The daily collegian. (University Park, Pa.) 1940-current, September 26, 1940, Image 1

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    £SS 1 (Eht S&tUj. dull
VOL. 37—No. 10
$3500 Sel Aside
For Fundamental
Research Work
A-fund of $3500 has been desig
nated as the “Central Fund for
Research” by the College budget
for the fiscal year, it was an
. nounced recently by Dr. Steven
son W. Fletcher, dean of the
School of Agriculture said chair
man of the Council on. Research.
The money is to be used primar
ily to promote fundamental re
search throughout the College,
funds for the support of applied
research being more readily avail
able from other sources.
The fund will be used for the
support of. creative studies in the
social sciences as well as in the
natural sciences.
The Council on Research also
has a fund'of $5OO for the publi
cation of “The Pennsylvania State
College Studies.” These are “mon
ographs and other substantial re
searches which are of such a na
ture ■ that they do not find ready
publication in technical and pro
fessional journals.” „
Three monographs were pub
lished last year, and members of
the faculty who expect to com
plete such manuscripts during the
current year should advise their
deans as soon as possible.
$1 Rate Offered
For Job Booklet
placement journal to be published
by the Pennsylvania Association
of School and College Placement
was announced yesterday by J.
Orvis Keller, assistant to the pres
ident in charge of extension.
Graduates who are actively
registered for placement-and full
time students are entitled to the
offer, Mr. Keller said. The regu
lar rate is $2.
• The association is an outgrowth
of the educational committee of
Governor James’ Job Mobilization
The College became 'a charter
member of the association when
it was formed last spring and Mr.
Keller is a member of the execu
tive committee.
The journal will replace the
University Placement-. Review
published by -the University of
Pennsylvania. It will contain ar
ticles on such subjects as" occupa
tional trends, placement in busi
ness and teaching fields, student
aid, state employment service, and
training courses in industry.
Students may subscribe to the
journal at the special rate by ap
plying to Mr. Keller in the Presi
dent’s office, Old Main. The first
issue of the journal will be pub
lished in October.
Faculty Voters Register
Tomorrow At Fire Hall
Attention of faculty members is
called to the fact that there will
be a special registration from one
precinct to another in order to
qualify to vote October 5.
Faculty members may register
at the fire hall from 10 to 5 p. m.
and from 7 to 10 p. m. Any reg
istered voter who failed to vote
within the past two years must
re-register at this time.
Christaff Elected
Robert Christaff '44 was elected
historian of the Penn State Club
at a recent meeting in which 150
members of- the freshman class
Upperdass Fees Payable
Today And Tomorrow
Fees are payable by all upper
classmen today and tomorrow at
the Armory from 9 a.m. to 5 p.m.
There will be 11 windows 'di
vided alphabetically and all de
ferments will be taken care of
at window six. A five dollar fine
will be imposed for fees paid
To Secure athletic books both
schedule cards gnd fee receipts
must be presented.
Fresh tusfomi Off
For Collegian Hop
Freshman customs for both
men and. women will be off for
the Collegian Dance in Recreation
Hall, Friday, October 11, it was
announced yesterday. Student
Tribunal has ordered that, for
men, freedom from customs will
be given only those attending the
The women’s" no-dating custom
ends the Wednesday before the
Collegian Dance, and freedom
from dress customs is allowed
women on all weekend dates.
The first big All-College dance
of the year, its attraction has been
heightened by the number of oth
er events scheduled the same
Early Friday evening an All-
College pep rally in Rec Hall is
expected to be broadcast by
Fred Waring, on his Chester
field football smoker broadcast
Friday night, will' dedicate his
States and, this
will be heard at the Collegian
Dance. Saturday will be Alumni
Day and Penn State will meet
West Virginia in football.
14 Staff Changes
Made Yesterday
Promotions of 'three faculty,
members from instructor to assist
ant professor were announced yes
terday along with nine new ap
pointments and two resignations.
Those promoted, all serving at
undergraduate centers, are: Paul
M. Kendig, - physics and mathe
matics, Pottsville; Lester Kieft,
chemistry, Hazleton; and Roy E.
Morgan, English composition and
literature, Hazleton.
The new appointees and their
positions are: Ruth H. Zang, part
time assistant to the Dean of Wo
men; Dr. George E. Brandow, as
sistant professor of agricultural
economics; Mabel Susan Smith and
Marian Eleanor Nelson, both home
economics extension representa
tives; Marion L. Carr, assistant in
Nursery School; Dr. Aline Frink,
part-time instructor in mathemat
ics; Franklin Dennis, research as
sistant in fuel technology; Helen
Borton, instructor in textiles; and
John R. Culbert, assistant in orn
amental horticulture.
