The daily collegian. (University Park, Pa.) 1940-current, November 01, 1940, Image 2
PAGE TWO THE DAILY , COLLEGIAN "For A Better Penn Stale" Successor to the Penn State Collegian, established 1904. and the Free Lance. established 1887 Published daily except Sunday and Monday during the regular College year by the studen t s of The Pennsylvania State College. Entered as second-class matter July 5. 1934. at the post-office at State College. Pa., under the act of March 3. 1879. Editor Business Manager Adam A. Smyser '4l Lawrence S. Driever '4l Women's Editor—Vera L. Kemp '4l; 'Managing Editor —Robert H. Lane '4l: Sports Editor—Richard C. Peters '4l: News Editor—William E. Fowler "'4l Feature Editor —Edward J. K. McLorie '4l: Assistant Managing. Editor— Bayard Bloom '4l: Wornea's Managing Editor—Arita L. Hefferan '4l: Women's Promotion Manager—Edythe B. Rickel '4l. Advertising Manager—John H. Thomas '4l: Circulation Manager—Robert G. Robinson . 11 •Senior Secretary—Ruth Goldstein '4l: Senior , Secketary—Leslie H. Lewis '4l. Metnbcr Associated Collegiate Press Colletsiate Di est Junior Editorial Board—John A. Baer '42. R. Helen Gordon '42. Ross B. Lehman '42, William J.' McKnight '42. Alice M. Murray '42. Pat Nagelberg '42, Stanley J. PoKemp ner '42. Jeanne C. Stiles '42. Junior Business Beard--Thomas W. Allison '42, Paul M. Goldberg '42. James E. MeCaughney '42. Margaret L. Erd bury '42. Virginia Ogden '42. Fay E. Rees '42. C. Russell Eck Graduate Counselor Editorial and finsineas Office 818 Old Main Bldg. Dial 711 Managing Editor This Issue ____Ralph C. Rontsong, Jr. '4l News Editor This Issue Stanley J. PoKempner '42 Women's Issue Editot Jeanne C. Stiles '42 Sophomore Assistants Bobo Jordan, Torn McCarthy Friday Morning, November 1, 1940 A Coed Views A Coed's Views Dear Coeds, You might as well face it! Today that biyearly dread disease—imports— Ettacks the campus for a concentrated weekend, leaving the male victims jubliant, and the coeds disgusted. • , .• . . Reports are that about dO6 lucky females will Combat the diSeaie; but the other 1204 will bd confined to their dorm rooms with no relief in sight until 10 p. m. Sunday. Usual symptoms of importitus are conversations like these: . "Gee, honey, I'm sorry I can't ask you to House party, but I met this girl last summer, and I just had to invite her. You understand, don't you? Or with the woman he's been dating steadily. "One of the boys fixed me up with a blind date for Houseparty. Can you put her up at the dorm?" The import appears late this afternoon, bedeck"- ed in heels. dress coat, and a hat. She'll rate the biggest corsage, watch the sunrise. ;And be "sim ply thrilled" with everything. At the game tomorrow she'll sport a crysanthe ratan, eat hot dogs. eye the hat men, and pull out her lipstick while Pepper Petrella is tearing down • the field. You just have to bear it. though, and rejoice that imports come but twice a, year. except for Soph Hop. Junior Prom, and every weekend the fellows can manage it. • Home To Vote Both 'the Dean of Women and the Dean of Men have informed Penn State students that they will be granted full class excuses to go home to vote next Tuesday. This is the only way to vote. Pennsylvania, un fortunately, is one of the six .states in the -Union that does not allow, any absen►ee voting. The others are Kentucky, Maryland; Mississippi, New Jersey and New Mexico. South Carolina allows absentee voting only in the primary election. It is to be• hoped that the Pennsylvania General :Assembly at its session beginning next January will begin the steps necessary to-..ins.ure. absentee voting. Last week more than 7 -1:00. Penn State stu dents wrote to theirlegigatotq:urging just this; The only replies received- and 'reported: to Colleg?- ian have been favorable. Absentee voting, however, will not' be possible this election when a most important issue is to be decided. What_ the voters will decide next week is fair more than whether the political gravy for the next four years will go to Democrats•of Republicams.