PAGE TWO Editorial Job Difficulty May Be Waft Difficulty The Temple University student who has elected to defy the draft is, to our way of thinking, a very foolish gentleman—unless he wants publicity. He is barking up the wrong tree, He has both public opinion and legal precedent against him. In the World War the Supreme Court of the United States decided that -co.mpul f3ory military service was not (aas _rnest Kurkjian claims) a violation of the 13th amendment's pro tection aaginst involuntary servitude: It said mil italy service is a citizen's duty. If Mr. Kurkjian cares to cry out against the 'draft we can think of a better way, of a real sore - spot that he and 16,000,000 young Americans are :facing or may have to fave very soon. We hope it isn't true, but the students who graduate from Penn State and other colleges next year, particularly those in the non-scientific utay have a hard time getting jobs. . A lot of hard-headed American employers who 'will taking on new men may not be very anx ion.= to take on those who are liable to be drafted 'juin the army within a few months aftr they are employed. This is going to be a very real problem. We knew of one young man, not in State College, who was unable to rent a house he wanted because the landlord was afraid he would be called away to the army and his debt obligations suspended a Possible difficulty in securing employment may have the effect of forcing the Class of 1941 to vol .unteer for a year's army. training immediately af ter it leaves the cloistered ivy towers next June. If it does, the draft will have fallen down iri•its attempt to be fair and impartial. The critics of :the draft will have plenty of opportunity to rail .and rant. The difficulty will be a real one. . As persons who may be directly affected, we will discover that outcry and complaint will only hurt the really important thing which is the draft in principle as a national necessity. Unless we can find a solution (which then should be urged on the nation with all possible haste) we should face the situation as individuals, each of us choos ing the course that best fits the indiyidual situa tion in which we are placed. /Al,piyiris Needed . •• Still one the draft and in connei.‘ti9n with tip: Dhr - cce. we cart and the quotas r.elea..ted Pennsylvania's taiabta - ol • 61,522, it the first year means that only about one man lit 2:1 of the 1,500.000 who register%Ft•is 'liable to Liability to the draft will befui . ther reduced. rjUite revEatin by the high number of volunteers. 7 - : For college students, who will not be subject to the draft until the end of the academic year, the long run consideration is more importagt. The , draft is to be run for five years and army plans . call for 800,000 men to be trained a year. Thus, during the duration of the draft 4,000,000 men will be trained. That means that, of the 0,000,000 men registered, there are at least 13,000,000 who never will be called. The advance of more young men,- into the 21 year-old group in the next five years is likely to cut this even further. . College students, of course, are more liable V the draft because their: exemptions are fewer-- only a small percentage are married, only Ad vanced ROTC students are considered as engaged in military service, and none are engaged in essen tial industry until they graduate. THE DAILY COLMAR "For A Aletter fonis. State" Auceeasor to the Penn State ea Heaton, astablished 1 904, and the Free Lance . estalidiabed• 1.6157 - • . Wednesday Morning, October 23, .1940 Published daily except Sunday and Monday during .{he regular College year by the students of 'The Pennsylvania Elate 'College. Entered as seoond.elass matter July 6. 1984. at the post-offiee at State College, Pc, under the act or March 8, 1879. Editor , Business Manager Adam A. Smyser '4l Lawrence $. Driever '4l Women's Editor—Vera L. Kemp '4l; Managing Editor —Robert R. Lane '4l ; Sports Editor—Bichar.d C. Peters '4l; News Editor:—William E. Fowler '4l; Feature ,Eclitor. —Edward J. K. McLorie '4l : Assistant Managing Editor— Bayard Bloom '4l; Women's Managing ,Editor—Arita L. Befferan '4l; Women's Promotion Manager—Edythe B. Rickel '4ll. Advertising Manager—John H. Thomas '46; Circulation Manager—Robert G. Robinson '4l ; Senior Secretary—Ruth Goldstein '4l; Senior Secretary--Leslie H. Lewis 'O. Gsaduste Counselor Editorial and Business Office 313 Old Main Bldg. Dial 711 Min: wing Editor Thig. lis.ue New:: Editor This Women's IF•sue Eri;tz,r C . : Rowell Eck Downtown Mire . 