The daily collegian. (University Park, Pa.) 1940-current, October 30, 1940, Image 1

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    Successor to
the Free Lance,
Established 1887
VOL. 3.7-NO. 33
Roosevelt Opens
First Peace-Time
Draft Lottery
The nation's first peace-time
draft lottery was opened at noo
yesterday by President Roosevelt
as plans were virtually completed
to call 800,000 men for training by
next June 15.
Printed below are answers to
specific questions about the draft
as it affects college students. This
practice will be continued and stu
dents having questions should
leave them at the Daily Collegian
office,. Room 313 Old Main, not
later than 4 p. m. of the day pre
ceding publication.
Question: What does the draft
lottery, which started yesterday,
Answer: The lottery merely de
termines the order in which regis
trants, unless deferred or exempt
ed, will be called for training.
G.: How can I determine my
serial number?
A.: By applying to the local
draft board in your home diftrict.
This may be done either by letter
or by appearing in person. How
ever, it is not necessary for regis
trants to know what their num
bers are. -
Q.: Will I be notified if I am
called in the draft?
A.: Yes. your local draft board
will mail you a questionaire when
your turn comes.
Q.: When will the first men be
A.: On November 18. Thirty
thousand - iiieii will be called - at
that time and additional calls have
been fixed through next June 15
for the induction of a total of 800,-
Q.: How and when must I ar
range for deferment of training?
A.: College students will be
deferred until the end of the cur
rent academic year. This defer
ment is not automatic and students
must ask local boards for it at the
time they receive questianaires.
Coeds To Knit
For War Relief
Until the start of the combined
All-College Cabinet and WSGA
drive for war relief funds, coeds
will.knit helmets, sleeveless sweat
ers, . regular sweaters, fingerless
mittens, and socks for soldiers with
yarn and needles supplied by the
local British War Relief chapter.
Mrs. C. R. Austen and Mrs. Nelson
W. Taylor will be in Charge, WSGA
Senate announced last night.
Bridge benefits and collection of
old clothes, both from men and
women students, have been placed
under a committee named by
WSGA Senate last night. Serving
on the committee are Janet L.
Eyer '42, Sylvia P. Schmidle '42,
H. Ann Carruthers '44, and Betty
Story '44. Seeing the clothes are
dry cleaned and packed will be
a committee function.
Committee members have re
quested that students bring old
clothes from home to contribute
to the drive provided there are no
British -War Relief chapters there.
Non-knitting coeds should contact
committee members so special
classes may be formed to give
knitting instructions.
Dr. and Mrs. Taylor spoke to
WSGA Senate last night to sug
gest methods by which coeds could
aid war relief before the drive
. ittgitut
Ttir r tat .
,t. .
co,: Possible
Warnock Urges Students
To Use Paved Sidewalks
Men students coming on campus
from the Garner Street and Col
lege Avenue direction are urged
to use the paved walks instead of
cutting across the Atherton Hall
terrace which faces College Ave-.
nue, Arthur R. Warnock, dean of
men, announced yesterday.
"Although no path 'has been
worn in the grass," Dean Warnock
said, "continued tramping on the
terrace, by students eager to get
to classes will cause many bare
spots in the turf."
Houseparty Rules
Made For Frosh
This Friday noon dating restric
tions for all freshmen will be re
moved for houseparty weekend, it
was announced last night by W.
Lewis Corbin '4l, chairman . of
Tribunal. Dress customs may be
removed Friday at 5 p.m. for those
with dates. •
Tribunal members • were enter
tained by a completely original
version of the Alma 'Mater last
night by Charles Zierdt, a mem
ber of the glee club. The sign
which he will begin wearing at 1
p.m. today tells of his sad plight:
"I'm In the Glee Club, But I Don't
Know My Alma Mater." If anyone
is in doubt as to just how the Alma
Mater really is sung, Charles will
be singing it every day at 1 p.m.
in front of Old Main.
Fenton Kauffman may find it
difficult, but he is required to carry
a pail full of water, in which a
small' boatevil - llbaf, at d'at - the
same time continually hop, skip,
and jump around the campus: His
Soph Hop plug rhymes like this:
"Bob Chester's On Top; See You
At Soph Hop."
Another crack at the indiffer
ence•of the upperclassmen is taken
in Leonard S. Singer's Placard:
"Upperclassmen And I Don't Be
lieve In Pep Rallies."