• They will - decide on the third term and all its implications.' Even more important they will choose. between Iwo entirely different philosophies of government: The different conceptions of the role - of govern= ment that the two leading candidates hold. • These issues are worth voting on.' They are worth missing class, they are worth the cost of a trip home. • Strangely enough. one vote does count in an clection. •All the votes cast are singie'v9tes. Distributor of Downtown Office 119-121 South Frazier St Dial 4372 Resignedl Another Coed. MIIMIIIIIIIIIMIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIBMiIIIffINIIIIIHIIIIIIIIIIMIIIII I IIIIIIIIII PENNSYLVANIA AND DEFENSE EDITOR'S NOTE: This is the last of six arti cles prepared by the School of Mineral Indus tries and released by tse Collegian. By DR. WILLIAM M. MYERS, Assistant Professor, Mineral Industries and Technology If the present condition of disturbed commerce should be prolonged or its seriousness greatly in creased, what would be the result with regard to our supplies of strategic minerals?. This is a ques tion which vitally affects many of PennsylVania's greatest industries. It seems only reasonable to expect that ArrieriCan ingenuity under the spur of necessity will go a-long way to provide proper ma terial or suitable substitutes. Geologic exploration already has indicated that the possibility of future .discoveries 'of high-grade ore bodies of any of the strategic minerals in which America is deficient is not promising. Most areas in which such discoveries might be expected have been examined with discuoragingTesults. However, certain low-grade ores' do exist and the possibility of developing alternative materials is always with us. Manganese and tin 'are among our most pressing necessities and, as noted pre viously, are essential to the steel. .and tinplate - in clustries 'of Pennsylvania. New treatment for some of the complex manganese resources we posSess offers promising possibilities. It is -interesting to note that manganese minerals• in small amounts are widely scattered in Penrisylvania - and commer cial production is reported ,to be underway at one property in Cumberland county. •If . dotnestic tin production cannot be assured, enamels and lac , otters, of which there is no lack,, may replace. the metal in part. The use of silver in.very thin films in place of tin offers many interesting possibilities in spite of the cost. • . It is a gratifying fact that the list of import min erals is now much shorter than 25 years ago. At that time, America was largely dependent upon imports of pOtash frOm Germany, - nitrates and iodine from Chile, and magnesite from A'ustria:./ All of these commodities are essential to P'ennsyl- Vania industry, magnesite . being lexceptionally useful in the production of high-grade refractories. The search for thesee - Materials carried on dur ing the past 25 years has berzi highly successful due to the utilization of patient research and•mod, ern technology. As a result, California and New Mexico can now furnish quantities of potash. The brines of California coming from oil wells can supply a subStantial percantage of our iodine ejuirements. Fixation of nitrogen from the at mosphere makes the country independent of ni tratefrom Chile. The mining of magnesite in the s•tAte'of Washington and the recovery of magnesia from .sea water can supply our needs in this min eral. The entire pattern of' the worlds' resources oI these materials has been rearranged to the bene kit of Pennsylvania and the country as a whole. Stich a feat would have been impossible without the advances made in mineral technology in the past few years. It iy of interest to note that to produce some of these materials the last great re servoirs of minerals have been utilized. The at mosphere and the ocean now take their part . With the land r in yielding the minerals- necessary for man's use. . . THE DAILY COLLEGIAN Letters-to the Editor— put today. With such courage, re sourcefulness, an d everlasting fight, we as spectators had proof that not all of America is trying to get on relief. "Also, as I looked across at- that great bank of Penn State Alumni, I considered what a tribtite they. were to you and your colleagues on the faculty at Penn State. 