The daily collegian. (University Park, Pa.) 1940-current, October 29, 1940, Image 4
,PAGE FORE SIECTIION ABSENTEE VOTERS- :}Votary public service. Louetta neusbaurn, Hotel State College. )1 4 0ST Man's brown gaberdine topcoat in Room 312 L. A. Thurs day at 10 o'clock, Oct. 24. Rew. I found please return to office of speech dept -Room 300 L. A. or call 4810, Fri-Tues makes ex- „pertly repaired. Portable and office machines for sale or rent. Ictial 2342. Harry F. Mann, 127 W. Seaver avjnue. lyr-CRE-ch )3AVE YOUR. TYPING Problem olved expertly and economical ly •—subject— to your approval. Esl.imates cheerfully given. Dial 4005. 2tpdlo-29-IVILE LA.E.GE PLEASANT double room, ningle beds. seasonable rent. One half block from new dorm. Phone 2203, 121 Heister street. 2tpdlo-3033 FOB. SALE Tuxedo single breasted, Size 38, very reasonable. Phone 2E96, :3tchtO-31E De YOU KNOW mare bill order to get a date in 1895, permis aon had to be grant ed bg the Dean of fivamen and (the Pres ident of the college'? \ ro Inds oxv. OH Main ONLY IFOUIR DAYS 'IIIIII HOUSEPARTY Rave Yogic Your Amato Tails Shoes Gelillair Hose Tile . Studs Excgusive Yet lintexpensive rornmls Opposite Old Main - Slate College Fraternities! HAVE YOU TRIED BEAVER BROS. NEW . BREADS and SWEET ROLLS Cad BEAVER BROS. Phone Lewistown 791 AM Hail Coeds Await Hallowe'en Weird ghost stories, fortune tell ing, candy, corn and apple contests will provide fun against a 'back ground of corn shocks, pumpkins, and fall leaves for costumed Ath erton Hall coeds in the four Ath erton lounges starting at 10 p.m. tomorrow. • Individual and group prizes will be awarded winners participating in the costume parade scheduled for 11:30 p.m. Three different col ored tickefs entitling guests to doughnuts, cider, and candy will be issued upon payment of ten cents admission. Proceeds will be used for a scholarship fund spon sored by WSGA Junior Service Board. All refreshments will be served in the northeast lounge, and be decked coeds will enter the apple and candy corn contests in the southeast lounge. Fortune telling at two cents a future will be done M the southwest lounge. and ghost stories free of charge will be told in the southeast lounge. Refresh ments not included in the admis sion charge will be two cents each with popcorn balls selling for five cents. Arehery thth Sponsors Novel Tournament To WRA's Archery Club will spon sor a novel tournament on Holmes Field from 4 to 5 p.m. today, fea turing balloon, clout, plus and minus. and William Tell shooting. .;according to Mary L. Lenker '43, club president. Committees appointed include: program, Lois A. Remensnyder '42, chairman, Marian Hora '43, Rita C. Marotti '42. and Betty A. New comer '43; publicity, Josephine 'H. Beljan '42, chairman, Bernice M. Bane '4l, Esther A. Maginnis '42, and Diana Novic '43. 111111111111111111111111111111i111111111111111111111011111111161611161 CAMPUS CALENDAR ummiummuumumuniffiummiwmpillllllllllllllllM TODAY: The fencing club meets in Room 2 White Hall, 7 p. m. Calcium exhibit, Room 209 Home Economics Building from 8 a. .m. to noon. Public invited. Soph Hop committee meeting .in the second-floor lounge, Old Main, 7 p. m. Zoological society in Room 1 Zoology Building, 7 p. m. Penn State Engineer business staff in 314 Old Main, 7 p. in. edi torial men, 7:30 p. m. Ger Man class for Ph.D. candi dates will meet for the first time, Room 227 Liberal Arts Building, 7 p. m. Open meeting of the American Association of University Profes sors in Old Main Sandwich Shop, 7:30 p. m. PSCA freshman Forum in Room 