Resignations were accepted from
Merle' E. Shanks, instructor in
mathematics at the Dußois>under
graduate center; and Esther Chap
man, instructor in textiles.
Scholarship Applications
Must Be Turned In Today
Application blanks for the John
W. White and Louise Carnegie
scholarships are available to in
terested students and may be ob
tained at Room 112, Pond Labora
tory. '
This information must be com
pleted and in the hands of the
committee by tomorrow, it was
announced by Dr. Osca»F. Smith,
133 Students On
Two Honor Lists
Eighty-five Liberal Arts students
and 48 Agriculture students placed
on the honor lists of their respec
tive schools for the second semes
ter last year as released yesterday
by Deans Charles W. Stoddart and
Stevenson W. Fletcher.
In Liberal Arts six students had
"3” averages. Averages in the
School of Agriculture were not re
leased. The Liberal Arts students
with “3s” were: Thomas Czubiak,
and Herman Smith, seniors; Jean
Babcock, William E. Harkins, and
Milton E. Prensky, juniors; Kath
ryn M. Popp, sophomore.
The School of Agriculture honor
Seniors: Francis Algerd Bald
avski, William Glenn Burket, Budd
Melvin Clark, Ernest Sanford Dix,
Winston G. Donaldson, Samuel A.
Dum, Ray H. Dutt, Miles J. Ferree,
Henry B. Gerhart, John-E. Griffith,
Morton E. Jenkins, Oscar A. Kim
mel, Jon F. Lingenfelter, Freder
ick P. Miller, John W. Rothrock,
Walter E. Snyder, John H. Weick
sel, and Bratislav Zak.
Juniors: James P. Bressler, Paul
M. Felton, 'Mark T. Harer, Walter
J. Kidd Jr., John S. Kookogey, Les
lie Navran, Karl H. Norris, Stuart
G. Rhode, Drew Schwartz, Linn H.
Shatzer, Edward C. Shearer, Daniel
A. Swope Jr.,-and Elliot Volkin.
' Sophomores: Elizabeth J. Billett,
William L. Bloomgren, Peter Gaid
(Coniinued on page three)
Orchestra Takes
31 Jtew Members
Thirty one new members of the
College Symphony Orchestra have
been announced -by Professor
Hummel Fishburn.
The first rehearsal of the orch
estra will be held in room 401 Old
Main, at 7 p.m. Monday.
The new members are: Violins—
Rita Burkhard ’44, 'Robert Fitz ’44,
William Fortman ’44, Joseph Ho
din ’44, Jonathan Learn ’42, Thom
as McChesney ’44, Donald Rolar,
graduate, Harriet Vanßipper ’44,
Margaret VanHouten ’43, Herman
Weed ’44, Irma Winter ’43. Violas
—Joseph Boscav ’44, Philip Prutz
man ’4l. Cellos Robert Smith,
graduate, Rose Mary Williams ’4l,
Mary Janet Winter ’44.
Basses—-Robert Burge ’44, Olive
Van Houten ’44, Eleanor Woodruff
Flute—Doris Glahn ’44.
Oboe—-Ralph Lyford ’44.
Clarinet—-Philip White ’43.
Bassoon—Robert Kochenour ’44,
Trumpets—Roy Boyce ’42, John
Lord ’44, Robert Maue, graduate.
Horns—Reba Basom ’44, James
Harter ’44, Morton Wollman ’43.
Trombone—Russell Myers ’42.
Percussion—Ross Rumbaugh ’44.
Sociology Department
Offers Two New Courses
The department of sociology is
offering two courses'this semester,
which have been given only once’
before. They are Sociology 8 and
Sociology 8, sociology of the
professions, is a course of interest
to anyone interested in a profes
sional career, medicine, law, or
teaching. It deals with the prob
lems of overcrowding in the pro
fessions, of becoming a profession
al, and of the ethics of the pro
Sociology 9, the child and so
ciety; deals with the background of
child welfare and concerns itself
mainly with • the normal child,
secondly with the problem child.
Three hours of sociology are a
Job Hunter
i *
k s, \
J. Orvis Keller, assistant to the
president in charge of extension,
represents the College on the ex
-ecutive committee of the Pennsyl
vania Association of School and
College Placement which offers a
special student rate for its quarter
ly journal. For story, see column
Plans Announced
Complete plans for Co-Recrea
tion Day, slated for Sunday, were
released by Mary G. Procter ’4l,
chairman, yesterday. Sponsored
by the Women’s Recreation Asso
ciation and designed to stimulate
combined recreational participa
tion, Sunday’s program will in
clude a bicycle breakfast hike,
archery, badminton, golf, horse
shoe, ping pong, tennis, and vol
leyball tournaments. - - --
Men and women may partici
pate in only one activity and must
designate their choice at Student
Union by noon Friday.
