The daily collegian. (University Park, Pa.) 1940-current, November 01, 1940, Image 1

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    Successor to
the Free LAMM
Established 1887
VOL. 3.7—N0. 35
s6ries Of-Tal ks
- ;.'_On - Star Gazing
The first of a series 'of .lacturei
'• sponsored by Alpha Nu, national
astronancal honorary fraternity,
will' be given next Monday, at 7
p. m. in the physics lecture room
of the New Physics: Building by
prof. •Henry L. Yeagley.
In the first talks Special. atten
tion will, be payed 'to the coming
transit of Mercury on November
11. The dates set for the two fol
lowing lectures are Noyember 19,
- and December '4, and they will
include both fUndamental facts.
• and current astronomical• events. -
"The purpose of these lectures
is*bath for the benefit of the
layman interested in learning
: . about astronomy and for those
with a semi-professional interest,"
stated Yeagley. He' continued, "It
is a chance for students * who
. can
not schedule a regular course to
learn more about their physical
The present astronomical 'fa
cilities of the college include a
three-inch telescope camera, a
gift of the class of' '36, and the
two units of the multiple observa
tory. presented to the college by
the '3B class. These observator
ies will be open to the public on.
_Monday, Tuesday, arid .Wednes
:. day , week from BT3OL.p...rri.
to 9":30 •.p. m. = especially for the
of the moon." For the
.remainder of the month they will
be open 'Monday and Wednesday
at the same hour.
12 Students Fined
In Firearms Case
Burgess Wilbur F. Leitzell an
nounced yesterday that the 12 fra
ternity men found guilty on
charges -of shooting - a gun within
the borough limits • will be fined
$l2 -and $3 costs 'or be subjected
to 10 days imprisonment.
Letizelrs• decision followed a
hearing — before a , . special board
consisting of three students and
two borough councilmen., Each
member of the board turned in an
unsigned slip designating what the
fine should be in his opinion. Leit
zell then took an average of the
suggested fines and used this as
the basis of his decision. It was
emphasized that Leitzell was not
'bound by the boards decision..
At the hearing before the spe
cial board, it was pointed out that
the men had been shooting from a
side porch at tin cans. It was tes-.
tified that several of the bullets
riocheted and had broken win
dows in a neighboring house.
PSCA Inquiry Trip Will Cover
The "Spots" Of New York City
7 , Would you like to spend three
eventful days - in New York City
during which you will Witness the
Fred Waring program, visit the
world Tamous 'Bowery, and split
with laughter at
. Olsen and John
soh in tliellzapoppin." . •
You can , do all this and more by
signing •up Tor the PSCA. Social
Miss Cairns in
~ :theiPSCA: office.. •
• gimp • will : leave ,The • rear.
.-two o'clock on
ya rf.,s.Navgmbra• seventh. and :will• return_
Sunclay-.; ; evenlnge•
'i`' tra44 ling bY.-Privakte.Ors:Mie total
"•,\ Generally Fair,
t •
Collegian Newsstand Price
Drops To Three Cents
Effective this issue the news
stand price of Collegian has
been cut - from five to three
cents. -
The price will apply to sales
at the Collegian Office, 313 Old
Main; Student Union desk; Old
Main Sandwich Shop; Nittany
News Stand; Graham's; and
Subscriptions for - the 115 is
sues remaining. this - year can be
placed at the Collegian o,ffice
and at Student Union. Rates are
$2 local and $2.75 mailed any
where in the United States and
its possessions.
Voting Problem
Debated At Rally
Plans attempting to make a
vailable transportation home for
Willkie voters next Tuesday was
discussed tonight at the Republi
can Rally held in the Liberal Arts
In order to sepure the names of
students desiring to go home to
vote, the Penn State Republican
club has suggested they hand a
slip into the Student Union desk
including their name, Statb Col
lege address, home address and
county he -or she is registered in.
All slips must be in by 6 p.. m. to
Eugene Lederery-former -l3urgess_
of State College, spoke on the du
ties every college student holds
toward keeping the U. S. govern
ment free from too much central
Describing the Republican and
Democratic national conventions'
this summer, Mr. Lederer pointed
out the great contrast between the
"The Republican convention,"
he said,*"placed many candidates
from all sections of the country
before the people to choose from.
The convention in Chicago, how
ever, was held almost as a mere
formality _to choose Roosevelt
"What the individual is, so is
the government," he pointed out.
