The daily collegian. (University Park, Pa.) 1940-current, September 27, 1940, Image 2

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With the Editor—
i jetting the M
1 WSi lie Present
Many think the first peacetime draft in Amer
ican military history must ring harshly on the ears,
of Collegian editors who; through the years, have
opposed compulsory KOTC at Penn State.
I' think not.
f would rather think that these Collegian edi
tors- agree 1 that 1940- is not 1937 or any other year;
that in 1940’ compulsory military training is desir
able where in 1937 (when Collegian last seriously
attacked KOTC)' and before, it was not desirable.
All of them must hope that America can now
become strong, enough quickly enough to save de-
*i»ocracy, but they must hope still more that some
time somehow the threat to- democracy will pass
\ and we can return to the days when military
might is unessential and undesirable. '
That was the position of the editors who at-
tached compulsory RO-TC. Time has proved it a
false one, false since Adolph Hitler ascended to
power in 1933,. valid before then.
The problem of 1940 is to. stand ready, to be pre
pared to fight, to fight if necessary, and. to- be able
to win when the fight comes.
There is a weakness in compulsory military
training that makes us all hope and that has made
Congress recognize that it should be inpermanent.
Compulsory military training, is democratic only
as long as it is temporary, only as long as a crisis
lasts. .
That we; a great democratic nation, can mar
shall our forces and our morale when it is neces
sary to do l so is a brilliant reply to charges of in
efficiency and: inability to- act in an emergency
tli at have been leveled at democracy.
We have proved that we have the wili and. the
power to fight if fight we must. We do- not like
to-fight,, we do 1 not want to- fight, but we- will fight
rather than lose what generations past have won
for us. /
Democracy is something, somebody is always
dying for, but it is better than starving and goose
stepping. for fascism and then dying for it, too.
Democracy is the government of an enlightened
people, fascism of a muddled.race.
If we are enlightened enough, then, to recog
nize that we need' compulsory military training to
defend ourselves, it is to our credit.
“The young man or woman planning a career
.Should begin to point toward it in high school or.
even earlier. He should learn which fields interest
him, which he seems to be fitted for, which will
call for capacities he seefns to have. He can de
velop hi st aients along these’ lines, and if his
interests shif he can change his goal, But he should'
be pointing toward something, talking about it,
reading about it, working at it in his spare time,
if possible. Then he will come out of school-with
some understanding of what he wants to do, what
ho can do and why he thinks as he does. He will
he ready to start a career.” Walter Hoving, writ
ing in the New York Times, restates an old
fashioned. truth.
"For A Better Pena State"
Successor to tho Perm State Collegian, -establißh-r.] 190-4, and
the Free Lance, established 1887
Friday Morning,' September 27, 1940
Published daily except Sunday and Monday during the*
-fcogular College year by the students of The Pennsylvania
State College. Entered as- second-class- matter July 5. 1934,
at thd po3t-office at State* College, Pa,, under the act of
-■4»arch 3, 1879-.
Editor Business Manager
'Adam A. Smyser '4b Lawrence 3. Driever '4l
Women’R Editor—Vera I>. Kemp- '4l; Managirup Editor
—Hobart H. Lano '4l; Sports Editor—Richard C. Peters-
*41,; Mews Editor—William E. Fowler '4l; Feature Editor.
—Edward J. K. Mcl/wie- '4l; Assistant Managing’ Editor —■
’•ayord Bloom '4l; Women's Managing Editor —Arita E,
-■nattcOSeran "'4l; Woman's Promotion, Manager—B3ytß<r 'a.
Advertising Manager—Jbhn H. Tfioaws- '4l; Circulation
“^ianaffer —Robert G. Robinson '4T; Senior Secretary—Ruth
Goldstein '4l; Son tor Sooretary—LhKHr H. Lewis '4l/
, Associated Cb(tedia?e Press
Distributor of "
gr TCblleefcrte Digest]
Junior Editorial Board—John A. Baer '42, K. Helen
Gordon '42, Ross B. Lehman '42, William J. HcKttighe .'42,
Alice M, Hurray '42, Pat Nagelberg '42, Stanley J. PoKemp
• -*er '42, Jeanne C. Stifea '42.-
Junior Business Board—Thomas W. Allison '42, Paul
- HK.. Goldberg '42, James- E. MoCaughey '42, T, Blair Wallace’
*42, Margaret L. Embury '42, Virginia Ogden '42, Fay E.
