PAGE EIGHT Delta Upsilon Will Retain College Athletic Trophy Permanently Mm CapSaiis Track, Plays On Soccer Team Like Walt Hosterman, his State College collegian, Van Hartman is a two-sports man and a captain. Hartman will lead the ’4l track slors and also plays outside left on the Nittany Lion soccer team. Setting quite a record in high school when he captained soccer, basketball, and track, Van also led the Central State League in hoop tossing, was on the all-star soccer team, and won the Class B 100- dash in 1935. Noted as a ‘good feeder” on the soccer squad, Hartman specializes in the 440-yard dash, a longer sprint than the one he ran in his high school days. Fruit orchards are maintained on approximately 100 acres of the College farms. CLASSIFIED SECTION Classified ads accepted only at Collegian Office in Room 313 Old Main Building up to 3:00 p.m. of day preceding publication. Rates 17 words or less 35c for one in sertion or 95c for three inser tions. Additional words 2c each. All ads payable in advance. Of fice hours for classified ads from 8:30 a.m. to 12:00 noon and 1:30 p.m. to 3:00 p.m. TYPEWRITERS— All makes ex pertly repaired. Portable and office machines for sale or rent. Dial 2342. Harry F. Mann, 127 W. Beaver avenue. chyrT-Th-F-CRE WANTED roommate for No. 10 Jordan Hall. Inquire C. L. Mar tin, Pi Kappa Phi. Dial 771. 2tpd 925 CRE BOYS: Would you like an apart ment with private bath for the same price you are paying for one room? Phone 4183 after 5 p.m. lt-pd-35-924E DESIRABLE SINGLE ROOM at 128 N. Atherton or half of room, 117 Jordan Hall for rent. Very reasonable. Call Alpha Chi Sigma 801. lt-ch-924LSD WANTED Student to live in apart ment half block from .campus. Room and board $30.00. Call Ted Rice 2651. lt-pd-924LSD WANTED roommate for No. 10 Jordan Hall. Inquire C. L. Mar tin, Pi Kappa Phi. Dial 771. 2t-pd'92SGRE IMPORTANT if you sing, dance, juggle, make rabbits disappear, or have any other talent sign up at Student Union Entertainment Bureau immediately. 3t-chGD STUDENTS interested in selling Beaver Field Pictorial at foot ball games sign up at Student Un ion immediately. 2t-chGD WANTED rooms, boarders. Large front room. Single beds. Water in all rooms. No extra cost. Inquire 122 W. Nittany. Dial 679. lt-pd-39-925E WANTED student who desires room in Jordan Hall dormitory. Can occupy immediately. Call 2021 for information today. LOST: Alpha Omicron Pi pin last Saturday evening. Inscription Joan Fox ’3B. Return to Student Union. Reward. lt-ch92SLSD LIFE One year’s subscription only $3.50 now; Time one college year’s subscription $2.50. All other magazines. Buy your subscription from Dr. Bruno Stem 112 Irvin Ave., Box 457. 3t-pdlls-927PE A Modern Restaurant Mk I Complete I BgM 181 Food and Fountain Papular Prices .• •' * . ■ ■■■ ■ w ; - s erv j ce : “Chick” Werner, Penn State track coach, states that with three top notch runners this, year he can take any dual'meet on schedule. Werner Seeks New Winning Irie “Give me three top-notch run ners, and I’ll win every dual meet on my schedule,” is the annual prayer of Coach Chick Werner as the cross-country season rolls around. Although Werner’s prayer may not be answered this year, early practice results indicate that Cap tain Bill Smith won’t be the only good harrier on the squad. Herm Goffberg, out last year from injuries, and Max Peters have shown excellent running form and promise of making a Smith, Goffberg, and Peters com bination become one of the East’s leading cross-country trios. Besides this light-footed trio, the team’s chances of tape-breaking past such competitors as Michigan State, Manhattan, Syracuse, and Pittsburgh will depend upon their reserve strength. If such pacemakers as Alex Bourgerie, Pop Thiel, and Chet Snyder come through, then will Werner enter his squad in the IC4-A’s this year without trepida tion. Claire Hess, Vern Kotz, and Choppy Rhodes are other harriers who cannot be underestimated. One of Chick Werner’s