SATURDAY„ _OCTOBER 12, 1940 2 Spirit of Sorork I)ecOraliontl-' Illustrates Mountaineer's Defeat 'Welcome to Alumni' Depicted In Signs Enthusiastic portrayals of the Nittany Lion's victory over the :West Virginia IVfountaineers and -'hearty welcomes for Penn State alumni are 'displayed by all wo men's fraternities in their decor ations this weekend. The' "Higgins Machine" a large sweeper, displayed by the Alpha Chi Omegas labeled, "It beats as .it sweeps," is drawing West Vir ginia players Into - it. Chi Omegas feature a goalpost with a pig, beside it saying, "This little pig went to town," while a nearby sign reads "Penn State -21; West Virginia—O." Kappa Alpha Theta's kite sup ports a lion in a basket chanting, "N'yah, n'yah, you can't catch me," to a frustrated mountaineer. A key to the campus bidding the alumni welcoine is displayed 'at the Kappa Kapp'a Gamma house. "Pappy" with his little brown jug is waiting in the mountain scene•- .otiMde- the Delta Gamma house while a Nittany Lion creeps upon him to the tune of "If Pappy only. knowed it." ' A West Virginia dummy enclos ed in- a..barrel - stating;. "I bet on- West.. , decorates' , the- Gamma Phi Beta suite. Their cres cent-wilrwelcome alumni. A .Nittany Lion grasping a hill billy's _pants as- he heads toward• Morgantown- in-. the West Virginia mountains- 'is• on display at the• Alpha- Omicron Pi house.. A•3lal . 14Ar listing teams Penn Stateirplays lead§ to a crepe paper top ':.on the roof of the Phi Mu house and carried out the motto, "On 'our way to the top." Theta Phi Alphas portray West 't >layers up a tree with the Nittatiy - Lion at the bottom. The backdrop of music entitled "Trees" says,. "We didn't think that we would see West Virginia up a tree:" - 311p11111A141111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111. Letters to the Editor--,- 1111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111 Collegian interested in mission ary work? Now. is. the time when unthink ing citizens and tax payers rake up leaves and burn them in the gutters or on the street surfaces. _ MosCof ;these in 'State College are itif . itt.fmincius material which is inflaTAin - able to a degree. Flame causes great damage. • Gollegian would render a civic service - - If: it could dissuade any readitHliOni 'burning - leaves out in the StFee_t. Borough Engineer Gulden or other borough authority could be consulted on the desirability of not having street-surface - bonfires. This is apart from the ordinance against any • opening fires without permis sion. - Next week is Fire Prevention Week, too. J. E. Kaulfuss Alumni Meet About 75 members of the Alum ni Couneil'attended the Alumni Council—All-College Cabinet get together in the 'Sandwich' Shop last' night - - PENN STATE CLASS RINGS and Fraternity Jewelry "always in town" --at— L. G. Balfour Office 109 Allen St. SAUERS STORE ,Sororifies To_Fele Alums By Parties. This. Weekend Coffee hours and breakfast par ties are being planned by the sor orities in- honor -of their visiting alumnae this weekend. Chi Omega is having open house after the --game • tomorrow and Gamma Phi Beta guests will be served refreshments in their suite at 4:30 p. m. Kappa• Kappa Gamma is cele brating the tenth anniversary of its Founders' Day with a coffee hour after the guile. Alpha Chi Omega and alumnae will breakfast at the Penn State Inn at 9 a. m. Sunday, while Al pha Omicron Pi; Delta Gamma, Kappa Alpha Theta,. and Theta Phi Alpha will entertain with buf fet breakfasts in their houses. Charitides are having breakfast at the Allencrest. Searle Speaks Tomorrow In Alumni Chapel Service The Chapel services for the Alumni at 11 a.m. tomorrow will present Dr. Robert W. Searle, sec retary of the Greater New York Federation of Churches, who will speak on "Let's Take Another Look at Christianity!" Aside from his New York ac tivities, Dr. Searle_ has served on numerous civic and denomination al committees Including the Fed eral Coil - mil of Churches. Several years ego he wrote the book, "City Shadows." • Dr. Searle is chairman of the Magistrates' Courts Social Service Bureau and chairman of the New York Co-ordinating Committee for Democr\atic Action. - ' He is also working on the Am erican Committee for Christian Refugees. 'Spinster Skip'- Groups Named Committees for the annual Spin ster Skip sponsored by Mortar Board have been , announced by L. Eleanor Benfer '4l and Vera L. Kemp '4l, co-chairmen. Tickets for the dance set for White Hall from 9 to 12 p. m. Saturday, November 9 with music by the Campus Owls will be one dollar and profits will be used for scholarships. Balloting will begin soon at Stu dent Union and the Corner Room for King Mortar Board, coeds' idea of the ideal man, and his two bachelors-in-waiting. The King and his attendants will be crown ed at the dance. •'Serving -on committees are—de corations; Ruth Goldstein '4l, chairman; Jean C: Craighead '4l, Joyce L. Brayton '42, M. Elizabeth Shelly '42, - and Maribn Dougherty '44; -arrangements:• Harriet Singer '4l, chairman; Catherine Bidel spacher '42, and Marjorie E.' Mc- Farland '43. Advertising and tickets: M. Eliz abeth Baker '4l, chairman, Mary Betty Anderson '42, Margaret L. Embury '42, E. Louise Hack '42, and Betty Jo Patton '42; invita tions and balloting: Edith A. Bur ; rage '4l, chairthan; J. Louise Hy der '4l, Ethel M. Patton, / and A. Ruth Krimmel '43. CLASSIFIED SECTION FOR SALE—Tuxedo single breast ed size 36, sell at sacrifice, guar anteed. Inquire at Alpha Chi. RHO. Phone 841 ask for "Gray." 3tpdlol2looE FOR RENT—Furnished or unfurn- ished apartment - porch, garage. Heat and hot water supplied. Call Mrs. Kyle Alexandria 2752. THE DAILY COLLEGIAN 'Blueprint Babies' `Diets,' Says Shaw If you want your child to be healthy, physically and mentally, check the contents of his lunch box or the .food which he eats at school to make sure that it con tains sufficient proteins, minerals, and vitamins. • This is the advice that comes as the result of a four-year study that has been conducted by home economics research specialists un der the sponsorship of the State Department' of Health. "Children's diets may now be planned on a scientific basis, just as one draws blueprints for the building of a house," said Dr. John J. Shaw, State Secretary of Health, in discussing the advances which have been made in ascer taining proper nutrition for school children. "Children need no longer be fed by ear," said Dr. Pauline Beery Mack, director of home econom ics research, as she told of the conclusions which have resulted from an examination of 2000 chil dren since 1936. For the last four years, workers under her supervi sion haVe been relating types of nutrition to such physical indices as body tuild, skeletal status, vit amin status, red. coloring matter in the blood, and other significant measurements. Out of their studies correlating the average intake of energy, pro tein, and the various minerals and vitamins for children of families of different incomes has come a new emphasis •on the proper con tent of school lunches' for children of families of different income levels. • • "A school lunch should proper ly contain the needed nutrients least likely to be received at home," Dr. Mack explained. "The• studies have shown that the types of food least likely to be deficient in the school child's diet are the starches and sugars. "On the other hand, proteins, which are found chiefly in milk, meat, and eggs, as well as various minerals and vitamins are most likely to be lacking in the child's diet, and this deficiency becomes greater the lower the family- in come. "Sandwiches and starchy foods, often constituting the chief com ponents of a school lunch, there fore make the poorest contribution to the morning and evening meal. "The best supplement consists of milk, together with some meat or eggs and a considerable quantity of fruits and vegetables in the ma jority of cases." Art Exhibit For Alumni Photographic reproductions of self-portraiture through the ages will be on exhibition for - Alumni Homecoming Weekend in the Col lege Art Exhibition Room, 303 Main Engineering. The exhibit is accompanied by explanations suit able to the layman. Artittillittring - AN EXCLUSIVE SHOWING OF FALL FASHIONS . - By •MR. ALLEN GUTMAN Representative of EDWARD'S CUSTOM-MADE CLOTHING lateritu "OUTFITTERS FOR SMART MEN" 127 SOUTH ALLEN ST. M. B. Zeper—Mgr. 6-95-E We, The Women— Coeds Can Revive Penn Slate Spirit Af Games That coeds who sit at football games and gab during cheers, gos sip when the band is playing "Vic tory," and hastily muffle the fer vent frosh outburst of "44, 44" should be condemned, we admit, but we sincerely feel that the women on this campus have a real school spirit—now dormant. There was only a lethargic showing of spirit at the Bucknell game—cheerleaders, parents, and visitors attest to that. And wom en were as apathetic in their sup port of the team as were the men. Even freshmen, the usual pride of the yell-leaders, were disappoint ing. Perhaps the fault lies with the entire College; we cannot ascer tain that. But we can make sug gestions that may help in the re appearance of the enthusiasm typical of Penn State women. We'd like to see mass meetings so that transfer women may learn Penn State songs and cheers. Women's opportunities to cheer in a body, except for intercollegiate Whaffa Yuh Say Gang!! How about dropping anchor at the S. S. Markland for a cruise of fun on untroubled waters. The only passport necessary is your matriculation card. GRADS--Don't let that DETOUR stop you from renewing sc." quaintances with Skipper Bob and Captain Mort. HOTEL MARKLAND Bellefonte, Pa. THE FIRST NATIONAL BANK OF STATE COLLEGE . Member of Federal Deposit Insurance Corporation PAGE THREE Miles Dormitory Elects Newly-elected •president of Miles Street dormitory is N. Agnes Peoples '4l; vice-president, Claire Bernstein '42; and secretary-treas urer, Mottie J. Haverstick '43. games, have been presented only on Move-up Days. We realize the fallacy in reason ing that attendance at mass meet ings will result in a wild burst of spirit; but a thorough knowledge of Penn State songs and cheers would certainly engender active support of the team. Fraternities Have You Tried BEAVER BROS. BREADS and SWEET ROLLS Phone Lewistown 791 R.H.G
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