The bicycle breakfast hike to
the WTfA Cabin will start from
Metzger’s at 7 a. m. and will re
turn by 10 a. m. A charge of 50
cents will be made for bicycles,
and 15 cents for food.
Those engaging in all other ac
tivities will meet in front of Re
creation Hall at 2 p. m. where
badminton, ping pong, and volley
ball tournaments will be conduct
ed. Archery and horseshoe pitch
ing have been arranged with mix
ed tennis doubles on the Rec Hall
courts, and two-ball foursomes in
golf on the college links.
Jeanne Mk Chew ’4l is in charge
of ping pong; Louise B. Clark '4l,
volleyball; Muriel E. Engelkee
’4l, badminton; Anita M. Knecht
'42, bicycles; Mary L. Lenker '43,
archery; Elizabeth C. Roose ’42,
food; and Josephine J. Taggart
’4l, tennis.
Freshman men and women
have permission to participate in
Co-Recreation Day from their
Students To Vote
On Soph Hop Band
A new method of selecting a
'Soph Hop band will be introduced
with the installation of a special
ballot box at the Student Union
office, Frank R. Flynn, sophomore
class president, announced yester
Balloting wiE begin tomorrow
and wEI be conducted for one full
week. Voting wiE be open to
students of aU classes, since Soph
Hop is an AU-CoUege affair. How
ever, sophomore votes wiE be
given preference in the final re
sults, with the other votes serving
to support the sophomore choice.
Flynn stated that the results
wiE be published, and that the
students’ choice wiE be signed if
the band is avaEable.
Continued Cool,
Possible Rain
Approved NYA List
Available Today
In Deans' Offices
A list o£ students accepted for
NYA jobs will be in the hands of
the respective deans this morning,
Stanley B. Maddox, director of
NYA, announced late yesterday.
Students must check with the
deans of their schools on their ac
ceptance and obtain Federal NYA
application blanks at the Student
Union Desk between 8 a. m. and
5:30 p. m. today and tomorrow.
Director Maddox announced
that fewer jobs will be available
this year than last since this years
appropriation of $85,350 is ap
proximately $9OOO less. The cur
rent appropriation must provide
jobs for the main-campus, four ex
tension centers, and Mont Alto.
About 700 jobs will be covered
this year, Maddox said.
The list of approved students
released today includes only up
perclassmen whose College appli
cations were received by Septem
ber 4 and freshmen whose appli
cations were received by Septem
ber 27. Later applicants will be
acted on as opportunities arise for
placing them.
Federal NYA blanks must be
filled out by' all selected students.
The NYA program will begin this
year on October 8 and continue to
June 5, 1941.
New Wind Tunnel
To Aid Research
The first step toward a broaden
ed program of' aeronautical in
struction was insured today when
Harry P. Hammond, dean of the
School of Engineering, announced
that a wind tunnel is being con
structed under the supervision of
Prof. William E. Diefenderfer.
An answer to a growing demand
of students who, are interested in
aeronautics, the wind tunnel wiE
be powered by a 130-horsepower
eight-cylinder internal combustion
engine, which wEI drive a propel
ler to produce wind velocity up to
125 to 150 miles per hour.
Not only will the wind tunnel
be used to test effects of various
velocities on models of airplanes,
but it will test wind strains on
model automobiles, houses, or oth
er materials.
Designed by Professor Diefend
erfer, the tunnel will form a rec
tangle of 1200 square feet, except
for a small space where the model
is kept perfectly balanced to meas
ure any position relative to the
wind stream that an airplane in
flight might encounter.
•Although an aeronautical cur
riculum is not probable for some
time, the wind tunnel will help to
iEustrate courses in aeronautics
and wiE be, used later in student
and faculty research.
Livestock Judging Team
To Compete In Maryland
The College livestock judging
teanJ wEI leave Saturday for an
inter-coEegiate contest at Balti
more, Maryland, Monday. Teams
from CorneE, (North Carolina, West
Virginia, Connecticut, Massachu-
On the way to Baltimore, the
team wiE stop at the farm of E.
A. Nicodemus, Waynesboro, and
also at (Montcalm Farms, owned by
Frank B. Foster, PhoenixvEle,
where they wiE get practice in
judging purebred Percheroa
horses. •
Members of the team this year
are Thomas R. (Baird, Samuel A.
Dum, Robert C. CampbeE, Ray ET.
Dutt, Morton E. Jenkins, and
George T. Stewart, all seniors.' :