The daily collegian. (University Park, Pa.) 1940-current, October 19, 1940, Image 4

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Women in Speak Alt
Wednesday Readings
Women speakers will be featur
ed in a novel leap year program
cing planned by faculty women
and the wives of faculty members
in, the ninth annual series of Wed
iicsday Readings in Room 402 of
'the Library to begin November 6
and to continue through December
Pa, according to College LibArian
Willard P. Lewis.
Miss A. Pauline Locklin, assist
ant professor of English literature,
will initiate the readings on No
vember 6 and she will be followed
by Mrs. Carroll D. Champlin, Mrs.
)i.Obert W. Stone, Mrs. Harriet D.
)4esbitt, Miss Matilda A. Bentley,
assistant to the dean of women,
awl Mrs. Henry S. Brunner.
R ! : ::•.• • . • : ... ,•
.Evenings. Only 8.30, 8:30
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300 Coeds Take Males To Ewen Dance;
Profits Will Go To Scholarship Fund
We, The Women—
Shall '44 Customs
Be Extended !
IN THE near future WSGA will
decide when to take freshman
customs off. Frosh are usually de
ribboned before Thanksgiving but
wear name cards for a longer per
iod. Last year Senate felt it was
necessary to prolong the green
season. With meetings being so
grudgingly attended, we wonder if
we shall have a repeat perform
ance of last year's WSGA action,
Some enthusiasm can still turn
the tide, frosh.
WITH JUNIOR Service Board
planning to entertain faculty mem
bers in the dining commons and
faculty members inviting members
of the freshman class to their
homes. professor-student relations
are hitting a campatibiilty high.
WE CAN'T say too much about
our abhorrence of egg-yodelers in
the dining rooms. Also in our hate
league are coeds who can't remem
ber to practice the etiquette rule
of saying nothing when a dish
doesn't appeal to them, and those
who must trump up excuses to
keep the competent waiters run
ning around.
IT IS A wonderful 'day to see
the Engineers get .taken over to the
tune of 76-0 (as has been pre
dicted) but since we can't we shall
yield to our temptation and 'put on
slacks. Then for those wonderful
banisters in the new library!
PSCA Elects Officers
John T. Maletic '4l was elected
treasurer of the PSCA at a meet
ing held in the Hugh Beaver room
Wednesday night. Other officers
elected were Walter N. Shambach
'42, member of the board• of direc
tors, and Mary Betty Anderson '42,
publicity chairman.
Tea, reception, and fashion show
at the Hillel Foundation for all
faculty and women students at 2
p. m.
Record concert in Room 417,
Old Main, 8 p. m.
AZA council meeting at the
Hillel Foundation at 2 p. m. All
former members invited.
Hillel social, Beta Sigma Rho,
8:30 p.m.
"Career Party" in Wesley Foun
dation gym at 8 p.m.
Professor Ray Carpenter will
speak at PSCA Cabin in Shingle
town Gap this afternoon.
Press League of Bucks and Mont
gomery counties will meet at the
Nittany Lion at 2 p.m.
solved expertly and economic
ally—subject to your approval. Es
timates cheerfully given. Dial 4005.
FOR RENT--Sthgle room for stu
dent. Tub and shower bath $3.00
a week. Phone 627. 808 West Col
lege. 3tpdlo22E
FOR RENT—Single room. Inquire
105 East Nittany avenue, phone
2129. 3tcomplo22E
WANTED—Ride to or near Fal-
mouth, Mass. OetOber 24th or
25th. Call "Btinchie" 11 Atherton
WANTED 'A'dverfiing s p Ere e
salesmen. College students only
for established College publica
tions. Must be dependable and able
to prepare own layouts. Write at
once stating particulars. Address
Box BB The Daily Collegian. P.O.
Box 261, Town, stpdlo2sE
Three hundred couples ,danced
in White Hall from 9 to 12 p. m.
last night as coeds escorted dates
to the first formal of the year.
Proceeds will go for scholarships
to be awarded to sophomore wom
en at the annual WSGA Christmas
dinner in Mac Hall.
A medieval-decorated gymna
sium created. the' atmosphere in
which the men and their escorts
danced to the music of Rex Rock
well and his band.
The portrait of an Anglo-Saxon
noblewoman by Jean C; Craighead
'4l, who will soon start water col
or murals in White Hall, sur
rounded by lighted tapers high
lighted the decorations while a
casement window effect an pap
er masks and foils on the walls
carried out the fifteenth century
The Cwen crown and sceptre
was set off by hemlock boughs
which surrounded the orchestra
platform which was draped in
Chaperones were: Miss Char
lotte E. Ray, dean of women; Miss
Elizabeth C. Bell, Miss Matilda A.
