PAGE TWO With the Editor— Absentee Voting ! Why Hot ! MI But Six States Have It When election day rolls around nest month the 2,000 Penn State students who are of voting age will have to travel home if they are to exercise the prerogative' to vote. . Pennsylvania is one of only six states which al low no absentee voting whatever. The others are Kentucky, Maryland, Mississippi, New Jersey and New Mexico. South Carolina allows absentee voting only in its primary election. The students this year will have to go home to vote and this year more than any other year it'is their duty to do that. The decision in November is going to have a far-reaching effect on American history, more far-reaching than normal decisions normal times. But after November it will be time to raise a cry for something else: Absentee voting for Penn- sylvania The only provision Pennsylvania has made for anything like absentee voting is one guaranteeing absentee vote to men in military service: "When ever any of the qualified electors of this Common wealth shall be in actual military service, under a requisition from the President of the United States or by authority of this Commonwealth,. such electors may exercise the right of suffrage in all elections, by the citizens, under such regula tions as are or shall be prescribed by law, as fully as if they were at their usual places of election." There is no reason why Pennsylvania can not and should not enlarge on this service. At the last session Of the state legislature such a bill came up for passage it had paSsed the previous legisla ture but, because it had to be an amendment to the constitution, it had to be passed again. It failed of passage, he reasons being that (1) absentee voting would be very-hard to administer, and (2) that in other states a very small number of voters take advantage of the enfranchisement they receive. These are not reasons.. They are excuses. If there is no more objection than that, Pennsylvania needs and must have absentee-N7oting. Interestingly, the last bill for absentee registra tion had some of its origins in State College. In 3937, Frank W. Ruth, Jr. '39 and Francis H. Szym czak '3B introduced a measure advocating absen tee voting before the Intercollegiate Conference on Government held annually in Harrisburg. The- measure was approved by the collegiate group and thereupon the Penn State students re quested Senator Frank W. Ruth of Berks County to introduce the proposal to the General Assembly and make it law. The 2,000 Penn State students who are of voting age will do well to send postcards home in the next few days reminding their candidates for the General Assembly that they want absentee voting, that $5 or $lO to go home to vote is too much. These poscards should be sent now. It is a politi cal truth that they will be more important before election than after. THE DAILY COLLEGIAN "For A Better Penn State" Successor o the Penn State Collegian. established 1904. and the •Free Lance. established 1887 Thursday Morning. October 17, 1940 Published daily except Sunday and Monday during the ,regular College year by the students of The liennsylvaAia State College. Entered as second-class matter July G. 1984, at the post-office -at State College. Pa..',onder the act of March 8, 1879. Editor Adam A. Smyser '4l Women's Editor—Vera L. Kemp '4l; Managing Edito r —Robert H. Lane '4l ; SPOrts Editor—Richard C. Peters 41; News Editor—William E. Fowler '4l; Feature.. —EdWard T. K. 'MeLo'ile '4l; Assistant Managing . Editor-- ttiyard lifooth '4l ; Women's' Managing Heit em ekel 4 1. 41; ifocneris Promotion Manager—Edythe Ri , Adtetrisink Manag&-401m H. 4 11Mmas "41; Circulgtion Manager—Robert G. 'Robinson ' 4l; Semitic Secretary-7.12th Goldstein '4l ; Senior Secretary—Leslie fi. Lewis '4l. Gordon Junior . Editorial Board-44bn Baer "42, R. MOen n '42, Ross S. Lehman '42, William J. MelCriiitht "42. Alice M. Murray '42, Fit Nagelbenj '42, Stanley 3. Ptleitto - '42. Jeanne C. Stiles '42. Junior Business Board—Thomas W. Allison '42. kaal M. Goldberg '42, James E. MOCaughey '42, T. Blair Wallace '42, Margaret L. Erubury 't2, Virginia Ogden '42, Fay E. Rees '42. Graduate Counselor _ eratcr Pkssociated ColleEsictte Press Distributor of Colle6iale Disest Editorial and Business Office 313 Old Main Bldg. Dial 711. CA on: . nrinix Editor This Is4l. N6wr., Editor This Isioi Women's Ismue Dii V>r roribormiro A.:.