The daily collegian. (University Park, Pa.) 1940-current, September 24, 1940, Image 2
PAGE TWO With the Editor — ■ Viewed Objectively Rushing Was Good But It Had Its Faults So far as the number of fraternity pledges is concerned, this year’s crop is probably as good or better than any in the last six years. This generality must be made without resort to figures, because the figures available are mis leading. The figures Sri hand indicate about the same number of pledges this year as every other year. Fraternities tend to put an emphasis on num bers, regarding a big pledge class as a good one, a small pledge class as a bad one. The result has been that pledge lists submitted to the Collegian at the end of past rushing season were often filled out with the names of upperclass pledges held over from the previous year. That is still possible this year, but a day by day filing system has slow ed the practice. Thus, this year’s list—although nearly the same as in the past—probably repre sents many more valid pledgings than in the past. The rushing season from that aspect, then, was good. It did what it was intended to do, which "was to boost house memberships and relieve fi nancial strains. Analysed, the season was marked by two out standing inovations. The first—which deserves and has received un stinted praise from all quarters—is the green booklet on “Penn State Fraternities” prepared last spring and mailed to the freshmen in August. The second was the distribution to all rushing chairmen during the summer of lists of freshmen admitted to the College. That this greatly facili tated summer rushing, long a Pehn State tradition, seems certain. Where the code fell down was in its administra- The list of freshman residences in State College made after the first counselor meetings was not available at Student Union the next morning be cause the IFC rushihg chairman took the copies home with him and overslept. Student Union —which had been told it would have no part in the work —was given the brunt because members of the IFC rushing committee found it necessary to take tithe out for rushing of their own. The only lists of pledges published were those carried in the Collegian and these were available only because the Collegian took the initiative each day of compiling and assorting the lists for itself. lii the code itself the main weakness lay within the main advantage. Freshmen, who were moved into fraternity houses and then moved out against their will, were left with wounds that may carry through many years. Whether this offsets the ob vious advantage of making a freshman feel obli gated, in a greater or lesser degree, to the house in which he lived, IFC will decide for itself when it begins to study a 1941 rushing code. “If an institution cultivates the policy of criti cal inquiry, of intellectual responsibility and in tellectual responsibility and integrity—as I be lieve is obligatory—it follows as a matter of course that controversial questions should be free ly discussed. Young men arid women are' going to discuss the different social ideologies and theories, whether in or out of class. Why shouldn’t, they?” Antioch College’s President, Algo D. Hen dersoh urges free college discussion of all ‘isms. THE MILT COLLEGIAN "F6r A Setter Penn State" -Successor to the Pehn State CollhgJjm, Mtebßahrt tod the Free Lance, established 188? Tuesday Morning, September 24, 194 U Published daily except Sunday and dunng the -regular College year by the students ©I The PfenfcayiWnia estate College. .Entered ta s«csehl J cle»*»a.tter Joly 6. iOM, •at the jpdfrtsMtice at State College, Pfc., under the act tt •'■March 8, 1679. ....•• Editor Business Managef , Adam A. Smyser *4l Lawrence S. PtleVar‘4l Women’s Editor—Vera L. Kemp *41 Managing. Bdftot' Ttnbrrt H. Y n" ’4l: Sports Editor —Richard C. Peters Editor—'William E. Fowler *4l; Feature^Editor. —Edward J. K. McLorie *4l; Assistant Managing Editor— Baysidßtoom *4l; Women’s Managing ' Editor—Arita E. •JXofTeran • .741; Woman’s Promotion Manager-—Edythe #. * iCk Manager—John H. Thomra '4l; Circulatton Manager—Robert G. Robimya ’4l; Senior Secretay—Ruth Goldstein ’4l; Senior Seardtoty—Leslie H. Lewis 41.. Junior Editorial • Board—John A. Saer 42. JL «elen Gordon M 2, ltoss B. Lehman Ml, William J. MxXrigtt 42, Alice M. Murray '42, ’tt, Stanley J. PoKemp- Rer Junior Business Board—Thomas W. -Allison *42, Pan! M. Goldberg *42, James E. McCnUghey M 2. T. Blair-Wallace *42, Margaret I*. Embury '42, Virginia Ogden M 2, Fay E. Rees *42. . Graduate Counselor . C. Bussell. Bek Editorial and Business Office •813 Old Main Bldg. Dial 711 Mit -gi:ic Editor This Is.iue Fat Nacelbergy.42 ' Nov.