'-■teen '42.
Graduate Counselor C. Russell Role
'Editorial and Business Office
' 313 Old Main Bldg.
Dial 711
Managing Editor This Isauo
News Editor This Issue .
Women’s Editor This Issue
Sopliom-ire Assistant. _ . ..
Downtown Office
119*121 South Frasier St.
Dial 4372
William J. MoKnight *4Z
George Schenkein '4l
.. Vera L Kemp Ml
IP3uI D. McGowan
School of Mineral Industries
EDITOR’S NOTE: This is the first of six
articles prepared by the School of the Mineral.
Industries and released to the Collegian. The
articles will appear in this column on consecu
tive 1 Fridays. *
One of the outstanding. lessons of the- World War
was the importance of minerals in the conduct of
military affairs as well as in the normal' activities
of the country. At the same time certain defi
ciencies in domestic supplies were emphasized
and the public became conscious of the complex
international relationships involved in supplying
our industries with mineral raw materials.
Enormous advances in technology have been
made since 1918. These are reflected in the strat
egy of the present conflict. Mechanized warfare
employs the machine to an extent undreamed of
in the past. And the machine is essentially a min
eral aggregate powered and lubricated with min
eral products. Coal, petroleum and steel are the
irreplaceable elements of national defense. They
are also subjects of fundamental concern in the
curricula of instruction and research of this
That the mineral engineer and mineral technol
ogist will play a leading role in the program of
national defense now, under way is certain. His
responsibility will extend from the securing, of
adequate supplies of raw materials to their reduc
tion to useful form and if necessary the develop
ment of substitutes for mineral products which no
longer can be imported from foreign sources.
Pennsylvania will be called upon to carry a
large burden of the defense program in the min
eral industries since it is the leading mineral in
dustrial commonwealth.
Pennsylvania’s School of Mineral Industries and
Experiment Station has a staff and facilities for
instruction and research in all phases of the min
eral industries which are second to none in the
country. The unified program of the School em
braces all branches of the earth sciences, mineral
engineering, mineral economics, and mineral tech
nology. In view of the well established program
of construction, both resident and extension, and
of research, the School has much to contribute to
the national defense.
The staff of the School feels a certain gratifica
tion pride in the thought that the long list of suc
cessful graduates now form a group of diversified
technical skill competent to assist in so many ac
tivities upon which the future of “the Nation may
depend. It is hardly necessary to state that the
School offers its services in the direction of any
national defense projects on the campus, instruc
tion or research, for which the staff is particularly
You*!! Enjoy
* # *
Lose Something?
Try Student Union
: To freshmen who have lost
something 1 .umbrella, notebook,
bow tie,, books; If you
have, the chances are you'll find'
the mislaid article in the'hands of
George Donovan, Student Union
; Every year hundreds of articles
are turned; in at the SU dfesfc and
are restored to their original own
ers. No matter what you* have
lost,, the chances are that, sooner
or later,, it will 1 turn up at the' Stu
dent Union office.
Among, the many articles turned'
in to the office are fraternity pins,
musical instruments;. AA books,
spectacles, coats, keys, wallets,
books, watches, and many others
that put the total value of items 1
turned in during a school term at
an unbelievable figure. - .
Despite all tales of absent-mind-
I—Largest1—Largest and most complete of all non-sub!
dized college technical magazines.
2—lnteresting technical and semi-technical
3 Reports on technical advancements and ha]
penings m the engineering world.
4 The dean’s interesting monthly column.
5 Striking and unusual photographs.
d—Helpful suggestions for the engineering sfc
7 -Intimate campus news and events.
8— Delivered to your door.
9~A joke section: that b spicy and amusing—-i
to the minute.
19—Reasonable price —■ *75 cents per year
8 issues.
ed professors, Donovan
you that the student
ahead of the faculty in ni
lost articles.
that FROMM'S i
stitt serving Usmem\
customers during
the modernizing o\
its severed depart
Opposite Old Main t State