PAGE .F0t)11 IM Correction Frazier A.C. defeated the Blue land White 6 to 0, Wednesday night, contrary to the report in yester day's Collegian. IF YOU WANT Good, Wholesome, i I Pure Milk I Call J. C. Meyer R. D. 1 DIAL 4220 LEGAL PAPEfIS ACKNOWLEDGED Eugene H. Lederer )1.4 E. Beaver Ave. Dial 4066 j) / F Shows at 1:30, 3:00, 6:30, 8:30 zAsr TIMES TODAY ISATURDAY ONLY ( DENNIS O'KEEFE CLARE LARLETON VICTOR JORY STEFFI DUNA GORDON JONES -in- From Havana' IMON. 'TES. - WED. ( ):t's High Tinie For High Step. pin and High Hilarity with ... KENNY BAKER FRANCES LANGFORD HUGH HERBERT ANN MILLER —in_ Parade of 1941' —Cast also Includes— MARY BOLAND PATSY KELLY STERLING 'HOLLOWAY BORRAH MINEVITCH HIL ck\ N 'S OP Launderers and .Ikry Cle ners • The best place in town to have your cleaning and pressing done _ DIAL 3111 220 1 / 2 S. Allen St. State College ARROW SHraers ARROW TIES THE BEST PLACE FOR 'EATS' AND G. , 1 TO AND FROM THE GAME IS STILL.., . Do you know what week this is? THIS IS THE WEEK every self-respecting college man should look over his shirt drawer and his - 49 pc . . .eee what he needs . . and then t. 0.: his Arrow dealer. For it's National Arrow Week! This is the week all the new patterns arrive . this is the week stocks of Arrow Shirts, Shorts, Ties, and Handkerchiefs are at their peak. Get your semester's supply of Arrows now. Afil'OW COT-TAPS - TEES . HANDRERCHMS UNDERWEAR 47r p , / ( F ( MEN'S APPAREL. X 46 South Allen St., Diagonally Across from Post Office TEE DAELY COTs,v,GL-IN Aft!Row ARROW I-EANDECERCHEIEFS ARROW-UNDERWEAR 111111M1111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111M1 Between The Lions WITH DICK PETERS 11111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111 Owl We Do? Penn State's annual cavalcade to Philadelphia rolls around with this weekend, the feature attraction a little matter to be settled between the Nittany Lions and Temple's Owls. The Owls, their feathers rumpl ed twice already by Georgetown and . Boston College, will be out to show that their uprising against Michigan State last Saturday was no flash-in-the-grid. On the other hand, the Nittany bunch, at their strongest peak since the Bucknell opener, will have a revenge motive in mind morrow afternoon. A Penn State team has never hung one on a Temple club, whereas Owl elevens have twice - given the Higginsmen the run-around, in 1931 and 1932. Ray Morrison, the Owls chief hoot, will field a team tomorrow which will probably try to pass the ears, mane, and tail off the Lions. The locals have been no toriously insufficient in aerial pro tection all fall. But don't think the Lions are unaware of this vulnerability. They've heard, eaten, and slept aerial defense all week, and if that defense comes through, plus a su prior Nittany line and running at tack, State will pluck the Owl by two touchdowns. —BTL— After days of deep concentration over dope sheets, crystal ball, hor oscope, almanac, etc., Ihave decid ed that: Syracuse will topple Col umbia. Georgetown will add insult to injury of NYU. Michigan will mortify Penn. Navy will put - blockade - op yelp. North Carolina will embarass Tulane. 'Cornell will ignore Ohio State. Forciham will take it easy against St. Mary's. Stanford will take the sunshine out of Southern California. Kentucky will nose out Georgia. ' CLASSIFIED SECTION FOR RENT Desirable, double second floor, front room. Apply C. L. Martin 771. stpdlo26E ABSENTEE VOTERS- Notary public service. Louetta Neusbaum. Hotel State College. LOST Man's brown gaberdine topcoat in Room 312 L. A. Thurs day, at 10 o'clock, . Oct. 24. Rew. If found please return to office of speech dep't Room 300 L. A. or call 4870. Fri-Tues LOST—GoId ring with initials JHE. If found please return to 422 Atherton Hall. TYPEWRITERS—AII makes ex- pertly repaired. Portable and office machines .for salt: or rent. Dial 2342. Harry F. Mann, 127 W. Beaver avenue. lyr-CRE-ch HAVE YOUR TYPING Problem solved expertly and economical ly —subject— to your approval. Estimates cheerfully given. Dial 4005. 2tpdlo-29-'MLE AMITY ~,HL-'.... A Century Of Service • : FRIDAY, OCTOBER 25, 1940 Lion Harriers Duet Orangemen-Today In what pro Mises to be a follow the-leader struggle between Syra cuse and the Nittany Lion harriers, Captain Bill Smith and Lynn Rad cliffe are expeated to battle out a five-mile cross-country run in Smith's harrier farewell perform ance on the College course at 11 p.m. today. After capturing meets against a poWerful NYU squad and a med iocre Colgate team, the Orangemen. will have an edge on the injury weakened Lions, who ar missing Alex Bourgerie, Herm Goffberg, and Howie Wheeler, all regulars. Penn State: Smith (1), Snyder (2), Thiel (3), Kotz (4), Rhodes (5), Kintigh (6), Jimeson (7). Syracuse: Radcliffe (91), Stans bury (92), Obrist (93), Johnson (94), Coffin (95), Hines• (96), Arrighi, Rockcastle, Morton, or Mignin. • Going To • The Game I Don't 'forget to have four car checked be fore leaving . at K.RN S BLUE SUNOCO STATION 115 W. Beaver Dial 2284 IV/ Evenin g s Only 8.30, 8:30 TODAY ONLY 1 . r • Melvyn Douglas, Loretta Young • in 'HE STAYED FOR . BREAKFAST' ISATURDAY ONLY •• ( /I/6 111 r MAI . 1 1. 20111 R CURY-FOX PICIURE MONDAY - TUESDAY I WALLACE BEERY —in— , 'WYOMING' ITpd 1025 E =3llll
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