FRIDAY; OCTOBERA, 1940 Publicity Hints , Given By Editor "An institution secures the most desirable publicity. for its research when, from the president down to the • youngest assistant, the value of such publicity to the institution as a whole and. to each individual researcher is - thoroughly appreciat ed." This statement was made by Howard W. Blakeslee, science edi tor of the Associated Press, who among other prominent represen tatives of news agencies attended the joint meeting of five psychol ogy and speech associations held here recently. • • Blakeslee continued, ":LT n de r such conditions full cooperation between . faculty members and the news service of the institution f9l lows as a matter of course." In' a frank discussion among members of the society, the repre sentative outlined seven sugges tions for publicizing the scientific activities of the institution. In the light of the proffered sug gestions the department of public information proposes to place a renewed and possibly enlarged emphasis upon the news of scien tific and research activities. Mem bers of the staff will be called upon more eequently to . cooperate in the news publicity program. A photo record of the research activities in all the major depart ments is proposed to familiarize members of our own staff with what is taking place on our own campus in other departments. Through the co-operation of the library, occasional photographic exhibits are .planned, supported by descriptive captions in which em phasis will be placed upon infor mational aspects of the photo graphs. About 800 acres of the College farms are devoted to forestry re search. Advertisement Central Penna. Has. Its Ist Grand Opera In Decade HILDE REGGIANI The Metropolitan Opera Co. of New York City will present Ros sini's gay opera "The Barber of Seville" in Harrisburg, Thursday, October 17, 1940 at 8:30 p.m. in "The Forum!' of the Education Building featuring the beautiful young star, Hilde Reggiani, in the role of "Rosina" - and 'Carlos Ra-, mirez as "Figaro." Both of these young stars are just 26 years old and already have made an enviable place for themselves Grand Opera. Gay stage settings, colorful cos tumes, beautiful lighting effects and two grand pianos make this performance one of Central Penn sylvania's highlights of the Fall Season. Tickets are on sale now. Single performance—singles-43.30, $2.75 and $2.20. Season—s7.7o, $6.60 and $5.50. Special student rates• of $2.00 per and special student sections are available. Write to Minerva Stokestine, 8 North Market Square, Harrisburg, Pa.; 111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111 Senate Adopts College Calendar 1940-41 - Sept. 12, Thur.—Freshman Week begins 8 a. m. Sept. 16-17, Mon.-Tu.—Registration, First Semester Sept. 18, Wed:—Freshman Week ends, 11:50 a. m. Sept. 18, Wed—First Semester begins 1:10 p. m. Sept. 20, Fri.—Payment of Fees, Freshmen Sept. 26-27, Thur.-Fri—Payment of Fees, Upper Classes Oct. 12, Sat.—Alumni Homecoming Day Nov. 13, Wed.--Midsemester Below-grade Reports 1:10 p.m Nov. 27, Wed.—Thanksgiving Recess begins, 11:50 a. m. Dec. 2, Mon.—Thanksgiving Recess ends, 8 a. m. Dec. 21, Sat. Christmas Recess begins, 11:50 a. m. 1941 Jan. 6,, Mon.—Christmas Recess ends, 8 a. m. Jan. 20, Mon—Examinations begin 8 a. m. Jan. 28, Tu.,—Midyear Commencement 8 p. m. Jan. 29, Wed.—First Semester ends 11:50 a. m. Feb. 3, Mon.—Midyear Recess ends -8 a. m. Feb. 3-4, Mon.-Tp.—Registration, Second Semester Feb. 5, Wed.—Second Semester begins 1:10 p. m. Feb. 13-14, Thur.-Fri—Payment of Fees , Apr. 2, Wed.—Midsemester Below-grade Reports 1:10 p. m Apr. 9, Wed—Easter Recess begins 11:50 a. in. Apr. 16, Wed.--Easter Recess ends 1:10 p. m. May 27, Tu.—Examinations begin 8 a. in. May 30, Fri.—Memorial Day Recess June 5, Thur.—Secpnd Semester ends 5 p. m. June 8, Sun.—Baccalaureate. Day June 9, Mon.—Commencement Day, Class Day August Industry In Pa. Improves Pennsylvania industrial' activ ity in August was at the_highest peak for that month since August, 1929, with the single % exception of August, 1937, the Pennsylvania Business Survey published here revealed yesterday. According to present indications, September ac tivity should be the greatest for any September since 1929, the re port predicted. Improvement this August over a year ago was the greatest in the durable goods industries and cen ters, especially where war orders were being' filled. Striking gains were made in steel cities. In gen eral, the western part of the state fared better than the eastern part. Industrial activity as a whole was nearly 17 per cent greater than in the previous August. All major cities of the state had better August business than they did a year ago, the report stated. The best increase was found at Johnstown. The trend of business so far in September has been upward, with steel production again leading the expansion. The gains for August are summarized as follows: ' 0 Per Cent Eastern• Pennsylvania production Pittsburgh steel production .51 Automobile and truck sales 20 Bituminous coal production 20 Factory payrolls Life insurance sales Factory empldyment Newspaper advertiisng .... 