"Every college student should real
ize this and put forth every effort
toward a clean government."
Mr. Lederer compared the spirit
Wendell Winkle is showing in his
fight for the Presidency with the
Penn State spirit.
Because of a last minute tele
gram from Mr. Norman M. Littell,
Asst. Attorney General, stating
that he would be unable to be here
because he missed train connec
tions, the Student Deniocratic
Rally in the Old Main Sandwich
,Shop last night . was carried out
on the open forum plan with the
remainder of the program. con
sisting of several skits and cider
and aoughnut refreshments.
cost of the trip is about fourteen
Besides seeing the Fred Waring
program and "Hellzapoppin" many
interesting sights in the great,
metropolis will be visited includ
ing the New York Curb Exchange,',
Henry. Street Settlement, and the
American Civil Liberties Union..
Another novelty of the trip will
consist of eating supper' 0, ~ the
`S ,
".on. of: Sheik":xestaurant near
; The boys at William
Sloane -:House
, sidein..thelienmoze .4 - oteL
• . . . .
Professors Debate
British Alliance
"Should the United States Form
a Permanent Union with the Brit
ish Commonwealth of Nations?"
was debated and followed by a
discussion forum in the Home
Economics auditorium last night.
About 200 people attended the
forum which the PSCA sponsor
ed. -
S. K. Stevens, assistant profes
sor of history, taking the affirma
tive side of the question, defend
ed his argument by stating that
with the ruthless handling of the
people's liberties and democratic
principles and trad;tions in Eur
ope today, the United States, to
remain a Democracy, must stop
talking and act.
"We must,"_he said, "wake up
to the realization that the World
of tomorrow is going to be much
different than that of today, re
gardless of what we do. The Unit
ed States is faced with trying
As further argument, Professor
Stevens said that to avoid the so
cial world-wide revolution which
the Nazi-Fascist system approach
es, the U. S. should unite with
"If we are interested in carry
. •
ing on peaceful, social, and eco
nomic relations, we must check
the totalitarian mechanism by al
liance with the Commonwealth of
British Natipns," he concluded.
John H. Ferguson, assistant pro
fessor of political science, argu
ing the negative side of the ques-
Aion, - four xnaiik..„.noints.. for
clinching his argument: '(l) Unit
ed States would- become belliger
ent or very near it; , (2) it would
accept a joint partnership of the
British Empire—a great undertak
ing; (3) it would accept responsi
bility for maintenance of a bal
ance of power in Europe; and. (4)
it - would not have a guarantee of
world peace—permanent peace.
"The democratic way of life
is an issue," Dr. Ferguson said,'
"and we cannot save our way of
life by destruction. We must look
for an ultimate prosperity . . . and
we should participate in war only
when our territory, our political
independence, and our business
interests are threatened. These,
with the possible exception of the
Philippine Islands, have not been
and are not being threatened."
Arthur H. Reede, asssitant .
professor ,of economics in an eco
nomic analysis of the problem,
offered three main Mints: Trade
of U.. S. with England is of tre
mendous importance to both na
tions; (2) In.the event of a Ger
man victory, a new way of eco
nomic life will - appear that will af
fect the entire -world in trading
economics; and....(3) as a result of
the collapse of the British Em
pire, the parts. of the -Empire will
be under many flags, making it
difficult for the U. S. to obtain
raw materials, mainly rubber and
"We should not enter into a
union with the British
. Empire,'
Professor Reede said, "until we
have definite assurance of strong
er economic ties, mpinly with the
South American countries. There
are better ways of securing eco
nomic ties and stability—
Ulllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllll llllll
Louise Homer initiation to be
held at the home of Professor and
Mrs..Leslie.M. Burrage Mast Fos
•-ter .Avenue, 7:30-p.m. Muesdareve
Thespian Si w; Auditorium;'. ?
Criticizes Ticket Sale
,• - •
; •
.. . .
. . .
. .• .
..• .. . . • . .......
. .. . . . .
. . • ••••••• .•
• .
Prof. Nelson W. Taylor, de
partment of ceramics, criticizes
the method of selling tickets to
the annual Artists' Course. Last
year Professor Nelson gave a
ticket to the Artists' Course for
the best suggestion on how to re
lieve the ticket situation. The
solution which won the ticket was
proven impractical.
