The daily collegian. (University Park, Pa.) 1940-current, October 12, 1940, Image 4
PAGE FOUR i•-otters Point For 55th Consecutive Victory Against 'Terrors Today • • .‘ 1 Evenings Only 610, 8:30 TODAY ONLY Lee Tracy Cliff Edwards in "Miliionaires in Prison" MONDAY, TUESDAY Vackey Rooney, Judy Garland, Ann Rutherford —i n _ "ANDY HARDY MEETS A DEBUTANTE" AIMMEIM==k Michigan State Invades Niltany Lair For Five-Mile Cross-Country Duel By ROSS LEHMAN Captain Bill Smith will lead the Nittany Lion cross-country squad into its season's debut against the strong winded Michigan State harriers this afternoon at half time in the Penn State-West Vir ginia fracas. Roaring a challenge across the high Nittany hills, the Lions are prepared to combat a Spartan seven which includes five veterans on its roster, including Captain Eddie Mills who placed 13th in the IC4-A's last year and Al Mangan who was the U. 'S. Olympic 50,000 metre walking champion in 1936. Lightweight Bill Smith, who turned in a 26:54 time-trial this week, is expected to show the Spartan harriers his flying feet in the five-mile grind today. The number two and three spot has caused Coach Chick Werner plenty of trouble because the ma jority of the squad has run a 28 minute mile, almost two minutes behind Smith's anticipated time. Alex Bourgerie and_ Max Peters have indicated that they may be potentipl running mates of Smith, but so far have failed. Today may be the answer. Only one change in State's line up has been announced. Vern Kotz, recently recovered from an injury will replace Clair Hess, who placed seventh in this week's time trials. The lineups with numbers fol low: Penn State---Smith, 1; Bourg erie, 2; Peters. 3; Thiel, 4; Kotz, 5; Snyder, 6; 'Wheeler, 21. Michigan State—Anderson, 30; Mangan, 32; Mills, 33; Monroe, 34; Page, 35; Scott, 36; Smith, 37; or Vanvelzor, 40. Fresh Play Bisons In Opener, 10 ap. Handicapped 'by injury and fac ed with a reputedly tough foe, the frosh gridders will open their sea son against Bucknell on New Beaver Field at 10 a.m. 'today. Bob Wallace will probably start at right end in place of the injured Bob Walters. The rest of the start ing lineup will be Jack Potsklan, left end; Dan Halpin, left ,tackle; John-,Taffurs, left guard; Joe Kray nack, center; Jim Bonham, right guard; Bernie Brosky, right tackle; Aldo Cenci, quarterback; Quentin PeterS, left halfback; Charlie Mc- Farland, right halfback; and Jack Banbury, fullback. Bucknell is reported to have one of .its strongest and biggest year ling elevens in years. The starting line averages almost 200 pounds in weight and the backfield is well over 180. The starting Bison freshman team: Ed Martin, left end; Walter Szot, left tackle; John Speer, left guard; Cal Neefe, center; Mike Rawlick, righ tguard; Tom Rodg ers, right tackle; Leonard Miller, right end; Tom Kiernan, quarter back; Al Magagna, left halfback; Glenn Burkholder, right halfback; and Jim Beichert, fullback. West Virginia U. must get a new "Mountaineer" this fall. The fam iliar Slim Arnold, who has donned the traditional garb for the past few years, tripped to the altar dur ing the summer and isn't expected to return to the University. ATTENTION, FRATERNITY SUBSCRIBERS • • PRINT your name PLAINLY between the dotted lines and paste or tack this on your door. The paper will be slipped under the door. Cut around the black border. COLLEGIAN SUBSCRIBER' 6 Your Name TEE DAILY COLLEGIAN 1111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111 New Cheering Sections Bring Favorable Comment The new cheering sections, lo cated in each section from the 10th to the 20th rows, met with wholehearted a p p r oval from Coach Bob Higgins, Football Captain Leon Gajecki, and All- College President Arnold C. Laich. In a statement today, Higgins said: "I believe that if a cheer ing section gets together, they'll have a lot of fun. Good cheering is . bound to have an affect upon the team." "Cheering like we had at the Pitt game gets the team into proper spirit," said Gajecki.• we have the crowd behind us, we feel we can't lose." Laich's opinion -was, "Having the cheering section centralized can't help but work. I like the idea of getting the cheering here at Penn State organized." 11111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111 Lions face W. Virginia (Continued from page one) Krouse, who played three fourths of the Bucknell game and scored the only touchdown, will start at wingback in place of Craig White. Veteran Chuck Peters, fully re covered from the three-week shoulder injury returns to his old place at tailback. Pepper Petrella is relegated to the role of climax runner after doing iron man duty in the season opener last Satur day. Lion followers pin their victory hopes on the all-veteran forward wall. With the exception of jun ior Mike Garbinski at left guard, a battle-scarred array of seniors will attempt to stop Mountaineer thrusts at the line. Carl Stravin ski, giant left tackle, has recover ed from a knee injury and returns to the starting