The daily collegian. (University Park, Pa.) 1940-current, October 10, 1940, Image 4

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CA To Ifilolld Nay Tryouls
Tryouts for the first PSCA play,
"Bread" . by, Fred Eastman. will be
held in 304 Cld Main at 6:45 p.m.
Thursday, Eleanor T. Dill '4l,
chairman of PSCA dramatics, has
announced. The play will be coach
ed by John Miller, former Penn
State dramatics student.
Alpha Chi Omega will be din
.icr guests of the ATO's this eve
,‘ •
• ( W
,! - Ivenings Only 6.30, 8:30
—ln •
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f ,
Shows at 1:30, 3:00, 6:30, 8:30
ON STAGE ! ! !
eteei% Attte.C.t.u.
GO X4-0:1 Xl4- 0
"SOO Setesaide
. in
1 .
1:40, 3:41, 6:45, 8:51
New Scholarship Created
By WSGA, Beverage Co.
In conjunction with the Coca
Cola Company, WSGA has creat
ed a new $5O scholarship -to be
awarded to a needy student. For
each case of beverage consumed
last year in Atherton Hall, the
company paid WSGA five cents.
The total amounted to $49.75.
Petitions for a similar arrange
ment in other women's dormi
tories are in circulation. Student
aid is also given by the company
to students who collect bottles
from hallways.
111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111 i
December 9 Tentative
Dafe For Matrix Table
Theta Sigma Phi, women's jour
nalism honorary, has set Decem
ber 9 as the tentative date lb? its
annual Matrix table at the Nit
tally Lion Inn. The honorary is
working with Dr. Franklin C.
Banner, .head of , the journalism
department, to secure a speaker
for this dinner to which outstand
ing women on campus are invited.
Possible candidates - for mem
bership were discussed and will
be acted upon soon, while a tea for
new members is slated for October
The program committee ap
pointed for the year is Ruth J.
Goldstein '4l, Vera L. Kemp '4l,
and Dorothy B. Reeves '4l.
Moody Elected President
Of Sigma Delta Epsilon
Dr. Ethel I. Moody, mathematics
instructor. was elected president of
Sigma Delta Epsilon, a graduate
women's scientific honorary, at a
dinner for graduate science majors
in the Home Economics cafeter'a
Other officers are Dr. Aline H.
Fr ink . mathematics instructor,
vice-president; and Mrs. Julia
Haber, secretary-treasurer.
FOR RENT— . Furnished house for
the winter. Call State College
2951. 31pd101195E4
TYPEWRITERS— All makes ex-
pertly repaired. Portable and
office machines for sale or rent.
Dial 2342. Harry F. Mann, 127 W.
Beaver avenue. chyrT-Th-F-CRE
WANTED—One student for second
floor front double -room, single
beds. 412 S. Allen. Phone 2392.
FOR SALE—Tuxedo single breast
ed size 36, sell at sacrifice, guar
anteed. Inquire at Alpha Chi. RHO.
Phone 841 ask for "Gray."
ished two rooms, kitchenette,
bath, shower, electric refrigerator.
Also garage. Phone 4183 or 629
after 5 p.m. ltpdlolo3sE6
Shows at 1:30, 3:00, 8:30, 8:30
i ' l- ' -
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1 4 . i,1,11 ,
Terrific Pp3rot:i
larnEs R , ! , 51 ,, 5 EV ..
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fiIDI.PONSOS '. z, ..
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Puerto Rican Third
In Family To Enroll
"I didn't plan to come to Penn
State until two weeks before Col
lege opened," declared Angeline
Tristani '44, who travelled from.
Ponce. Puerto Rico to enroll in the
She is the third member of her
family to attend Penn State, hear
ing of it first from an uncle Jorge
Juan Serralles Jr. '34, and later
from her brother, George '4l.
Although Miss Tristani feels it is
a little cold here, she likes State
College, Mac Hall food, the Corner
Room, freshman coeds, and feels
Grange Dormitory is like home.
After completing high school in
Puerto Rico, she attended com
mercial school and worked in a
bank for a year. She has al
ways spoken Spanish, :a ddi n g
French which she studied two
years and English which she stud
ied four years to her accomplish
Miss Tristani is enrolled in the
School of Liberal Arts and plans to
take Commerce and Finance. As
far as sports are concerned she
likes tennis. ping-pong., and bowl
ing, and smilingly admits. "I play
poker better."