Artists' Ticket
Sales Criticized
"The method of handling the
Artists' Course ticket sale is most
unfortunate," stated Prof. Nelson
W. Taylor, department of ceram
ics, yesterday. He recalled condi
tions which last year caused shiv
ering. students to. stand in line all
night in order to purchase tickets
to the series. Mr. Taylor is of the
opinion that something should be
done about the situation.
"My main criticism of the pro
gram is that the present building
(Schwab Auditorium) is too small.
to give all the people the oppor
tunity that they should have to
hear these fine programs,' observ
ed Mr. Taylor. "I think that the
solution is to use a larger hall. A
larger hall means more people ac
commodated, more people means
more money, and more money
means a more extensive series.
Tickets would not provide such a
major problem."
"The only real solution is the
use of Rec Hall for such purposes,"
repeated Mr. Taylor. "My feeling
is that the Artists' Course could
attract people from all over Cen
tral Pennsylvania and make State
College the center of culture in
this county."
"If the tickets must be sold un
der the same old system, it might
be a good idea to start the sale at
1 p. m. instead of 8 a. m. In this
way ticket applicants could stand
in line all morning instead of all
night," remarked Prof. Taylor.
"This process would eliminate the
necessity for students to appear at
2 a. m. in order to secure a favor
able position in line."
Should this plan be opposed on
the grounds that congestion would
halt traffic in Old Main, Professor
Taylor cooly and simply suggests
setting up ticket windows in Rec
College Employees Seek
Dependent Insurance
• Action to get insurance for
dependents of College employees
added support at a recent meet
ing of the American Association
of University Professors when the
results of. a questionnaire showed
that a. large majority of the fac
,favored the plan. •
The- program also featured -a
short stalk. by ...Russel E.. Clark,
.College :Buisar; , ,an• `Borough •groit
ernment." .
Houseparly Influx
Begins Today,
Dances Tonight
For Full Houseparty Information
See Pages 4 and 5.
State College's usually quiet
streets will begin to swirl with
activity abbut noon today and, be
fore the night is out some 2,000
couples, formal for Fall House
party, will be swishing back and
forth around Co-op Corner.
The weather man (who's not al
ways a very reliable gentleman)
predicts fair today and the same
for tomorrow afternoon's football
encounter with the South Carolina
As bus loads of imports empty
their houseparty queens on Co-op
Corner and the coeds dress with,
the little extra flare they save for
weekends like this, the sometimes
drab business section is going to
take on a holiday aspect.
Where the books go this week
end no one is going to care very
much and professors, used to this
sort of thing, will bring out the
quips they've saved up for House
party's 'blue Monday and hope the
students get back in the swing of
things as soon as - possible. No
doubt this will happen since blue
books are ahead and below grade
reports for mid-semester are clue
a week from Wednesday.
'But that's not to change the
weekend. The only fellow who
can dampen that is the weather
man. He would!
late News
Athens—Greek spokesmen de
riied the rumor that Italian troops
had penetrated their defense to
Yanina, a town 30 miles within the
interior of Greece. Yugoslavakian
officials stated that the ihvaders
had broken through the Grecian
lines at a few points in order to
set up pincer attacks. The English
navy has been harrassing the Ital
ian troops who have been landing
on the Greek coast line and sur
rounding islands. The _ drive tow
ards Salonika is not accompanied
with "blitzkrieg" tactics but a
modified move which the minute
Greek army is gallantly opposing
with nu thought of surrender.
Washington Attorney General.
Johnson announced last night that
the wife of Communist Presiden
tial candidate, Earl Br owd e r,
would be deported from the United
States as an alien. No leniency is
expected because of the law con
cerning the action of people that
is directly against the government.
Communists fall under the cate
London—The "Battle of Britain"
recommenced last night after
snowy weather had made flying
hazardous during ,the earlier part
of the week. One of the heaviest
anti-aircraft barrages of the war
was thrown against Nazi bombers
as they struck at English seaports.
London re p o r te d innumerable
fires about the city resulting from.
German bombs.
Washington Republican and
Democratic officials reported re
newed action last night as the day
of election draws near. Wendell
Winkle responded to President
Roosevelt's Boston speech by stat
ing that he could construct 100
planes to one over the production.
now being made.
President Roosevelt will con
tinue his !`defense inspection tour"
.thisv - weekend • by . New
York, Pennsylvania, and Ohio.-