PAGE TWO ,With the Editor— " The Battle of Life Is Ahead,' Ex-Editor Lord Tells Penn State EDITORIAL NOTE: All of the editors who .served Collegian since 1925 have been invited to write the editorial they would most like to address to Penn State students today. Not all of them have responded. The editorials of those who have will appear in this column from time to time. By WHEELER LORD, JR. '2B Copy Editor, Philadelphia Inquirer In these days when talk of training camps, pre paredness, national defense and the like are up permost, it would do well to liken the Penn State campus to a 'huge training camp where we ;prepare ourselves for the Battle of Life, and, incidentally make possible the rendering of more valuable ervice to our country. As.freshmen we heard, as the Class of 1.944'.has heard and will hear these next few weeks, that "we get out of the years .we spend at Penn .State just what we put into them." That one truism is xepeated more than any other of the flood of ad vice that engulfs each freshman class and yet no words more than those can lead to a worthwhile college experience. Few of us would think of going out into the mid dle of College Avenue and throwing away several thousands of dollars in the street and walk cas ually away. And yet hundreds of your colleagues figuratively do that very thing every year by fail ure to examine the contents (:) - 1' their textbooks - more frequently and more thoroughly. We can be more specific and make accusations concerning one student who wasted a good part of his .educational opportunities and we'll swear in Dean Stoddard as •a judge and ask him to pass ver dict. Thus we speak from cruel experience and if that lesson can swerve any readers from a sim ilar pitfall it will not have been in vain. If at the start of each day of classes you take time to ask yourself, "Am I prepared?" and then Live an honest answer, taking pains to rectify the cause if the answer is in the negative, you will be well on the way toward giving a decent account of Yourself when you get, out on the .firing line in the Battle of Life. In the little world of its own that Penn State is, there are other interests which have their appro priate places and it is important that the proper value, no. more and no less, is placed upon each. With the football season upon us, for example, we are all wondering what "the chances are"• this .year. Naturally, we would like as would follow ers of all teams, for a "championship" team. And yet how ridiculous! The important thing is "how they played" and the obligation of sportsmanship and loyalty from the speetators is just as vital, too. These words of Grantland Rice apply very aptly whether on the football field, the classroom or at any point in the Battle of Life: 'Tor when the Great Scorer comes to write against your name Xe marks—not that you won or lost—but how you played the game:" • • THE DAILY *.COLLEGIAN A. Better Penn State" auccesser to the.1,12.41iR State Collegian, established 1904„Azi4 Lime, established 1887 Saturday Morning, ~.:4 4t uber 5, 1949 Published daily except Sunday and 111: 44 . 8 ,, n ,.. 7 e regular College . year by the students of The i'tt..7t`"ipst State Collette. Entered as second-Class hatter July 7"- at the the tpostAyffice at State College, Pa.. tinder' the act% fdaich 8 1819. Editor Business Manager Adam A. Smyser 1 41 Lawrence $. Dlify'Of '4l --,. folon's Re" . 0 ~ —Ro irt Tr _ • ;;Mein ,r... Kemp '4l ;. ,M4tiaging *Attar 'MA Nvir! . -r . ::...,'Se 414, Sports Beritor-4ticbar4 C. Pet.e. ir:" .. - Aditor-4,lll.itait E. Fowler '4l'; Feature, - Editor .j; , ~yard •J, -IC. , Masitrie . '4 l; Asqietant_ Manoing • WOO."' Aliyard Bloom '4l. ; , Women's . Managing EditorArßA L. Ilefferan • '4l; Women's promotion Manager—Edythe B. Rickel: '4l. • , . , , . . Advertising Iditi9fier-libn IL Ttugns foil ; .-Cir.cultitir Manager—Robert G. Robinson '4l ; Senior 13ecretarY—Atisth Goldstein '4l; Senior Seoretary—peslie N. tewis . %I. Junior Bditorial ; Board;--John Baer '42, B. 