-:.sti.m... susii►ess Matiager , Lavirieitce S. Drielier '4l _-____C. Russell Eck Downtown Office 119-121 South Frazier St Dial 4372 _Pat _Natreltwrg '42 __John A. Baer '42 Alice M. Murray '42* Clem J. O'lrits CAMPUSEER The outhouses nave reverted to the ., the Mountaineers are back in the "hillscaressing their still, the lovely coeds are againspeaking to under graduates, Hickey's business has slumped back to nomal, and Jack Dixon is recovering from the -black eye he got fighting with an alumnus for his bed. Alumni weekend (god bless it) is but a jangled memory, and the picturesque hamlet nestled in the Nittany mountains is once more a symbol of serenity. Heil houseparty! Love Made His Life A Living Hell Romance . . . the tender musings of a youth in love . an exotic. spirit maiden floating through his dreams. What could be more fragrantly sen timental than the following epistle d'amour, penned by a freckle-faced idealist in Econ. 21 class: • Darling Snuffle, Please stop haunting me, how can I concentrate? "Spitter" is talking about value and other com plicated things and I sit here and dream of you. Let's get married and stop torturing each other. I better be careful or I will tell you just how much you mean to me and that's bad . . . so the older boys tell me. flarling, Saturday just can't come soon enough for me, so that I can again hold you in my arms. Little Boy Love Again It remained for Beatrice Mensch, Alfichio, to come through with the neatest bit of philosophy in Speech 200 class as she spoke eloquently on the subject, "Why I Came to Penn State." Said the charming Miss Mensch, "I came here with the idea of being a teacher—but now I've decided to join 50,000,000 other. American women and let the teachers teach MY children." p.s. She goes steady with a sigmanu Confessions of a Columnist We are at the head of one of the most nefarious fifth 'cloumns ever to terrorize a 'college campus. Our spies are everywhere. Nothing can escape them. Behind their glazed eyes and apelike -fea tures keen brains plot literary annihilation for you and you and you! Campy for dictator! • . . Our spies know three lovely Thetas will leave tomorrow for Annapolis ... they know why Char lotte Miller will date a certain graduate counselor this year . .. they are watching Earl Johnson make Marion Eberts an Alpha Zete tradition .. 7 . they have discovered what fatal charm Harrlet Stubbs holds for Don Taylor. The secret of the empty AOPi house is an open book to them ... as is the baffling mystery of Bud Smyser and the alumni mailing room. They know the thrilling story behind Sally Searle's returned Delta Sig pin . .. why Wally Patton was sitting in the Cornerroom - at 3:30 a. m. Sunday . . . why Dottie Savard is going home this weekend . . . Why Bob" Lane hangs around the Gammafoobeta house . . . where Jane Lindemuth learned all the answers They predicted that all of last year's graduates of a certain sorority would get married toute de suite except Jane Romig . . . they read in Boy's Life, October issue, why Penn State boxers have lots of zip, according to' Dr. Leo Fred Florian Houck himself . . they knew Marsh Miller was going to pin Jane Firestone . . . they know what sorority is doing cutthroat rushing . . . and why Dalton and'Cramer are moving into a third floor closet in the KKG house. Beware! You may be next! Join Our Lonely Hearts Club • Want to get mail from strange women? It's easy—Campy will fix everything. •Look what he did for the notorious corner room cutie featured'in IRA week's cairn* who received the following epistle in this week's post from Knox • SChool, Cooperstown, N. Y: Dearest Eddie: Reading abOnt your rare exploits in the Colleg ian I thought you would make an interesting cor respondent. How far is it frorn•a ping pong table persons (male of course) that I never knew under Persons (male of cource) that I ever knew under the ping pong table of the Roney Plaza in Miarrii. I just adore lacrosse arid you being a manager makes me even, more interested in knowing you. Life is so boring!! The Only future I have is'the Army-Navy game, Cornell week-end, and Lake Placid for a week . . Any chance of joining the under a table at Lake Placid? All yours, (practically) BETTY KALLET. THE DAILY-COLLEGIAN. Lovingly yours, GINGER/ Letters to the Editor-- Correspondent Asks Story Correction To the Editor, In fairness to thelocal telegraph office I would like to make the following correction and observa tion regarding .the incident of the delayed Life message reported in your column "A Lean and Hungry Look." 1. Receiving time on the tele gram was 7:46, not 7:30. 