The daily collegian. (University Park, Pa.) 1940-current, October 02, 1940, Image 1

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    “HO' Sailij 0 (Ml
VOL 37—No. 14
Tribunal Socks
Frosh Violators
In Customs Purge
Many freshman custom breakers
will be sporting new tribunal pen
alties beginning at 1 p.m. today.
. ' Donald G. Steva, who forgot to
keep his hands out of his pockets,
■Will drag four tin cans from his
.empty pockets and carry one of the
more “punny” signs, which reads,
“Now I ‘Can’ forget my pockets.”
Football player, Theodore H.
Kratzke, looking rugged in helmet
and shoulder pads, will carry a
placard announcing, “I know my
football but not my customs.’’
The theatres will receive free
advertising from James H. Bon
ham, who will carry on his back
the movie program of each day.
Both David H. Hornstein and Izzy
M. Krauss, found guilty of break
ing an apple tree, will declare in
large letters, “I am a sad apple.”
Other offenders to wear appro
priate equipment are Arnold Ros
enblatt, Jack Schwartzberg, Harold
Goodman,, and George Bessen.
A new device in Tribunal meet
ings was used last night when a
quiz was held for exempted fresh
men on such things'as the Alma
Mater, college yells, and the mean
ing of Old Main. Six freshmen
passed the test, one flunked.
Four boys were granted customs
exemptions. They are Joseph M.
Philbin, Arthur J. Reese, Paul V.
Bealafeld, and Philip Brown.
Hetzel Approves
Senate Groups
President Ralph D. Hetzel re
cently approved the Senate ap
pointments for the academic year
1940-41 of various administrative
committees selected at a meeting
of the College Senate last June.
The- committees are: Academic
standards—Oscar F. Smith, chair
man, Laura W. Drummond, Ray
H. Dotterer, Harry P. Hammond,
and Carl E. Marquardt.
Admissions: William S. Hoffman,
chairman, Maclean M. Babcock,
Henry S. Brunner, Donald S. Cry
der, Paul R. Daugherty, John D.
Lawther, Sylvain JT Pirson, and
Clarence O. Williams.
Athletics committee: Franklin
L. Bentley, chairman, Carroll D.
Champlin, Asa E. Martin, and Ed
ward Steidle. Calendar: Jacob
Tanger, chairman, Marie Haidt,
Ralph V. Blasingame, William S.
Hoffman, and (Nelson W. Taylor.
Students: Norma P. Stillwell, and
John H. Hibbard.
Committees: David C. Duncan,
chairman, Phyllis K. Sprague,
Michael A. Farrell, Carl W. Hasek,
David F. McFarland, Frederick C.
Stewart, and Carl P. Schott. Cour
ses of study: Charles L. Kinsloe,
chairman, Elwood C. Davis, Robert
E. Dengler, Raymond A. Dutcher,
Frank D. Kern, -David R. Mitchell,
Bruce V. Moore, and Marsh W.
Military instruction: William R.
Ham, chairman,.Mrs. I. S. Howl
and, Thomas D. Bowman, Ambrose
R. Emery, Alfred W. -Gauger, Clin
ton L. Harris, Herman C. Knandel,
and Dean Marion R. Trabue. Pub
lic .Occasions: Julius E. Kaulfiiss,
chairman, Eugen C. Bischoff, Clar
ence E. Bullinger, Richard W.
(Continued on Page Three) -
fraternity Prexies Asked
To Attend IFC Meeting
The. Interfraternity Council reg
ulation requiring fraternity presid
ents to attend IFC meetings as al
ternate, delegates will go into force
for the first time when IFC meets
in Room 405, Old Main, at 7 pm.
Senior Coed May Get Opportunity To Paint Murals
For Modern Dance Room In Mary White Hall
Jean Craighead Already
Planning Special Mural
Jean C. Craighead ’4l will paint
a 40-foot mural in the modern
dance room of White Hall depict
ing fields contributing to modern
dance, on .provision that 'the ap
proval of Dean Carl P. Schott and
the architectural committee of the
board of trustees can be obtained.
This will be the first student
mural ever allowed at the College.
It results partly from the interest the Vamum Poor’s
mural in Old Main. Unlike Poor’s
work, Miss Craighead’s mural will
be done in water color.
Miss Marie Haidt, head of the
women’s physical education de
partment, and Miss Jessie Camer
on, assistant professor'of physical
education have already consented.
Tentative sketches showing the
development of modern dance
through the negro, primitive, bal
let, vaudeville, acrobatic, peasant,
'Euler Activities/
Warnock Advises
“Don’t sleep your way through
college activities,” advised Arthur
A. Warnock, dean of men, as he
sent the first of a series of compul
sory freshman mass meetings off to
an enthusiastic start last night in
Schwab auditorium when he spoke
before an over-flowing group of
spirited ’44 Penn Staters.