-'., EiLr This. Issue. Stanley J. POKempner 4Z V/otwen's Issue Editor A.LOO M. Murray 4- Sophomore Assistants Roller!. Jordon Jr., trank M. !• ember* Downtown Office ' 119-121-South Frazier St; Dial 4872 THE DAILY COLLEGIAN iiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiuiiiiiiininiiiiijiiiiiiiiiiiiiHiiiiiiiniiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiut LION TALES uiniiiiiiiiiiiHmiiittiiiiiiitiitimiiiiiiiiiihiiniiiiiiiiiiiiiiuiitiiiiitiiiiitfiHmiuimiD What could be worse in this universe Than on a day that’s sunny, To sit iridoors feeling like a bore, Arid compose a column that's funny. It can’t be done, I|ve tried, but 1 hope I have gathered enough gossip this last week to hang on to my job with the rag. Have you heard this one? Dean Ray was in specting the kappa house arid in the course of her tour went up to the attic. All at once the sisters below heard her laughing. They hurried upstairs and saw Miss Ray looking at a picture of Presi dent Hetzel, a complacent smile on his face, facing a long clothesline of feiriiriine underwear. We have definite proof, now that Penn State spring .weather cannot be imitated. This last week has been as fine ah imitation of spring as orie could ask for, but in spite of the sunny skies and balmy breezes the fellows, instead of finding a girl to walk hand in hand with' on campus, have been hazing freshmen until the green-capped boys walk miles out of their way just so they won’t have to pass Old Main'or the Corner. Arid fra ternity pins instead of going out are coming back in droves. Roommates Gwen Harris and Beth Paine! dg’s gave back Ed Spencer’s SAE and Bob Savin’s, delta sigma phi-jewelry, both on the same night. Kappa, Fay Rees presented Howard Par ris his DU pin. But romance still lives. My spies tell me that, arid 1 qubte, “Dick Peters’ friend, the name we think is Parkey, gave a diamond to a little Cuban girl Saturday riight.” Congratulations both of you and feel at liberty to vote scullions to the spies who were so inefficient. Marsh Miller gave AEphi Jane Firestone his phi sigma delta pin and Smokey Stover pinned dg Peg Dienef with his SAE badge. The rumor that Amie’s protege, Junior, is en gaged to Fran Hohn is untrue. He’s an SPE from Purdue and it was a shipboard romance. There are any number of lovely ladies on the loose. I refer to the girls who have found that it isn’t always wonderful to be pinned to a fellow who has graduated. Les Lewis theta, Jo Condnn, dg, and Marty Mainfold, Chio,' will be dating around this year. * Wade Mori is my pet peeve this week-end. The best story *1 heard all week was about him and I can’t write it for publication. Let’s have no more of this locker room horseplay,- fella. It is almost impossible to keep Sammy Gallu out of the columns. This week rumor has it that a petition is being taken around to have Sammy sing the new Penn State song that' Fred Waring wrote. It will be broadcast over a nationwide hookup Alumni Week-end. Have you all signed? In Mac Hall, Collegian’s ace solicitors report, the only room that hasn’t bought a Collegian subr scription is 318. The girls there, they say,' are good kids, too. Don West, Froth’s chief funny man, reports what the division of fine arts apparently didn’t know: That be, too, is immortalized hi Henry Varnum .Poor’s mural. West reports that he is the rnah holding the trowel in the worker group to the right. Once you know the resemblance is there you can’t miss it. • -' - - “Some years ago sororities were criticized for feeing Undemocratic. They Were hot governed and disciplined as they are ndw. they ftOW all work together to improve the situation on all cam puses.” Helen FrOelich of National Park College commends the present trend Of Greek group co- Are You Reading Your Own COLLEGIAN 1 : If Not, You Are Missing Hie Biggest Value Of tiie Year! ' i; SUBSCRIBE NOW Hr $2.58 |Mr yr.