Letters to the Editor—
, 111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111
To the Editor,
Enclosed in Eleanor's editorial
as of Tuesday, October 8 which I
greatly preferred to yours of the
same date. When it comes to dis
posing of hired help I suggest they
begin with the Butler.
H. E. Dickson
My dear Editor:—
I am enclosing a clipping of the
new organization of "I Want To Be
A Captain Troops."
Wanta lay a bet that I won't get
a commission before any of these
Go easy for here • are my quali
I'M an old lady past three score
and ten,
An' I'm looking for a job as an
army captain.
In which 'DiVision? Well, now let
me see,
I'll take the captaincy of the gay
- calvary.
I ain't rid a hoss since I don't
know when,
. Anyways, the hoses will be rid
by the men.
My duty's in the shade of an
old walnut tree,
Issuing curt orders to my young
Don't know army orders, but I'll
shout with a flare,
"Yon comes the enemy from I
don't know where!"
"It comes out the ocean," cry
Washington bosses,
"Be gone, ye men! Mount! Ride
those hosses!"
Like the wind - they ride, scat
tered all directions,
Huntin' an enemy, as 'twas our
Oh, I'm an old lady past three
score and ten,
An' I'm hankerin' for a job as an
army captain.
Yours truly,
-- Elliotte Roseabuddin.
Editor's Note:—The "I Want to
Be A Captain Troops" is a national
organization dedicated to securing
captain's commissions for young
men of draft age who have had no
previous experience. Kenneth
Baird, a senior student at the
Northwestern 'University law
school and national commander of
the new organization says: "the
purpose of this organization is to
build a better officers' corps, to
safeguard the lives of young men
by awarding commissions in pro
curement divisions where the
dangers of the battlefield can be
averted. The principles of the or
ganization are not democratic. To
be eligible to memkership, one
must be faithful to the precedent
set for us by the illustrious son of
the Third Term Candidate."
AOPi Ribbons Drivas '43
Alpha Omicron Pi pledged Ann
T. Drivas '43 last night..
We, The Women—
Foolish Prattle Gives
Food For Coed Thoughts
THE OH HELL It's Monday and
Thank God for Friday Club in Ath
Hall deserves a pat on its collective
back. It's what all of us have want
ed to join for years. We suggest
that an Oh Good It's Wednesday
The Middle of The Week Club be
is a Pennsylvania Day during
which residents blush with pride
for dear ole Pennsy and incidental
ly wear clothes, eat food, and
utilize other products which- - will
boost state trade.
IT ISN'T too late to pickup the
phone and call your favorite man
for the Cwen dance. Show liim you
appreciate all the places he takes
you to all year by inviting him to
the first 'reversed dance of the
year. Or you might show that new
man on your list that you liked
that first date.
sociation stuff between sorority
women and freshmen stopped yes
terday. Three hundred or so fresh
man women started . to study as
four hundred and forty-five Greek
women heaved convulsive sighs of
relief and gritted, their teeth to
await the next rushing onslaught
saying, "Maw, why can't we has
furst semester rushing? Ovver
schools has it, why can't we?
Please, Maw. We's sOOO tired!"
Atherton Hall Elects
Four Groups Of Officers
Atherton Hall officers elected
this week are—Southeast: presid
ent, Betty L. Ziegler '42; vice-pres
ident; Mildred B. Schmidt '43; sec
retary, Patricia Mac Kinney '43;
treasurer, Margaret M. Lams '43;
fire chief, Ruth L. Kiesling '43;
social chairman, Elsie L. Rooth '43.
Southwest: president; Katherine
A. Loresch '42; vice-president,
Lois E. Notovitz '42; secretary
treasurer, Eleanor A. !McLaughlin
'42; fire chief, Elizabeth K. Heath
'43; social chairman, Elsie J. Lurid
Northeast: president, Alvira L.
Konopka '4l; vice-president, Dor
othy L. Shaw '42; secretary-treas
urer, Janet L. Eyer '42; fire chief,
Catherine Bidelspacher '42; social
chairman, Judith L. Cutshall '4l.
Northwest: president, Anita M.
