obtain such a system is successful in uncovering any more demagogues presently seek ing to gain or regain seats in the State Legislature, it might be proper to point out the fact that there is absolutely no chance of getting an absentee-voting system here before the 1944 election, if then. Yes, I said 1944—four long years from now. And, 'briefly, here's why: After the 1937 State Legislature —a Democratic-controlled Legis lature under Democratic Gov. George H. Earle—had passed a proposed amendment to the State Constitution to legalize absentee voting, the prbposal Was killed when it came up for the required second vote in 1939 by the Senate Judiciary General Committee —a Republican - controlled committee under Republican Gov. Arthur H. James. The chairman of that committee was Charles R. Mallery, of Hol lidaysburg, who claimed at that time that he voted against the proposal. on 'the thesis that the people should not be given the privilege to vote on anything he personally opposed! As a result, before any system 'of absentee voting can be legalized in Pennsylvania, it must be ap proved again by two successive general sessions of the State Legis lature and by the electorate at a subsequent general election. . In other words, the proposal must be re-introduced in both houses of the State Legislature at the general sessions - in 1941 and 1943 before it can even by sub mitted to the people for their ac tion. The earliest that could Come would be November 1943, and the system of absentee voting, if ap proved, could not be placed into actual effect until the following election in 1944. John A. Troanovitch '39 Ferguson Corrects • Misapprehension To the Editor: The quotations attributed to me in last Saturday's Collegian gave the impression that I endorsed -Wendell Willkie for president. Since I had. no intention of doing so. I write to correct that misap- ti : j :.T ?i :.t He Took You To Houseparly Now You Ask Him SPINSTER SKIP White Hall Nov. 9 9-12 Price $l.OO Balloting for the 'CATCH OF THE CAMPUS' Will Last Until Thursday. TUESDAY, NOVEMBER 5, 1940 prehension. One's conclusion in the present contest depends upon his analysis of both foreign and domestic sues. To some our relation tothe war in- Europe is controlling, to others, domestic policies. If one believes Hitler and Japan to be a serious threat to American security and that England should be aided at all costs, then I should think Roosevelt the better choice. Thisimplies, however, a willing ness to be drawn into the war in Europe whenever it becomes ap parent that England will certainly be defeated. If, on the other hand, one is determined to become in volved only if and when Hitler and Japan have succeeded in their diabolical designs and the Western Hemisphere is in imminent threat of invasion, it seems, to me that a change of administrations would be more likely to insure that pol icy. Concerning domestic issues, if one believes our private economy to be incapable of functioning in such a way as to benefit the masses without continuous gov ernmental control and stimulation; if one believes the .social welfare :legislation of, the past few years shOuld be retained Vvithout emas -ctilating amendments, then Roose velt would appear to be the better. choice. NOthing is more certain than that the reactionary business and financial interests now pray ing for a Willkie victory will at tempt to curtail much of the regu latory and humanitarian' activity of - the Roosevelt administration. If on the other hand, one still has faith in' private -economy and the ability of business and financial leaders to improve the general welfare, then Winkle. is the obvi ous choice. If you, like I, are One of those unfortunates who disagrees with the President on foreign policy but agrees with much of his do mestic program you will need to choose one of two evils, or vote 'for Norman Thomas. John H. Ferguson, Political. Science Dept,..„ • . Giragosian OppoSes Kingdon's Statement To The Editor: In this morning's issue of "The Daily Collegian," Mr. Frank King don asserted that he defied any : - body to find any written'or spoken_ words of Thomas Jefferson or George Washington in opposition_ to a third 'term. I have ,•clippings from the "Pittsburgh Sun-Tele graph" for Noember 1. 1940, which clearly refutes Mr. King don's rash statement. Newman Giragosian '44 Editor's Note: The clippings are in the Collegian office for any interested persons to see.