'Agin Gorjon '42, Ross 13. Lelitnan '42, William 4. Melcnigbt -•"42. Alice M. Murray '42,,Pat-Islagelberg 42, Stanley J. PolCens3o- nor '42.. Jeanne,,C. St 4 42. Junior Business Board—Thomas W. Allison '42, :Paul M. Goldberg. '42,.James E. McCaughey '42, T. Blair Wallace °42, Margaret L. Embury '42, Virginia Ogden '42, lay E. Rees '42. Member 'Associated Colletbkite Press G3llei4t:de Dist Graduate Counselor ------ -- Editorial andltualaeas:Office 313 Old Main Bldg. Dial 711 • ` Managing Editor This Issue _______ John- A. Baer '4- - tiews Editor This Issue _ Pat Nagelberg '42 Sophomore Assistants —Thorns-3 'McCarthy. Frank Feinberg ~.m~; ~:. L ;'!" Di'strilxitOr of Downtown .of4ce li9-121. South Prazier.-St. Dial 41172 THE DAILY COLLEGIAN THE MANIAC 11111111111111111111111111111111110111111111 1 111 1111011111111111111181111011111111111111111111111 If you have ever booed, hissed, or Bronx-cheer ed at the movies when one of our prominent per sonages, whether Willkie or Roosevelt, is flashed on the screen this little bit is meant for you. Aside from the fact that 80 per cent of you boo ors and hissers are not old enough to vote for either of these men ever if you did have the am bition and civic loyalty to vote, your disgusting exhibitions of bad taste makes me for one asham ed that I attend the same, college with you. At the moment you booers are practically all upperclassmen but if you keep it up for a month the frosh will be joining in, for after all whom are they to take their cue on how to act from but the upperclassmen? Whistling when Hedy Lamarr slinks across the screen gives it that collegiate atmosphere and boo ing the villain is funny, but hissing and booing the President of the United States or his opponent • is NOT funny. Let's leave the booing to the Brooklyn base ball fans and show that we have at least acquired a few manners with our College education. This weekend is Dad's Day and_ although your Dad might not be able to be here_ somebody else's will. You wouldn't boo if yOur Dad were here, so' don't disgust somebody else's parents. We have been told at least five' times, read in at least ten different places in Froth, that Don West is one of the figures portrayed in Henry Var num Poor's Old Main Mural. We . were told the five times 'by Don (The editor of Froth is- Don West). All we have to say is from the looks 'of the Mural Don had better' :let a barbershop ad for Froth. He needs a haircut. Add ideal jobs for the Summer: Sophomore Bob Miller was life guard at _an all-girl camp where the girls' ages ranged from 16 to 19. Things we'd like to see . . . A girl drum major for the Blue Band. Not that Jimmy Leyden isn't good, but. after all there are more boys in this school to look at a winsome lass strutting her stuff on New Beaver Field than there are coeds to look at Jimmy. What do you say Dean Grant? More things we'd like to see . . . Billy 'Lewis with Marjory Strode . . . Bob Montz with Leslie Lewis on the weekends ... the girl that Jack Heck thinks doesn't have a terrific body .•.. Maynard Bloom's dog Tipper somewhere else besides across the street, from Morrell's Nut Shop . . . Larry Driever elsewhere . . Beer in the basement of Old Main like they have at Cornell ... Penn State have an undefeated football season and Leon Ga jecki a full-fledged, approved-by-good-housekeep ing All-American. We heard two stories this week about Hitler and life under him. They are supposed to be gospel truth. The first you folks from Philly should ap preciate. It seems that some people in Philadel phia wrote to relatives in the Greater Third Wreck and inquired as to how they were faring, did they like it, etc. The relatives wrote back and said life in Germany was beautiful and they had every thing in the world where they would rather be and that was Laurel Hill in Philly. Laurel Hill is Philadelphia's best-known cemetery. The second little morsel concerns a sister arid brother. The sister lives here in America and the brother lived in Germany. j This sister and brother_kept up a regular correspondence until one time the sister, when her brother asked would she like him to send her a souvenir from Ger many, wrote in a joking way that she would like ;Hitler's eye. ,By return mail .she received a .grisly piece of something which upop..exarnin4ion-turri .out to be a human' eye. That was the last .c.oLninunication she received from Germany. • - • . doors of "The youth of America Our colleges with hope - anti vision. Their spirit is the spirit of advehture. Their urge•is the Urge of I i growth. Their principle qualification for admis- SIOTI is eUriosity. Their