PAGE TWO With the Editor— !Introducing A flew Collegian Platform For A Better Penn State Last May Collegian introduced a 10-point plat form containing a summary of the important things it felt and which believed others felt were needed at Penn State. It here re-introduces its platform, revised, re forced and condensed but essentially the same as that it proposed last spring. What this platform advocates Collegiancan never accomplish.. It is not with that idea that it is published. But, all of Penn State's folloWers wanting and working to see these points realized can and will bring their eventual accomplishment. They must not be forgotten. Foster a Penn State spirit Stand' ready to provide men who wit/ help America through its crisis Build a strong Alumni Association Change the College name to University Challenge Harrisburg on the delay in building equipment Enforce or abandon the IFC Dating Code Strengthen the weaker school faculties by providing increased salaries Centralize agencies for student financial help in a Placement Bureau that will help under graduates as well as graduates Advance the date of all student elections to allow the officer-elect to gain experience under their predecessors Don't Laugh: "Keep Off the Grass" is back again with a new name, "DOn't Make a Path." It sounds funny, irerhaps is funny. It can be called trivial. - That's the trouble. Teo many important little things are lauihed off because they sound trivial. Nonetheless, the appearance of the Penn State campus, if trivial, js important and is worth the trivial amount of attention it takes. When the All-Callege Cabinet asked for stu-__ dent cooperation at its meetings Wednesday, it did not mean that the campus grass was to become something no upperclassman dare walk on. It asked simply that students avoid ready-made paths over the campus and avoid starting new ones. ;;#,t That's not a hard job, really. And the atten tion it takes and the extra time it may take are much more trivial than the damage done. Order, Please: The eyes of Pennsylvania will be on. the College ,for the half hour it is en the air and tomorrow night it is important that the impression made be a good impression. A pep rally needs enthusiasm. Enthusiasm needs dignity and control. THE DAILY 'COLLEGIAN "For A Better Penn State" Successor to the Penn State Collegian, established 1904, and the- Free Lance, established 1887 Thursday Morning, October 10, 1940 Published daily except Sunday and Mdriday d'uritiVe the regular College year by the students of The Pennsylvania State College. Entered as second class inatter 'AO 5. 1934 . , at the post-office at State College, Pa., under the act 'of March 3, 1879. Editor Suainess Manager Adam A. Smyser '4l Laivrence S. Dilever '4l Women's Editor—Vera L. Kemp '4l; Managing editor —Robert IL -Line '4l; Sports Editor--Richard C. Peters '4l; News Editor—William E. Fowler '4l; Feature editor —Edward J. K. McLorie '4l ; Assistant Managing Zditor— Bayard Bloom '4l ; Women's Managing FAitor—Arl6l. L. Hefferan '4l ; Women's Promotion Manager—Edythe B. Bickel '4l. Advertising Manager—John H. Thomas '4l; Cirenlation Manager—Robert G. Robinson '4l; Senior Secretary—Ruth Colthtcin '4l; Senior Secretary—Leslie H. Lewis '4l. Junior Editorial Board—John A. Baer '92, R. Helen Gordon '42, Roo:: B. Lehman '42, William J. McKnight '42, Alice M. Murray '42,Pat Nagelberg '92, Stanley J. PoKemp tier '42. Jeanne C. tiles '42. Junior Business Board—Thomas W. Allison '42, Paul M. Goldberg '42, James E. McCaughey '42, T. Blair Wallace '42, Margaret, L. F,mbury '42, Virginia Ogden '42, Fay E. Bees '42. Membtr Associated ColletSide Press Colie6iate Digest Graduate Counselor -- Rii",3in Eck Editorial and Business Office 313 Old Maid Bldg. • Dial 711 Managing. Editor Thin Issue -__George SchenliArt "41' tsTews Editor This Issue Pat Niutellierig 42 Women's Issue Editor - _Alice M. Murray '42 .sophomore Assistants _________Sack