PAGE TWO With the Editor— The Intertraternity Dating Code And Penn Slate's 'Total Environment' Pewi State is administered under the education al philosophy that its students should be living in a "total environment." that is. one in which all the stimuli brought to bear on a student both in and out of classes will be in line with the educa tional objectives of the college. Penn State's educational objective and its rea son for being is to provide Pennsylvania with an enlightened citizenry. Penn State is supposed to train good Pennsylvanians. This is a goal which should be incessantly worked for even though it can never be perfectly achieved Outside the class room, much of this educational development has come through student self-gov ernment. As is natural, such government occa tiionally falls down, and badly. One particular failure, evident at other institu tions as well as Penn State, has become more im portant, more dangerous, and more potent here than at other institutions because of the Rachel Taylor murder, and its inevitable reflection on the College. Fraternities have failed to keep faith with the College in the enforcement of the Interfraternity :Dating Code which they have imposed upon themselves. Failure to enforce this code has had repercus ions beyond the College. Only this summer it brought Penn State unfavorable publicity in a type of publication in which the College would not particularly care to be mentioned even fav orably. The eyes of Pennsylvania are upon us since the Rachel Taylor case, ready to magnify any mis-step way out of proportion. Certainly law enforcement of the self-imposed dating code is not conducive to training the ideal citizens Penn State would care to turn out. The College should riot step in to bring about enforcement of the dating code, but Interfrater nity Council should soon take steps to bring about its own enforcement. When it does, it should have the College behind it. Strict enforcement of the code can have one of two results. It is safe to say that during last year nearly every fraternity could have been found guilty of not one but many separate violations of the code. The possible result, then, is that every fraterriity might run afoul of the code and be liable to a suspension of social privileges for 30 days or more. The more probable result is that fraternity men recognizing the importance of the code will keep within it once they learn it is to be enforced. One or two fraternities will be found guilty and will cry out that they are scapegoats. That may be ;rue. but the net result is likely to be good. It , - thould reflect favor on the fraternities and favor on the. College in its successiul ..?,tabli,!hrnent of a "total environment." THE DAILY COLLEGIAN "For A Better Penn State" Suc,..yssor to the Penn State Collegian, established 1904, and the Free Lance, established 1887 Friday Morning, October 18. 1940 Published daily except Sunday and Monday during the regular College year by the students of The Pennsylvania Stat.. College. Entered as second-class matter July 5: 1934. at the post-office at State College. Pa., under the act of March 3. 1879. Editor Business Manager Adam A. Smyser '4l Lawrence S. Driever '4l Women's 'Editor—Vera L. Kemp '4l; Managing Editor —Robert H. Lane '4l; Sports Editor—Richard'. C. Peter . 41; News Editor—William E. Fowler '4l; Feature Editor —Edward '.l". K. McLorie '4l: Assistant Managing Editor— Bayard Bloom '4l; Women's. Managing Editor- , -Arits L. Hefferan '4l: Women's Promotion Manager—Edythe B. Rickel '4l. Advertising Manager—John H. Thomas. '4l ; Circulation Manager—Robert G. Robinson '4l; Senior. Secretary—Ruth Goldstein '4l ; Senior Secretary—Leslie H. Lewis '4l. Member . Nssociated Collegiate Press Colle6iate Die:pest Junior Editorial Board—John A. Baer '42, R. Helen Gordon '42. Roar B. Lehman '42, William J. McKnight '42, Alic , M. Murray '42. Pat Nagelberg '42. Stanley J. PoKemP ner '42. Jeanne C. Stiles '42. Junier Busine.s Board—Thomas W. Allison '42, Paul M. Goldberg '42. Jame.; E. McCaughey '42. T. 131:lir Wallace '42, Margaret L. Ernbury '42, Virginia Ogden '42, Fay E. Rees '42. Graduate COUSIAeIOr Editorial and Bus inea3 Office 313 Old Main 1314 Dial 711 Man•uzinit Thi, NPAV EflitOr Wornc.n".: FAitil,r _ . Distributor of —C. Russell Eck Downtown Office 119-121 South Frazier St. Dial 4972 _..Ralph C. Itoutroncr. Sr. '4l _Stanley J. PoKernpner '42 AIL-e M. Murray '42 L'a.i i Santu.q.:. Edward Petrov,- THE DAILY COT,T•FGIAN PENNSYLVANIA AND DEFENSE 111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111 EDITOR'S NOTE:—This is the fourth of six articles prepared by the School of Mineral In dustries and released to the Collegian. The ar ticles will appear in this column on consecutive Fridays. By DR. WILLIAM M. MYERS Assistant Professor of Mineial Economics and Technology If America should be suddenly