The daily collegian. (University Park, Pa.) 1940-current, October 03, 1940, Image 2

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With the Editor—
Who Cares About The Alma Mater !
We Do, Let's Sing If More Often
The proper reaction to Tuesday's front page
story about the Alma Mater is one of outrage. It
is a little bit hard to arouse, however. An Mina
Mater which only 12 per cent of the upperclass
men know obviously isn't that interesting.
Lest someone suggest the Alma Mater be chang
ed, it should be said here that the advantage of
an Alma Mater is its tradition. It's hard to beat
the fact that the alumni of 'OO can sing it as well
; , is the boys of '4O (and in this case probably bet
ter). The Alma Mater may be unsatisfactory, but
it's not unsatisfactory enough to beat down the
opposition from that direction. Several previous
sporadic attemots have failed on those grounds,
the music department reports.
Actually, the Penn State Alma Mater has first
class lyrics, far better than most colleges can
boast. The trouble is students haven't had enough
chance to sing them recently.
The Blue Band last year played through two
Verses while the crowd was trying to jam its way
out of Beaver Field after each fdotball game, laut
not many people paid attention.
This year the Alma Mater will be used in all
four verses• at focithall half. Atherton Hall is go
ing to sing
.it in its dining commons. • A few more
.steps like that and a poll next June will show that
100 per cent of the students know the Alma Mater
rather than 88 per cent don't
do 4 O'docks
'Among the items which came up before the All-
College Cabinet at its first meeting on Tuesday'
Milli was a - proposal for no 4 o'clock classes so
that extra-curricular activities could be facili
The discussion started with a request for one 4
o'clock a week, gained steamroller proportions
when it was learned that such was the practice
in the past and became a full-throated demand
when it was learned the plan already has the sym
pathy of the Council on Administration.
Apparently the free 4 o'clock hour was grad
ually encroached on by a harried scheduling offi
cer whose job was to get more and more students
into a non-elastic amount of classroom space. Fin
illy he was forced into night classes.
At last the $5,000,000 building program is com
plete and classrooms in the new buildings are be
ing. used. The reasons, then, for a continuance of
4 o'clock classes are a bit harder to justify.
The Cabinet—by the tone of its recommenda
tion to President Hetzel—apparently hopes no rea
sons will have to be given.
Word that the College will conduct its own
draft registration should be satisfying ,to every
body concerned.
Students will save the expense of long trips
home to register. •
The county commissioners of Centre County are
relieved from the task of providing place for some
1,800 non-residents to register. (This last is a real
saving in time and money because it is estimated
that each registration will take about eight min
And the College now knows that a problem very
vital to it will be administered through sympathe
tic hands.
"Foi A Better Penn State"
SucCessor to the Penn State Collegian, established 1904, and
the Fiee Lance; established 1887
Thursday Morning, actober 3, 1940
Published daily except Sunday and Monday daring, the
regular College year.,by.. the„ litudenta of The Pennsilvaida
Sist‘i College Entered as isecOnd l :clats matter -Sub , 6. 1984.,
at the post-:Office at State College. Pa.. under the act of
March 3; 1879. .
, Editor ~ Eusiness Manager.
Adam A. Strirser '4l LEiVrrerice S. Driever
Women's Editor—Vera L. Kemp, '4l; Managing Editor
,—Robert H. Lane "41; Spott Editor—Richard C. Paters
*4l; News Editor—William E. Fowler '4l; Feature Edit Or.
—Edward J. K. McLorie '4l; ASSistant Managing .Editlir—
Bayard Bloom '4l; Women's Managing Editor—Arita L.
Befferan '4l; Women's Promotion Manager—Edythe B.
Rickel '4l.
Advertising Manager- - .Tolan H. Thbtnss '4l; Oireulition
manager—Robert G.. Robinson '4l ; Senior Secretary—Ruth
Goldstein '4l; Senicir S'eoretary—Leslie
.H. Leiria '4l.
Junior Editorial Board—John A. Baer '42, • R.,. Helen
Gordoil '42, Mao B. Lehman ',42, William J. McKnight '42,
!knee M. Murray '42. Pat Nagelberg '42, Stanley J. PoKtimri
ixer '42. Jeanne C. Stiles. .
Junior Businesi Board-Thomas W. Allison '42, Paul
M. Goldberg '42, James E. McCaughey '42, T. Blair Wallace
'42, Margaret L. Embury '42, Virginia Ogden '42. Fay E.
Rees '42.
Russell Eck
Graduate Counselor
Editorial and Business Office
313 Old 'Main Bldg.
Dial 711
Managing Editor This 14SUe Nagelberg '92
News Editor This Issue George Sebenkein '4l
Sophomore Assistints __Richarl Stebbins, Herbert Zukaustras
Downtown Office
119-121 South Frazier St.
Dial 4372
The idea struck us as we were halfway through
our coke in the crm. UNUSUAL and we dashed
headlong for a phone, dialed 711 and asked
breathlessly fora certain executive office. A tense
three-minute wait and we were demanding an
answer to the questions which promised to rock
' State College to the bottom of its political founda
"What about it, President Hetzel—do you intend
to run for a third term?"..
Now It Can Be Told •
But it remained for Cap Dennis, beaming M C
of the campus patrol, to furnish the most interest
ing comment of the week on the College Prexy.
At football practice Tuesday• afternoon the good
Dr. Hetzel served as a linesman, attracting in
quiring comments from bystanders. Why 'this
presidential interest?
Explained the astute Dennis: Maybe he wants
to look the boys over to knoW just hoW to place
his bets!
All of which reminds us that Penn State CAN
beat Bucknell.
