SATURDAY, SEPTEMBER 23, 1640 30 Coed Groups Queried For Point System Data .Junior Senators To Head Administration of Plan Over 30 women’s organizations have ; been . interviewed by a WSGA committee to gather in formation concerning the point system, Anne M. Borton ’42, chair man, announced: yesterday. •' The system, approved by a vote pf 437 to ■B6_ by women - students last spring, will operate as soon, as : data is completed. Administra tion of the system will be carried out by the two junior senators. Designed to apportion offices among women students, the sys tem will be scaled according to re sponsibility of office and time required to fulfill its duties. It .will help assure that each organ ization get officers with concen trated interests and will protect individuals from the burden of more extra-curricular activities than are safe for studies and health. Included in the survey informa ■ tion are: Frequency of meetings; length of meetings; approximate number of hours.required for each office; if officer automatically be comes a member of other organi zations', which ones, and how much time is required by each; if members are put on committees very often; activities the organi zation sponsors and amount .of time required for them;- general duties of officers; and type of or ganization. A WSGA House of Representa tives survey-last spring revealed, that .only 352 of the 1,106 Penn State -women participated in out side activities and that at least 25 of these carried more than they could handle efficiently. In addition to Miss Borton, jun ior senator, committee in cludes Elinor L. Weaver ’4l, WSGA president; .petty M. Mar tin ’42, WSGA vice-president; and Mildred M. . Taylor - ’42, junto? senator. 190 Freshman Invited To Second WSGA Mixer One hundred and ninety fresh men will attend the second WSGA sponsored mixer in the Armory at 8 p.m.' tonight given by Alpha Lambda Delta, freshman women’s scholastic honorary, Druids, sopho more men’s athletic honorary, Skull and Bones, men’s upperclass activities.honorary, and Pi Lambda Theta, women’s education honor ary. Freshman women ■ attending the mixer have been granted 11 o’- clocks but must wear their name 'cards. They may be escorted by men .when returning to the dormi tory r' Freshman men attending the mixer must wear, their customs but may accompany women home at 11 p.m. Ellen H. Richards Club Maps Activity Program , Activity projects for the semest er .were outlined at a Thursday meeting of Ellen H. Richards, jun ior home economics honorary, President Julia A, Adams ’42, an nounced last night. The club made' provisions for monthly , teas and committees were appointed to study guiding so that. members may take visitors through the Home Economics Building. Committees Selected By Alpha Lambda Delta Committees to plan the. yegt’p prpgr&m and. initietlSh" eritef-tain- Ifteat V/Are named by Alpha Lam bda Delta, freshman women’s hon orary. Joanne M. Palmer, M. Edythe Moore, Kathryn M. Popp* and Mildred §. Schxdidt Wfll serve bn thd- program committee while Jeanne E. RUess, Ranee A. Dur kiee, Elizabeth J. Bijlett, and Sara M. Bailey will help with enter tainment. lofa Sigma Pi Lays Plans For Curie Lecture Series “Fingerprinting- the .Molecules” will be the subject of the first Marie Curie lecture to be given by Dr. Emma P. Carr, head of the department of chemistry at Mount Holyoke College, it was announced at a dinner of lota. Sigma Pi in the Sandwich Shop Wednesday night. The women’s chemistry honor ary, headed by Dr. Harriet M. Harry, sponsors the talks during the second semester. Last year’s speaker was Dr. Pauline B. Mack, director of home, economics re search. Madeline M- Fiorillo ’4l was ap pointed secretary-treasurer of the organization to succeed Arista M. MCCormick, graduate student. Freshmen And Transfers Will Pop-In Tomorrow Bread-and-butter visits by fresh men arid transfers will be made from 8:30 to 10' p.m. tomorrow when upperclasswomen stay at home to be popped-in on. Special 10 o’clock permission has been granted to all freshmen women who will, pop-in at Ather ton Hall, Grange, and sorority houses to repay last Sunday’s calls. PhysEd School Council Plans All-College Dance An All-College dance will be held by the Physical Education School Council some time in Feb ruary, Walter M. Kniaz ’4l, presid ent, announced after a council meeting last night. At the meeting, Dr. Lloyd M. Jones, new professor of physical Pan-HeLTea Today It was inccbrectly stated in yes terday's- Collegian - that the Pan hellenic tea would be held yester day. The tea will be held in Ath erton Hall from 2 to 4 p. m. today for all freshman and transfer women. Are You Behind the You Will Be if You Don’t Take THE DAILY COLLEGIAN Join the Rest and Read the Best THE DAILY COLLEGIAN WSGA Announces '44 Hall Nominees Election of freshman hall officers will be held in house meetings Monday night. Hall presidents will automatically sit on WSGA Fresh man Council. Nominations for of ficers made last Monday and ap proved by WSGA Senate follow: McAllister Hall, Rooms 202-218 —president: Mary Galt, Ruth Hum mel, Betty Story vice-president: Frances Burke, Joanne Fiero; sec retary-treasurer: Ruth Baker, Dor othy Clymer, Rhoda Ruth; Rooms 219-232 president: Peg Colvin, Florence Jaffy, Mary Lou Keith; vice-president: Shirley Hayes, Helen Neubert; secretary-treas urer: Lillian Clark, Jean Little, Harriet Vanßiper; Rooms 300-318 —president: Eddie Dobnoff, Mar ion Dougherty, Louise Henry, Dor othy Jones; vice-president: Anna Bottorf, Mary Matry, Florence Most, Elaine Parke; secretary treasurer: Peggy Campbell, Janet Carbaugh, Joan Herzer, Margaret Ramaley. . Rooms 319-330—president: Mary Jean Anstoy, Dorothy Brunner) Bunny Bundick, Eloise France, Marjorie' Hazlette; vice-president: Suzanne Clouser, Ollie Gillis, Adele Levin, Doris Stevenson; sec retary-treasurer: Ruth Alvord, Jane Ammerman, Betty Christman, Nancy Hamill; Rooms 401-415 president: Margot Blass, Mary Kane, Mary Roelofs; vice-presid ent: Grace Judge, Margaret Mag innis, Ruth Thomas; secretary treasurer: Virginia Barratt, Lu cille Barton, Helen Schmeltz, Elea nor Stoner; Rooms 416-430—pres ident: Ruth Shanes, Ruth Storer, Jeanne Ward; vice-president: Bar bara Cooper, Margaret Campsey, Bobby Longenecker; secretary treasurer:- Ruth Conrad, Jeanne Saylor, Ruth Schwarzman, Nan Soutter. Woman’s Building, east wing— president: Betty Rose Broderick, Jane Murphy, Doe Wheller, vice president and social chairman: Lois Dosch, Virginia Jackson, Bar bara Mennies; secretary-treasurer: •Katherine Brong, Betty Gattside; west wing—president: Helen Dodd, Marian Reynolds, Alberta Spudis; vice-president and social chairman: Jane Ludwig, Mary McCurdy, 8-Ball ? 60 Your Sabsoiptiofl l« ’The Daily Collegian’ Now! At Slndenf Onion Office or 313 Old Main Buitdins iiiiimiiiiiimiiiiiiiiiiiiifiiiiiiiiiiimiiiiiiiiiiimiiiiiiiiitiii WOMEN IN SPORTS iiiiiiiiiiiiiimiiiiimiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiniiiiiiiiiiiiiii Coeds will have an opportunity to show their favorite BMOCs just how to ride a bike, pitch ringers, shoot arrows, serve aces, and make holes in one on. Co-Recrea tion Day Sunday. Feeling the need for combined men and women’s recreational ac tivities, WRA’s activity board made plans for this first Co-Rec Day last spring. With Mary G. Procter ’4l as chairman, all club presidents have been instrumen tal in planning the activities. Events will include a bicycle breakfast hike to the WRA Cabin starting from Metzger’s at 7 a. m. and returning by 10 a. m. A charge of 50 cents will be made for bicycles, and 15 cents for food. From 2 to 4 p. m. there will be contests in archery, badminton, golf,horseshoe pitching, ping pong, tennis, and volleyball all centering about Rec Hall. The committee feels confident that such a program is attractive enough to warrant large partici pation. Maybelle Wood; secretary-treas urer: Jane Barnes, Gloria Duerst, Anne Serocco. \ Town women, north—president: Ann Carruthers, Ruth Popp; vice president: Janet Henninger/ Doro thy Wittman; secretary-treasurer: Jean Alexander, Hilda Bergren; west—president: Betsy Edwards, Janet Graham; vice-president: Ann Sheffield, Jean Stauer; secretary treasurer: Jean Donaldson, Vir ginia Gardner; east president: Mary Beattie, Phyllis Garrison; vice-president: Joan Laude, Phyl lis Watkins; secretary-treasurer: Clara Day, Dorothy Doyle. i McCormick Dormitory—presid ent: Dorothy Pavlich, Joan Somers, Jeannette Young; vice-president: (Betty Aatan, Ruby Meissner, Joan Somers; secretary-treasurer: Ruby Meissner, Diane Novich, Arlene Sander lin. Locust Lane Lodge—president: ■Rita -Burkhardt, Priscilla Mac- Lellan, Julia McMurray, Marcelle Knowf; vice-president: Marian Du Bois, Florence Clemmer, Shirley Newman; secretary - treasurer: Irene Fanucci, Frances Lowery, Betty Podell, Mary Wertz. PAGE THREE We, The Women — Pan-Hel Plays A Part In Promoting Unity AN ERRONEOUS NOTION among freshmen and transfers that sorority membership is a “must” on this campus seems to have crop ped up this year more than ever before. Already, women who know they cannot afford sororities are con fused in believing that without sorority backing they can never achieve success in campus activi ties and social life. We have always prided our selves on keeping politics out of women’s activities here. We have encouraged and rewarded individ ual effort. Our positions are filled with women who have been se lected solely for their merit anc' without regard for sorority affilia tion. What better evidence that no breach exists between sorority and non-sorority women is there than the Panhellenic tea today? Pan hellenic Council is sincere in ex tending an invitation to all new students regardless of any in tention to “go sorority.” This tea is an organized get-together in tended to foster friendly relation ships among freshmen, transfers, and sorority women; and everyone is urged to come. Affiliated women will not wear their pins, and no one will segregate into groups. New students will have an op portunity to meet Greek women and judge them at face value. They should keep in mind that sororities on this campus are a luxury—not a necessity/ 7:30-9:30—20c Per Person SATURDAY ... “Million Dollar Racket” Herman Brix, Joan Barclay SIT IN YOUR CAR See and Hear The Movies 1 mile west of Slate College On 322 —A. Murray