cut off from world commerce today, probably no state would feel the loss of 'strategic import minerals more than Pennsylvania. And this in spite of its enor mous native depoSits of coal, cement rocks, oil, clay, limestone, and other minerals stretching from Pittsburgh to the Lehigh Valley. • The reason is Pennsylvania's dominant position in mineral processing, over and above home min eral production. Many of the state's vital defense industries—steel, tinplate, aluminum, electrical equipment, and even coal mining—are surprising ly dependent on certain indispensable minerals that must be obtained largely from overseas. The current stocks of these minerals would last barely a year if all imports should cease. Although the likelihood of a total trade black out is remote, the present moves by the federal government to build up mineral stocks from abroad, find new domestic sources, and license the exports. strike vitally home in this state. All of the remote minerals which Pennsylvania needs have been put under export license control, as well as several others with which the state is well endowed, including oil and scrapiron. A look at Pennsylvania's mineral imports will show their importance. Without manganese, imported largely from Rus sia,• Cuba. India, and Africa, the booming steel mills of Pittsburgh and eastern Pennsylvania would be crippled. Less than 10 per cent of the American consumption of this mineral, which is used in all steels to remove impurities, is 'pro duced within our own borders. During the World War, by utilizing all possible domestic sources, America was able to produce 35 per cent of its manganese needs and forestall a serious drop in steel production. This could be re peated, but only with great cost and delay. . . The situation in regard to alloy steels is very similar. Tungsten, chromium and nickel, - origi nating in such widely separated places as China, Turkey and Canada, are indispensable in the pro duction of steel alloys. America produces about one-half of its tungsten needs and scarcely any chromium and nickel, although, interestingly enough, Lancaster county during one periiid' be tween 1350 and 1890 was the world's chief source of chromium and nickel. The smallness of the deposits a9d y the discovery of rich supplies in oth er region's soon made this source unimportant. Letters to the Editor— To the Editor Because of the pro-conscription policy of The Collegian numerous editorials have appeared acclaim ing conscription, while to my knowledge not a single anti-con scription Article has been printed this semester. I do not wish to attack this policy but would ap preciate the opportunity to clarify the entire issue. Even though the majority of the American people have accepted conscription as be ing the, best method by which democracy in the nation might be made to survive the world-wide detonations, I think that millions of equally loyal Americans con tinue to look upon conscription as the biggest step toward totalitar ianism this country has ever taken. Both those for and those against this method of filling the nation's armed forces acclaim its tremen dous significance. Both feel that the spirit and traditions of Airier ican Democracy are at. stake. One group claims that conscrip tion is a sacrifice of . democratic tradition essential to national se curity and unity in the• face of a hostile and aggressive world. Our liberties and our American way of life can be preserved only through such a sacrifice in times of emerg ency and world crisis like this. We must prepare to meet force with force that good may triumph, that democracy and freedom may pre, dominate in the world, not Fas cism. In short, we must sacrifice some of our liberties in order that we shall not lose all. The other group opposes con scriptiOn as a dangerous menace to American democracy and an un necessary step on the road to total itarianism. National security and unity are not threatened to such an extent as to warxent such des triktion of our democratic liber ties, and such concessions to mili tarism. Conscription means, they say, deliberate preparartion for war, the abolition • of our democratic free choice. of occupation, a• national escape from solVing the unemploy ment problem, 'the breaking of youth's morality, the violation of religious liberty, and' the regim entation. of America into a militar ized life which will eventually deny our civil liberties 'such as freedom of speech and press. Con scription, to this group would be the introduction -of Hitlerism to solve our problems and the admis sion that they cannot be solved by democratic means. In short, these oppose conscription because they feel freedom cannot be purchased at the price of that freedom. Pennsylvania congressmen clear ly supported the Burke-Wadsworth Bill in ' a ratio of almost two to one. This should be a challenge to all