Tales Of The Dungeons
By all odds the most interesting experience of
last weekend, Campy wagers, was that of Buddy
(Pablo) Goldberg, whO served a two" day term "in
Bellefonte Jail on Leitzell's Chain Gang. - A• few
highlights of the sojourn, as related by "I am a
Fugitive" Goldberg, himself:
"All the fellows. hollofed 'fresh meat' as they
brought me in . . . there was another guy who
—well, they won't let him out until he marries
the girl . . . I was so interested in talking to my
buddies over there I didn't get any studying
If only Campy had a car he would park illegally
too so he could get a chance to mingle with the
cellblock intelligentsia instead of paying his fine.
Just shows you miss a lot without a car.
Short Short Story
Then theie's the tale of the gal who came into
Frazier St. Dorm the other night and discovered
het dress was on wrong side out.
He's In Again
• It seems that Eddie was sitting in the
Corner Room with Jackie Reese the Other day
when tragedy struck. Jackie looked out and saw
a local copper writing out a ticket as he stood be
side said Harris' battle-scarred Plymouth. Just
then Eddie remembered he had forgotten to de
posit the essential nickel in the meter.
"Run out and put in a nickel, you dope," said
Jackie sweetly, "before he slips that ticket on your
"I'm too tired," sighed Eddie. "Besides, I'm
saving those tickets for my album."
Tips To Frat Club Freshmen
Don't be sloppy pouring, water for the brothers.
Otherwise might happen to you what happened to
Bill Wagner, deltachi pledge. And how would you
like to drink your . Vvater out of a bottle - every day
—through a nipple?
Mine Haney
Returned: One phi sigma delta pin to Buzzy
Shearer from , Shirley LeWis.
Returned: Former coed Sis Davis, loOking fit
and fur-clad, to see Tommy Miller, whose delta
chi badge she wears, last weekend.
Not returned: Rosemary Radnagle has not re
turned to Theta Foo Alpha manse since plaster in
said suite hit her on head, reliable sources have
Awakened: One Arnold Laich, in his, apartment
at 1 a. in. on the morning .of• his .recent 25th
birthday, to - answer the telephone and be greeted
by the lovely Of Chi Oinega - singing
"Happy birthday to you!" Instigator: One Norma
(Panama Masie) Stillwell.
Namet ! Names ! Names !
ACcording to
. unreliable. and obviously biased
sources, this column does not 'cat - AM - 11 enough
names. Okay, here goes:
Ginnie Burkhouse and Davey Wilson—Knobby
fiefferan and Wake Thompson—Jiminy Stagg and
Carl Zeigler—Fran Talley and a certain D U (can't
get in a rut here)—Dolores Paul and some lucky
chap—La Verne Hewitt and Jim McCaughey—
and all the cute freshman girls, Bunny of Mac
Hall, Jane Gdtshall (Proliably inisPelled but cute),
Dottie Witirrian, Phyllis Garrison—
Aw, nuts.. If - you Want names, buy a directory.
If you think this' COlumn disseminates a slight
aroma, tear off the three nearest manhole covers
and mail together with your complaint to the Col
legian Office. - We'll see that you get your marbles
back. - •
MMWT . I - 4 - WOVRM'M
Old Paper lisp
Early Fees, Rules
"No charge whatever is made
for tuition except for special in
struction in music. Each student is
required to pay $l7 per year for
use of recitation rooms and to
deposit $5 as security against gen
eral damages." So goes an article
in the Keystone Weekly Gazette
in the issue of April 20, 1894..
The Gazette, published in Belle
fonte at that time, continues, "The
charge for rooms in the College
dormitOry, including steam heat
and electric light, is $73 per year
to a student rooming alone and $56
per ye'ar to a student with a room
"Board may be obtained in the
village at rates ranging from $2.50
to $3.50 per week. •
"For admission to-the freshman
class, candidates (of either sex)
must be at least fifteen years Of
age, and pass a satisfactory exam
ination in the following subjects:
"English graminar, arithmetic,
geography, U. S. history, physio
logy, higher algebra through quad
ratics and progressions, Went
worth's plane geometry, and the
elements of physic.s, as much as
is contained in Avery, Rolfe, and
Gillet, or Gage.
"For entrance into the Latin
scientific course, the same as above
with the addition of four books of
Caesar -and four orations of
About 15,000 chickens, 2,200 tur
keys, and 600 ring-necked pheas
ants are reared each year by the
department of poultry husbandry.
- The College senaie meets in
Room 121 L.A., at 4:10 p.m.,
All Sophomore and Junior Col.
legian tinsiness men meet aticol:
legian office, 7 p.m.
business staff of freshioan hind:
book ineet iti,Hugh Beaver Room
in Old Main at 7_p.m.
Friars initiation in front of S,
A. E. house at 8 p.m.
Phi Epsilon Kappa fraternity
meeting, Room 318, • Old Main,
American Society. for Metals
meets in Room:121, M. I. Building,
7:30 p.m.
Zoological Society meeting in
Room 1, Zoology Building, 7 p.m.
Lakonides business meeting, in
WRA Room, 6:30 p.m.
Registration for Perin State Club.
golf tournament, Room 321 Old
Women's Outing Club, meeting,
Room 3, White Vali; 6:30 p.m.
• WRA splash party in White galls
7:30 to 9:30 p.m.
Wonien's Dance Club meets in
White Hall Rhythm Room, 4 p.m.
Journalism students meet in 304,
Old Main, 4:10 p.m.
Women's Swimming Club, meet.
ing, White gall pool, 7:30 p.m.
Golf Club meets in White gall
at 6:30 p.m.
'44 Campus Party meeting in
Room 10 L.A. at 7:30 p.m. -;
The Horticulture Blinding flanks
the Agriculture Building -on , the
west and was built between the
years 1910 and 1916.