—53.25 by mail • 150 Issues with* Baity , • Weekly Collegiate Digest • Ticket (tor couple) to fee AMitIAL COLLEGIAN DANCE to be belli «irOctober it Admittance by Collegian Subscription Ticket Only l CampusJJalendar — TODAY Meeting for freshman Independ ent party in 418 Old Main at 7:30 p.m. Penn State In China meeting to be held in 303 Old Main at 4:10 p.m. PSCA freshmen women’s group to sponsor “Information Please” program in 304 Did Main at 7 p.m. New beats for junior arid senior edit men ori Collegiah stuff ate posted in the Colegian office, 313 Old Main. They take effect today. PSCA frosh council to meet in 304 Old Main at 8 p.m. Studehts who have not yet .tried out for Players may sign up at Student Union today and tomor row. . ■Meeting of candidates for busi ness or editorial staff of Portfolio in 315 Old Main at 7:30 p.m. Penn State Glee Club tryouts for tenor candidates in Room '4ll Old Main at 7 p.m. Organization meeting for mem bers of Blue Band in Room 401 Old Main at 7 p.m. Notice to graduate students: A course in Scientific French will be offered this semester on Monday evenings in 304 Liberal Arts from 7:00 to 9:00 p. m. Those interest ed please see Mi*. Bench, 302 Lib eral Arts or attend the meeting Monday evehihg September' 30. . Important Notice Collegiah subscription book with blanks numbered from 3324 to 3340 has been lost. If found, it shoiild be returned to the Collegian office, 313 .Old- Main. Unless returned, all subscriptions and 'dance tickets under those numbers will be void. Varsity basketball tryouts to be held in Bee Hall between 6:30 and 7:15 p. m. '44 Horticulture students y/ill meet in Room 6, Horticulture Building at 1 a. m. Varsity and freshmen swim ming candidates to meet at Phi Epsilon Pi at 7:30.. ■ A meeting for all business soph omore -staff candidates will be held in 312 Old Main at 5:00 Old- Main, A course-in opera appreciation wil meet' at 4 p.m. every Tues day with ‘ first classes in 417 Old Main today. Claude Wickard, U. S. Secretary of Agriculture will speak in Schwab Auditorium at 7:00 p. m. THURSDAY Makeup section for freshmen li brary practice will'be held at the new library Thursday, 7 p.m. Ce-up Dorm £leds (Mrs. Bart’s co-op dormitory elected the following office’s last Thursday: Grace G. Nayior ’42,: president Gladys E. Mohn ’42, vice-president, arid Annette M. In- i galdi '43, secretary. ~Jlau*uxAtf home and hack by Railway Express! Direct as a “touchdown pass” is tfcp caiapul-tOdrOmfe t . lauhdty *mice odeted *r ftAiiWAt tX»fcBss. . call for your laundry, take It hoine...and dun blitt it bade to you *t you college addmss. lt?s «c quidc Mad convenient as that! YOU may send your laundry prepaid or collect, «s yon prefer. ' t f» rhli delivering in all dries .. and principal towns. Use ft AILWAY £ XP&E S ft, coo, far • swift sUpmeotibfaUpaclcßftesand luggage.JttfcptoMic I Western Union or Dial d*fl. North Atherton Sl.,SiatoCollesf# Campus Representativ. Thot. W. Ainsworth. TauXappa Epsilon, Then. 756 RAILWA^feEXPRESS AGENCY sjprlNC. TUESDAY, SEPTEMBER 24, 1940 Blue Band (Continued from page one) Oboe—Walter J. Brethauer ’42., Bassoon—Glenn L. Bowers ’43. E flat, clarinet —Joseph P. Men.- ham,. Jr. ’4l. Alto clarinet Lindsey Arison ’4L ' ' Bass clarinetr-Thomas J. Sica mi. B flat clar ine ts—Eugene V. Bow man ’43, Drivid Crawford ’44, Rich ard F. Ely ‘4l, Louise EngelbaUgh ’43, Walter C. Gwinner ’43, Robert Kapp ’43, Robert Kochenour ’44, Ralph Lyford ’44, Frank E. Mont gomery ’43, William Nesbit ’42, Robert W. Noll ’42, Richard H. Pease ’43, Richard P. Ramsey ’4l, John R. Schreiner ’43, Wilbur J. F. Serfas ’42, Walter N. Shambach. ’42, Horace K. Shoeriberger ’43, Benjamin Slovitef '44, Louis j. Stadriik ’42, Earl B. Stavely Jr. ’42, Phillip L. White ’43, Richard G. Whltehouse ’42, Robert Will iams ’44, Frank W. Goss ’42, Patil E. Moyer ’4l, Donald K. Struble ’42. ' Aito saxophone Lawrerice M. Andres ’43, Donald Hess ’4l, Ro bert ’44, "Eugene Scheftel ’4l. Teridr saxophone—Allen Glaskin ’43, Robert Kough ’42. Baritone saxophone Philip Jaffe’43. Snare drums—Mo wry Goetz ’43, Henry Jeter ’42, Donald Leyden ’4l, • Ross Ruiribaugh ’44, _ Robert Saunders *42.. _ x Cymbals—-James Smith-’42, Ar thur Swartley ’42. Bass drum Emersoh Sortore ’44. FiVe breeds of purebred ewes—* Shropshire, Hampshire, Merino, Southdown, and Cheviot—are kefct in the Sheep Bath. NATION-WIDE RAIL-AIR SERVICE