most valued recommenda tion is the desire for better things. Their finest *equipment is courage and determination to suc ceed in a world of opportunity. They are en dowed with the talents 'of normal himitin beings and are burdened with the frailties common to all men. This is the material with which the col- lege works and no finer task may be 'found in all time than to create from this material . a product that can be recognized as a gentleman and a scholar:" Rutgers University's Dr. Fraser Metzger' aptly describes the "raw material" 'of higher education. - "It is the task of intelligence to build -up our social 'order, and the' beginriirigs can .be in the classroom, the campus. and the community.. 8y teaching 'men th'itrihey - need each bther and de- Pend upon each other,. we Will instil the religiods impulse into modern life." Rabbi Charles Shul man of Glencoe,lll., irva talk at Lawrence College, Appleton, Wis., assesses the role of religion in a - democracy. Nibbling At The News J. GORDON FAY News item: "The Spanish press, taking' pain's alignment with Axis* powers for granted, today assailed the policies of the United States., The newspaper '".ABC" warned that. the Axis might consider Am erican aid :to England and the pact with Canada a cause for War." Have you ever seen one of those 8.8. Before Blitikreig) gangster films in which Big Butch •grabs the little, dried-up guy by the coat la pels and grunts, "Well, are y' with me or against me, bud?" The little fellow squeaks, "I'm behind you, Butch," and then, about two mur ders and a gun-fight later, pipes up from behind Butch's back, "Watch y'selves, boys, or me 'n Butch'll give y' de woiks." Does the comparison need more explan ation? However, funny as it may be to think of Spain, its 24,000,000 people still hungry from the effects of one of the most ruinous civil wars -of history, - threatening the United States with what "me the Axis" will do, the whole current situa tion is definitely no laughing mat ter. It isn't that we may .expeet to . wake up tomorrow to - find dark skinned Latirfs or little slant-eyed gentlemen running around in our backyards, but that the Axis na tions are at last getting into posi tion to-•tell the United States to keep completely clear of the pres ent conflict. Since, it seems, the policy of complete isolation has been proved an impractical one for us, the United States has not and will not keep from giving aid to Britain. Thus every new nation added to the Axis brings this war closer to us. * * •• Courtney Riley Cooper has, by his own choice, attended his last circus. Whether snubs from Wash- WE ARE OPEN FOR BOSINESS - _ RAISED CHOCOLATE COATED SUGARED COCONUT COATED PLAIN PEANUT COATED' "Watch Them Being Made" • -H. and W. De-NUT .SHOP 117 S. PUGH ST. ‘‘DET I UR" No! It hasn't affected, the ever smooth il saing of the 5, _ ffl on , e ly patsport necessary is your MATRICULATION CARD. So cerebrate State's football opener in nautical style under the efficient command of-- SKIPPER 808 CAPTAIN MORI 110 TEL IMRK4 SELLEFONTE, SATURDAY, OCTOBER 5, 1940 Maloney '43 Injured In Moksrsycle Acddent Harry A. Maloney Jr. '43 is in. the infirmary following a motor cycle accident at 4 o'clock yester day afternoon in which he suf fered at;rasions of his right knee. He was reported in "good con dition" last night. Maloney was riding on Route :322 near Bpalshurg when .a drive shaft —in his motorcycle broke. John T. Taylor '42, a fraternity brother of Maloney's, drove his car to the scene of the breakdown to tow Maloney home. In the 100 block on West Fairmount Avenue, 'Taylor swerved his ear to avoid a hole in the pavement and Maloney was thrown into the ditch. Mem-flake Recorded A heavy earthquake located about 4,700 miles from the College was, rec - orded by the seismograph of the School of Mineral Industries. The quake took place about 3 a.m. yesterday and lasted about 40 min utes. ington after his investigation . of "fifth column" activities in Mexico caused his suicide will probably never be lalbwn, but one thing is certain; namely, that this country has lost one from whose type writer came a true portrayal of thing's American. . . Drive4n Theatre SATURDAY .. • " STAR REPORTER" Warren Hull, Marsha Hunt Sit In Your Car—See ind Hear the Movies L mile west of State College On 'Route 322