304 Old Main, 7 p. m. THE DAILY COT 3" :FGLAN We, The Women— Your Vote Counts On November sth BECAUSE one week from today millions of Americans will exer cise a power peculiar to democ racy— voting —and because the way has been cleared for those of voting age to return home to cast their ballots, we direct these thoughts to the approximately 325 Penn State women who are 21 years old or more. Probably one half that number are registered in various precincts throughout the state. We add to what has already been said and urge them to go to the polls. We don't care to argue issues for we feel that everyone who has read or listened to a particle of campaign literature or speeches has definitely formulated ideas on the questions which have been dis puted since those history-making nights in Philadelphia and Chi cago. But we do „argue that never be fore in the history of democratic states has it been so necessary to cast a ballot—be it for the Demo cratic, Republican, or other can didates. Out of this election will come the standards of governing which will be followed by posterity in these United States. Whether they be the same rules, or a new set, will be decided by the outcome of next Tuesday's election. Never before has it been so im portant for each person of voting age to use what our ancestors fought for—the power of suffrage. Those 162 votes will help to decide the outcome of American stand ards of government. T I j ' ' G VALUES .- • FOR. S . J . '' ' .1, 1 ' .i• I - 1 1 ARTY .___. . FOR MEN - FOR. WOMEN • CLEANED AND PRESSED Formals 89c up Tuxedos 590 Evening Wraps $1.50 up 'Tails , - 79 0 43c Dresses, plain 49c Suits Top Coats • 49c up Coats _ * • 49c •• • • Hats .. _ 39 0 Skirts and Blouses _ 29c • Tiles .. . . . . . . „ ...... ...... 8c Reversibles . .t. . .... ....... 59c STRIaLY CASH AND CARRY s. • • . . 1 (t y• '‘. ' . i 0 _ CLEANERS AND DYERS -- 204 SOUTH ALLEN ST. STATE COLLEGE New 1941 Model—Advertising Speci WHY PAY MORE • WHEN YOU CAN• FLY WITH H. T. NOLL , CENTRAL PENNSYLVANIA'S PIONEER AVIATOR • Fly With You At The Controls. Get His Opinion As To ' Your Flying Ability • - THIS SPECIAL FLIGHT $l.OO 8-Hour Dqal Course $47.20 Dual Instruction $5.90 per hour Solo Flying $4.90 and $3.90 per hour NEW 1940 AIRPLANES BELLEFONTE AIRPORT Doubt I There's No Doubt About It ! PENN STATE LAUNDRY - Is Tops In Service and Econong 320 W. BEAVER DIAL 3261 HALLOWE'EN PASTRIES DOUGHNUTS-PUMPKIN PIES - DECORATED COOKIES Order In Advance For The Week-End ELECTRIC BAKERY PHONE 3121 _ ALEN STREET SENSATIONAL. SALE NATIONALLY ADVERTISED $l5 Underwood Ivory cushion grip. Just received only so, to be sold at this 2-hour sale. By arrangement with the manufao.- turer of this nationally advertised sl.s"dry shaver, we are positively limited to 50 only. Get yours immediately. Limit 2to a coupon. On sale only, WHITE IVORY CASE NO CATCH To. THIS---JUST PAY $1.99 AND IT'S YOURS You'll get the thrill of your life when you use the new Underwood Dry Shaver. Just plug in socket and shave--no water, blades, soap or brush. Will pay for itself : nothing else to buy. This Under wood Dry Shaver will be sold for the regular price of $13:00 after Wednesday, October 30th. If you can't attend this sale, leave money before sale and Shaver will be held for you. REA & DERICK, Inc. S. ALLEN ST. Limit 2 to a Coupon TUESDAY, OCTOBER 29, 1940 Delux IME PIGSKIN POUCH STATE COLLEGE Lifetime Guarantee •••• Sample on Display El Self-Sharpening Head No radio interference, cuts long and short hair. Double action head. Endorsed by Board of Underwriters.