Olkein, Walter Berkov * * * Distributor or Downtown .oflVia r , 119-121 South Frazier St. Dial 4372 inumilinuimmuinimmiiimumummumniummunimminflifinnum Close the window! Here it comes The draft. Can I read the letters on the wall? What wall, Mr. Army Doctor? The draft. My mudder and fudder wuzz cuzins but there's nothing wrong with me. Har! Har! The draft. Maybe we can change that column from "Be tween. the Lions" to "Behind the Lines." All very funny. And why not? No use being morbid. If we're gonna die, we're gonna ain't we? Okay, so we fight. We kill a lot of Japs and Germans and Italians -and they kill .a lot of us. Maybe we got the guts to knock off Hitler and his gang; maybe we don't. Maybe they're tougher than we are. Maybe they haven't spent so much time sipping cokes and reading books. Maybe we can't take•it any more. Maybe the kids will read in their big green his tory books 1,000 years from now about the deca dent American civilization which tried vainly to preserve some vague thing called "democi:acy." Maybe it'll be just a word then—an antique ex pression, long meaninglesc - . • Maybe some erring comet like. the one recently sighted by astronomers will come plunging into_ the sun out of the timeless depths of space. Maybe there'll be a blinding flash which will gobble up our little planet in the twinkle Of an eye, and all the Hitlers and Roosevelts and man himself as we know him will be forever vanished into the dim stretches of eternity. Maybe I need, an aspirin. . • Back TO Earth Maybe wA'd better take math 2 over again, but we could swear the , numbers . on the calendar say that this is , alumniWeelcend. coining us. Of course _ we're wrong, thOugh, cause we saw half last year's BMOC's back last weekend. A.A. Ares Washie Washabaugh . . . IFC Prexy Bus Anderson (hello, Bemiy) . . Mark Vinzant, x-cOuntry mgr. . . . George Ritter, lacrosse co capt and all American . . . super-smoothie Jack Clark the heart-breaker . . . and plenty more. They were all back to see us pound the dickens out of poor little Bucknell. Or did we? din 0~ Loid Win or lose, though, there was plenty of cele brating going on Saturday night at the Eutaw house. Everybody and hi; brother Moe was there. including a dozen fijcs who screamed for hours in the back room led by little Bob Schuler, to the delight of everybody but Mr. Shawley--who runs the jernt. Among those present: Eddie Spencer with Gwen Harris (the gitat pin mystery); Johnny Barr with Louise Breuninger (it's okay. Connie was just out of town); Ed Suchre with Louise Pa taski. Belle 'of the evening: a certain charming Old Main secretary, who will receive in the near future correspondence from a certain gentleman in New Jersey; On account he asked us her name. Other notations on Sat night celebrations: see Ed Harris for some interesting statistics on how far it is from a ping gong table to the floor. Now 10 Entertain Y - 00 Fath"ei Campy adds this little tale!' about the most fa mous individual of last weekend—the drunk who held up the game while he staggered across the , As frosh BOb Johnston and his father were leaving the stands, said rirunk wavered into their path, peered dizzily at wisite-haired Mr. Johnston, and said in his most convivial tone: "You Look like a PreshbYterian minishter. Have a drink!" Pin Departnietit One SPE badge to Jane Blackburn via Jim tpitchin' woo on 322 I'm no.spoOk) Sturgis. Pin Head Department There- there was the freshman pledge who had to find out for the brothers who Palliachi was. He found out at student union--that Palliachi was a comedian. The next day they sent him back, Reason: he didn't know whether Palliachi was class of '39 oi• '4O. Smoke Dreams • It is rumored that a certain coed whose initials are Rowena Godshall pulled a genuine, Mammy '7okum Sunday ait6noe,ti Vy_iiuffingcontentedly an the pipe of a 'certain club prexy. Add KaMei Ti)Mrily Allison and Sally Miller . . Bill Bates and Betty Wetherhill . . • and so on far into the dawn. THE DAILY COI T:EGIAN CAMPUSEER I:t3 Nibbling AI The News J. GORDON FAY Yeas and Nays Great Britain will be crushed by Italo-German "speed of action" be fore the United States can become strong enough militarily to give the British effective aid, Premier Benito Mussolini's newspaper as serted today. Probably nine out of ten Amer icans- who read the above state ment said, "nonsense," or any one of several unprintable' equivalents, but the fpllowing quotation froin a recent ,article in Forbes by Don ald Wilhelm seems to indicate that Italy's head man is quite well in formed on American arming mess- , ures. "Four and a half years ago the T.J.S. Army, convinced of the merits of the . Garand rifle, ordered the Springfield Arrriory to begin mak ing it. Twenty months later the Armory was delivering 10 rifles a day; 44 months later, 100 a day; four years later, 200 a day. Even at that highest rate, equipping a million men with rifles would take 17 years! .. In the story of one gun can be seen• We bigger story of arming America for defense." Two items from the same paper: "London is 'a burning, smoking hell,' the official Nazi news agency claimed tonight." And, from an English woman's lettei: "I had a cOußle of nights in the airjraid . shelter this Week. We had a . tea party and games and laughter. We shall take some de feating—Yet!" • Apparently human beings can live in hell and come up fighting —and smiling! * * Another item from the type writer of Nazi publicity agents:" "It may be that these gallant men (the air force) who now fill the headlines of newspapers may soon be followed by hundreds of thous ands . of brave Gerinan soldiers who are in readiness and burning, for action." For once it seems that a Hitler writer may be correct—especially in view of these snatches from British reports: "Before darkness the Germans had lost three planes . Over the Thames Estuary anti aircraft guns peppered a three- motor German Dornier, which was last seen descending with -a bad list . . . Another bomber, it was announced, was shot down off the south coast during the morning." Approximately 2,600 laying hens are used fOr experimental purposes by the department of-poultry hus bandry. _WELCOME COEDS ._ Stop Into the Front Line— _ and Rate A "3" In LOteliness . Consult: RAND BEAUTY SALON "-Where Quatiky DIAL 2621 OVER METZGERS polite THURSDAY, OCTOBER. 10, 1940 Il(luuullnllllipnmiliiiiiiiifirinuuniumnuiuiaium CAMPUS CALENDAR 111 11 1111111111111111M1111111111111111111M111111111111111111111illi TODAY: • - AII_NYA students who failed tcl take the oath of allegiance las week can complete this part 'of th federal application in Room 40 Old Main from 1:30 to 5 p. m. Tryouts for PSCA play, "Bread,' Room 304 Old Main at 6:45, p. Discussion on propaganda _anal ysis will be held in the ,West- • Foundation parlors at 7 p. m. PSCA Seminar initial meeting' Room 304 Old Main at 7 p. m. _ All freshman women interested iti . debating are invited . 6 a party sponsord by the - varsity squad in White Hall at 7:15 p. m, 1944 Campus Party meetingl Room 405 Old Main at 7:30 p, m t Forestry Soelety. meeting, .Roots 206, Agricultural Building at 7:30 1 P. m. TOMORROW: Block and Bridle Club pledge meeting, Room 206 Agricultural Building at 7:30 p. m. Former Trustee Offers $5OO Judging Scholarship A $5OO scholarship will be awarded by S. Forry Lauclis to a member of the winning college team in. the judging of Holsteins at the National Dairy Show in Har risburg, Professor A. A. Boiland; head of the dairy husbandry de partment, announced today. Laucks is a former meintier of the board of trustees. • Ten thousand bushels of-'pota. toes may be kept in the vegetable storage room. g We 4otO ilou? , -, c, Fraa p o ---‘,.ms „•-bitidiiikr6as.. -DYE CASH and CARRY Teidetized Cleaning PLAIN DRESSES —and— MEN'S. SUITS 49c and 59c 218 E. COLLEGE AVE. Near Ant. Hall ... ... .._ . 44;:- NM= ' . , , Stkte