Pennsylvania citizens to write to their congressmen expressing approval •or dissatisfaction with "their actions. The American system of repre sentative democracy works .effec tively only when the citizens, the back bone of that system, do their part in bringing out all sides on all issues. In this way alone - can intelligent decisions based on the weighing of all factors and all points of view be reached. All over the world the totalitarian, cen traliZed—state is replacing this democratic system because of its superior efficiency; only by a re vitalization of „ our democracy, which means the reawakening of the individual to his responsibility can our system of government "by the people" become effective en ough to warrent its preservation. P. R. Thomforde To the Editor. On October 8 an editorial ad vocating war was printed in The Daily Collegian. The immediate Cause for the article's appearance was the discussion centering about Dr. Nicholas Murray Butler's "statement of policy" to the fac ulty of Columbia University, in which statement Dr. Butler claims that academic freedom in the United States must play a sec ondary role to the subjugation of "beastly and brutish" forces which now threaten to dominate the world. How the throttling of acad emic freedom would help in this subjugation process •is not explain- FRIDAY; OCTOBER 18, 1940 .111111111111111111U11111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111ffil Nibbling At The News J. GORDON FAY 111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111 As the Russian. Bear daily growls more threateningly at 'Rumania (and therefore at the Axis powers), the question arises as to what that huge but gangling animal can do,. other tlian getting sits nose badly pinched between Germany_ and Japan. The most signficant answer comes in Tuesday's news-story concerning the following demands made by Hitler upon little Yugo slavia: 1. Yugoslavia must concentrate almost exclusively on increasing her agricultural production at the expense of any industrial develop ment. The fact that this • ultimatum comes at a moment when Stalin is apparently swinging . around to Britain's side, or at least away from a pro-Axis attitud< makes this latest- move of Germany's Fuehrer seem to be, 'from all out ward appearances, more than just another land-grabbing step. In other words, Russia's concen tration of troops in Bessarabia seems to have been accompanied by a general concentration of Nazi thought on the question, "Where is the next meal coming from?" The answer seems to be, Yugoslavia, -- Some 63,000,000 mouths (dis counting bombing casualties) must be fed in Germany this winter. Foodstuffs will come from France, the Scandinavian countries, and some from the 'Fatherland, but it is a safe bet that Russia - was being counted upon for wheat, rye, and other ingredients of "the staff of life." • Couple the implications of . all these factors with the censored hints of foreign correspondents that the food in Nazi Germany is nothing to brag about, either in quality or quantity, and one gets what seems to be the answer to the question . stated at the beginning of this column. Russia's biggest contribution to the anti-Nazi cause will be a blow in the general region of the belt line. While agreeing with Dr. Butler, the Collegian created a greater error. It allowed itself to advo cate war• without any other reason than that of the fatalistic one of inevitability. Foolish as this at titude may be on the part of the average "man on the street," it is completely inexcusable on the part of an organ of public opinion such as a newspaper. How can we expect careful weighing of the objectives and probable result of a war with the alternative of peke if a newspaper, catering -to ten thousands supposedly more-intell igent-than-average Americans of fers inevitability as a reason for war? Are there, then,-no other reasons for entering into war overseas but that one? Editor's Note: The Collegian re grets it gave this impression. There is a better reason. A new type of government• has , risen . up in the world, one r incomparible with our own political and' economic. struc ture. 'With • many. other thinking people, the Collegian believes these two ideologiei are headed for an inevitable-conflict in which one or the other must fall. The Collegian would rather that 'it were not ours. . To the Editor There has been much lamenta tion, wailing and gnashing of teeth of late on our fair campus relative "to the regrettable decadence of the grand Penn State spirit of yore! Strangely enough, most comment has missed the salient factor in volved: Penn State spirit has de clined in proportion to the• grad ual insidious increase in the -coed population. To put the nub of the matter bluntly: Penn State has_too many girls! State College Chapter Prevention Co-educational Infiltration (PCD.. Saul ,Belilore