WEDNESDAY, SEPTEMBER 25, 1940 Bucknell Bisons Point For luiiiiiiiiiiiimwiiiiiiiiiiiniiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiHiiiiiiiiiiiii Between the Lions WITH DICK PETERS llll||!!ll!IHII!!l|lll!!U(|l!ll!!!l!l|l(ll!!!!lllU!l!!lll|!|!!lllll! PPf Dad: Just got your lettpr saying you might not be able to get down for the weekend Saturday after next, so I thought I’d better let you know how much you’ll miss if you don’t make it. \ I don’t know whether they’re jiist joking or not, but a lof of fgllows here at schop.l are talking Qrange Bowl, Sugar Bowl, and such. I’ve neyer heard that kind of talk at State before, so maybe there’s something tp it all. Qf course, Bpb Higgins and the' other coaches aren’t talking that way, and you can’t blarpp them. A coach can’t just predict at the beginning of the- season that his teapi will b,e basking }n Jhe sun light of the Sugar Bowl on New Year’s Day. I never heard of a coach who did, grid Bob is about as conservative a fpll°w 3 s I’ve ever met. So on Saturday, October the Ljpns will begin this highly an ticipated ypar against a question ably Biicknell tgam. IdPst yyeiy qqe here can’t see anything but a Ndtany Victory by at least three qp |qpr touchijowhs- J wqpt you tp be qn hand to see °ur boys get off pn the right foot. ' And shoiild' b.eppuse when you regd up and dpwn that lineup —Vargp and Parsons at ypds, the tackles Stravinski and Platt, Mori and Oarbinski at guards, Qaptain Gajecki at center, you wonder what short of a Pqpzer division copld penetrate it. the baCk field of Smaltz, Patrick, White and Fetrglia is one which should pass,, run, and, kick the. Bucknell Bison into a period of suspended animation. But don’t think that the football game wIU be ali in store for you that weekend. There’ll be plenty qf smokers, etc., arqqnd tq take in. So don’t let me down Pop, be cause it’s going to be a great weekend and planned just fqr yop. Give my love tp Mother and I’ll be seeing you next Saturday. Your son, ’ - Pick mi m iJBiUB j bwbw waagßssr mb you khqw That Ovqnch IsqM ffiqamWq# 4(1- 4:' & ¥• BQd &Winq WwH War 1? XL ftltfo ijji §tW&>M%s? *Sji V 1" ■ .'A ;" [I I""*'*.' l'!- I .'- 1 j-Uy Quality Mwts and Farm Products • ' T«w!» Start* « 8 * Scltaeiß Beasts • **»•**• iJMltartta?®* • Freiftllf Pressed DIM 115 MILLER'S MARKET Formerly, Nitianv Meadows* Farm Store ,: » 104 W. Beaver | '• • * Hopeful Coach Bob Higgins, Penh State grid coach, directs his Lions into their first,major objective, Bucknell, on Dads’ Day, October 5. (For story, see column three.) Peters Returns To Lion Lineup The return qf Chuclc Petprs to the squad yesterday aftprnoqn was the one bright note 'in the Lioq camp after the three serious in juries suffered Monthly. Peters, regular tailback, has been out of action for two weeks with, a separated right shoulder and though he won’t get any con tact work for' several days, he might be ready for the opener With Bucknell, October 5. Any hopes that Bob Davis, sophomore end, might be qf ser vice to the sguad this-year weye dispelled by the report that the diminutive Monongahela Wt b 6 wps opt for the entire campaign with a broken left collarbone. Davis will probably drop out of College for the semester. To the reported injuries of Davis and Bayley was added that of Earl Brown Who turned up yesterday with a separated left shoulder. The scrappy fullback wili'he out pf action'for ten (Jays. Coach Bob Higgins converted Len Krouse, junip.r'wingback, into an end for the time being to fill the vacancy left qpen by Davis’ injury. Krouse is noted for his pass receiving ability and may be just the man to help ths Lions out of a hole. Another end wbb might develop is John Egli, regu lar" on the freshnpep team last ygar. Egli returned to the squad after g- three week absence and Higgins liked the bqy’s work. ' The first v two teaip? finally, clicked in yesterday's ?oqmmage. Bqth the rpspbig.. and. pacing plays functioned smoothly against a picked array of reserves anfd the caching stgff \y€ill satisfied ijfith the- day’s workout. Two' hemburge? shops 9h tb? University’’qf' Minnesota. campus served up 542,0CT(| hamlourgers last yegr. ■ ' . - THE DAILY COLLEGIAN Lions In 1940 Opener Qn Dad's Day Slate Pries Open Lid In IQ Days Ten more days . and the 1940 football edition of the Nittany Lions will pry open their season with the tough Bucknell Bisons. The date is Saturday, October 5, Dad’s Day, and a record crowd pf proud fathers is expected to accompany the students to the New Beaver Field for the opener. Great things are expected of the State team this year. Some nation ally known experts even go so far as to predict an undefeated cam paign for the Lions and rate them as high as thirteenth in the na