President Edward C. Elliott opened the orientation pe riod with a special convocation in Purdue's new Music Hall. The hall is the world's largest theater, seats 6208 people, and is designed with the acoustics plus the rem edied mistakes of the Radio City Music Hall in New York Cit . Student newspaper photographers .an immediate s earch tor Freshman Queen candidates. These lour eligibles were snapped as tney entered historic Heavilon Co-eds now add to r ather than detract from Purdue's reputation. The Exponents night staff takes a wet proof of the 20-page edition made up for fresh- Two "greenies" scan the sports section which contains dope on Boilermaker foot men. Presses turned out 3500 copies during the night so that the new students could ball prospects. They find it more interesting than taking exams and writing themes. be welcomed first thing next morning. And you probably did tool How, Why, Where? Purdue "Greeniesil Start Ripening A few minutes after the frst bits of advice and information had been tendered, heads of nearly 2200 new students were bowed in atten tion to the orientation exams. Eds were seated on the main floor, co-eds in the first bakony. That afternoon the rhinies returned for theme-writing. Here Director of Music Al Stewart instructs the neophytes in the phrases of the school song, "Hail Purdue".