Knecht ,'42; vice-president, Ruth
W. Barbey '42; secretary-treasurer,
Martha N. Albert '43; fire chief,
Jane A. 'Stanton '42; social chair
man, Janet M. Hartz '42.
'Forty Forum' Chooses
Ifs Committee Officers
PSCA "Forty Forum" committee
officers composing the group cab
inet this year are: music—chair
man, Dorothy J. Jennings; secre
tary, Patricia (Middleton. Project—
chairman, Dora Colber; secretary,
Katherine Clark.
Worship chairman, Dorothy
Brunner; secretary, Mildred Feeser.
Publicity—chairman, Harriet Van
Riper; secretary, Joan Somers.
Women's banquet program—chair
man, Margaret Ramaley. Decora
tions—chairman, Lorene Hughes.
Collegiate Digest Will Pay
For Campus Snapshots
Collegiate Digest, national col
legiate rota feature, issued weekly
with Collegian is offering $3 for
each acceptable picture submitted
of events on this campus. Pic
tures should be action or candid,
and must have timeliness and hu
man interest. All photos sent in
must be on glossy paper, 4"x6",
and have sharp detail and good
tone qualitk. They must be prop
erly captioned with full details.
Mail your pictures to Editor,
Collegiate Digest, 323 Fawkes
Bldg., Minneapolis, Minn. Un
used pictures vyill be returned to
the owner. , ;
Varsity Debaters
Party Freshmen
The women's varsity debate
squad will sponsor a party for all
freshman women interested in de- \
bating in White Hall at 7:15 p.m.
Freshman debaters last season
were hostegses to a convention of
nearly a dozen colleges who dis
cussed such issues as isolation,
blame for the war, third term,
and un-American activities. Inter
collegiate debates were scheduled
with Bucknell, Gettysburg, and
West Virginia •teams, both here
and away.
'Most of their debates are Ore
gon style, consisting of two 20-
minute constructive speeches, two
14-minute cross-examinations, and
two 6-minute summaries.
Freshmen may receive academic
credit for this extra-curricular ac
tivity, and no previous experience
is necessary. Varsity Coach Clay
ton H. Schug and freshman Coach
George W. Dougherty are plan
ning a fresman squad of 25 women.
Torrance To Head
Republican Club
Robert Z. Torrance '43 was nam
ed last Sunday by Frank C. Hilton,
State Chairman of .the Young Re
publicans of Pennsylvania, to head
the fraternity division of the Col
lege Republicans of America On
all Pennsylvania campuses.
James S. McKelvy '4l and Will
iam Meyers '42, in chargé of or
ganization here, will select today
fifteen charter members of the
Penn State chapter of College Re
publicans prior to obtaining a
charter from the national organ
"Our immediate purpose," said
Meyers, "is to create in every Penn
State student an interest in the
coming election."
Torrance, son of Republican
State- Chairman, James F. Tor
rance, is by coincidence a frater
nity brother of Wendell L. Willicie.
Both are members of Beta Theta
Keller, Frizzell
Head Stale Groups
During last weekerid J. •Orvis
Keller, assistant to the president
in charge Of extension, and Prof.
John• H. Friziell, head
. of • the
speech department, were reelected
heads of statewide organizations.
Keller was reelected president
of the Pennsylvania State Associ
ation for Adult Education at a
meeting in Altoona, and Frizzell
was named to continue as presi
dent of the Pennsylvania Speech
Association in a meeting at Har
The adult education group also
named Marion S. McDowell, asso
ciate professor of home economics,
is president of its division of edu
cation for family living. Hugh G.
Pyle, supervisor of informal in
struction in extension, becomes
secretary of its university extent'
sion division.
Lightfoot 'l3 Appointed
New Project Engineer
Harold C. Lightfoot 'l3 was ap
pointed- project engineer on the
Harrisburg-Pittsburgh turnpike, it
was announced by Regional PWA
Administrator M. E. Gilmore yes
Lightfoot was the PWA's en
gineer assigned to construction of
the Delaware River bridge between
Philadelphia• and Camden.
Sunday Hike Planned
The Penn State Outing Club is
sponsoring a hike to Mt. Nittany
leaving from the front of Old Main
at 2 p.m. Sunday. Refreshments
will be served and pthicipants are
invited to, bring dates. Phys Ed
elective credit will be *given..