119-121 South ,Frazier St Dial 48Ig Ralph C. Itout.;oricr. '4t _ ___ Pat Nag•elberg '42 Tennve C. Stilt. , '41.? Harry V. , thurgh, Ltobert Srhc>oloy muutiminninimwounniumjimpummithuitinut NIBBLING AT THE NEWS J. GORDON FAY miiiiimmumuiumilmilimmumnimmiumffillin Dramatic Scene Years after this second World War has burned the people of the' world down to the point where fuel for its flames is no longer available, scenario writers will be finding fresh material from its hells of bomb and shrapnel. Romanticists will write patriotic tales of fond goodbyes against backgrounds of flying flags, real ists will tell tragic stories of hu man suffering, and the ever-pres ent humorists will ferret out the iew laughable notes, but no writer will find a scene with greater dra matic possibilities than that which will be enacted in . Rome on the night of November 24. That scene will open outside the wails of Vatican City, in a black ness impossible for us in America, ignorant of blackouts, to conceive. A gate will swing creakingly open and from it will step in halting rhythm a procession whose way is lighted by smoking, flickering torches and whose steps keep time to a funeral Latin chant. The group of medieval-robed figures, some of them swinging censors of incense and some of them swaying under the weight of a sort of portable throne, will pick its way through the jet-black streets to where an even darker mass shows against the sky—the blacked out St. Peter's Basilica. Inside, the procession will des cend to the confessional altar above the tomb, while the waver ing flames of 'the torches make grotesque shapes dance in the darkness. There a little, robe swathed man, leader and highest authority of one of the most wide spread religions on the earth, will step from his throne and send a chanting prayer echoing through the vast darkness of the Basilica for one hour. That prayer, which may be part ly drowned our by the hum of bombing pines overhead, will be uni7crsal pezlee 1 --- , 4 ...° . - if V- 4.:_ef,--„ -- \ ~... ....- _______ ,_ 4 i 1 CaMPUS F. I VZ, * - I Calendar , Q TODAY: Social Committee meeting of the Freshman CA "Fourty-Four" - in the Penn State in China Room 01d - Main, 2:15. The Meeting Project Committee of the Trish Man CA "Fourty- Four" will meet in the Hugh Heaver Room Old Main, 4:15, _Delta Signta-Pi pledge banquet, State College Hotel, 6:00. bilwal Arts -Epuncil meeting Room 305 Old Main, 7 Meeting of all voting and non voting Roosevelt snplit:wters in Room 318 Old Main, P:l5 P. in. E. E. Society meeting fit 'Profes sor Rice's 'tome, 7:30 p. rim. - /Pe Hockey Meeting, 13eta 'Meta Pi, 7:30 p. m. Alpha 'Delta- Sigma, .pleci t ge meeting, Phi Gamma Delta, 7:0 p. m. Willkie4leosevell-Debale To Be Held Election Eve -i"' Penn State and the University of Pennsylvania have made ar rangements for an election eve ning debate on the presidential candidates to be held in the LA auditorium, Professor Joseph F. 013rien, Penn State debate-squad coach, ,announced. -The affirmative side of the topic, "Resolved that Willkie can .do more for the country thap,. Roosevelt." will be taken by Wil liam Harkins '42 and one of the U. of P. debaters, the negative side of the argument will be taken by David R. Benjamin and another U. of P. debater. THE 'DAILY COTLVIGIAN Letters to the Eaitor— Piesidept Boosts Semi-Formal Hop TP The gcutoi I . would:appreciate the use of a few lines on your editorial page to inform F. Lloyd Conyers, .alias "Half43akeci," . that last year's Soph Hop was also semi -formal, and that this was at a time when Campus-elect John Long, was Sophomore Class President. Fur thermore,.l am of the opinion that the general student body of Penn _State welcomes all rulings which tend to equalize the social oppor tunities for all - students, rather than those rulings which tend to set asid such an affair as the Soph Hop for those who can afford the price of a tuxedo. Dear Editor I am very glad to see by. The Daily Collegian that we have a new Chemistry Building. I pre sume this will mean that the- Chemistry department will no longer need the third floor of the new Physics Building. However, I am at somewhat of a loss to know why Di. Ham and five oth er physics professors should want to move into the new Chemistry Building when they have their own new Physics Building to move into. Could you please set me straight" onthis matter? Sincerely, A. Reader. Ed's Note: Enough said. We apologize. Bookplates Now - Shown In Library . Over a hundred bookplates, cov ering a wide range of .the coat of arms type, from the extremely modest to the very 'ornate, ,are being loaned, by , the Southern Printmakers Society