The daily collegian. (University Park, Pa.) 1940-current, October 19, 1940, Image 2

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With the Editor—
What DDe3 The Future Ho
For A Beller Penn Slate I
EDITORIAL NOTE: AU of the editors who
served Collegian since 1925 have been invited,
to write the editorial they would most like to
address to Penn State students today. Not all
of them have responded. The editorials of those,
who have will appear in this column from time
to time.
reporter, Radio Editor, Harriskurg Evening News
Scene—The Pennsylvania State University
Time—Any Alumni Day after World War II has
permitted Penn State's sails to be. unfurled,.
"Notice any change, Dad . . . good or had?"-
"Sure, numerous changes . . . and, each for a
better Penn State, Fred."!
"Many days of toil and conscription have been
torn from the calendar since you last e2cchanged,
words with the Deans, eh Dad? The same. Deans
are here on the same stage, but the scenery has
changed . .. Let's stroll over to see some of this
liew scenery."
• "Say, Fred, isn't that the highly publicized Stu
dent Union building?"
"Yes, indeed."
"Is its interior crowded with administrative
offices and classroms?"
"On the contrary, Dad, that building contains
the country's most spacious chapel, an equally
large, auditorium, and adequate facilities for un
dergraduate extra-curricular activities and. social
"Amazing . . . you know, .Fred, it wasn'•t so
. miany years ago that we wrestled, with the, mani
fold problems that crop, up in the. course of run
ning institution as large as this. Such prob.-
}.ems, were, not unlike, those of international im
portance for our struggle was one , of keeping or
ganized a heterogeneous grouß , . .
"Yes, Fred, one of the. esse,ntial techniques of
promoting peace. and good, will is to establish a
.satisfied 'home guard'—one that is furnished, with
adequate facilities for relaxing and . exchanging
thoughts, opinions, observations ...
"Unfortunately, Penn State lacked, such facili
ctieS to provide successfully united student-faculty
.relationships; adequate space for clubs, especially
for the non-fraternity,man or woman; a center for
social life, and a home for one of the strongest
'student governments in the country ...
"For years the undergraduates whistled intq the
wind with a desire that some consideration would.
ire given to the erection of a Student Union build
ing on the campus . . . with .the hope that some
Plutus like Morgan or Rockefeller would be at
tracted to Penn State and view the need for such
'a building . .
"Yet, the situation remained unmolested . . .
"Social and recreational facilities were lacking
for thousands of students—the. heterogenotis
masses of a type similar to any large institution
"A two-by-four office, actually
, a part of the
Athletic Association offices. represented, Penn
State's Student Union . . .
"Yes, Fred. that was the situation „in those days
gone by. Insignificant as it may appear, that was
the situation which created ill feeling among those
.students who had facilities available and those
who faced only four walls daily, just as the in
ternational affairs become muddled by those eon
lined to areas not deemed sufficient-for their ex
banding activity."
"And, now, you notice the change, eh Dad?"
"Yes, Fred .. . . and for a better Penn State."
"For A Better Penn State" .
successor to the Penn State Collegian. established 190tt, and
the Free Lance. established 1,07 • -
Saturday Morning, October 19. 1940
Published daily except Sunday and Monday during the
regular College year by the students of The Pennsylvania
Stat.: College. Entered as second-etas.; matter July 5. 1934.
at the pest-office at State College. Pa.. under the act of
March 3. 1879.
Editor Business Manager
Adam A. Smyser '4l Lawrence S. Driever '4l
Women's Editor—Vera L. Kemp '4l: Managing Editor
—Robert H. Lane '4l: Sports Editor—R . iggpird, C. rite=
'4l; News Editor—William E. Fowler '41.: Feature Editor
—Edward J. K. McLorie '41.; Assistant Managing Editor:—
Bayard Bloom '4l; Women's Managing )Aiippy—Atita L.
Hefferan '4l; Women's Promotion. Manager—Edythe B.
Bickel . "41.
Advertising Manager—John H. Thomas '4l; Cir^*+t•*+on
Manager—Robert G. Robinson '4l; Seniop Secr4ars , r-Hutkt
Goldstch '4l; Senior Secretary—Leslie IL /410.1 . 43,.
Editorial and Business Office
313 Old 'Main Bldg.
Dial 711.
Managing Editor This Issue
News Editor This Issue -----
Women's Editor This Lout:
Sophomore Assistant _.___
D9wntown Office
112-121 South Frazier . St.--
Diet 4872'
_John A. Baer '42
.William J. Me. Knight" '42
_'_Vera L. Kemp '4l
__.._-_Rohert. Schooley
11111111111111111111111010 . 111111;11141111111111111111y1111111111111W1Wp1111111111101111111
The best one we heard abOut the draft registra
tion was the one about The sweet young thing who
was registering one of our smoother campus char
atcers. When she came to that part on the back or
the card which asks "any obyious physical de
fects?" she put down "mustache," and what's more
she had to ask how to spell it!
An Undressed Tale t
And no figment of my imagination is the story
about the frosh who thought that Atherton Hall
was Engineering-A until he encountered two scan
tily clad coeds strolling nonchalantly down the.
hall. No, don't get any bright ideas, fr6sh, those
things only work once.
What sports editor of what local daily colleg
iate newspaper's ears are burning? He forgot to
register for the draft. We'd rather spend those,
five years in College ourselves and Upsides we're
just exactly $9,999.42 short of the required dona
tion. Must be nice being sports editor.
Anybody Find Any, Feet Around ?