2 Shape of Things to Come? Take a good look at this American air raid shelter which A. C. Shire, technical director of the U. S. Housing Authority, is peeking into in Washington. You're likely to see it again, for federal en— gineers are studying it with view toward inclusion in low-rent housing projects and War Department will soon issue pamphlets giving citizens plvice,pn,„slielter pTepifati9n._ , _ THE DAILY COLLEGIAN Forestry School Plans Program For Alumni A "housewarming" in the new Forestry building at the Pennsyl vania State College is announced by the department of forestry as a part of the College's annual Alum ni Homecoming festivities on Oc tober 12. All alumni and former forestry students are invited. An outing and program will be held on Friday afternoon, October 11; at Stone Valley, the new re search forest. Principal guest at an alumni dinner that evening will be Henry S. Graves, former Chief United States Forester, now dean emeritus of the Yale School of For estry. On Saturday morning the new building will be open for in spection, and a meeting will be held of the recently formed for esters' alumni association. Crossley Issues Call For Amateur Radio Operators All - students who are amateur radio operators and who wish to become affiliated with the College radio station should send their let ters of application to Prof., Gilbert L. Crossley before Thursday. Successful applicants will be come assistant operators of the College station WBYA and the army alternate net control station WLMA. Applications should state exper ience, call letters of student's own station and grade of- license appli cant holds. Until 1932 Patterson Hall hous ed the department of dairy hus bandry and the College creamery. Popular Food Beliefs Blasted By Ag Prof Contrary to popular belief, pro tein in normal diets is not condu cive to discomfort in warm weath er. This is the finding of Dr. E. B. Forbes, director of the Institute of Animal Nutrition. With diets varying in protein content but having the same gross calorie value as the protein content increases the heat stimulating ef fect decreases, Dr. Forbes revealed. Six sets of experiments-involv ing hundreds of albino rats led to that conclusion, and also showed the reason, which is that protein is less completely utilized than are carbohydrates such as starch and sugar, and the fats. Therefore, - the higher the protein content of diets of the same gross calorie value, the less will be the quantity of energy-producing nutriment actu ally available in nutrition. Furth ermore, the high heat stimulating effect characteristic of protein fed by itself is not in evidence if the protein is fed in a normal, mixed diet. To be comfortable in hot weath er, says Dr. Forbes, eat plenty of fruits and vegetables, and lean meat as usual, but be conservative in the total quantity of food, and in fat, starch, and sugar consump tion. To be sparing in the eating of fat without undesirable restriction of vitamin A intake, he said, it is well to bear in mind that the body fat of most meat animals, and the vegetable ,fats, are relatively poor in vitamin . A while butter is com paratively rich in this principle. Davis Publishes Sociology Paper Dr. Kingsley Davis, associate professor of sociology, has recently written a paper entitled, "The So ciology of Parent-Youth Conflict." The question: Why does contemp orary western civilization manifest an extraordinary amount of par ent-adolescent conflict? is answer ed therein. Dr. Davis concludes that the con flict "results from the interaction of certain universals of the parent child relation and .certain varia bles, the values of which are pecu liar to modern culture ... The universals are (1) the basic age or birth-cycle differential be tween parent and child, (2) the decelerating rate of socialization with advancing age, and (3) the resulting intrinsic differences be tween old and young on the physio logical, psychosocial, and sociolog ical planes. The following four complex var iables are important: (1) the rate of social change; (2) the extent of complexity in the social structure; (3) the degree of integration in the culture; and (4) the velocity of movement (e.g., vertical mobility) within the structure and its rela tion to the cultural values." A 25-year test of shingles and shingle nails has been completed by the forestry department. A Common Expression In Town And On Campus ' You Can Get It At Metigers , WELCOME DADS TO PENN STATE Our store is fully equipped to take care of the needs of your sons and daugh ters in Text Books and Student Supplies of every description. Athletic Goods Cameras Films Photo Supplies SHOP AT METZGERS PENN STATE 1915 , PAGE FIVE Beer Considered Basic By Natives Wines and beers in an amazing variety—many of them of bad taste and worse smell were used abundantly by the aboriginal tribes of Latin America, says 1)r. Henry J. Bruman, newly-appoint•- ed instructor in geography. Basing his observations on field trips and research conducted in preparation for his doctoral dis sertation at the University of Cali fornia, Dr. Bruman revealed that drunkenness at prescribed times was a ritualistic duty in a number of native societies. "Among a few groups, drunken parties were basic to the whole economic system," he said. "Thus, among the Tarahumar of northern Mexico, when a, man wanted to-get some work done, such as building a house or harvesting a field, he would send invitations to all his neighbors. After brewing a great batch of corn beer, and gradually submerging their Indian stolidity lin a day or two of drinking, they would set to work and finish the job in short order." The use of these Latin American drinks, which were made variously from corn, cornstalks, century plants, cactus fruit, mesquite, wild honey, pineapples, or palm sap, extended as far north as southern Arizona and as far south as central South America, said Dr. Bruman. While these conditions prevailed mainly at the time of the arrival of the Spaniards, a knowledge o:e them is useful in studying the geo graphy and culture of the region, he said, because Indians still com prise much .of the population. Dr. Bruman will teach courses in Latin American geography. Solt Coal Production Tops Anthracite Output Soft coal miners produce con siderably more coal per day than anthracite workers, according to figures revealed by Dr. W. M. My ers of the Mineral Industries Ex periment Station. The bituminous production per man-day in 1936 amounted to slightly more than 4 1 / 2 tons per day as compared to approximately 244 tons for each anthracite work er. In 1890 the corresponding outputs were 2 1 / 2 tons bituminous and slightly less than 2 tons an nually. . . A Drive-in Theatre 41111111 FRIDAY . . "Boy of the Streets" Jackie Cooper, Maureen O'Connor Sit In Your Car—See and. Hear the Movies l mile west of State Collego On Route 322