lineup after miss ing the first fray. Veteran halfback Don McCann will be the Mountaineers' chief of fensive threat as the visitors hope to regain their winning form after dropping a tough 20 to 7 decision to a formidable Fordham outfit last Saturday. Southpaw Charlie Seabright and• Johnny Carlis will handle the quarterback and full back assigments respectively. The only change in 'the West Virginia backfield will find Dick McElwee taking over Ike Martin's left half back spot. • Coach Bill Kern is expected to make four changes in the Moun taineer line. The entire right side with Johnny Shonk at end, Walt Pike at tackle, and Tic Peelish at guard will remain intact. The left forward wall has been shifted for today's battle. Tom Gillolly will start at center, Vincent Cimono at guard, Vic A'Hearn at tackle and Bob Menace at right end. Alpha Zeta Parties Alums Alpha Zeta alumni will be guests at an informal banquet and open house in the chapter house at 5:45 p.m. today. Guest speaker will be Mr. D. T. Haig, head of the div - - ision of Si ivies in the Forestry ServiCe at Washington, D. C. Jeffreymen Face Tough Foe In Second Baffle By BILL McKNIGHT Bill Jeffrey's ace booters will attempt to chalk up consecutive victory number 55 at 1 p. m. to day when they meet the Western Maryland soccer eleven here in the second game of the Lion sea son. • The Green Terrors bring a team composed of seven regulars from last year's squad. The last time the Nittanymen opposed Western Maryland was in 1938 when the Lions outmaneuvered and out played the Terrors to the tune of 12-0. This score was almost a.colleg iate record in itself and it may be that today the Penn State booters will surpass even that total. The Lions held a light practice yesterday afternoon, the greater part of which was taken up din demonstrations for the benefit of the _photographer from Life mag azine who is on the campus to make a pictorial record of the squad for a future feature in Life. The lineups: Pos. Penn State W. Maryland Leskaras L.F. Freeman Schockley R.F. Heck L.H. Green C.H. Megrail R.H. Hosterman Windsor O.R. Taylor McWilliams I. R. King C.F. Ernst I. L. Corman Tomlinson O.L. Durain Tarbutton O. Gridders Play Bears Here Today Cornell supplies the opposition for the 'first Junior Varsity football game of the year on New Beaver field practice gridiron at 1 p.m. today. Coach Danny Der Marino has whipped a squad of 35 men into shape for the battle and an excit ing game is assured as Cornell's junior varsity teams are generally powerful. The tentative starting line-up consists of Shrum and Mall at the end posts, Hall and Krones at tackle, Valla and Perugini at guards, Raysor at center, Stauffer at tailback, Deidrich at fullback, Phillips at wingback, Sha,unency at blocking back. WELCOME, ALUMNI I SUNDAY'S ESSO STATION WELCOME, GRADS ! • HOTEL BROCKERHOFF BELLEFONTE DINNERS 12:00 to 2:30 6:00 to 7:00 COCKTAIL LOUNGE - DANCING HELLO, GRADS For Fine Chocolates, You'll Find You Can't Beat YOUQEL'S "We Pack. The Pieces , You Choose To Ear .- 44, • STATE THEATRE-BLDG. W. COLLEGE. SATURDAY, 6CTORER - 12, '1946 11111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111filill Between The Lions The BIG Game 7; Usually . the most importaht game in a football campaign dObs not come until late in the seaso., but the Lions are faced with tho;ir most crucial battle this afternoo:n, though it is only the second gai l tle on the schedule. If the Lions get through WOt Virginia, hampered as they ate with worst crop of--injuries since New Beaver Field was a cow pas ture, then you _can bet that_ the 1940 State teani will turn a good season from here on in: The Mountaineers will take the field today, anxious for blood and pride, having lost last week to Fordham. State will take the field, probably at its lowest ebb, minus at least three of its most capable performers. " - - A Nittany victory will mean that the Blue and White gridders can take almost two weeks• preparatory work for the next major combat which will be with Temple , as little trouble can be expected from Le high next Saturday. That'll give Bob Higgins' boys plenty of tiriie to recover from' present wounds. Probably you're wondering how the Lion gridders have taken their trouble this week, .and whether they think they can clip the Mountaineers this afternoon`..Well, they DO think they can win.: And so do I, in one of the, most thrilling games ybu'll see this year, Hancock Blair Cook Jordan Robinson Though in secret I picked .De troit to win the World Series in four games, I'll take a deep-breath and hold it until: Pitt blimps off Southern. Meth odist. Rutgers runs down - Lehigh. Boston College tars and feathers Temple. NYU hangs one . on Syra cuse. Ohio State edges out North western. Fordham puts the .needle to Tulane. Penn scrapes some ivy off Yale. Princeton torpedoes Navy. Clemson squirms over Wake For, est. SOUTH ALLEN STREET WITH DICK PETERS PENN STATE - INN TEAROOM • Meals Served Daily IEIO-1 -:..5:30-7 310 E. COLLEGE - J. B. Passmore