Speaking on “What Textbooks
Don’t Teach,” Dean Warnock sug
gested that all freshmen decide this
year what activities they would
like to major in during their four
years at State.
“After you are certain that you
are spending enough time and en
ergy on your studies,” continued
Dean Warnock, “select only several
activities in which you are inter
ested, then take an active part in
them. In this way we should be
able to decrease the number of
lone-wolf, anti-social students on
the campus.”
Elinor Weaver'’4l welcomed the
freshmen, lauding them for the ex
ceptional show of class spirit dur
ing this first compulsory mass
meeting since Freshman Week.
Two solos by Elwood Oliver,
state high schol trombone cham
pion, were also featured on the
one-hour program along with or
ganized singing and cheering led
by Prof. Frank Gullo and the
Blue Key Honorary Taps
18 Men In Spring Sports
The Blue Key hat society,
junior honorary, will tap candi
dates from last year’s spring
sports in front of Old Main at
12:45 p. m. today, William F.
Finn <4l, president, has an
Men from the following
sports will be tapped. They are:
Track, James E. Hartman, Mel
vin E. Loveridge, James A.
Rose; lacrosse, Robert R. Mall,
Robert B. Jeffrey, John F. Pel
ly; ;golf, Elmer F. Webb, Ar
thur H. Jaffe, A. Robert Baggs;
tennis, Edward D. Kahan,
ij&mes W. Smith, ’ Donald R.
Taylor; baseball, Michael Sa
bella, William S. Hill, Roy E.
McDonald; soccer, Theodore S.
Casnoff; swimming,! Edwin B.
Weldon; and cheerleader, G.
William Leworthy. i
Collegian Crashes
The All-American
You don’t have to be a foot
ball player to be an All-Amer
Last semester’s Penn State
Collegian, predecessor of The
Daily Collegian, deserved that
rating, the Associated Collegiate
Press judges announced in Min
neapolis, Minn., yesterday.
The rating highest possible
award for a college newspaper—
was based on an all-around
judging of Collegian’s second se
mester issues, with consideration
given to news coverage, news
writing and editing, headlines
and makeup, and special fea
It is the highest award ever
received by the Collegian which
two years previously had re
ceived first class honor rating,
one place lower. It was judged
as a semi-weekly in competition
with colleges of over 5,000 enr
Room Delivery
Underway lues.
Fraternity room delivery of The
Daily Collegian will begin next
Tuesday, Robert Robinson ’4l, cir
culation manager, announced yes
Delivered before breakfast (if
you don’t eat too early) the papers
will be taken by Collegian boys to
rooms bearing special signs to be
given Collegian subscribers.
The delivery signs will be pub
lished in Saturday’s Collegian and
should be clipped by the subscrib
ers and pasted on the doors of their
Collegian’s wary circulation
manager, suspecting he might find
more signs posted than there are
subscribers, promised that each
sign will provide a space for the
name of the subscriber. This, he
said, will be checked by the deliv
ery boy before delivery is made.
AIME Society Holds Mixer
Tonight For Ml Students
The AIME Society will hold a
mixer for all Mineral students in
the Mineral Industries Art Gal
lery at 7 p. m. today.
Members of the faculty will talk,
and technicolor movies will be,
shown. Freshmen are urged to
and folk stages have been made.
Advising Miss Craighead is And
rew W. Case, assistant professor
of fine arts.
The murals, planned for six feet
high and 40 feet wide, would be
done in tempra against the regular
plaster, and placed high above the
two doors entering the modern
dance room.
Actual painting on the plaster
would not be started until the sec
ond semester, since Miss Craighead
will do preliminary sketches using
Dance Club members as models,
during the first semester. Special
group compositions will be made
by the Club for Miss Craighead to
To avoid spraying the completed
mural with glue to make it perm
anent, it would be placed high en
ough to avoid being smudged.
Miss Craighead is co-editor of
Portfolio, student literary publica
tion, now entering its second year
of publication, and was secretary
of the junior class last year.
New NYA Workers
Must Take Oath
All approved applicants for
NYA jobs this year who did not
have an NYA job last year in
Pennsylvania, must execute a cit
izenship affidavit and the cath'of
allegiance to the United States
Constitution today, tomorrow, or
Friday, Director. Stanley B. Mad
dox annoimced yesterday.
