TUESDAY, SEPTEMBER 24, 1940 Orange Plans Library A lending library for this year ■was proposed at the_ first house meeting of Grange Dormitory Thursday. Mrs. Neva Morris, hos tess, said the books would be do nated mostly by former Grange residents. Don Cossack Chorus and Dancers The World's Greatest - Singing Ensemble SERGE JAROFF, Conductor Eleventh American Season TONIGHT At Phiiipsbdrg, 6TH ST. AUDITORIUM Reserved Seats $l.OO General Admission 75c Auspices St. John's Friendly Club For Your Convenience t We Are Open For Business During Alterations* • f romm’s Opposite Old Main - State College Used Text Books Check Your Needs xx x Laundry Cases Stationery Fountain Pens Inks Blotter Pads I.E.S. Lamps The Athletic Store, Inc. Phone 2158 '4O Rushing Code (Continued from sage one) A. Arnold, Louis Gauithey, -Francis B. MtisseT. - Phi Delta Theta (12) Phi Epsilon Pi (17) , Phi Gamma Delta (18) Phf Kappa (10) Phr-Kappa Psi (15) John Miller, Donald "White. Phi Kappa Sigma (14) Robert L. Galley. Phi Kappa Tau (17) Lewis C. Cavalier, Donald A. Gardner, Har old Watkins. Phi Mu Delta (1) Phi Sigma Delta (16) Stanley Sykes. Phi Sigma Kappa (11) Pi Kappa Alpha (41) Pi Kappa Phi (16) Sigma Alpha Epsilon (11) Sigma Chi (10) Sigma Nu (15) Sigma Phi Alpha (9) Sigma Phi Epsilon (16) Melvin J. Bishop, William Ciccarelli, Wil liam , L. Harrison,, Homer Hoff man, Ray Nichols, George Pick Jt., William K. Smith. Sigma Pi (13) Wayne R. Bechdel Tau Kappa Epsilon (15) William A. Schwem. Tau Phi Delta (3) ' Theta Chi (13) Lawrence B. Avery, Wilbur Van Lenten, Wil liam Strickland. Theta Kappa Phi (11) Theta Nfi Epsilon (4) Theta Xi (9) Triangle (?) Philofes Elect Advisors At a meeting in White Hall last night, Philotes elected the follow ing advisors for this year: 'Miss Matilda A. Bentley, assistant to the Dean of Women, Miss lone Vi Sikes, associate director of the Westminster Foundation, Miss Marie Haidt, head of the Women’s Physical Education Department, Mrs. Henry L. Yeagley, and Mrs. Carrol D.-Champlin. E. Louise Steininger ’4l, social chairman, is making plans for the meeting on September'3o. STUDENT SUPPLIES THE DAILY COLLEGIAN We, The Women — ; Freshman Rules Clarified FRESHMAN WOMEN seem to have a hazy conception of regula tions and customs judging from the number of violators within the past week. To clarify a few rules: -.First, for three weeks there are to be NO associations with men, In other words no freshman coed is to say anymore than “Hello”, to men at any time. Second, no mem ber of the upperclasses has the "power of granting immunities to freshmen. Only Senate has that authority. From 5 p.m. Saturday; until 7 a.m. Monday freshman women need not wear namecards and hair ribbons, but those attending the WSGA-sponsored mixers are re quested to wear namecards to sim plify introductions. * BOUQUETS TO WRA, WSGA, and Panhellenie for the extra special orientation program this year. All three groups put out helpful booklets explaining their organizations and activities. Each has taken pains to make this year’s Orientation program a success. Cwens and MoHar Boards also made their presences advantage ously felt Most outstanding accomplish ment so far was the House of Rep resentatives’ transfer orientation plans. FLOWERS, TOO, to those many little, known people who did the orientating after'a few had devis ed the program. IT DOES ONE’S HEART GOOD .to see the revival of school Spirit —not only in the increased amount of good natured hazing but also in the mounting enthusiasm for any Penn State institution. During the winter the School of Agriculture sponsors three short courses—general agriculture, dairy manufacturing, and poultry hus bandry. Lab Aprons Typewriter Papers Note Books Eye Ease Fillers Filing Equipment Greeting Cards Opposite Main Gate • * * * *. * * 4! * if** 4 " - - af * - Paxton '43 Will Reign As Queen Of Dairy Show Sarah E. Paxton ’43 will reign as queen at the National Dairy Show in Harrisburg October 12 to 19. She was selected by the Pennsylvania Dairymen’s Associ ation here Saturday from a field of seven finalists representing var : 'Mjjt& 'ftM m <osM;\ WHERE ARE YOU ON THIS CHART? ... REAR * “How to Choose \iSsr\ IT’S HUMOROUS . . IT’S HELPFUL.. IT’S FREE Tennis Golf Ping Pong Football Gp Saifs Badminton ious dairy cooperative districts in the state. The home economics sophomore, whose selection was based on per sonality and intelligence as well as beauty, will present all of the prizes that are awarded at the National Dairy Show. University of the South, Se wanee, Tenn., campaigned for a sustaining fund of $500,000 and re ceived $503,685. a Slide Rule” Tbesooiier 70a find the right Slide Rale, the '. easier your life will be. Don Herald, who eu 1 explain anything, fake taken til the mystery 1 of Slide Rules in this handsome new book, rich : with illustrations. Choosing a Slide Role -is g ’’ cinch when you do it the Don Herald myj 1[ 1 "How to Choose a Slide Rule” is yoon with ; the compliments of the management—if yon ask J j for it in time. See roar campus K. & E dealer* ' " at oaee» -- nr. imt ’ • -a KEUFFEL &ESSER CO.) L. mtw YORK— HOMkkN,N.J. CHICAGO . ST. LOUIS SAN ntANCISCO • LOS ANOELSS i DEntOfT rIHNIBW • • - , • J Open Evenings PAGE THREE by DOW BEHOLD
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