Bentley, Miss Mary Jane Steven
son, assistants to the dean of wom
en; Miss Marie Haidt, head of
women's physical education de
partment; Mrs. F. W. Haller; and
Miss Ruth H. Zang, Mrs. Neva M.
Morris, Mrs. H. M. Pope, Mrs.
Anne B. Searle, Miss C. Jeanette
Oswald, and Mrs; Grace L. Hall,
dormitory hostesses.
'Sister' Tea Tomorrei
"Little Sisters" will entertain
their "Big Sisters" at a tea in
Woman's Building from 3 to 5 p.
m. tomorrow. - Head of the tea
planned by WSGA Freshman
Council is H. Ann Carruthers,
freshman senator,
(Continued from page two)
and freedom of speech, both in
themselves priceless fruits of the
democracy we are fighting to pre-
It is indeed the question of free
dom of education a question
which strikes at the very heart of
democracy itself.
Tear out the heart of democracy
and what remains is but a lifeless
body like the one called France.
After all, if we are fighting for
democracy,. why begin scuttling it
before the bell rings? Why sub
stitute the "party line" of totali
tarianism for the system of an in
terchange of ideas which for more
than 150 years we have rightfully
paraded before the world as de
mocracy's greatest selling point?
True, there is danger to national
unity in letting every man have
his say. But the danger of that is
as nothing compared to the danger
of censorship of education and cen
sorship of conscience.
The Communists today would
present a dangerous menace to the
safety of America—far more dan
gerous than they really are—had
it not been for the traditional pol
icy of this country to let them-have
their say. If we had not listened to
their arguments we never would
have known what they thought of
Germany before the Nazi-Soviet
pact. And we never would have
seen the Red in their faces—as we
did when they were caught with
their pants down in August, 1939._
Let us remember, in these
troublous times, that while de
mocracy entails respect for rule
by the majority, it also entails
respect for the opinion of minor
ities. Let us remember that while
a man may be divorced from his
job 'through force; he cannot be
divorced, from his convictions ex
cept through argument and per
suasion. And let us remember,
above all else, that half-democracy
is no democracy at all..
As a Colonial sage once said:
Let us be hard-hearted patriots,
sir—but not spineless chauvinists.
John A. Troanovitch '39
'42 Women To Exhibit
Food Display Tuesday
Two phosphorus food displays
prepared by junior coeds in the
nutrition labratory will begin
Tuesday in Room 209 Home Ec
onomics building from 8 a. in.
until 12 noon to instruct stu
dents and townspeople in diet
One of the exhibits will com
pare the phosphorus content of
a glass of milk,to other foods.
The other will display differ
ent foods containing one-tenth
of the daily dietary standard.
War Increases
Grady Colors
Sport clothes in gay, dashing
colors are the rage this fall and
all because they were featured in
leading fashion magazines this
Automobiles have influenced
the recent tendency toward skirts
and sweaters since people spend
more time out of doors. And for
men, this outdoor life has fostered
the popular , combination slacks
and coats.
Gay, gaudy colors and trim
mings are being used to counter- -
act the depressed feeling brought
about by the war, and pastel
shades are dominating outmoded
dark colors for dark days. Slop-.
piness can be accomplished grace
fully through wearing the cur
rently featured untrimmed sports
coats rather than traditional
dressy ones.
Even sheer velvet evening
wraps are being replaced by cloth
coats for warmth and comfort. and
double duty evening jacket dresses
are sought by the well-dressed co
S s, View .
/ z- 4 The co-eds
tier' a lt o the Screen ! - 4 wear these
V114rX.,... VI 'beanie' hats
....." V to show that
. ' they've never.
Cooking Worries
Chased by HE 433
If the coffee's bitter, if the spin
ach is stringy and
i t i mappetizing,
seniors in home economics 433 can
show any chef how to improve his
culinary art. -
Demonstrations are conducted
four times a week in small classes,.
with three women showing how
to get the best from a carrot or
tomato and the class acting as a
querying high school group or a
critical women's club.
Commercial - food products and
electrical appliances were first ex
hibited in 20-m-inute speeches.
Food demonstrations lasted 40
Minutes. The final test- will con
sist of a public demonstration by
each 'class member.
Taking into consideration that
their audiences won't even know
how to poach an egg, the demon
strators meticulously explain each
step in the preparation of the food,
under the direction of Miss Edith
V. 'Harding.
Chocolate, Sugar Coated,
Raised,- Plain, White and
Toasted Coconut, Peanut
it & W. DOWN
"Watch Them Being Made"
117 S. PUGH ST.
' Shows at 1:30, 3:00, 6:30, 8:30