2. Since one Messenger boy only is on duty at night, and this mes senger was out at 7:46, there was necessarily some delay in deliver= ing message. 3. Ordinarily the office, placed in this position, could telephone message in Rec Hall. But there is no way to receive a telephone message in IRec Hall. - Special note to column writer: Our renowned soccer coach_ spells his name "Jeffrey." Sincerely, Ridge Riley Two Oirls Challenge Butler's Statement To the Editor, You, in your editorial of October 8, expressed the belief that, "It is time for us to forego democracy." Because we live in a country that is still democratic, it is our priv ilege and our right to reply to those sentiments. Although your prime purpose to second the convictions Dr. But ler expressed before 'the Columbia University faculty last week, you added opinions of your 'own which were bah confused arid confusing. In the first place ; Mr. Editor, it may be true that the New' Deal has taught us dependence, but it is a moot question whether the New Deal has made us depend on the state, as you so blithely as sume. Rather has it not made us more dependent upon a democ ratically-Controlled and regulated government? In a totalitarian state the words "government" and "state" are synonymous, it is true, but in this country, still laying claims to democratic ideals,',gov ernment means "expression" of the will of the people." Therefore your statement that the New Deal con verges toward fascism is open to .much question. . Your assumption that. "we are so near the brink of socialisin and fascism . . . " was stated as a fact. But is it? We challenge you, Mr. Editor, to take an objective survey of this, a typical college campus, for the purpose of deter Mining how many students would prefer a socialistic or fascistic way of life to the democracy we now have. I And, after all, Mr. Editor, since we are still a democraby, the will of the people is the way of the gov ernment! "The signs say now that we can't stay out." Such a negative prognosis is unjustified. In the first plade it is pure defeatism, founded upon irrational fear. Is. such an at titude worthy of an American, whose fundamental right is ,"life," as well as "liberty, and the pur- YOU CAN'T AIL AN CAPTAINS-- BUTI • WE LAN ASSURE YOU -• • - UNIFORM HIGH DUALITY IN OUR PORTRAITS PENN STATE. PHOTO SHOP 214 East College Avenue THURSDAY, OCTOBER 17, 1940 eraiti'll:Eletlel 000,00,Pte#,.: Robert "Spanky" Graul '4l Was elected president of the Cody Manor Lion Club at a meeting Monday night. Other offiCers chosen for the '4O - term were Steve Zayack '4l, 'Vice-president; Bill Freet '43, sec retary; Jack Ligo '4l, .treasurer; Jack Fred- '43 and Gene, Skweir '43, social chairmen; Larry "Cherv enak '44, cltib "reporter; and John OgsydZiak '4l, athletic chairinan. Immediately after the eleCtions, the - Club began - plans for an ex-' tensive program of activities, in cluding a fall •house party, frequ ent informal dances, and partici pation in intra-mural athletics. Town Churches And PSCA Conduct Worship Study The churches of State College and the PSCA are cooperating in conducting study of worship. The group will meet weekly Until No vember 9, in an attempt tO dis cirVer the value and puipose of worship. Various approaches to worship and methods of ma t king it ,more -effective 'Will lie studied. Do:iris E. Nes '42, student cliairthdri, an nounced that Miss lone V. Sikes, associate director of Westminster Foundation, is resource leader of the group. suit of happiness?" In the second place, to say now that we can't stay out is the'sarne as for Great 'Britain to have said several months ago, "France has been conquered; we can't win. Let's surrender now." Are we to be guilty of less courage? Therefore, is it time to start fighting now? Is it time to forego democracy to save democracy? Be cause Dr. Butler propounded these identical theories in• 1917 does not mean that he was right then or now. ' -No, Mr. Editor, Dr. Butler is wrong! Sincerely yours, Lois Notovitz, Gertrude Hecht