chief worries is the problem of finding another Frank Maule, who placed seventh in last year’s IC4-A’s championship run. Goffberg, living up to his freshman year record, has indicated that he' intends to take over that post. The varsity swung into the first of a series of intense drills yester day when -it took a six-mile jaunt over the course, one mile more than the usual grind. Yearling Gridders Hold Smpfm Scrimmage After less than a week of or ganized practice, Marty McAnd rews sent his freshman gridders through a 30-minute surprise scrimmage, yesterday, “just to see what they could do.” “They did pretty well,” he said after the scrimmage was over. “I was particularly pleased by the de fensive play of the ends—Bernie Brosky,Jack Potsklan, Bob Wall ace, and Bob Walters.” 3t-pd9s-927L All 55 of the frosh who reported for practice yesterday got in the short scrimmage and McAndrews said that it was impossible “to get very much done.” Extensive scrim mage sessions, he said, will come later in the week. Ainual Prayer THE DAILY COLLEGIAN Alpha Chi Sig Places Second Delta Upsilon has gained perm anent possession of .the present Pennsylvania State College Ath letic Trophy, having made the largest contribution to varsity and intramural sports for three out of the last four years. Last year the competition was particularly keen and the second place fraternity, Alpha Chi Sigma, gave the DIPs a close fight. It has been announced that another sim ilar trophy for excellence in ath letics is to be given this year. The standings for the first ten fraternities in last year’s competi tion are Delta Upsilon, Alpha Chi Sigma, Sigma Pi, Delta Chi, Kappa Delta Rho, Phi Gamma Delta, Kappa Sigma, Beta Theta PI, and Sigma Phi Epsilon. The method used for determin- / {■ / /V "•■MV. FRED Mac MURRAY starring in Paramount's picture "RANGERS OF FORTUNE" For a Top Performance in smoking pleasure _ a Make your next pack lesterfield THEY’RE COOLER, MILDER, BETTER-TASTING Aii over, the country, more smokers are buying Chesterfields today than ever before because these* Cooler, Better-Tasting and Definitely Milder cigarettes give them what- they want. That’s why smokers call Chesterfield the Smoker’s Cigarette. Smokers like yourself know they earn i depend on Chesterfield's Right Combination of l!Turkish and Domestic tobaccos for the best things of smoking. Chesterfield smokers get the benefits of' every modemjmprovement in cigarette makings CoprrliktlMO, Game Times Changed The varsity soccer game with Bucknell on October 19 will be held at 3 p.m. and the freshman game with Syracuse will be at 1 p.m., Harold R. Gilbert, assistant to the graduate manager of ath letics, announced yesterday. The times have been reversed from the original schedule. ing the fraternity standings is a definite point system. Points are awarded for the number of intra mural entries handed in, the win ning of individual games or matches, and for champions and championship teams. Points are also given for letter and numeral men, intramural board members, and all sports managers in 'proportion to . their importance. By this rating sys tem, the awarding of the trophy includes all phases of college athletics. ‘•vwl-AkX s SEPTEMBER 25, 1940: Thielr Lacrosse Coach, Was Named All-American; Has Impressive Record Coach of Penn State’s varsity lacrosse team is Nick Thiel, named on the all-American team as cen ter and first attack. 7 Thiel came here in 1935 as var sity lacrosse coach and has gradu ally brought Penn State to a lead ing position in this sport. During his four seasons as head coach, the Lions have won 19 out of ,30 games. This record is impressive in view of the fact that Coach Thiel has had only two or three players who even witnessed a lacrosse game before entering Penn State, and the Nittanymen meet the best teams in the east including Army, Maryland, and Syracuse. Buckhout Laboratory was erect ed in 1930.
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