No student shall be eligible to
work on an NYA project until he
has executed the affadavit affirm
ing his Uinted States citizenship
and has been sworn, or affirmed,
for execution of the oath of alleg
- The following procedure should
be followed in filling the neces
sary requirements. _
Report to Room 403, Old Main,
between 9 a. m. and noon, 1:30
p. m. and 5 p. m., either today, to
morrow, or Friday. Here students
will appear before a Notary Pub
lic and be sworn, or affirmed, for
execution of the citizenship affi
davit. No notary fee will be
charged. An official will execute
the oath of allegiance. Matricula
tion cards must be presented.
Approved applicants not report
ing within the scheduled period
will be stricken from the approv
ed list. Maddox pointed out that
16 students last year failed to ap
pear and were dropped from the
Jewish High Holidays
Begin At Sunset Today
Services at the Hillel Founda
tion, 133 West Beaver avenue,
at 6:30 p. m. today will mark
the opening of the Jewish High
Holy days of Rosh Hashonah
and Yom Kippur, the Jewish
New Year’s Day and Day of
Rosh Hashonah will be ob
served until sunset Friday.
Services will be held, under the
direction of Rabbi Benjamin M.
Kahn, Hillel director, as follows:
Hillel Foundation, 6:30 p. m. to
day; Presbyterian Church, cor
ner of Beaver avenue and Fraz
ier street, 9 a. m. tomorrow and
Friday; and the Hillel Founda
tion, 5:30 p. m. Friday.
Class excuses may be obtain
ed at the services. Students go
ing home may get excuses at the
Hillel office.
Continued Warm.
Cabinet Asks
No 4 O'clocks;
Drops Frosh Dance
The Freshman Dance was drop
ped from the College social cal
endar, a committee was named to
work with a WSGA committee to
have May Day made an All-Col
lege celebration, and a resolution
was passed asking the abolition of
4 o’clock classes at the Cabinet
meeting last night.
Reason given for the dropping
of the Freshman Dance was that,
in the two years it has been held,
it has lost money and been poorly
The suggestion that May Day be
made an All-College celebration
came from Elinor L. Weaver ’4l,
WSGA president. Arnold C. Laich
’4l, All-College president, appoint
ed A. John Currier ’42, W. Rae
Herrman ’4l, Walter M. Kniaz ’4l,
and Richard C. Peters '4l to the
Cabinet committee which will
work with a WSGA group, not yet
“All we get out of College doesn’t
come from classes,” was the way
Miss Weaver voiced Cabinet’s
opinion concerning free 4 o’clock
periods. Primary purpose of the
resolution was that students would
have a suitable hour for meetings
and convocations. The recommen
dation will be sent to President
Another committee, composed
of Bertha Black ’42, Currier, and
William B. Bartholomew ’4l, was
named to meet with town groups
and the PSCA to discuss the pos
sibility of having a combined stu
dent - borough - PSCA Armistice
Day celebration,
John R. Juba, chief of police, iri
his address declared that the main
difficulty between students and the
borough is a “misunderstanding.”
He said that he is in favor of or
derly pajama parades and cited the
Pitt bonfire, last year.
ROTC Band Named
By Director Gullo
Sixty-five engineers and 63 in
fantrymen have been selected by
Director Frank Gullo to play with
their respective units of the ROTC
band this year.
Band members are exempt from
the regular course in military
training, but three hours of re
hearsal are required each week.
The engineer’s unit will meet at
4 p. m. Tuesdays and 7 p. m. Wed
nesdays while the infantry unit is
scheduled to rehearse at 4 p. m.
Wednesday and 7 p. m. Thursday.
The engineers’ band:
Trumpets Martin Knutsen,
Daniel Gillespie, James Walker,
Jay Myers, Frank Zerfoss, John
Roth, John Lord, George Kulp,
Calvin Witmer, Joseph Hodin,
Kenneth Ridge, Kenneth Fisher,
Richard Fuchs, Charles Taylor,
William McCracken, Alton Letz
ler, Warburton R. Miller.
Clarinets —Frank Montgomery,
Walter Gwinner, Sydney Swartz,
Richard Pease, John Paul Miller,
John Zeeliff, Robert McVicker,
Walter Forster, Philip Erchholts,
William H. Arthur, Stanley John
son, Albert Barson, James Vost
ers, Walter Kazor, Roy Allen, Lee
J. Tenley.
Trombones —Robert McCoy, Al
fred Flowers, Harold Bushman,
Donald Wion, Lester Stine, Wil
liam Fanus, David Engelhardt,
Gordon Fiske, Donald Reynolds.
Baritones George Dorrance,
William Atkins, Robert Long.
Sousaphones—Dominick Golab,
Herman Weed, Ralph Yergeir,
Robert BickeL
Homs, melophones Daniel
Graves, Samuel Burdick, CharieS
(Continued on page three)