The daily collegian. (University Park, Pa.) 1940-current, September 25, 1940, Image 2

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With the Editor—
About Quit Trademark, Tfhe Sip,
Qf A Student's Letter Home
It has been suggested that this communication
from the students to their parents would not seem
genuine if there were not incorporated m it a
request for money.
The trademark has not been omitted. It is on
pages 4 and 6.
Whether the two offers there are worthwhile is
up to the parents to decide. Briefly, here is the
case for them.
The Parents’ Association membership coupon
previously had been transmitted to the parents
by way of “The Nittany Firesides,” a leaflet
mailed several times annually to all parents of
Penn State students inviting them to visit the
College for such occasions as Dad’s Day _ and
Mother’s Day. The Association takes on itself
the responsibility of promoting College observance
ot these days and on inviting parents back at a
time when they can see the College in action.
f'Vtnds received from the Association dues are
used to promote these days and this year are
paying part of the cost of this special issue of
The Daily Collegian.
The Collegian subscription coupon bases its
case solely on the desire of the parents to keep
in touch with the College at which their sons
and daughters are students. Daily this year for
the first time, the Cpllegian publishes five morn
ings a week, Tuesday through Saturday.
The Collegian program aims primarily at
coverage of "student activities and thus offers
parents at a comparatively small cost a complete
report of the Penn State activities and the J?enn
State program.
Type Lice:
Type lice are scapegqats. They must have gone
to work in the Collegian office on Monday night
while the staff and the printers were out for a
midnight 1 lunch. How else could all those mis
takes have been made? Certainly we couldn’t
have made them. Certainly.
Would we have said that Chi Phi pledged two
men when actually it pledged 13? That -Pi Kappa
Alpha pledged 41 when actually it pledged
Would we have listed Sigma Phi Sigma’s pledges*
■: pnder Sigma Phi Epsilon? Or called a Cq-op Dorm
[ a Co-up D°rm? Or tried to say that the College
last fall had enrolled 72,0Q0 freshmen instead of
7,200? Qr called Ned Wakeman’s step-father his
father and -brother-in-law? Or omitted the notice
abqut the intramural deadline? Or not known
that 43 of the 47 fraternities had been called and
told they could get copies of the list qf freshman
residences at the Tau Kappa Epsilon house be
’ tween 2:30 and 3:30 a. m., qn September 12, just
after they became available?
_We don’t think it sounds .like us. But if you
don't believe ip type lice, whom else can you
"For A Better Pern* State"
Successor to the Rent} State Collegian, established 15(0.4, and
1 'Free Lance, established 1887
Wednesday Morning, September 25, 1940
Published'daily except Sunday” and Monday during the
jrearular Coltee yea* tar the atiKtenfe of The' E.ennsylvapui
State College." Entered as second-class waiter July f>. 1934.
at the post-office at State College; Pa., under the act of
fjarch - '
Editor Busings Manager
Adam A." Smyser '4l Lawrence S. Driever '4l
Women's Editor—Vent L. kemp HI; Managing E<hto.r
—Robert' fii She Mtf Sports Editor—RichM C. Pete*
Ml; News Editor—William E. Fhwler Ml; Feature Editor.
—Edwaid j. K.'McLOrie Ml; Assistant Edxtoth-
Bayard Bloom Ml; ‘Vfpien’s Editorr-Arita L.
HeflSran 11 Mi; Woman’s Promotion ” Manager— Edythe B.
Manager-Jolm H. !Tticunas Ml i Circulation
Manager—RobCrt G. Hobihson Ml: Sehtor Secretary—Ruth
pqldstein Mf : Senior SqwetaTy—Leslie H. Lewis Ml.
« Junior Editorial A. Baer !42,- B. Hdon
Ji Gordon' RiW B; fifehmAn M 2, William- 4.
M- ’ ’ ***** * ******
V junior” Business' Board—Thomas W. Allien ’42, Raul
' M. Goldberg Jamcg E.‘’McCaughey ’42, T. Blair Wallace
f|2, Margaret Embuyy M 2, Virginia <}gden 42, Fay B.
Graduate Counselor
Editorial and Business Office
, 313 Old Main Bldg.
Dial 711
Managing Editor This Issue Ralph C. Routsong Ml
£Nnv/s Editor This issue - William J. Mcknight 42
lssue Editor .-Alice M. 'Murray, 42,
gßophomore AssipJijU. • —Nick' yoccy.
f * *
C. Russell Eck
Downtown Office
119-121 South Frazier St.
Dial 4372
There are a number of places on this lovely
campus of ours where the casual stranger is defi
nitely not welcome.. Ever since we came here
we’d heard about them from nervous people who
claimed that the petroleum lab- was the most im
portant bomb target west of Bellefonte. Comes
the present defense hysteria and we began to feel
a more than passing interest in the secret places.
So we strolled down into the maze of engineering
buildings, intent upon investigation. We ended
up in the petroleum laboratory, the very bowels of
the joint. They were very polite about it, but
very firm. There was, they said, alwdys the dan
ger that the whole place might blow up in one
vast explosion. “Experiments,” they muttered
darkly. They offered to show up around a bit,
without too much enthusiasm. We left quietly.
Down in the insulation experimental station
they ignored us in a marked manner. They knew
that whatever we saw we wouldn’t understand
anyhow. Even the janitors in that establishment
have a godly air. We dare say it gets you . . .
being in on the conception qf scientific marvels.
Probably explains, also, the low morale of other
than the janitorial staffs.