Other offenders to receive pen
alties last night were: Huber
Clapp, Walter Blatz, Albert Skem
feld, and James Harter.
Talk On Dating Code
Tonight Al IFC Heeling
A meeting of Interfraternity
Council will be held at the Delta
Tau Delta house at 7 p.m. H. Ed-
Ward Wagner '4l, president of I•FC,
announced yesterday.
A talk concerning IFC's new
dating code and its enforcement
by Prof. Sheldon C. Tanner, IFC
faculty advisor, will be the prin
cipal. business of the evening.
Last Laugh Is . On Froth -- Censor
Postpones Fall Houseparty Issue
Froth, alleged humor magazine
of Penn State, will not honor
house party weekend this year due
to circumstances now beyond its
control. The long awaited has oc
curred. Censorship has clamped
iron bonds on a wriggling Frothy.
For the first time in many . years
and for the first time since Prof.
Louis H. Bell. department of jour
nalism. took over the arduous and
doubtful honor of advising this
publication, has the censorship
power been employed.
Instead of appearing as sched
uled on November 2 with material
honoring house party, a more se
date and humbled Froth will ap
Student Cabinet Studies Plan To
Enlargement Of Dean OF Men's
Action Begun To Lower
Dad's Day Game Prices
Definite plans to obtain a reduc
tion in the price of football tickets
for the 1941 Dad's Day game will
be submitted to the Athletic As
sociation Board at its next meet
ing, it was decided at the All-Col
lege Cabinet meeting last night.
As proposed, the reduced price
will be available only to parents.
The committee which will draw
up the plans is headed by Jack W.
Brand '4l.
It was reported by Arnold C.
Laich '4l, All-College president,
that George W. Ebert, superinten
dent of grounds and buildings,
would not comment on the sudden
refusal to let the Student Union
recreation room be opened only to
say that "something unforeseen"
had prevented the opening.
However, Laich reported that
Ebert said that he was "not openly
against a student recreation cen
ter," and had assured the commit
tee that there would be a recrea
tion room in 1941-42.
The comp list for class dances
was approved as adopted in the
spring of 1939 and amended in
May, 1940. A committee was nam
ed to consider additions to the list.
Harriet Singer '4l and William
B. Bartholomew '4l were appoint
ed to investigate the possibility of
opening White Hall to more wom
en's groups.
Cabinet app . roved Interclass Fi
nance Board's recommendations
col:warning school-council budgets.
Thespian Show Features
Waring Arrangements
When "The Balloon Goes Up"
in the show of the same name at
Schwab Auditorium this Friday
night, the Campus Owls, one of
Penn State's top swing bands, will
be in the pit to provide music for
the Thespian Club's newest extra
What's more, the Penn State
Glee Club, top campus musical
organization, will be on the stage
to lend a solid background 'to what
is expected to be a Thespian revue
second to none in the past decade.
Fred Waring arrangements have
been secured for both the band
and Glee Club, 'and from all indi
cations all those numbers with the
famous Waring touch will high
light - the Houseparty Weekend
Both organizations will combine
to give "The Balloon Goes Up" a
distinct musical sendoff that cam
pus jitterbugs and alrigators alike
will thrill to.
pear on Soph Hop weekend—a
mere matter of two weeks. The
cause of this postponement lies in
the cover of the publication which
in the words of Professor Bell was
"considered not in good taste."
The original theme of the cover
was a caricature of a person dem
onstrating how to avoid the draft.
The figure of a semi-nude woman
was also involved.
This mistake on the part of
Froth's competent staff will cost
the magazine about $lOO in addi
tion to the increased loss of face
which it can little afford to lose.
A new coven must be drawn and
Dancing Classes Will
Start November 25
Theodore Rice '4l, president of
the Penn State Club, announced
today that the annual All-Col
lege dancing class sponsored by
the Club will begin this year
on November 25. The course will
consist of 10 one-hour lessons.
Joseph C. Ferro, professional
dancing teacher, has been engag
ed to instruct the class. He 'will
be assisted by several coeds.
The committee on arrange
ments include: William B. Loe
ber '42, Robert A. Henkel '4l,
Arthur Peskoe '42, Sprugeon K.
Condo '4l, Clarence Dean Woods
'42, and Gerald r . Doherty '42.
Warnock to Head
Recreation Job
Dean of Men Arthur R. Warnock
was elected chairman and H. Ridge
Riley secretary of the All-College
recreation coordinating committee
at a meeting held in the Sandwich
Shop Monday evening.