of .I,lt. Airy, Georgia to the Library for exhib ition until October 31. Among the outstanding plates in the collection are those from Har vard , Dartmouth. Brown, Yzle, Pennsylvania, Vassar, and Rad cliffe. Plates or the Gamma Tim chapter of the Sigma Nu fraternity at the liniveisity of Minnesota. and of the -Beta Eta chapter of the .Delta Tau Delta are shown. Birmingham, San Francisco, New, Haven, Detroit, _and Boston -"public libraries are represented in the plate exhibit. Ten of the bookplates are those of statesmen and writers including Woodrow Wilson - , 'Burtop Holmes, Brete Harte, 4110 -.N . , wtola •D. Baker, Jr. ~ Alpha Della Sigma Selects Pledges • Alpha Delta Sigma, _honorary advertising fratprnity,.will hold, its first pledge meeting this evening, 7:15, rat fti Delta frateTP itY• The 4114434 1 13 1 .4 Yd f0r4 1 41 initi ations will hp held on Islovernher 145. ThP4a. accepted as pledges by Alpha Delta g.igina include: Don 141,e4 adit,er - of . frOth, Murray Drueic and Oscar Kranich '4l - , -edi tor and business manager of Fra, terrilty News, Wayland G. Hier '4l, advertising major, rßeibert 'Cope land '4l, advertising major, Fred ,Nalp '4l, advertising major, Paul .Goldberg '42, Collegian business staff, Jamej - 'McCaughey '42, Col legian business- staff, Marechel Clegg '42, advertising major, and Alfred Taylor.; '42, advertising major... . • • ' Throughout . the - year, Alpha Delta Sigma - has' planned several .smokers - with noted .fttansylvania advertising men as guest speakers. They ' will also- cooperate" with aigaA Delta CU ltionarary jour lism fraternity,,aad Theta Sigma- Phi, -women's honorary journalism fraternity, in producing an employ ment booklet for senior journalism students. In the spring the annual formal banquet and field trip will be held._ F. R. Flynn, Soph Class President. WEDNESDAY, OCTOBER 23, 1940 lIII,uuItfIIIItII UIIIk IIIIIIIIUhIIHIIWIIItuIn.nfIuhIIINIuNtjIIUhi NIIIIUIIIJSIII A LEAN /. 4 \ (?4 AND HUNGRY , , LOOK muitwwwwwwmummiliwiiiiumuisumuummliniuumumilug. This 4 P,Pt our afternoon. ti:k he clever, We can't help wondering precisely what is meant by those excellent persons who mutter ceaselessly of "Penn State Traditipn." Nobody has ever defined our traditions; no one has aver explained them or recorded them. This might perhaps be due to the fact that we have so little: reverence about, us; what we cannot Put to "work, what will not produce ergs and dynes, that we destroy: Give us 'specific gravity * and tensile strength, and yield par acre. How much is tradi tion worth the ton; can you refine it for less than petroleum? Will it. built new buildings and get publicity? ,Will it?? Did the old Ghost Walk? Did the little garden in front of the old- Zoology building? Did the Forestry shack? . Those were State traditions, but they were useless. Therefore they were got rid of. But we_ have pew li'uildingS. Cold, efficient, magnificent„ get the feel of them, but don't grow to love them,: Don't- let anything. on this campus , stand for anything sentimental: Because as 500n..-asTit fails to Prodi.le itsEquota oT uses two . tOriS too much steam pressure,' they'll tear it down. To build a new One. And - you ask ibout,traijition. Didn't you know that tradition is old-fashioned No money in it. No efficiency So the Collegian has.corpe all out for war!-! What a pleasant thought. What a pleasant idea, t•a , ty/ sure. S.o yihrantly original, tpo, is the line I:11 rea! zoning taken; so magnificently phrased the ,re-son: ant challenge . ;Tohnny - get your gun, - Kill the Kaiser, kill Hitler, Mussolini, Stalin, Emperor Hirohito, the High Lama of;?et ...'name it And you can kill it . get a broimi • The great brains that dream up the editorial policy of'this publication ought to take a coiiple aspirins before they commence rattling the gleam . - ing saber and waving the gliiirous battle streamers under the "bestial adversaries" noses. •They might do well to examine the state of thiS nation. We, you understand, are the most powerful nation on the earth. On_ paper. - On the order- of :ten thousand mills and factories ; there is the potency GE the republic. Our majesty hasn't• enough nuts and bolts. In an ope,n field near Detroit the,Cbrysr ler people have erected a sign: "United States Ar senal." The factory to - be built there will prodiace its first tank some time in 1941 . .Stop by the armory some afternoon and ask them to sell' yoU one of their . spareGarand rifles. "Forward the Light Brigade . . . The Hussars gill take up the Char,ge . .. The Lancers hold our flanks" PhooeN AWIRMIMINORMIMNIk.i Cassius