We are struck, now and again, by the futility
of writing a column for a collegiate newspaper.
It profiteth naught ,and bringeth only woe. But
there are compensations for the task. We are able
to air our pet prejudices.
Nothing has irritated us than the current
surge of rampant patriotism; the waving of flags '
and the loud cries of death to the traitor. The
ladies, bless them, wear little flags in their lapels;
the ladies are always so very-shocked at war, but
remain delightfully blood-thirsty. The gentlemen
wear tie clasps with the colors tastefully em
bossed in enamel, red, white, and blue. We sing,
with strong proud voices, nauseating doggerel to
the effect thqt it would be nice if Gqd were
to bless America; we are also from the heart of
us Americans. There is an element of exquisite
irony in it. We know so much of war. We are
suddenly so aware.
We have yet to see Colonel Emery shouting qut
his love of country. Robert Lee was noticeably
silent on the subject; Jesse Grant’s son the same.
There are a couple very angry juvenile Jack
sons in the senior Rotisse class this year; not only
angry but deeply hurt. This past summer as they
strolled the broad avenues of Washington on
leave from their summer camp, they were ac
costed by a gentleman. He asked them kindly
whether they were National Guardsmen. Our
Zeroes Replied that such was not the case. The
gentleman pondered for a moment and finally . . .
‘‘Ah yes. You are the P- C. P.”
And with Sam Browne belts and all
• j. - * '*O»V • fc. f. ■*'' n
Be Sure
Your Sen Or
Daughter Takes
You To
■ * -
* *
* * *
At Poff:
Dr. R. Wallace -Brewster, new
administrative head of the Schuyl
kill Undergraduate Center of the
Pennsylvania State College at
Pottsville, served for six years in
a similar capacity at the Union
town center before his transfer this
Art News Lauds
Old Main Mural
Henry Varnum Poor’s Penn
State mural won national acclaim
for the third time when the Sep
tember 14 issue of “The Art
News,” leading art publication,,
featured two illustrations of the
now.-famous fresco on the frontis
piece of the magazine.
One of t|ie illustrations was of
the entire mural, while the other
view was a detail of the agricul
ture-student group.
Lauding the work of Poor, “The
Art News” referred to the mural
as a “significant contribution to
American painting.” In ai4sttaB.i
reference was made to the de
tailed group, as “eloquent of the
strength and pictorial quality of
this, ope of the most logical solu
tions to the mural-painting prob
lem seen amid the recent work in
the fresco medium to decorate
public buildings.”
The other two magazines that
gave national recognition to thp
mural were “The ~ Magazine of
Art” : and the “Art Digest,”
Glass Rod Provides
Clue To Sun Tan Rays
!Dr. Helmut Landsberg, assistant
professor of geophysics, has de
veloped a practical new method
for measuring ultraviolet radia
tion—the force that influences the
amount of sun tan a person may
expect in summer time.
By the use of his method, a
photosensitive-glass rod, it is posr
sible to determine which regions
are exposed to the greatest degree
of' radiation. £f.eiiuiinas’y nation
wide tests showed, acpjirding to Dr.
Landsberg, that' ftp Southern ERgr
ions have 30 to 50 per ceht more
ultraviolet radiation than the
Northern. Rio Biedras, Ruerto
RiGQ, had the highest recorded rat
ing, and .Tucsqri, Amonq,'was : a
close second.
The Beef Cattle Barn was erect
ed in 1923.
Noon—Tickets for the Campus
Center Banquet on Thursday night
must be purchased by noon today.
Qn sale by iftthlepn Barron in
Atherton , Hall, by Student Union,
Keeier’s Bonk Store, and Mr. David
B. Pugh’s offlpe in Liberal Arts.
4 p.m.—Judicial meeting in WSGA.
office, White Hall.
Freshman sapper- team versus
Boalsburg High School, practice
6:3&—Senipr Spopsqr meeting in
second floor lounge, Old Main.
6:4s—Cwen meeting in WSGA
room, White Hall.
7:oo—Glee Club tryouts for bari
tones and basses in Schwab
All freshman applicants for . the
staff of The Engineer report to
room 314 Old Main.
Meeting of the officers of .the
IMA central council in 418 Old
7:3o—Meeting of the entire IMA
central council in 418 Old
Fraternity freshmen may he ex
empted ftqm customs at’ one house
dancp before Thanksgiving, if
house puts" in a petition "with Tri
bunal '> -
s:oo—Bophomore women candid
> ates : fqr Collegian editorial
staff, 312 Old Main. i
lota Sigmg Pi supper and busi
ness meeting in the S|ndiyich Shop
at 5:30 p.m. September 25. ’
•’ Important Notice io Faculty: All
announcements of any nature
whatever will be published in this
column if received by 6 p.m! on
the evening preceding publication.
At other institutions! similar col
umns are used to announce exam
inations, room changes, class
changes, etc. '
Notice to Graduate Students: A
course in Scientific French will be
offered this semester on Monday'
evenings from 7 to 9 in 304-Liber
al Arts. Those interested please see
Mr. Bench, Room 302 LA, or at
tend the meeting, Monday evening,
September 30.
Makeup section for freshman
library practice will be held at
the new library, 7 p.m. Thursday.
Morningslar Bread is fine
for every jmrpqse. It makes
ip taste and at the sainq ftto®
nourishing- And if von w.fnt
crisp Yoasi' that fairly ihelts in
your-mouth this is the loaf'for
y«n- v '
Parity Bread and Trophy
Winner Cake.
1 : r 5