'When people leave an institution and carry with them the spirit " that the Penn Stare Alumni al- • ways manifest, it bespeaks a fac ulty that has not -lost touch with the spirit - of America. "Vrankly., I felt that Saturday's game was no disgrace to Temple. 1 2bUr team had incredible strength ; its coaching was su perb 'and - its performance was ev erything that anybody could ask, and L feel that you, and Penn, State, its_ coaches, and its teams are all entitled to be compliment-,.--; ed on not only the quality and power of their play, but its clean ness, and- I so compliment you. "Witt}. warm good tiTishes to you and to all Penn State, I am,'" Sincerely, GEORGE H. DETWEILER, President. Mr: Conyers Returns To. The Battle Front To the Editor I wish that our class president would not direct his excuses to me, for I know that there are many others whb believe as I that Soph Hop should be formal. I notice that in Mr. Flynn's letter of Wednesday a week he states that the Soph Hop of last year was semi-formal. The Penn State Collegian of IsToVem ber 21; 1939, states that the Soph Hop of last year was informal. I am told that the main reason for it being advertised as such, was that when the boys from Pitt came up they would not -bother to bring: !formal clothes with them. The great success of last Soph Hop -was no doubt due to this consideration. This does not imply that since our Soph Hop is not formal it too be a success. Oh, yes! I also no ticed in Mr. Flynn's letter of the 24th of October that he made ref erence to the fact the Penn-State students welcome rulings that tend to equalize social opportunities. I can see his point here, bat if such is the case why then do we have' formal MI-College dances?' When formal dance is held Et no doubt] is unfair to the boys that are uri2 -able to get hold of a tux or tail*, but the point I am trying, to bringi l out is if these fellows are consid-,1 ered every time a formal-dance is 71 about to be announced there would not be . any. (Take it easy fellowS4 , -I am just trying to get my point across.) Furthermore, when a dance is semi-formal the girls have to go to a lot of trouble and maybe expense to dress for the occasion. and .then when . they arrive. they. -are in direct contrastwith the boys who are wearing a wide 'range: of tweeds, etc. (street clothes) I be lieve that even Sophomore Inde pendents will agree that this ist not a nice picture to see. F. L. Conyers 7-0 Temple Alumni Head Praises State Spirit Editor's note:. .George H. Det weiler, President of the General Alumni Association of Temple University and prominent Phila delphia attorney wrote the fol lowing letter to Dr. Sheldon •C. Tanner after the Nittany Lions' victory over Temple last week end. Dr. Tanner kindly consented to release the letter for publica tion in the Collegian. • Dear Dr. Tanner: "Your boys gave me. as Presi dent of the General Alumni Asso ciation of Temple U., an uncom fortable afternoon on Saturday last, 'hut as I watched that battle I thought what two fine groups of young men were but there show ing the kind of material that our colleges are 'handling and turning • Ate. ; . • • . • . . . • • TONIGHT ! AT 1 PM. SEE THE THREE STOOGES, MARCE STRINGER , , GLEE . CLUB -. CAMPUS BEAUTIES IN 90 MINUTES OF FUN AND LAUGHTER! ADMISSION—FRIDAY. 50c : SATURDAY. 75c Tickets On Sale At Corner Room and Student Union . • Na Reserved Seats—Tickets Sold In Blocks of 50 Upon Request FRIDAY, NOVEMBER 1, 1940. The New York School for Social Research is familiars knoWn as :the University in Exile. • NEED ICE ENJOY YOUR -PARTY, THIS WEEKEND TREAT YOUR °OMEN TO COLD DRINKS IN THE MODERN- WAY Use The Hospitality. Pack A DELUXE PACKAGE OF PURE, CRYSTAL CLEAR ICE READY FOR USE DANCE CHAIRMAN! • ORDER YOUR ICE PUNCH BOWLS EARLY HILLSIDE ICE & STORAGE CO. DIAL 842