The daily collegian. (University Park, Pa.) 1940-current, October 12, 1940, Image 1
' • Successor to the Free d a Establishe 1887 •. , . 4r 7- ( '' _ - i 'd 4r Tilt Bat - tg tsi.g,.::. ! l; : i4 Tilittgip VOL. 37—No. 22 Crippled Lions Face W• Virginia Today Heavy Schedule Assured Alumni A full program ,of events, start ing with the golf tournament and Alumni Council meeting this morning and ending with the tra ditional Cider 'Party tonight, will keep • alumni, back for their 20th annual Fall Homecoming, busy to day. The business end of Fall Home coming gets under way at the meeting of the Alumni Council in Room 121 Liberal Arts Building at 8:30 a.m. President Earl E. Hewitt 'O3 of Indiana will preside. Returning alumni who feel be wildered by the vast changes since "the good old days" will be taken on tours of the campus by free buses between 9 a.m. and 12 noon today from Schwab Auditorium. Golfing alumni can display their divot-digging skill in the golf tour nament on the College course, starting at 8 a.m. The portrait of the late Dr. 0. Fred. 'Boucke, former head of the economics department,' will be un veiled in the lobby of the Liberal Arts Building at 11 a.m. today. The brief ceremony will include - talks by President Ralph D. Hetzel, Dr. Carl W. Hasek, Dr. Max D. Trump er 'l5, and Dean 'Charles W. Stod dart, School of Liberal Arts. Home EcOnomics alumnae "will participate in a coffee hour in the main lobby of the Home Economics building from 11 a.m. to 12 noon. A five-event athletic schedule for the day will occupy the after noon of the alumni. After the fraternity dinners at the various houses, and the non fraternity dinner in the Sandwich Shop at 6 p.m., the presentition of the Land Grant Mural by the class of 1932 will be held -- in Old Main at 8 p.m. The alumni Cider Party will be held in the Armory at 8:30 p.m. today. 1913-15 Ag Alumni Will Hold Reunion Special plans have been made for the five-year reunion of two year Ag students which will be held today. At the same time the Ag students from the 1913-15 class will celebrate their 25th class an niversary. Dinner will be held in the Cor ner Room at 6 p. m. today with L. W. Morley, secretary of the Am erican Cattle Club, acting as toast master. The guest of honor will be •E. L. Anthony, Dean of Agri culture at Michigan State Col lege. All Ag alumni will register at alumni headquarters on the first floor lounge of Old Main. Follow ing registration, a. general get-to gether is scheduled in the second floor lounge from 9 to 9:45 a. m. The program for the day in 'eludes a tour of the campus from 9 to 12:00 a. m., luncheon in the Sandwich Shop, Old Main,• and the Penn State-West Virginia foot ball game. Observatories Open Today The multiple observatories on Ag. Hill will be open today from 10 p.m. to 1 a.m. especially for Alumni, Dr. Henry L. Yeagley, director of observatories, hits an nounced. SATURDAY MORNING, OCTOBER 12, 1940, STATE COLLEGE, PA 111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111 'Life Goes To Soccer Game' To Be Shot This Afternoon .Life goes to a soccer game this afternoon when Ralph Morse, ace staff photographer of Life Magazine, takes shots of the team in action for a future issue of the popular newspicture mag azine. "We have wanted a soccer story for a long time,". said Ralph L. Wilcox, Life sports editor, in making arrangements for the series with H. R. Riley, Jr., sports publicity director for the College.. "But we have refrain ed because we couldn't find an adequate subject nor determine the way to handle it . . . Penn State's team and Coach Bill Jeff rey hem to supply the answer." Mr. Morse took shots of the team practicing yesterday. 111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111 Hort Show Opens In Stock Pavilion The 33rd annual College Horti culture show opened yesterday at. the Stock Pavilion under the di rection of student manager Henry J. Eavis '42 and Hugh J. Peeling '42. The show is being held under the auspices of horticulture, land scape architecture, and- home eco nomics students. A landscape architecture exhibit consists of two contrasting models of highways, "the parkway" and the "super-highway." Other features include a water fall. and a small restaurant which will be supervised by home eco nomics students. Included in the exhibits will be those on ornamental horticulture, vegetable gardening, plant breed ing, flower arrangement, textile chemistry, dnd pomology. The show will continue from 10 a. m. to 10 p. m. today and frO'rn 10 a. m. to 5 p. m. tomorrow. Sigma Delta (hi Pledges Eight Journalism Majors Seven juniors and one senior were pledged to Sigma Delta Chi, national journalism honorary, yes terday. They will be initiated at a formal dinner in the Nittany Lion Inn on November 10. Juniors selected are Ross B. Lehman, Stanley J. PoKempner, A. Pat Nagelberg, John A. Baer, Don C. West, John H: Ressler, and Gerald F..Doherty. John G. Dix on is the senior. Officers for the current year are Robert H. Lane, president; Quen tin R. Fehr, vice-president; George Schenkein, secretary; and William E. Fowler, treasurer. Van Zandt Accepts Bid To Speak On Armistice Hon. James E. Van Zandt of the 23rd Congressional District will speak at the joint borough-student body Armistice Day observance if Congress is not in session, Ray V. Watkins, program chairman, Fe ported yesterday. Representative Van Zandc gave his acceptance by 'telephone yes terday-morning. - He also told Mr. Watkins that Hon., Clifton A. Woodrum of the Sixth District of Virginia, the other speaker invit ed, will give, a definite ,answer within the next fey.