The daily collegian. (University Park, Pa.) 1940-current, October 30, 1940, Image 2

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"For A Better Penn State"
le uccessor to the Penn State Collegian, established 1904, and
the Free Lance. established 1887
Published daily except Sunday and Monday during the
regular College year by the students of The Pennsylvania
StAte College. Entered as second-class matter July 5. 1934.
at the post-office at State College, Pa., under the act of
ptitmh 3. 1879.
Editor Business Manager
Adam A. Smyser '4l Lawrence S. Driever '4l
Women's Editor—Vera L. Kemp '4l; Managing Editor
.--Robert li. Lane '4l; Sports Editor—Richard C. Peters
*4l; News Editor—William E. Fowler '4l; Feature Editor
—Edward J. K. McLorie '4l; Assistant Managing Editor—
Bayard Bloom '4l ; Womenie Managing Editor—Arita. L.
Ilefferan '4l; Women's Promotion Manager—Edythe B.
Bickel '4l.
Advertising Manager—John 11. Thomas '4l: Circulation
Manager—Robert G. Robinson '4l ; Senior Secretary—Ruth
Goldstein '4l ; Senior Secretary--Leslie 11. Lewis '4l.
Pissociated Collegiate Press
Colle6iate Disest
Junior Editorial Board—John A. Baer '42, R. Helen
Cordon '42, Ross B. Lehman '42. William J. McKnight '42.-
Allze M. Murray '42. Pat Nagelberg '42, Stanley J. PoKemp
yer '42. Jeanne C. Stiles '42.
Junior Business Board—Thomas W. 'Allison '42, Paul
M. Goldberg '42. James E. McCaughney '42. Margaret L. Em
bury '42, Virginia Ogden '42. Fay E. Rees '42.
- C. Russell Eck
Crlduate Counselor
Editorial and Biisiness Office
313 Old Main Bldg.
Dial 711
ivfanuginrc Editor This Issue Nagelnriz,
News Editor This Issue Routsong, Jr. '4l
Women's Editz,r _Jeanne C. Stiles '42
botihornore Assistants Frank M. Feinberg, Walter M. Berko,:
Wednesday - Morning, October 30, 1940
You Probably Won't Print This,
Mr. Editor
Dear Editor
You probably won't print this, but
Dear Interested Reader:
Your letter starts the same way as two or three
others I get every week, and you're wrong.
I will print your letter if you'll do just two
(1) Let me know your name, (I'll withhold it
from print if you ask me to); and'
(2) Stay within the bounds of decency. Per
1-.aps it's unnecessary to mention the last; few
readers overstep. •
What you think IS important. Whether it agrees*
with what Collegian believes doesn't matter one
iota. The letter's to the editor column is an open
forum. It's the closest thing Penn State has to a
Town Hall.
Someimes letters can not be printed as soon as
they are received. They may be held a week or
more because of space rstrictions.. For this same_
reason, it may be necessary on occasion to con
dense a letter. The .editor always reserves the
right. Cutting, however, will not interefere with
.tire sense of the letter or in any way altei the ar
guments presented. The only reason letters are
cut is so that more letters can be published and
more people heard from.
No, Interested Reader, you're wrpng \when
you say your letter won't be published. If you
leave the courage to sign it, Collegian has the cour
age to publish it.
* *
Football High Road
Penn State has hit the football high road. And
it's fun to be on top.
It's fun to read in the New York Times: "Penn
State, which has been going along unnoticed,
showed the virulence of Eastern football by de
feating Temple 18-0 in another of Saturday's sur
prises. This observer saw Temple defeat Michi
gan State, a team good enough to hold Torn Har
mon and Michigan to 21-14, and it was his convic
tion that Ray Morrison's eleven, with Andy To
masic, would be all that any opponent could. han
dle from then on. Possibly he overrated-Temple,
but it is more likely that Penn State has been vast
ly neglected and underrated or struck- its stride
It's fun to hope that this may .be Penn State's
first unbeaten season in 20 years.