The Kappa Sigs, or rather Ralph Sapp, would
like to have those two huge barefeet which were
in their alumni decoration returned. Ralph is real
proud of them because he was the model!!
An embarrassing fact has come to our attention,
a fact which should be equally embarrasing to the
five preceding writers of this column. There is,
at this time, residing at Beta Theta Pi a gentleman
(he must be) who in five years spent in this great
institution, has never had his name mentioned in
cne of the Collegian columns. His name is Ronny
Crawford. Ronny please. accept our humble appl
cgies. It won't happen again. In fact I still can't
believe it.
Fro* Beauly.Roli
We really, do feel bad that this. column stinks.
like it does but we have, a good alibi. We read the
CAMPUSEER the other day. To, makeup. in some,
small way we are printing a list of the best of the
Frosh Coeds.
Here they are:
There was Shaves, R.' D. and Siebert, M. E.;
Wittman, D. M. and Waddell, M.; Story, B. W. and
Storer, R. M.; Taylor, J. C. and Saylor, J. C.; Mac -L
Lellan, P. C. and McGeehan, B.; Polishuk, E. and
Schmelz, H. L.; Podell, B. J. and Meisner, .R. E.;
Parke, E. L. and Popp, R. LI Newman, S, R. and
Stauffer, E.; Smith, J; K. and Wickersham, L. N.;
Shipman, N. A. and Whitcomb, M. A.; Stover, J.
E. and Stevenson, F. D.
Then too, there was Fiero, J. and Frazier, B. J.;
Hewitt, R. I. and Fuchs, A.; . Hazlett, M. A.
(um-m-m) and Henninger, J. N.; Graham, J. E.
and Kindl, M.; Ludwig, J. G. and Minnich A. J.;
McKinney, H. R. and Puskarich, G. C.; Margulie,
F. and Miller A. H.
Red Italian
To Avoid Waiting, Call 9.2721
For Reservatjop._
Also . . .
At The
• . • ..
The registration, cards issued Ocfobit 16
will be necessary in order to purchase any
alcoholic beverage.
Letters to the Editor--
'Watch Out !'
Ex-Editor Warns
To the Editor:
Some time last summer, in a
column for the Collegian, I sought
to point out some of the dangers
besetting our path to total defense.
sought to point that although w,e
necessarily were being rushed we
should for our own sake ohserve
some speed limit, that we should
stop at least momentarily to think
things through, that we should
sbber up and emerge from the
drunken stupor that was beginning
to turn men and women—like you
and I—into mere robots. -
Now, I'm not arguing against
any destroyer-for-base deal. rin
not arguing against conscription.
Basically, in view of present cir
cumstances, both moves, I believe,
will help bolster the nation's de
regret, of course, that -the
destroyer-base deal was not offer
ed to Congress and to the people
before it became an accomplished
fact. I regret that the conscription
age limit was not extended to em
brace a larger proportion of Am
ericans—to extend the respond,,-,
biLities as well as the privileges,
of a democracy to old as well as,
But what'l regret—what I, fear—
most of all, is the, current Unmis
takable, trend in American thought,
a trend that would justify "alMost
anything in the name of .national
. .
Take, for instance, the edict,
Which Dr. Nicholas Iprray tlAutier
placed before his Columbia'
versity. faculty the other week' '
denianding that all professors
sign if
,their confliet
with the tirs . of its
"ide,als" in "the war betvieem
keasts, and. finryip. .13ptpgs."-
dollegi4nupheld this on, the
thesis- tbat it is wise to, give up.
"some democracy" now for "more
democracy" later. But this is not
a question of giving up . "some
democracy." It is not, merely a
question of the freectom, of thought
( CoPtinuqd .ozkR4SP fPltlF)
More Jrls . Wanted,
Preventionists Cry
Dear League for tile evention of
So, Penn State Has. Too Many
If the decline in what y . ou have
termed the, grand plena State
spirit of yore is in any wise at
tributed to the influx of women,
we are proud of, it.
If the lessening of dangerous
hazing c 14.• freshmen,. the. relative
safety, of' the. Corder Robm ffona
blazing bonfires show any, de
cline in the, all-holy Penn SAte
spirit, we, the women, are hpit
ores,l with -the responsibility.
If woman's influence on this
campus has done thiS much in - 10
years, we say; "There can't be - To9
lylany Girls!"
• League for the-Prevention
of• Coed-Injustice.
(cop,iinued from page op&
the ointment was a certain Herr
Hitler waging war. against England
and tsying to, blOckade• the British
ports... The transfer. of the animal
'from war-torn Europe to Penn
State ca,lied for a bit of fancy
dodgfng and gauntlet-running.
'The Borither," as he was ap
propriately, nicknamed, was held
since May, in Scotland, and 'at
time it appeared dotibtful it he
would, ever be shipped. A consigo:-
menfof 15 shorthorn cattle, and 43
sheep was the only shipment.oi its
iond, to Nor 'AtrleXI,C4; xqar•
Mr. Betrie, a Scotch, lad. 4.94 1 50
to, cage for •tlla anima ls,
- that th,ey, left ScotlN4l. obi R 1,434
15, in ; a convoy: -of 75 ships. 0.1,n,
f'koata, atiornpanie.d. ; the convoy ? .iOr
foci;., d,ay.s,. and the party arrived
on August'
Ate being held, in quarantine
At : Quebec for 39, o..ys; the B,on;kb
er's release was obtained by, Prot,.
W. L. }kenning upon payment, of
customs. fees: The Bomber 74s
trapsR0Ftpcl to:State Col . lege in the
back of - professor enning's car.