tion. The basis for this assumption is that nine of the regulars from last year’s strong eleven are back in action. But, while Coach Bob Higgins will he able to field to gether a veteran eleven this year, he’s already beginning to worry about the first hurdle on the schedule. Bucknell will he as tough as ever. ‘Coach Al, Humphreys is moulding together a well balanced unit as is evidenced by the fact th§t no less than three good can didates are competing for each Varsity berth. An even distribu tion qf experience is in prospect since the varsity group which forms the nucleus of the squad is composed pf 10 sophomores, 11 juniqrs, and 11 seniors. Qn the brpad shoulders of Jim Brandt rests the fortunes of the Bucknell team accprding to re ports coming out pf Lewisburg. Th e triple - threat, 190 - pound spp.hpmqre bpck w as a sensation ipitil' he hijurgd his knee last year. His playing can 'make the Bisons a good team, instead of only a fair one. If his knee sur vives the pre-season preliminary bumps, the Lions will have their bonds fuU.' holding Brandt .in check. This will he Bucknell’s 55th spason of intercollegiate football,’ apd although they play State in the opening game of the 1940 schedule, the Bisons will be geared up for this game more than any other. ’Dew' Of Equipment Marks 20lh Anniversary Shoulder pads, .lacrosse sticks, footballs, , baseball bet?, injury pads, track shoes, javelins—for 20 years one man has passed out all the countless pieces of equipment used in Penn State sports. This one man is ‘ Dean” Burr.ell, in pharge of the stopk room in Rec Hall. He is now marking his 2(ith gnniversary as friend and confid ant to. Niftany Lion athletes. Dean came here in the fall of 1920 and worked for a year as a laborer on tbe football field. Then he was given charge of thp stock-; room in ’tbe pltf track hov(§e which located in back of fne Chem istry and Physics’ Building. I ngdditiqn to serving as a locker room, slock room, and gymnasium, the old track house. quartered be tween '35 and 40 athletes. Dean says, “We; hgd g great, wild time, it was fun.” Those were the days, too, when Penn State foothgll was in its prime and thp pollege attracted athletes from all over the east. «One year,” §§ys Isggn,. “I equip-, ped 205 freshmen. Tpe average size of "the‘varsity squad was IQO meg.” In 1928; construction on Rec Hall was completed and the stock room’, Dean inplyded. was moved there. Dpgn i s 9 f the tbqt afpotball tftapi, or any team, can be tetter man its equip ment” His stock room is consid ered a model from toe standpoint of gffipiebpy gad has been pppied by colleges and universities from all over the country. In one small corner of toe §tsclc rqom Dean has a shop where he manufactures all sorts of injury pads, harnesses, braces, and clip ping pads. “Most of the things you buy,” he says, “were made fpr. wo men, not men.” i ' ‘ ' . ' ‘ ltiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiimiiiiiiiiiiiimiiimitiiiiiiimiiiiimiiiiii Outgoing Managers Elect New Intramural Board The new intramural board managers elected hy the out going members are Charles L. Albright ’4i, president James A. Ritchie ’42, secretary; Elbur C. Purnell ’4l, fail manager Ro bert L. Batchelor ’-41, winter manager; Leo P. Russell ’4l, spring manager; and John S. Mofiatt ’4l, independent repre sentative. The deadline for fall intra mural entries has been extended until tomorrow at 5 p.m. The fall sports include football, cross country, horseshoes, and swim ming. iliiiiimiiiiiiiiiiiHiiiiiihiiiiniuiniutiiiiiiiiiinniiiiniiii All Lion Games Will Be Broadcast Penn State football fang who won’t be able to gttend the Lion games this fall will get the oppor tunity to hear the games broadcast over the radip. All eight tilts on the schedule will be on the air. The Bucknell game on October 5 will he on station KDKA, Pitts burgh, and WKOK, Sunhury. The West Virginia game October 12 and Lehigh battle October 19 will be on KDKA. The game with Temple in Phila delphia’ October 26 will be aired over WFIL, Philadelphia, WEEU, Reading, WCAE,’ Pittsburgh, WLEU, Erie, and WFBG, Altoona. Houseparty game with South Car olina will be broadcast over WCAE, and WLEU. The November 9 fracas at Syra cuse and the New York University game here November 16 will be on KDKA. The closing game at Pittsburgh November 23 will he aired over WCAE, WLEU, and WFBG. Seven J.V. Gridders Report To DeMarino Jay-Vee football got off to a slow start yesterday when seven candidates reported to Coach Dan DeMarino. Thp squad will bp augmented by ‘‘l7 pr 18” varsity reserves later in the season, Deiyiarino said. He hopes tp have a squad of 35 before the first game with Cornell here on pjctqber 12. Thpse who reported yesterday are E