% days... OF THE PENNSYLVANIA STATE COLLEGE 'Coming Round' the Mountaineers PENN STATE Pos. L.E. L.T. L.G. Lloyd Parsons Carl Stravinski Mike Garbinski Leon Gajecki Wade Mori Frank Platt TOm Vargo - John'Patrick Chuck Peters Len Krouse Earl Brown R.G. R.T. R.E. Q.B. L.H. R.H. F.B. Referee—A. D. Horgan, Boston College. Umpire,—H. J. Benzoni, Columbia. Linesman—J. R. McPhee, Oberlin. Field Judge—E. W. Cavanaugh, Pittsburgh. Two 4 Orclocks Freed By Watkins Ray V. Watkins, scheduling of ficer, yesterday promised an All- College Cabinet committee that 4 o'clocks, except a few laboratory classes, will be eliminated on Wed neiays and Fridays during the second semester. The move was made, at Cab inet's request, in order that cam pus groups would have a day hour at which to schedule meetings. Originally the request was to have an 4 o'clock classes abolished but this proVed impractical be cause of space limitations and the necessity of scheduling some lab oratory classes and field trips in the afternoon. "Next year more 4 o'clock per iods maybe eliminated," Mr. Wat kins said. "With new equipment we will be able to schedule more than one section of a class at a single hour. He said that the College is al ready doing everything possible to free stuants from late afternoon hours. As an 'example he pointed out that physical education classes and most other two-hour classes are held from 1 to 3 p.m. instead of 2 to 4 p.m. as, they were two years ago. He also showed that most class rooms are in use 80 per cent of the time, while at most institutions, he. said, 66 per cent is ,considered good._ , . LEN KROUSE Probable Sta r ling Lineups - 1111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111 '44 Men Must Enter By Southeast Gate Only All freshman men attending the Penn State-West Virginia football game must enter New Beaver Field through the south east gate which is beyond the soccer field and facing the Hor ticulture Building, W. Lewis Corbin, president of Student Tri bunal, announced late'yesterday. "Freshmen caught violating this ordinance will be punished severly," the Tribunal head warned. Hat men will' e station ed at various points of the field in order to enforce the ruling. 111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111 Pep Rally, Broadcast • Gives Gridders Sendoff W{th Rec Hall's large space crammed to the bursting point last night, the blasts of Penn State's students enthusiastic songs and cheers practically shook the gym's windows in the annual Pep Rally and KDKA boardcast. The actual broadcast was post poned. until 9:35 p.-m. because of a Willkie speech conflict, but the Pep' Rally was run according to schedule with the program being recorded for the late broadcast. .The student body roared out a mightg challenge to West Virgin ia's gridders who are here for to morrow's, fracas. WEST VIRGINIA Pos L.E. L.T. L.G Bob Mellace Vic A'Hearn Vincent Cimino Tom Gillooly Vic Peelish Walt Pike John Shonk Charles Seabright Dick 'McElwee Don McCann John Carliss Weather— Cloudy, Possibly Rain. PRICE FIVE CENTS Gridders Perform For Alumni Guests By PAT NAGELBERG A badly crippled Penn State football team, its hopes for an un defeated season somewhat dashed by the injury jinx which struck this week, will face a lean and hungry posse of Mountaineers from West Virginia University on New Beaver Field at 2 p. m. today in a battle that promises to make or break the Lions' 1940 gridiron season. An expected Homecoming 16,000 crowd is expected to wit ness the first struggle between the two elevens since 1931, On the eve of the game last night, Coach Bob Higgins express ed little hope for his Nittany team. The cause of the cloud of pessi mism is the absence of the first" two fullbacks, Bill Smaltz and Ralph Ventresco, because of in juries suffered in Monday's scrim mage. Smaltz is out with a twist ed ankle, while a recurrence of an old knee injury forced Ventresco to the sidelines. With the battered backs almost definitely out of the game, the Blue and White aggregation will take the field with the passing and kicking assignments in the hands of inexperienced players. Ordin arily, Craig White, senior wing back who kicked in his sophomore year, would.dq the punting chores but the blond veteran sprained his shoulder in the Bucknell -encoun ter and will be out of action for ten days. No less than three changes in the Lions' backfield will be made as a result of this week's occur rences. The only remaining start er from the Bison tilt is reliable Johnny Patrick, the veteran quar terback. Replacing Smaltz will be chun ky Earl "Sparky" Brown, 165 pound sophomore making his var sity debut. Hard running Len (Continued on page four) Gloria Kfiepper Is Collegian Queen Gloria Knepper '43, member of Kappa Kappa Gamma and 1940 Sorority Queen, was chosen Col legian Queen at the annual sub scription dance held in Recreation Hall last night. Attendance was set at '1,139 couples. The selection of the queen high lighted an evening at which Fred Waring's new Penn State song, "Mighty as a Mountain," was boardcast to the dance audience. At the intermission cups were presented to Miss Knepper as Col legian and Sorority Queen, Phyl lis Watkins '44 as Freshman Queen, and Jean Craighead '4l as Dormitory Queen. Music was provided by the Campus Owls. Classical Record Concert Scheduled For Tonight Richard A. Wolters '42, will con duct a classical music record con cert this evening at 8 p.m. in 417 Old Main. The concerts have been a Saturday night feature for the last two years and will be con tinued throughout the year. The recorded music will be dis cussed during intermission and the formation of an art appreciation group will be attempted. The con cert is open to all students.