It's fun to know that, already, this season is only
one victory short of being second best In Bob Hig
gins' 10-year coaching career, surpaised only by
last year when Cornell .was the only team to spill
the porridge, - •
It's fun to hope the conspict , t9W tmpty space in
Rec. Hall's football gall oS.Panve may . get . another
member in the person of t.ither qiip;tain•tetin Ga-
Jecki or Tpm vP.,4"). tto .hope The till
length pictu*eSi n that Hall of tarite'ma2, - ;be even
ed-up; thr6e on each 'side.
Distributor of
Dewntown Office
119-121 South Frazier St
Dial 4372
Interested Reader
The Editor
At i , k
411-‘- LOOK
For one reason or another every time we are
feeling particularly full of bonhomrnie we are
obliged to write this column against time. Thus
it is that no one ever sees us in the proper light,
for we tend to become a trifle acid when rushed.
Our perspective narrows, so to spelc. This time,
however, despite a deadline that loonis but a fleet
ing minutes away, we intend to preserve . our - love
for our fellow men. Let us proceed.
Situated as we are in the bosoM of the moun
tains it is not'strange that the adjective "provin
cial" should be hurled at us by the cliff-dwellers
from Pittsburgh, Philadelphia, and other foreign
places. This department has, until very receptly,
stoutly maintained that this adjective is undeserv
ed. Where else can one find such a superior cul
ture as the morning coffee-drinkers at the Corner
has developed? Where find more sophistication
than at a Player's rehearsal? This attitude on our
part, as we have stated, lasted until only a few
days ago. Then we spent a happy hour at friend
Alexander's tap room. At the end of_this happy
hour the gentlemen with whom we were sittini,
summoned a waiter. Or at any rate, one of those
chaps who bustles about in a white jacket bearing
glasses and malice. The gentlemen, knowing the
state of our personal exchequer, presented the
waiter with the necessary cash to pay the bill. He
included an extra dime, with the admonishment,
"Here Son, go buy a cigar." Same sort of thing
one babies to a porter one wishes to be rid of, or
the chap who blacks one's shoes.
After that nothing happened for several mo
ments the time being spent in an endeavour to
arouse the determination to leave. As we arose,
our boy the waiter. dashed to our table. With the
air of a man who has just delivered a message to
a well-known Cuban mercenary, he placed upon
the table a nickle and a cigar. "Your cigar. Only
cost five cents."
This is perhaps indicative, of something. Just
what, we aren't in a position to say. We are tak
ing our coonskin cap out of storage, in-the event
things go from bad to worse.
"What we need is not%) much technological de
velopment but an increased development in the
art of living. We've made great progress during
the last .40 years in mechanical development, .but
there's been a tremendous lag in social develop-
Ment." Dr. Marion B. Smith, assistant professor
of sociology at Louisiana State University, sug
gests a re-weighing of emphasis in America's edu
cational institutions.
in hit-or-miss ,
book buying?
We'll help you plan a lib
rary—good books, plus the
best writen on your special
interests. Our se r vice
is fREE. -
Mew. Bargain Mies Daily
• Today: Irwin Sfiaw,
"Sailor Off The Bremen"
The College
Book Store
"Tugboat Annie," the grand, ro
bust, outspoken character of fic
tion and the movies comes back to
the screen at the Cathaum today
and tomorrow in the new film
"Tugboat Annie Sails Again."
The movie co-stars Marjorie
Rambeau and Alan Hale. Tugboat
Annie maintains that she is the
best "man" in the tugboat fleet
despite her company's belief that
she is through. Needless to say,
Tugboat Annie proves her point
and therein lies the story.
1. •
4., .0..
SoPh Hop
Time—FRIDAY, NOV. 15
Place—RE[ HALL
Price 7 —s3.Bs COUPLE
Bob Chester
DANCING-10 P: M. TO 2 A. M.
A student Union dance
, will be
held in the Armory at 4 p. in.
Alpha Phi Omega, national boy
scout fraternity, will meet in 313
Old Main at 10 p. m. • All pledges
and freshmen invited.
• Tryouts for all college women's
swimming championship will. be
held in Wihte Hall, 7:30 to 9:30
P. m. -
Commission to Collegian solici
tors will be available at Student