"The purpose of this committee
is to promote entertaining, whole
some recreation wherever it can
be found," said Chairman War
nock. "While we badly need a
well-equipped recreational oppor
tunities by utilizing more fully the
facilities which we already have.
"In fact, we don't know what
kind of new building we should
have until we experiment widely
in finding out what activities are
most popular and practicable."
An emphasis will be placed by
the committee recently approved
by President Ralph D. Hetzel on
filling in the leisure hours of the
weekends particularly for students
and faculty members who now fail
to find satisfactory recreational
:Those appointed to represent
various groups on the campus to
take in the interests of all are:
Elizabeth C. Bell, college women;
Russell E. Clark, President's rep
resentative; Ray M. Conger, Phys
ical Education; Max Dercum, Ag
riculture; George L. Donovan, stu
dent union; Hummel Fishburn, Ed
ucation; Robert E. Galbraith, Lib
eral Arts; Edward K. Hibshman,
Secretary H. Ridge Riley, public
information; Helen M. Savard, En
gineering; Robert Y. Sigworth,
grounds and buildings; Maynard
M. Stephens, Mineral Industries;
Chairman Arthur R. Warnock,
men; Lieut. Jack H. Weske, mili
tary department; and Henry L.
Yeagley, Chemistry and Physics.
Sororities To Observe
Open House Today
Sororities will hold the second
in the series of five open houses
from 4 to 5:30 p. m. today as
freshmen and transfers make 30-
minute visits to any of the houses.
Panhellenic Council has urged
all freshmen' and transfers to at
tend the open houses to get ac
quainted with sorority women.
The first of these parties was
held two weeks ago.
Election Party Planned
Students interested in an Elec
tion Night party to gather to listen
to election returns should sign up
at Student Union office before Fri
day noon. Party will be held if
enough students report.
laich Names Committee
To Investigate Proposal
Agitation for approximately two
assistant deans of men, proposed
by the 'Student Housing Board last
Thursday, went into full swing last
night when William B. Bartholo
mew, senior class president, intro
duced the proposal to the All-
College Cabinet for approval.
While no disapproval was voic
ed, Bartholomew's request was
sidetracked temp or arily after
Frank R. Flynn '43 asked for the
appointment of a committee to in
terview A. R. Warnock, dean of
men, and other administrative
leaders for more complete infor
All-College PreSident Arnold C.
Laich '4l, named Samuel A. Dum
'4l, H. Edward Wagner '4l, W. Rae
Herrmann '4l, and Bartholomew
to present their report at the next
Cabinet meeting.
Wagner, IFC president, support
ed the Student Housing Board pro
posal from the fraternity view
"The Dean's assistants could
give definite assistance in enforc
ing the IFC dating code, help fra
ternities get rooms for rushees, and
also do work in regard to scholar
ship," Wagner pointed out.
The duties of the assistants
should not include the tasks of al
ready existing College agencies,
Adam A. Smyser mentioned to the
Cabinet. "There are many new
functions, caused by College ex
pansion, which require the aid of
an enlarged Dean's staff," Smyser
Paul M. Doty '4l supported iSmy
ser by claiming that nine assist
ant deans are used •by Harvard
University, which has less enroll
ment than Penn State.
"The housing problems of the
non-fraternity men and the gen
eral guidance needed by these stu
dents call attention to the added
burden on the Dean's office,"
Bartholomew said in asking the
Cabinet for its endorsement.
Other suggestions by Cabinet
members in favor of the enlarge
ment of the Dean's staff were that
student organizations might have
a permanent adviser, a closer stu
dent-faculty relationship might be
nurtured, the necessity for a fra
ternity and non-fraternity coor
dination, and the need for a more
individual devotion to pertinent
student problems.
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tale News
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Athens A small Greek moun
tain army made a gallant stand
against overpowering odds yester
day afternoon as they drove a
strong Italian force front her bor
der lines. Greece is receiving aid
from Albania in an indirect war
between England and Italy for the
possession of islands near Italy
and important Greek seaports.
Greece is rapidly making ready
for the attacks by the Italians,
their war ministry announced last
. President .Roose
velt drew the initial number in the
first peacetime draft movement in
the history of the United States
yeserday. The first number was
158. The draft numbers were
drawn at a rate of 10 a minute and
continued until 9000 numbers had
been selected.